Artists among us * 'From the Hip' - John Logie
Interviews: Judd Nelson and Peter Case - The List
Ninety-seven years of editorial freedom
wichigan Miciga
oes over
Gophers colle es to
endure a ietu to
ightmare last night at Crisler
The first-year Minnesota head LANSING (AP) - Many of AT THE University of Mich -
aach saw his team narrow the Michigan's 15 colleges and uni - igan, tuition will be increased by at
core to two points in the second ~ versities will boost tuition for the least 4.3 percent for a second
af. He regards staying within 10-
1987-88 academic year to make up straight year, said Richard Kennedy,
5 points of the top seven teams in t for Gov. James Blanchard's pro - vice president for government
he Big Ten a moral victory. He had posal for a smaller increase in state relations.
o think of the possibility of an money, spokesmen said yesterday. "Given the level of the gov -
ual victory. Blanchard presented his $6.5 ernor's recommendations, I think
But his Team's inexperience and billion state budget proposal Wed - that we will have to move tuition
ack of depth allowed Michigan (5-3 nesday. upward this year. How much, it is
n the Big Ten and 14-6 overall) to He recommended spending $1.1 really much too early to tell,"
ul, away in the last 10 minutes of billion for higher education, inclu - Kennedy said.
e game for a 92-65 blowout. ding $51 million to cover an infla - In-state freshmen and sopho -
"Anytime you bring young tion rate of 3.5 percent. mores are paying $2,476 for tuition
layers back to their state, they h He wants to distribute another in the 1986-87 academic year.
eact," said Haskins. "Tonight they $15 million according to a formula Kennedy declined to estimate a
layed a little tight." " which would consider cost among likely increase for 1987-88 but
Michigan also played tight and its elements. And he said he'd like added: "We're not talking double-
'entatively at times, but Wolverine universities to keep tuition below digit increases."
head coach Bill Frieder didn't fault the rate of inflation. Eastern Michigan University
his team's effort. Blanchard softened his position tuition also is likely to increase by
x "If my guys weren't ready to from his demand last year that at least 4.3 percent, said Roy
play tonight, you would have seen Dily Photo by ANDi SCHREBER colleges and universities hold 'Wilbanks, vice president for
a 55-53 game," said Frieder. "When tuition increases to the inflation university relations.
you play with enthusiasm, good Michigan cheerleaders Chris Brown, George Papadelis, Charlie LeDuff, and Monica Gilewski watch last rate. The university raised tuition to
things happen." night's basketball game in silence. The squad was protesting a ruling that forbids it from performing throwing "I don't think it's fair for us to $1,563 for this year after a two-year
See 'M', Page 12 stunts. See Full Court Press, Page 12. be as militant," he told reporters. freeze, he said.
'U' tea
To some University officials,
't's a case of the University Terrace
'intruding" on hospital space.
To the Terrace residents who
will see their homes torn down,
however, it seems more a case of
"what the hospital wants, the
hospital gets."
The Terrace, built in 1947,
ouses single and married graduate
killed in
A citizen of Juigalpa, Nicaragua,
who members of the Ann Arbor
Sister City Task Force met on their
trip to Nicaragua last fall, was
killed in an ambush earlier this
onth, officials say.
.Eduardo Zuniga Somoza, 23,
met members of the 17-member
delegation on their official visit last
November. Several members had
lunch with him, and he drove one
of the vehicles that delegation
members used, said Gregory Fox, a
task force member.
Juigalpa was established as Ann
bor's sister city in Nicaragua
nder a ballot proposal approved by
voters last April. Juiglapa is located
about 85 miles from Managua.
See TASK, Page 3
rs down student
students, and three of its 11
buildings are scheduled to be torn
down in .August. Two of the
buildings are apartments, and the
other is occupied by the hospital.
The demolition of the
apartments is a manifestation of the
University's goal of expanding the
Medical Campus - even if it
means tearing down student
housing during a housing crunch.
The Medical Campus Master
Plan approved by the Board of
Regents in 1980 cites the entire
Terrace complex as an expansion
zone for the hospital.
THE ramifications of the plan
were clearly pointed out to the
regents, said University planner
Fred Mayer. "Other subsidiary uses
will have to give way," he said.
"There are only about 100 acres in
the entire medical center," which is
bounded by city property, a private
neighborhood, and a slope, said
Mayer. "The only thing you can do
is use existing sites more
Because of limited availability of
Medical Campus land, "medical use
must take precedence over married
housing accommodations," said the
master plan.
Or, in the words of Terrace
resident Betsy Smith, "If (the
hospital) wants something, they
can take it."
The demolition of the Terrace is
just a matter of priorities, said
hospital planner Doug Hanna. "I
wouldn't go so far as to say parking
has priority over student housing.
(But) in this particular situation,
the parking deck holds precedence
during crunch
over two old buildings, which
happen to house students," he said.
The destruction of the Terrace is
not a new idea.
"It's not a big 'Oh my God,
isn't it awful' kind of thing. It was
anticipated," said Ed Salowitz, a
University housing official. "We
have known for 20 years that that
facility sat in the middle of hospital
See 'U,' Page 5
Charitable group heads south
Not all students will spend their
spring break basking in the sun or
descending powdery slopes. Some
will repair homes or help teach
abused and mentally retarded
About 25 people, including
University students,1willbe going
on the 25th Annual Christian
Appalachian Project sponsored by
St. Mary's Student Chapel in Ann
The Appalachian Mountains
cover 195,000 square miles stre-
tching from southern New York to
I northern Mississippi. A 1980
S survey conducted by the
Appalachian Regional Commission
found that of the more than 19
million people that inhabit the area,
46 percent of those unemployed are
functionally illiterate. Per capita
income is 15 percent below the
national average.
The region is famous for its vast
4 coal deposits which produce more
N WRIGHT than 50 percent of the nation's coal.
The method used to extract the coal
- strip-mining - has caused a
r his up- great deal of pollution and destroyed
much of the fertile land.
But "a lot of people are dead set against
nuclear power," Kikuchi said, which is "the
nrice we have to nay for democracy."
'It's not Florida but it's clean, warmer. It's nice.'
- Peter Gullo, business school senior
THE ANNUAL trip takes the
volunteers to different settlements
in Kentucky, Tennessee, West
Virginia, and Pennsylvania, where
they perform jobs that normally
wouldn't get done.
These jobs range from home
repair, maintenance, yard work,
painting, and home visitation to
assisting teachers in schools for
abused and mentally retarded
Peter Gullo, business school
senior and member of St. Mary's,
is coordinating this year's trip. "It's
in interaction with the community
that you get to see what their lives
are really like, the true picture,"
Gullo said.
He said the Appalachian
mountain people do not make quick
first impressions, accepting people
for who they are. "The mountain
people believe that they are as good
as anyone else, but no better,"~said
Most settlements follow fun-
damental Christianity. Catholics are
the minority, and most churchs are
organized independently, rather than
Although the mountaineers do
not necessarily go to church every
Sunday, they follow a religious
lifestyle which includes hospitality,
neighborliness, and modesty.
L SA junior Mary Beall, co-
ordinator of last year's trip, felt that
the excursion strengthened her
relationship with God.
The day, ends and begins with
See GROUP, Page 2
Daily Photo by KATHRY
For climbing
LSA junior T. J. Thomas scales ice outside his house preparing fo
coming expedition to climb Tierra del Fuego in Argentina.
If the United States and the Soviet Union
and very large."
Kikuchi said there are three possible ways to
oet rird of exce nintoninm the nrim arv
-.. - .