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January 28, 1987 - Image 7

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1987-01-28

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vs. #1 Penn State
Saturday, 7:30 p.m.
Crisler Arena

Wednesday, January 28, 1987

Men's Swimming
vs. Illinois
Friday, 7:30 p.m.
IM Building

M ichigan Deily

Page 7


Feldman flourishes in silence

The total attendance for last
weekend's women's basketball
games at Crisler Arena was a
lowly 599.
Throngs of basketball fans who
stay away from the women's games.
are missing out on an opportunity
to see one of the University's best
and most accomplished athletes,
Lorea Feldman.
"I think there's no question that
she has to be considered one of the
best they've ever had here,"
Michigan head coach Bud Van De
Wege said.
F E L D M AN entered this, her
junior season, ranked seventh on
Michigan's career scoring and
rebounding lists. This season she
has averaged 17.6 points and 6.2
rebounds a game to move up to
fifth on both lists.
Feldman's list of records is
much longer, however. Last season
she set Michigan single season
records for rebounds (214), field
goal percentage (.522), free throw
percentage (.911), and also set a
Big Ten record with a free throw
percentage of .923.
Awards have also been quite
common during Feldman's career.
Her outstanding shooting and
passing skills helped her earn Big
Ten Player of the Week honors
twice last year. She was also
named honorable mention All-Big

Loren Feldman has showcased her talents for the women's basketball
team this season. She is averaging 17.6 points and 6.2 rebounds per game.

BARB'S Women can write sports..
By arb McQuade ... bee, bee, h ee

Ten each of her two years at
Michigan and was named the team's
most valuable player as a freshman
and co-most valuable player as a
Still, Feldman would trade in all
these individual honors if she could
play for a winning team. The two
losses this past weekend lowered
Michigan's record to 1-6 in the
conference, 8-8 overall.
"I THINK it's most important
to me that we go out and win as a
team," she said. "If I'm scoring 12
points a game and we win, I'm
In fact, the 6-0 Bourbon, Ind.
native lists last season's 58-56
upset victory of a highly-ranked
Iowa club, in which she poured in
22 points, as her biggest
accomplishment at Michigan.
"I'll probably always remember
that as long as I live," she said.
"We played really good. We should
have been playing like that all
This year has been a difficult one
for the Wolverines. Eight of the 15
players weren't with the team last
year, and the inevitable adjustments
have put the team, and Feldman,
through some hard times.
WHILE THE team has
slumped through the first half of
the Big Ten season, the quiet and
shy Feldman has tried to assume
more of a leadership role. She also
Tigers get
two Braves
DETROIT (AP) - The Detroit
Tigers yesterday traded two
pitchers, right-hander Randy O'Neal
and left-hander Chuck Cary to the
Atlanta Braves in exchange for two
outfielders, right-handed hitting
Terry Harper and minor leaguer
Freddie Tiburcio, a left-handed
Harper, 31, a lifetime .254
hitter, batted .257 last season with
eight home runs and 30 runs batted
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I think there's
question that (I
Feldman) has t
considered one o
best they've eve
-Bud Van De
Women's bask
has had to adjust to play
instead of forward.
Although Feldman is
rah, outgoing type of le
realizes she has to co
more on her leadersh
especially with all the n
on the team.

s no
u lr%

o be
f the No matter what role Feldman
f he assumes for the rest of this season,
r. had her success will unquestionably
have a large effect on the outcome
Wege, of the team's final games.
,etball Unless the team gets a sudden
coach boost in attendance, Feldman will
probably continue to be one of the
best kept secrets on the Michigan
sports scene.
ing guard But at least one person realizes
the great ability and importance of
n't a rah- Feldman to the Michigan team.
ader, she "She means a great deal to us,
ncentrate that's a plain and simple fact," said
hip role, Van De Wege. "I definitely
ewcomers wouldn't want to be without her
this year, that's for sure."


J -

with 4 items


plus tax
exp. 3/1/87

"I try, but I'm really not used to
being a verbal leader," she said.
"But this year I have to be more of
a leader than I have been in the

"T hese are the sportswriters from the Michigan
1 Daily..."
The Big Ten public relations man shook hands
with each of the three male reporters before reaching
"And who are you, honey?"
Such are the hazards of covering sports if you
happen to be a woman. Never mind if you know
mare about a playbook than atcookbook. There are
just some people not quite ready to accept females in
the coveted domain of the press box.
Those types are scarce at Michigan. In fact, the
0 athletic department has always treated Daily reporters,
male and female, with respect and fairness. Well,
insofar as possible.
The hockey game at Yost Ice Arena has just ended
and reporters are crowding the steps to the locker
rooms, trying to beat their deadlines. They nudge
past children and teenagers who are screaming at the
equipment manager for broken hockey sticks.
- As I near the front of the crowd, I hear someone
say, "Here you go, honey." I look up to see the
smiling equipment manager extending to me one of
the sought-after sticks.
A bit humiliating, but I got over it. The best
gystem for handling post-game interviews is that used
by the Michigan basketball team. After the game,
-ach coach addresses the press while the players dress.
Then, all or none of the reporters are allowed into the
locker room to interview the fully clothed players.
Some teams could learn a lesson from that setup.
The Wolverine hockey team has just completed a
sweep of Ohio State in Columbus. After
interviewing head coach Red Berenson outside the
Michigan locker room, I am walking down the tunnel
toward the press box to file my story. Just before I
pass the trainer's room, an Ohio State player darts
out, wearing nothing but an embarrassed smile.
There are risks in any job.

I was "saved" from another such embarrassment in
September while covering the Michigan football
team's victory over Notre Dame in South Bend, Ind.
Outside the Fighting Irish locker room, I ask the
security guard at the door if I may speak with a
player. He looks too old to have played on any of
Knute Rockne's teams.
"Ho, honey, you don't want to go in there. flee,
hee, hee. They're all'in their birthday suits.".
I'm in no mood to reason with Methuselah, so I
ask if he will bring the player out when he is dressed.
"Hee, hee, hee. Well, I don't know."
He couldn't figure it out. Why would a woman
want to cover sports?
There are times at press luncheons -when I look
around and realize I'm the only woman in the room
who isn't an employee. And when a coach begins a
press conference with "Well, men...", you can't help
but feel'out of place..
But as far as having the opportunity to cover
sports, a woman has nothing to complain about. At
least not at Michigan.
Besides, there are moments of poetic justice. For
instance, anyone who has ever walked around the
concourse at Michigan Stadium at halftime knows the
disparate phenomenon of restroom lines. The lines
are 30 to 40 people deep for the women's restroom.
Often there is no line outside the men's room.
In the press box, where men outnumber women
tremendously, a woman can walk past the line for the
men's room triumphantly and enter the women's
restroom without a wait.
But that's not why I chose to cover sports at
Michigan. Look, Methuselah, I love sports for the
same reason anyone else does - the excitement of
the action, the intensity of the players, the strategy of
the coaches, the display of athletic ability.
The problem isn't that women can't write about
sports. The problem is they haven't.

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