OPINION Page 4 Edited and managed by students at The University of Michigan Vol. XCVII, No. 80 420 Maynard St. Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Unsigned editorials represent a majority of the Daily's Editorial Board Allother cartoons, signed articles, and letters do not necessarily represent the opinion of the Daily. Speaking of tongues Thursday, January 22, 1987 The Michigan Daily Greeks and harassment FOREIGN LANGUAGE PROGRAMS in the United States have failed miserably. Despite high school language programs and language requirements at major universities offering liberal arts degrees, the citizens of the United States remain far behind those of other countries in understanding foreign cultures, histories, political and economic systems. Rather than continuing to cover up fundamental weaknesses in foreign language programs in the United States, universities should abolish the traditional language requirement, forcing language programs to attract students on their own. In place of the language, requirement, there should be an area studies requirement which would give students a chance to cultivate their natural curiousity in foreign cultures. The Daily (1/15/87) has already pointed out that current proposals to extend language programs will do little to alleviate the problem of "cultural imperialism," as one reader phrased it. In fact, extending language requirements to prop up fundamentally weak programs is counterproductive by providing an illusion of progress. If foreign language departments were serious about bolstering their programs they would stress the carrot instead of the stick. They would seek high r pay for student teaching, emphasze'possible career rewards for language learning and abolish the situation in which a teacher is required to teach large groups of requirement fillers - students who are unenthusiastic or even resentful. Although language lends itself to rote learning and a disciplinarian mentality among teachers, it is unfortunate that language departments perpetually . find themselves so desperate for students that they seek to gain captive audiences. As it stands, language programs serve to reinforce parochialism. Students fresh from high school are naturally encouraged by their counselors to continue their study of the language they took in high school. Viewed as a requirement by student and counselor alike, language is merely something first and second year undergraduates take without any true under - standing of why. Students will naturally take courses in languages that their parochial backgrounds made them competent and familiar with. If students were required to take area studies classes before they took language classes, they might have a basis for picking a language. The University has relatively strong programs in African and Asian studies. If students had the chance to learn about these areas, they. might opt to study languages from them. By relying on high schools to provide students with motivation for studying foreign language, universities assure that few students will opt to take an African, Asian or indigenous Latin Amer - ican language. Currently, the bulk of language instruction involves rote learning that teaches students nothing about foreign cultures. It is illogical to expect this kind of learning to lead to cultural appreciation; quite the contrary, it repels students, causing language departments to seek language requirements. Students must become interested in foreign countries before they commit themselves to learning their languages. If language require - ments were abolished, foreign language programs would have to stand on their own. The day this happens, language departments and universities will come up with innovative methods of luring students out of their ethnocentric shells. By Kristin Pope With the new conservatism of the 1980s, the Greek systems on college campuses are growing in number with membership over 250,000, a record high ("Return to Brotherhood," Ms, September 1985). While college students are returning to the 1950s emphasis on traditional values and lifestyles, aversion to experimentation and alternate lifestyles, and an emphasis on material gain, they are finding the structure, ceremony, ritual, and formality that is stressed by fraternities and sororities to be a haven. But while many students are becoming involved in a Greek system that resembles the Greek system of the 1950s, a large percentage of the women of the 1980s are not like those of the 1950s. The women of today are competing with men for grades and jobs. are demanding the same rights to sexual activity, and many of today's women, when induced to drink too much and finding herself in bed with one or more strange men, will not consider herself loose as would a woman of the 50s. She will consider herself raped. The sexual harrassment and assault commited by fraternities isanotsoften publicized, partly due to the stigma associated to reporting a rape, the uncooperative legal system, and the blaming of the victim that often occurs. And when the Greek system is involved, the woman must also face the fraternity as well as her sorority sisters. "Fraternities are sporting clubs, and their game is women." This quote form Carol Bellini-Sharp, associate professor at Hamilton College in upstate New York ("Return to Brotherhood, Ms, September 1985), suggests the attitude towards women that is instilled in fraternity men. Fraternities allow young men to hide their fear of women in a setting that rewards them for their expressions of sexism. According to research done by Julie K. Ehrhart and Bernice R. Sadler in their report, "Campus Gang Rape, Party Games?," fraternity members are often more likely to seek attention, feel that Pope is an LSA junior. fate and chance control their lives, and don't always feel repsonsible for their actions. It is easy to see why young men would seek solace from the competition of women in the male world of the fraternity, avoiding settings in which they share equal status with women. In the summer of 1985, a woman living in Acacia fraternity as a subletter was repeatedly harassed by a fraternity member. He would threaten to sexually attack her from outside her bedroom window. He entered her room and made attempts to touch her. The woman contacted the Ann Arbor police and was told that there was nothing that they could do. She persisted and made several attempts to file charges, but was refused. The lack of attention by the Ann Arbor police is outrageous. The woman's safety was jeopordized by their lack of support. The woman was made to feel helpless as well as responsible for the situation. No action was taken by the fraternity to reprimand the man for his actions nor was any action taken to stop his behavior. Fraternity parties are often places for sexual assault and harrassmnent. There have been instances were fraternity members have followed women home after parties and verbally or physically assaulted them. A sorority woman recently told me about a situation in which a woman had two dates to a Greek social function. After drinking too much and passing out, she awoke the next morning with bruises and scracthes. The woman pressed charges against the two men, accusing them of rape, however the case was dismissed. The woman I spoke to said that the woman was obviously mistaken becausewno fraternity men she know would do such a thing. The Greek system is careful to protect its members as well as its reputation. Recently, I gained access to a fraternity newsletter, the Phi Epsilon Owl Droppings. The September issue described such events as the "get-drunk- and-fuck-party with AOPi's," suggested the semester would bring, "drunken stupidity, women chasing, and all around (sic) silliness"and contained a quote that exemplifies the sexist view of women rampant in fraternities: 'All I want to do tonight is get drunk and get laid, and I am already drunk.' -some queen of virtue in D.B.'s room While these few examples may seem meager and all in fun to many University students, the underlying sexism presents a real threat to University women. By the fraternities characterization of women as solely sexual objects, they condone the sexual harrassment and assualts that occur. Recently a woman freshman at the University of Michigan was gang raped at a party. She was assaulted by four men, and has filed a report, but no charges have been pressed.A short two sentence paragraph reported this incident in the police beat of the November 27 issue of the Ann Arbor News . This form of. sexual assault happens at many fraternity parties on college campuses. They ussually occur between a young woman who is too drunk or drugged to give, consent, and from as many as two to eleven men. In defense of a gang rape that occurred at the Pi Lamnda Phi fraternity at the University of Florida, a, Pi Lamnda Phi member Robert Rosenwasser replied, "The so-called rape, which has been typed across the headlines, is truly a travesty of a not-so- uncommon event; a train, by a group of guys and a willing girl." This "willing girl" is often a female college student too drunk or drugged to give her consent. Which is considered rape in many states ("Return to Brotherhood," Ms, September 1985). There are some fraternities that are making an effort to raise the consciousness of their members on the issues of sexual assualt. The Pi Kappa Phi fraternity has urged local chapters to adopt a strong stance against suxual abuse. However, I personally feel that this is not enough. I fell that the Greek system should be abolished, as it has been at Amherst College. But with the recent growth of the Greek population, this seems unlikely. Therefore, I feel that it is the responsibility of the members of the Greek system to take a stand against sexual assualt and harrassment. This includes sororities as well as fraternities. Through education and concern, the Greek system may be able to curb the number- of sexual assualts happening on the college campuses. Wasserman W E A H Ac WI TE H'TAEAD OF E To AN 00TSI0ER, IT LOOVS LIVE YoU'V TATs RT0 - ItS SAFETY TO MA EIT Mo RE FOOD STAMP PRORAM UNDER EA&AN WRAPPED TRE O&RAM IN A LOT OF REALLY A SAF TY SEAL SEA- CRLED RS6ISTANT Letters. Life is hard and then you die Choose choice "I will choose what enters me, what becomes. flesh of my flesh. Without choice, no politics, no ethics lives."-Marge Piercy THERE ARE THOSE in this city who allow women this individual choice. There are those who would deny it. Today, at noon, they meet on the diag. Where will you stand? College is, for those who dare, a time to examine and re-examine, to begin to think critically. Between the day-we move into the dorm and the day we put on the gown, we make crucial decisions. We question sex and sexuality. We question our society and we question our place within it. The questions, more than the answers, are the result of our exercise of that right most basic to a democratic community: individual choice. For more than half of all Americans, however, that basic right is threatened. After twenty years of open struggle for equality, American women may again be robbed of the ability to control their lives. So-called "Right to Lifers" would have women thrown back into the millennia where their bodies were simply the instruments of reproduction. Without control of their own fertility, women are often slaves to the needs of children and the whims of men. Access to safe, effective birth control including abortion is crucial to the reproductive freedom of every woman, regardless of her age or income. Young, poor women who become pregnant deserve as many options as those more privileged. Medicaid abor- tions, currently under fire in the state of Michigan, are critical if women are to break the cycle of poverty. A young mother, strug- gling to support her children and finish school, cannot afford another child. Those who would condemn her for an abortion might scream even louder if she quit school and brought another human being into a welfare existence. Undernourished children, abused children, homeless children walk the streets of our cities. Unlike the underdeveloped fetus, we can be sure that these children are human life, that they feel pain. We can be certain that their deaths are morally wrong. Yet, reactionary groups spend millions of dollars to protect the rights of a clump of cells. Most often, these are the same people who support President Reagan's massive cuts in social programs. Somehow, the "life" that is unborn is more sacred than the life that is already here. Today, in Ann Arbor and around the country, people will meet to commemorate the fourteenth anniversary of the U.S. Supreme Court's Roe v. Wade decision. On this day in 1973, the Court decreed the constitutional right to privacy extends to a woman's right to safe, legal abortion. At 11:30 am, pro-choice activists will start begin their march at Regents' Plaza. They expect to encounter anti-abortionists in the Diag at noon. At 6:45 p.m., women will gather at the Federal Building to share their experiences. To The Daily: "The world in which we live is peopled by people who fuck, shit, screw everybody, don't care, swear do things without a care, are seen everywhere and write about each other the world in which we live is peopled by people who can't afford to eat, can't make ends meet got nowhere to sleep, can't feel the heat can't get out can't find a voice to scream it out" More truthful words have never been spoken. In my opinion, at this moment in time, the 20th century, 8th decade, 7th year, 6th day, 4th hour, 13th minute, 30th second, the rock duet of Jack Huges and Nick Feldman, a.k.a. Wang Chung, undoubtedly have described the state of affairs of our society and some of the problems which exist in it. Realistically, no one can mention all of the problems which exists, because, some problems we do not consider to be problems. But then there are those problems which stick out a mile long. For example, the political wrong doings of every nation on the planet Earth. Human rights viola- tions exist everywhere on the globe, no country, no govern- ment has not broken many human rights laws in conducting its foreign and domestic policies. How can it be that, governments pump trillions and trillions of dollars, or what ever they spend, into their defense budgets while people starve and are homeless within their borders? How can it be that, one country unilateraly attempts to orchestrate control over an entire region of the globe, close to or far from their borders? How can it be that, a university administration would think of implementing academic sanctions for non- academic conduct on a student body? Economically, corporations have reached a plateau which is unmatched at any time in history. A quick glance at the Dow Jones highlights this fact. But, the problem is that , as profits continue to soar, as pocket books get heavier for some stock holders, a lot of people on the bottom of the economic scale suffer more. The inequality, the dis - crimination, and the suffering, which exist in society today are directly related to the fact that government, business, and some individuals, have no conscious. Yes it is true that government has instituted social policies to assist the needy, and business does share in the profits with society. But, in many peoples opinion, if government put more into solving social problems, many social, economic, and political, problems would be solved. Also if business gave more to their employees and the neighborhoods in which they exist, the economic woes of many would be lightened. But; maybe the worst problem of all is the fact that many of us don't give a damn! "So what," "who cares," "not me," "I'm busy," "I have a headache," everybody has an excuse or reason for not getting involved. "Don't rock the boat," "leave well enough alone," "take it slow". I ask you WHY ARE WE ATTENDING COLLEGE? Are we here to just increase our earning potential? Are we here to just find our niche in society, to fit into the main stream? Hopefully our generation will not be like all the past generations, you know what I mean? You know, all the potential, all the opportunities, all the reason in the world to do something right. But, all they did and are doing, is what was done before them. Therefore, our world, our country, our school is in serious trouble. If our generation is to keep from making the same mistakes, we must at least try to solve the problems which exist today, or the world in which we live tomorrow will contain even more problems than today's. -Michael Phillips Michigan Student Assembly Representative January 13 Impeach Reagan and company To The Daily: The following is the text of a petition being circulated by the Impeach Reagan Campaign: To the Honorable Speaker of the House: We, the undersigned, are writing to express our concern over the recent illegal actions of the Reagan Administration. The misappropriation of public monies in order to supply arms to Iran and the contras is shocking and totally un - acceptable. Accordingly, we are urging you to make it your first priority in the new Congress to draft articles of impeachment against Ronald Reagan, George Bush, and other responsible parties. You can contact the Impeach Reagan Campaign at the Eugene V. Debs Cooperative, 909 E. University, Ann Arbor, MI 48104. -The Eugene V. Debs Cooperative January 20