OPINION .A Page 4 Friday, January 23, 1987 The Michigan Doily a .4 Edited and managed by students at The University of Michigan Vol. XCVII, No.81 420 Maynard St. Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Unsigned editorials represent a majority of the Daily's Editorial Board All other cartoons, signed articles, and letters do not necessarily represent the opinion of the Daily. Toxic waste crackdown LETTERS: Daily pro-Greek bias shows THERE ARE OVER 1500 toxic waste sites in Michigan and an inestimable amount of contaminated water resulting from them. Legislators at both the state and nationals level have launched a two-prong approach to remedy the situation, but are encountering major opposition. On the state level Senator Lana Pollack has introduced legislation that calls for strengthening laws to prevent further air and water pollution and to improve prosecution of those responsible for past and present pollution. On the national level, the Clean Water Act passed the Senate yesterday and the House last week by overwhelming majorities. The Reagan administration tabled the same bill last November. The toxic waste issue has special significance in the state of Michigan for many reasons. Not only are the residents of Michigan endangered by' a contaminated water supply, but the state economy is threatened. Tourist trade generates one third of . Michigan's state revenue. If toxic waste continues to accumulate in our water, tourists will find other unpolluted vacation spots. Many entrepreneurs and small businesses that exist on.the.towit.marketwil:. ~ fail. The state as awxlewUill lose. badly needed revernes, revenues that are critical on the road to Michigan's economic recovery. Unfortunately, strict environmental laws are one of the things that most large industries run away from. If by itself Michigan passes adequate environmental laws, the state risks losing current and future industries to other states. If it does not pass some environmental legislation, Michigan jeopardizes the tourist trade and endangers the health of its residents. Ultimately, it is Reagan's so- called budget plan that is thwarting the necessary national legislation. Like other domestic needs, the need for a clean environment takes a back seat to military spending in the Reagan budget. Reagan has proven himself an enemy to the environment by tabling the last clean water bill and by continuing to cut the Environmental Protection Agency's funding so it cannot even investigate potential violations of environmental laws. It is critical to Michigan and the country to keep pressure on senators and congresspeople. Concerned citizens and groups such as PIRGIM will have to fight against the administration for a two-thirds majority in Congress when Reagan vetoes the current Clean Water Act. Legislation that resembles Senator Pollack's proposal is desperately, needed on a federal level to keep a healthyy populace and environment off the list of industrial sacrifices. To the Daily: Winter fraternity rush has descended upon us; once again the diag is full of banners and the campus is littered with fliers inviting males to join the Greek community. Many students will enjoy 'themselves at rush parties, taking advantage of free beer and food. But beware of Greeks bearing gifts. Before you "rush" to join a fraternity, slow down and think about the Greek system and all the other options available to you. While the campus is engulfed in"rush-mania," students may feel pressured to join a fraternity knowing relatively little about the Greek system or other options available. Indeed, this one sided presentation not only takes over the diag banners and the kiosks, but is even seen on the cover of the Daily. Perhaps it's time for the Daily to be a bit more objective in reporting alternatives to the Greek system. Infected with "rush-mania," the campus community and the Daily tend to ignore many of the questionable values that the Greek system represents. The process of rush itself entails fraternities choosing members in a nonobjective manner, resulting in an elite few entering the Greek system. These elite few then tend to isolate themselves not only within the Greek system, but also within their own homogeneous houses. Greek diversity is further limited by the expensive rates charged by fraternities (nearly the highest cost of any campus housing). Carried away with "rush- mania," the University community and the Daily 'ignore the realteeds of the majority of the students. While financial aid is dwind - ling, tuition costs growing and affordable housing becoming harder to find, students are in need of low cost, quality Women and minorities To The Daily: The headline of the Daily's report on Barbara Scott Winkler's talk ("Women's studies ignore minorities," Daily, 12/2/86) was very misleading. It is generally acknowledged that women's studies, like academic programs throughout the University, has often "ignored minorities." But Winkler's talk discussed two women's studies programs that have been very successful in including women of color and responding to their concerns. And it was presented here that week precisely because we are making an effort to do that in our own program. The article, and especially the headline, give exactly the wrong impression. The title should have been "Women's Studies reaches out to minorities." The undersigned women's studies teachers, students and staff hope that you will help us to do that by printing this letter. -June Howard Lorraine Gutierrez Dorothy Bradshaw Barbara Ransby Laurie Lytel Patricia Armstrong David A. Wolfe Ximena Zuniga Heather Thompson Susan Saylor Janet Sudak Su Penn Joanne Taylor Cindy Calhoun Mara Silverman housing. Students need to know that affordable housing is out there. The Daily and the University need to inform students about available affordable housing. One affordable form of student housing not receiving the attention it deserves is student owned and controlled cooperative housing. The Inter-Cooperative Council Pro-l fers To the Daily: I used to support "Right to Life." I no longer do., Their arguments sounded convincing to me at first, as they would to any naive person with an ounce of compassion for the helpless. But it takes a knowledgeable person to fully understand where the "pro-life" movement is coming from. It claims to be rooted in com - passion. At first such a claim sounds admirable. After all, one would not expect to see abortions performed in the best of all possible worlds. But the best of all possible worlds would also be a world without war, nuclear weapons rampant poverty, Third World hunger, racism, sexism, or child abuse. Have you ever noticed that the "pro-life" movement all too often refuses to recognize these as problems? I often wonder how they envision the best of all possible worlds. I used torsupport them, and I believe I now have an insider's view of their situa - tion. It is not "compassion for the sanctity of human life" that moves them. I do not believe that for a minute.. That slogan is only used to "expose" the left and charge us with "incon - sistencies." They are, in effect saying "You claim to believe in the sanctity of human life, but.. ." They are motivated by a mythology. It is a mythology that is based on the superiority of the United States of America and the white race. They are God's chosen people, and therefore have every right to kill off those who would stand in their way. It could be the Indians or the Nicaraguan government. But since God lacks the ability to protect his people, they must use the arms race, capital punishment , and terrorism (Biblical references about love, peace, and justice, then, cannot be interpreted literally). In the midst of all this, God has commanded the American coordinates 17 student owned houses on campus. These co- ops are open to all students, are co-ed, and monthly charges are below market rates. The members of the I.C.C. take pride in attracting a diverse membership, welcoming students from all social, academic, religious and ethnic backgrounds. Instead of rushing, take the time to are no longer people to end the practice of abortion lest the country lose its prestige and supremacy. Let it not be forgotten, then, that a fear of a national downfall, not a "belief in the sanctity of human life" is what moves the anti-abortionists. I will respect their wishes and call them "pro-lifers" when they respect mine and call me "pro-choice" rather than "pro-abortion." Since I find it hard to accept their mythology, then, I am not moved by their graphic descriptions of the abortion Five cents is To the Daily: Are they getting a little paranoid over at the MSA anti- military research clique? Or could it be, as Ingrid Kock suggests, that the University's Division of Research and Development Administration's charging of five cents per page of information on the University Research Initiative is "to make certain that information on URI doesn't get to the community?" More likely the five cents is the copying cost that the DRDA pays to provide copies' to interested people. After all, providing Ms. Kock (or anyone else) with copies of documents, is not a matter of saying "abracadabra," and it appears in the speaker's hands. Much as consider all your options; the I.C.C. will be holding a masss meeting on Saturday, Feb. 14, at 3:00 p.m. in the Kuenzej Room in the Michigan Union. -Michael J. Burton I.C.C. Vice President for Education Joshua Laird I.C.C. Vice President for Membership January 20 convincing process. Gory descriptions of far greater horrors make their stories seem far too insig - nificant to be worthy of my attention. Would abortions be per.: formed in the best of all possible worlds? Perhaps not. But as long as the evidence for their compassion is outweighed by their callousness toward the world's most serious problems, I cannot support them! Pro-choicers, you are right!' -Timothy West January 21 not too much one may wish, Department of Defense technology is not quite; that good. But this raises an interesting question. Is it possible that MSA has wasted so many of, our five dollar fees, that they no longer have the money toa pay for five cents per page documents? If so, if Ingrid, Kock or someone else over at MSA will get in touch with) me, I will be happy to donate a0 dollar so that they can get twenty more pages, provided that when it arrives, I would bf. able to take a look at the documents. As a supporter of military-funded research op campus, I, too am curious to see what is being done. -Charles D. Lipsiq January 20 -I- Rape awareness sit-in .,A I T HIS WEEK TWO YEARS ago students seized the office of Vice- President for Student Services Henry Johnson to protest a lack of attention to the issue of rape on campus. The office take-over has had many positive effects-that students should not take for granted. Johnson had said in the Metro - politan Detroit magazine that rape was not a problem at the Uni- versity. "I just don't see some- thing labeled rape 'prevention clinic' or 'office' as necessarily germane to the mission of the institution." He seemed to feel that the University image was more important than the rape problem. In this atmosphere where problems were papered over and not frontally attacked, students empowered themselves and subsequent generations of students by using confrontational methods. One of the tangible effects of the sit-in was the creation of the Sexual Assault Prevention and Awareness Center with a budget of $75,000. Today it has $135,000. Also since the sit-in, the University has installed emergency phones on campus, expanded the Nite Owl route and added a second Nite Owl bus. The educational workshops on date and acquaintance rape awareness are available to the whole community and have been used by dormitories, fraternities, sororities, and even The Daily. Outreach programs like the workshops, as well as a centralized informational and supportive center for women, have helped to create a more open atmosphere on campus. Instead of hiding behind security, the issue of rape is now being 'discussed and taken seriously, as a responsibility of the entire com- munity to prevent. Such heightened awareness contributes' to women's self-empowerment and male sensitivity, both of which are essential to a less violent, abusive society. The Daily welcomes letters from its readers. Bringing in letters on personal computer disk is the fastest way to publish a letter in the Daily. Readers who can not bring their letters in on disk should include their phone numbers for verification.Call 747-2814 for details. '. w . M . n+ .+ . f' "W "' ea " ." 4 s* F , e w r , e I ' Si c .- , T '' t~ { }S.a{ ." ,,g r' S:i>:iv:: S{i°+ ~i: '~ trS; :?'v.:; yS, Help us to offer a more diverse, representative viewpoint. The Daily is looking for minority and women writers. If you're interested, stop in The Daily, upstairs in the Student Publications Building, 420 Maynard St. or call 747-2814 (Opinion), 764-0562 (News), 763-0379 (Arts), or 747-3036).