- ~ .'~-~? -$ ,-uv- 5 -- - - A - MUSIC Todd Rundgren leaves his mark on XTC' XTC "Skylarking" Geffen It's pretty weird how things come full circle, huh? Almost ten years ago XTC was bashing aways in Swindon, England, attempting toP reconstruct pop by deconstructing it, rejecting the lush, lethargic pop of the '70s in favor of the stripped- down hyperkineticism of punk. Today they're found doing precisely the opposite: making progressively, more expansive and less poppy LPs, eliciting comparisons to the Beatles, the whole bit. XTC's new LP, Skylarking is their most ex- pansive and pastoral to date, casting off all remaining reasons to continue to call them a rock band. Despite producer/pop mega- lomaniac Todd Rundgren's valiant efforts to leave his indeliable mark on it, Skylarking succeeds on most aesthetic counts. While Rundgrens makes fine records for himself and for artists who lack the direction to do so on their own, he's uncalledt for on an XTC record. His overly distinctive production style seems to bully the band, working against rather than with them. For instance, "That's Really Super, Supergirl" is marred by overwhelming Rund-, grenoid keyboards, making the band sound like Utopia, not XTC. Where Rundgren is reined-in, though, Skylarking exceeds the heights XTC previously attained. "Summer's Cauldron," "Grass," and "Season Cycle" are all vernal not- quite-pop. "Big Day" picks up the psychedelic threads of the band's Dukes of Stratosphear project. "Dying" is about as foreboding as its title. "Earn Enough for Us" XTC, shown here in full regalia, is back with a new sound. comes about as close as this LP can to a rocksong, and is also one of its best tracks. And "1000 Umbrellas" has a beautiful string accom- paniment and exploits Andy Partridge's gift to vocally tread the line between hilarious melodrama and pathos, playing perfectly against his tongue-in-cheek lyrics. One of the best tracks of the LP andr probably of the band's career.t A few tracks lyrically and musically don't quite take, victims ' of XTC's largely checked urge for esoterica. On the whole, though, ' Skylarking is about as solid as anyone could wish, full of typical XTC wit and verve. If next time out they'll stop flaking around with completely inappropriate producers, they may come up with the completely classic and completely; unlabelable unpop LP they've been threatening to do for a long time. -Julie Jurrens Agnostic Front: Will they offend more than they entertain? S latest disc Agnostic "Victim in Pain," Combat Core Front "Cause for Alarm" Rereleased to capitalize on their signing to Combat Core, Ag- nostic Front's Victim in Pain is hardly the classic that the sticker on the front claims it is, although it does owe a lot to classic bald rock heavies like Minor Threat and Negative Approach. Cause for Alarm, named for the lead guitarist's former band, is faster, stronger, tighter, and shows the predictable addition of double bass drums and oodling lead guitars. More nasal than ever, the singsong vocals are thin and fading fast, though not fast enough to obscure lyrical gems like "How come it's the minorities who cry/ things are too tough/ on T.V. with their gold chains/ claim they don't have enough/ I say make them clean the sewers." These lines from "Public Assistance" have drawn fire from people who're bothered by things like racial slurs... people who are apparently (and unfortunately) in the minority because, according to their press release, Agnostic Front's 1986 tour "had them packing the clubs and halls." Now the question is whether Agnostic Front is popular in spite of what they say, or because of it; the answer either way isn't pretty. -Mark Dancey Paul Geremia "My Kinda Place" Flying Fish Previous to this record, the only time I'd heard of Paul Geremia was before a concert he gave recently. A lot of people I knew were going to see him, but for some reason I just left it at that. His new album, My Kinda Place, was the first I'd heard of his music, and if his live shows are as good as this record, you can bet I'll not be foolish enough to miss his future appearances. This is a peach of an album, and Paul Geremia is one engaging performer. From the stompin' title track, through a masterful inter - pretation of Leadbelly's Calypso number called "Money is King" that has been in my head from the first time I heard it, to a lovely instrumental piece written by a contemporary performer named Steve Mann, to... well, you get the idea. Simple, unadorned acoustic blues that ripple with elegant force. -Jeff Stanzler LOGIE Continued from Page 8 can't blame him. His father was rumored to be dying from cancer. Allen was having trouble in school. He was poor, and unpopular. And I was robbing him of his chance to take some of his frustrations out on a relatively well-off, and big- mouthed punching bag. But Mike Nagel, of all people, made Allen stop, by telling him that the fight was over, and allowing me to skulk home. I don't know whether Allen thought the fight would make him a schoolyard hero, but it didn't. I got some sympathy, but no one patted Allen on the back. For what it's worth, I hope Allen got some satisfaction out of the few punches he was able to land beforeI wimped out, and I hope things are going better for him now. My favorite fight took place in sixth grade. Something I said ticked Tony Shupe off. Because we both had buses to catch, we agreed to fight that afternoon right next to the school building before the buses arrived, thus limiting the length of the fight to perhaps three minutes maximum. Tony honorably offered me the first swing. I accepted. My momentum caused me to slip on the muddy ground. I fell into Tony, and he fell on top of me. The teacher who rushed out to seperate us used more violence than we had. The teacher sat us down and began to lecture us about fighting. Tony and I were covered with mud, and we giggled while the teacher spoke. The teacher tried to stay stern, but that just made us laugh harder, so he angrily sent us to our buses, which were waiting for us. On the way out, he told us to "keep your noses clean from now on!" That sent me and Tony into fits. A lot of kids asked me and Tony about the fight, and about what Mr. Van B. had said to us. I never said much, and I don't think Tony did either. Tony and I got along pretty well after that. Sometimes we would argue about who would have really won, had we been smart enough to block out more time, and find firm, secluded ground. But arguing was as far as it ever got. We were both content to score it a draw. And I'm content to retire from the fight game with a 2-2-1 record. I'm proud of one win, ashamed of the other. I endured one loss, and deserved the other. And the tie was a whole lot more fun than kissing my sister. INTERVIEW Continued from Page 8 pursue this year. D: How would giving police authority to campus security officers change the way they do their job? H: You give uniformed officers the responsiblity to make the campus safe and what we need now is the authority to do that. We've given them the responsiblity but not the authority. They have the same authority to make arrests as any citizen. The police department is the only one that can take official action. D: How effective have the emergency phones on campus been? H: The phone have increased the number of reports we get. Before the phones if you saw something happening, the first thing you'd have to do is think, "Where can I get to a phone?" If it was late at night it was very difficult to find a phone. Now, if people see something happening or are sus- picious of something, they will immediately go to one of the emergency phones and call. It has gotten us reports on a lot of things we would not have gotten. It has also caused our response to be a little faster. D: Have the instances of sexual assault decreased since the phones were installed? H: I don't think they've decreased;'I don't think they've increased. I think the phones may have made people feel more secure. If people are walking across campus, they might feel safer because they can see that phone. They know help is relatively close at hand. But I don't think the phones are going to prevent any assaults like that. MONEY Continued from Page 7 organizations and writing for student publications. His lack of free time also prevented him from concentrating on his course work as much as he would have liked. "I graduated with a B average. I was a national merit scholar coming here. I know I could have done better than I did," he said. Fetterman admits that his family is "kind of psychotic when it comes to work." He has had brothers and sisters put themselves through graduate school, medical school, and MBA programs. He had to carefully arrange his schedule to take early morning classes, so he could go right to work as soon as he got out of class. He chose to go to school here, although he knew it would be difficult financially because a good education is important to him. "In my family everybody goes to college. That's where it's at. My father is a clearly intelligent man. But he kind of got stuck in construction." Laura, an LSA fifth-year senior who didn't want her real name to be used, laughs and says she's been having trouble paying for school and has been self-supporting "forever." She said part of the problem is that the financial aid office never gives students enough money, and because of this, she and other students have been forced to work excessively, sometimes at two or three jobs, in order to make ends meet. Laura disenrolled for winter term last year in order to take a job to pay back her loans. Laura says she has had problems with the University's financialaid office. During her sophomore and junior years she declared herself independent and ended up receiving less aid than she had before. She also said she had staged a sit-in protest at the office during her freshman year because she had not received aid - the office had lost her financial aid file. Laura said she worked 30 hours a week during her junior year, in order to cover tuition and medical expenses. "One summer I ate pita bread with honey on it and rice," si w S la fil of W s fa T1 la I tit ai st Pc to thi ty ha fo in, sl wl tel tir ge ke als sp co wa the he ins tea oti at we AVAILABLE ON MCA COMPACT DISCS, NQ CASSETTES AND RECORDS. -- - - 523 E. Liberty 994-8031 Mon.-Sat. 10-9, Sun 12-8 Now stocking the best selection of C!, itlown Visit SKR Classical for the best selection of classical LPs. CDs & cassettes N$ POWR ~EMaft s~rE I'1 -. - '4 1 I PAGE 4 WEEKEND/JANUARY 23, 1987 WEEKEND/JANUARY 23, 1987