OPINION Page 4 Wednesday, January 21, 1987 The Michigan Daily 01h 3idligan J4ai Edited and managed by students at The University of Michigan Socialism needs Vol. XCVII, No. 80 420 Maynard St. Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Unsigned editorials represent a majority of the Daily's Editorial Board All other cartoons, signed articles, and letters do not necessarily represent the opinion of the Daily. Study and reject Moon By A jit de Silva I wish to comment on John Silberman's defense of socialism featured in the Daily (Daily, 1/9/87) entitled "Socialism is Superior." While his enthusiasm is appreciated, any economics student must feel compelled to correct his mistakes and not permit this work to stand as any definitive understanding of socialism. John Silberman is trying to defend the freedoms afforded to those who live under socialism. These freedoms are not exactly like the freedoms found in this country. Silberman claims socialist countries give people the freedom from starvation, the freedom from unemployment, the freedom from homelessness, and in general, the freedom from suffering economic disparity on a classwide basis. These freedoms are not particularly socialist in nature. One might find a liberal thinker, even a capitalist, quite in agreement with him. One might also contest whether the so-called socialist countries can actually guarantee these freedoms as strongly as constitutional democracies guarantee their own Ajit de Silva is a senior in the Residential College. freedoms. Finally why do "superior" socialist countries g the rights that are guaranteed constitutional democracies in add the more lofty moral freedoms t already addressed? The intuitive answer is alrea For whatever reason, they can insofar as this is a failure, the failed to lead the world to a; alternative. Here is a traditional examp introductory economics. Any e, that can sustain a 7 percent gro will double its GNP in ten years. turn implies a double in the sta living. If one compares as country side by side with a c country it seems as though the country (with theoretically no g at least less growth) can only gua future of relative international po0 will surely only be able to 0 people less and less. Silberman has made many mis his understanding of soc Socialism is not an alterna capitalism, it is the latter's Capitalism will, according theorists, fall and make way for s due to its own inherent flaws. O not see socialism occurring in th Union because they never went explanation on't the the prerequisite stage of capitalism. The uarantee Soviet Revolution was not a socialist by the revolution, made up of the workers dition to prepared to offer a new classless society, hey have but rather it was a bourgeois revolution yielding a bourgeois state of state dy clear. capitalism. It was Stalin that not, and industrialized Russia, not capitalism. ,y have What happens when one man superior industrializes a nation? The term police state seems to have entered the vernacular. ?le from Similarly India failed to become a conomy socialist state after its liberation from This in England. It was true that they espoused a Thisfin lofty social plans and goals, however, any socialist attempt to reach a socialist society, apitalist without the prerequisite stages, was fated socialist to failure. rowth or One must see that Silberman can be grantee a proved wrong, on his own grounds, when verty. It he claims so-called socialist societies offer its today are to be considered superior. It is unlikely they will be able to offer stakes in anything, now or in the neartfuture, :ialism. qualitatively superior to the guarantees tive to found in constitutional democracies. future. These observations should not be to its considered a condemnation on the search ocialism for qualitatively superior freedoms. These )ne does freedoms, however, lie in a socialist e Soviet revolutionary future, not a stagnant through economy of today. REVEREND MOON'S Unification Church and its various front groups have thrived on public apathy and ignorance. At the local level, MSA President Kurt Muenchow admitted ignorance of the University's branch of CARP-a Moonie front group recognized by MSA-and at the national level, Senator Kennedy's office admitted to the Daily (Weekend Magazine, 1/16/87) that it accidentally endorsed a CARP event. The Moonies have attempted to gain respectability since the conviction of Moon for tax evasion. Their November, 1986 issue of World University Times features prominent photos of mainstream politicians and their endorsements -"the Mayor 'of New York City, the Governors of New York and New Jersey, 17 members of-Congress, 8 Senators, 10 foreign ambassadors from 5 continents and 23 university presidents." These endorsers in - clude Governor Cuomo of New York and Republican presidential aspirant Jack Kemp. On campus, CARP purchased bulletin board space in the Union to promote their views and advertise for the conference. In terms of religion, Moon believes himself to be the second Messiah. He expects world crisis and moral degeneration, requiring his leadership to destroy communism internationally. After the apocalypse, Moon expects to unify the world under his religion, all by the year 2000. Moon's extreme right-wing agenda does appeal to some people and is covered up very well for the rest of the general public. For example, the Moonies are active in the World Anti-Communist League. They have continuously provided material aid to the contras fighting the Sandinista government in Nicaragua. On tour with former Black Panther Eldridge Cleaver, the Moonies advocated the ex - pulsion of all foreigners. In 1980, CARP proposed war against the Soviet Union for the invasion of Afghanistan. On social issues, the Moonies are puritanical-"Stop Sex" is a popular slogan. The famous Madison Square Garden mass marriages are another typical Moonie trademark. Not everyone in Moon's front groups are hypnotized or brainwashed. Mark Siljander, a far right Republican who had the dubious honor of being the only losing incumbent Republican in Michigan in 1986's congressional races, spoke at Moon's October convention. Siljander was moti- vated by ideological sympathy, not hypnotically induced obedience. The Moonies have a distinct political point of view, which is important to understand. MSA has re-recognized CARP after a 5 year hiatus and has given it access to previously unavailable resources. MSA should also devote resources to expose exactly what the Moonies stand for. In addition to CARP, HARP (High School Association for the Research of Principles), CAUSA, Project Voltxfeb, Wrld Family Movement, Jewish Friendship League, the American Council for World Freedom, the Children's Relief Fund, World Relief Friendship Foundation, the Washington Times, the New York Tribune and the movie Inchon, are all associated with Reverend Moon. Michigan businesses owned by Moon's church include Sky Valley Ranch, Sunny Food for Thought, Sunny Floral and I1 Hwa Ginseng Center of Detroit. Ultimately, the Moon network is so large that only an inquisitive public and a responsible civic leadership willing to devote energy and resources to exposing Moon can prevent the growth of this pernicious cult. Lucas IN RESPONSE TO A POLITICAL COMMENTARY /MADE BY THE PRESIDENT'S COFFEE CUP, WE WOULt LDKE TO PRESENT AN OPPOSING R-OINT-OFVIEW BY THE OFFICIAL RABBIT'S FOOT OF VICE PRESIDENT GEORGE BUSH. : ... " - PIF"-- Thank You. A I MUST SAY THAT I FOUND MR. MUGG'S PHEM TO 8E BIASED, ONE= SIDEb, COUNTERPRODUCTIVE, AND UH,... STUFF LIKE THAT. -000 .. _... I J PE RSONALLY HAVE BEEN rN- VOLVE D IN PoUTCAL DECISION - MAKLING H ERE AT THE WRITE HOUSE AND HAVE PROVEN TO 1E LUCKY FOR OUR GOVERNMENT PEOPLE. .----- ---- - - YOU W EREN'T S$0 LUCKY FOR' OL IVER NORTH I WAS OJT OF TOWN THAT t A Y/i M">6 2 0 SAILv LS A ' '' /. t y Y, Y ti. , 4 -, ' ; '' 't r ; ' .: ," 3 .# Baker and Weisbrot, work at home To The Daily: I have never written a letter to a newspaper in my life. The letter from Dean Baker and Mark Weisbrot which appeared in the Daily (Daily, 1/19/87) compels me to write my first. I single them out because they represent the views of a good many people on this campus and also this area. Like Dr. Martin L. King I also have a dream. I dream of a nation where local activists are just that; active locally! Why don't you direct your activism and energy towards ends where you can have an immediate impact? Why don't you campaign for the homeless in Ann Arbor? Will there not be enough media cameras to catch you with that smug look of self- righteousness upon your faces? I dream of a City of Detroit where children and teenagers have a vision and hope for the future. Where crack is something that happens to the sidewalk and guns are left to the soldiers. Where schools are rh A.- ... 1.- - preach idly about what should be done than it is to actually get your hands dirty doing it. I too have dream. I dream of the day all the pseudo activists in this community stop preaching about what ails the world, get down off their soapbox and get their hands dirty helping the people who need you most, your brothers and sisters. Dr. King would have wanted it that way. Come on Mr. Baker and Mr. Weisbrot. Get your hands dirty. -Michael A. Bean January 20 U.S. military strength prevents world war To the Daily: Quiz time! What is the greatest social problem facing mankind? Of course, there are many: famine, poverty, crime, drugs, unemployment, disease, death, all largely derived from three of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse: starvation, pestilence and death. So it may be difficult to choose. But what' about War, the Fourth Horseman? Isn't that the greatest social problem of all? The testimony of those who have experienced war (mostly its participants and victims) is clearly that war brings widespread hunger, while still preserving freedom. How then are wars prevented? By signing agreements with sworn enemies who have a record of violating virtually every agreement they have ever made? That- seems unpro- ductive even to a casual observer. Are wars prevented by world forums such as the United Nations? What is its record? More "small" wars have occurred under this format during the past 40 years that in any similar period in history. Another unproductive app- roach. By disarmament? Look at the history of such attempts over the last 400 years and especially true of the power of the U.S. military and a succession of U.S. presidents who have understood its significance in the "real" world. And recently, the U.S. has proposed a revolutionary new space system that could provide an important defense against the offensive missiles of any aggressor, thus reducing, perhaps eliminating, the need to threaten the world with destruction to avoid destruction. Do you seek to demonstrate "social responsibility"? If so, first give support, in spirit and f substance, to maintaining U.S. military strength and the r 1:l:f 1 a .nn1 ..:n - .t n