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January 28, 1987 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1987-01-28

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The Michigan Daily Wednesday, January 28, 1987

Page 5


Talking about:
Fyre, ("That's F-Y-R-E, fyre,"
Conolly injected, enthusiastically).
By Mark Swartz It continues the group's tradition of
exploring the Vox organ rooted,
Jeff "Monoman" Conolly was a garage-rock psychedelia of '60s-era
perfect gentleman on the phone groups like the Sonics, Music
Saturday morning, even though I Machine, and The Nazz ("Todd
probably woke him up. Conolly is Rundgren," Conolly boasted, "yeah
the lead singer, organist, writer, and I know him. He's an excellent
arranger for Boston's Lyres. He man."). It gives equal time to
earned his nickname through his Conolly's picks for covers of
well known affinity for pre-stereo relatively obscure 60's tunes and
rock and roll, his own originals, which owe a
Conolly was eager to discuss his great deal to that period. "Not
band's new album, girls, his new Looking Back," off the new album,
cockatoo, the van, and of course, even features an organ "quotation"
the Blind Pig, where the Lyres will from the Grass Roots' 1967 hit,
be playing tonight. "Let's Live for Today," giving a
"No comma!" he reminded me purposely ironic message about the
repeatedly during the conversation, band's direction and focus.
"That's probably the most The focus of Lyres Lyres is ro -
important thing - that there's no mance. When Conolly explained
comma in between." Lyres Lyres, how, on the back cover, each song
the band's third LP (on Ace of had its own woman to illustrate the
Hearts Records), is the follow up to idea behind it, I suggested that per -
1984's critically acclaimed On haps it was a concept album. He

latched right on to the idea.
"You got it," he dead-l
"It's a concept album abou
with big tits ... er ... boso
there's no comma."
According to Conol
woman on the record jac
worked her way down fron
Lennon and Mick Jagger
and is currently working in
As for Conolly's pl
videos, he said, "I just b
cockatoo, like Barretta's,"
"and I'm breeding PersianI
When asked what this ha
with videos, he continued,
has to have a hobby. I
terrorize college radio statio
He was semi-secretiv
what would be included in
this evening, but did provid
"There will be a Temr
song about heroin, 'Litt
Sweetness.' Actually, it's
guy who just keeps spoon

girls, etc.
himself Sweet and Low." He
panned, reneged, "It's very literal, not about
t chicks heroin, not at all."
ms, and Plans for the Lyres when the
tour is over include, "getting more
ly, the airplay on WCBN and getting lower
ket had rates at the Knight's Inn on State
n Julian Street."
to him, Conolly has a reputation for di -
a record recting a constantly changing
lineup. At the close of 1986, he
ans for was on his third drummer, third
ought a bassist, second manager, and third
he said, girlfriend of the year. "Full steam
kittens." ahead for 1987," he hooted. All
d to do who see the show tonight or buy
"A guy Lyres Lyres (no comma) will
like to undoubtedly share Conolly's hopes
ins." for a deservedly bright future for the
e about Lyres.
a the set As usual, showtime at the Blind
e a hint. Pig is set for 10 p.m. The Lyres
ptations' will be opened by Detroit's own
tle Miss Hysteric Narcotics, who are playing
about a in support of their new LP


Mummenschmaltz lacks Power

Daily Photo by ANDI 5CHREIBER
Though things often looked bleak, the Michigan Theatre celebrates its'
grand opening tomorrow.
Thea7tre refu rbdished

By Seth Flicker
Creativity is a virtue but can
only go so far. Thus was the curse
of Monday night's performance of
Mummenchanz: A Journey Into the
Imagination at the Power Center.
Though thoroughly imaginative and
original, this mime troupe became
a little bit too wrapped up in their
own uniqueness.
Playing to a half empty
auditorium, A Journey Into the
Imagination was basically a collage
of 'moveable art;' a series of short
pieces hosted by two silient but
energetic emcees - a pair of huge
hands with performers inside.
The group, which consists of
Eric Beatty, Tina Kronis and

Michael Rock, is well known for
its use of body costumes and
masks. The varieties were great:
from dancing tangrams to tubes,
bags to balloons. The costuming
was so intricate that it was often
difficult to tell whether it was
inhabited by one or two people.
Several of the skits were well
done. Examples of this were the
dancing rug, velcro faces and the
bean bag heads. I know that this
may seem kind of weird but that is
what Mummenschanz is...very
weird stuff.
The performance was, without a
doubt, very visual. One can easily
compare Mummenschanz to the
film Koyaanisqatsi. They are both
very visual and unique but could be

accomplished more powerfully in
fifteen minutes. The pieces in
Mummenschanz went on too long.
In the long run, it was boring. Like
Koyaanisqatsi, the novelty ran out
long before the show ended...long,
long before.

During some of the more dull
parts of the show I was wondering
to myself why people were
laughing. Then it finally dawned on
me. If I had spent $15-$18 on this
show it would havebeen hard for me
to keep a straight face.

By Leslie Sanderson
After a long and uphill battle, a
classic element of the Ann Arbor
- experience has been saved.
Tomorrow marks the grand re-
opening of the Michigan Theatre.
With its brand new "old" look,
the theatre stands proudly as a part
of history. The theatre was saved
from the jaws of a city wrecking
crew, and plans to turn.the stately
old movie palace into a shopping
center never left the! drawing
board. Through the efforts of a
dedicated group of people, the
students and residents of Ann
Arbor can once again enjoy the
old-fashioned beauty of the
historic building.
The theatre closed in 1979, and
an immediate campaign was be-
gun to save the building. The re-
storation committee, comprised of
local residents and university
officials, convinced the city to
hold a millage and to authorize
bonds to halt the wrecking ball.
Through various efforts, a total
of $1.8 million was raised to fund
the restoration. Most of the mon-
ey was privately donated, much of
it by university alumni. The box
office and organ were rebuilt, the
seats recovered, and the ornate
gold leaf that borders the mag-
nificent ceiling and walls hand-
etched to give the theatre a
renewed old look. One historian
commented that it actually looks
better now than it did in its prime.
Built in 1928, the Theatre was
originally a presentation house,

showcasing first-run silent films
alonj with a vaudeville show.
With the advent of talking motion
pictures, these types of movie
palaces faced extinction. However,
because it catered largely to a
student audience, the Michigan
Theatre was able to remain open
by showing movie classics. In
addition, its large stage has proved
perfect for live performances.
There have been many such events
at the theatre over the years,
including everything from The
Replacements, Wynton Marsalis,
and the Philip Glass Ensemble.
The theatre holds fond mem-
ories for Ann Arbor residents and
University alumni alike. It is not
an uncommon occurence for a
screening to be interrupted on a
Saturday afternoon to announce
the score of the Michigan football
game. The only theatre in the area
which still features a balcony, the
Michigan Theatre has long been a
favorite romantic spot with
students. The atmosphere and
ambiance, as well as the classic
films shown, add an extra dimen-
sion to the moviegoing exper-
ience-an experience no one
should miss.
The grand reopening
performance is an enormous
production of Leonard Bernstein's
"Mass," a highly controversial
show featuring nearly two hundred
performers, including members of
the Ann Arbor Symphony, choirs,
dancers and actors. See
tommorrow's paper for details.

auaa u.uu~s.m

CLASS OF 1987.
The Air Force has a special pro-
gram for 1987 BSNs. If selected,
you can enter active duty soon
after graduation-without waiting
for the results of your State Boards.
To qualify, you must have an
overall "B" average. After commis-
sioning, you'll attend a five-month
internship at a major Air Force
medical facility. It's an excellent
way to prepare for the wide range
of experiences you'll have serving
your country as an Air Force nurse
officer. For more information, call
(313) 994-0522 Collect
mm- -m

If you are interested in a professional people-oriented
career associated with the management of radiation
sources in medicine, industry, government, or private
business, you can expect increasing job and salary po-
tentials due to increasing demand for our graduates.
Various fellowships and work programs are available
for student support, ranging from one-half tuition to full
support with a $1,000/month stipend. Both the master of
science and master of public health are available for
those with undergraduate degrees in the sciences or
Call Professor Jacobson at 313/764-0523
for more information.
Major areas of graduate study and research
(M.S. & Ph.D.):
A eroelasticity
Computational Fluid Dynamics
Computer-Aided Design
Controls, Flight Mechanics
and Optimization
Structural Dynamics
Structures - Composites
Individual tuition and fees are $1,691 per calendar year.
Total financial aid per calendar year:
$13,000 + tuition and fees
$ 9,000/$13,500
Selected Research Fellowships
Research Assistantships
All graduate students will participate in research.

Who was the first female student
at The University of Michigan?
SAC is sponsoring a trivia contest in honor of the 150th anniver-
sary of U of M and Ann Arbor.
Look for questions every Wednesday in the Daily. Mail your
answer to the Alumni Center, 200 Fletcher Street, in care of
SAC. Winners will be announced March 2 in the Daily.

1. 55 transferable credit hours
by Fall Term 1987
2. English: English Composition (one term)
3. Principles of Economics (micro and Macro)
4. Mathematics: Calculus (one term)
5. Principles of Accounting: (one term)
January through March 1, 1987
Applications con be picked up in the School of Business,
Office of Admissions and Student Services Rm 1235

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to Jamaica!
Enter every week,
drawn each week.

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