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January 21, 1987 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1987-01-21

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Ninety-seven years of editorialfreedom


Helms to




Sen. seat
Jesse Helms, a strong conservative
from North Carolina, today ousted
moderate Sen. Richard Lugar of
Indiana as ranking Republican
member of the Senate Foreign
Relations Committee.
The vote that seated Helms was
taken by the Senate Republican
Conference and he announced the
result as 24 to 17 in his favor.
Speaking to reporters, Helms
said his victory was a triumph for
the Senate's traditional seniority
Lugar had served as chairman of
the committee for the last two years
while the Senate was under
Republican control.
Lugar said there was ample
historic precedent and current
practice to maintain him as the
GOP's voice on the committee now
that the Senate is controlled by
But Helms, whose Senate
service began four years before
Lugar's even through both were
named to the committee on the
same day, said the rule of seniority
should prevail.



student aid

If Congress passes President
Reagan's proposal to take back
some of the funds it has
appropriated to the Department of
Education for this fiscal year, the
University's financial aid office will
be forced to pay students less next
fall, an office official said.
Judith Harper, associate director
of financial aid, said the funding
recall, or a rescission, would have a
significant effect on student awards
this fiscal year, but said the office
will not change its allocation
schedule until Congress acts on the
R E A G A N introduced the
proposal to Congress on January 6,
but if law-makers fail to decide on
it before February 20, it will
become defunct.
Tom Lyon, a spokesman for
William Bennett, U.S. Secretary of
Education, said Congress
appropriated more money to the
department than needed. "Thanks
but no thanks, we don't need this
Lyon said the rescissons would
reduce funding allocated to financial

aid from $3.04 billion to $2.7
HARPER doubts the rescission
proposal will make it through
Congress, but said she doesn't
know how much support the
proposal commands on Capital
Tom Butts, the University's
lobbyist in Washington, expects
rejection of the proposal. He said
none of the legislators he has talked
to "think very highly of it."
However, he said he will still lobby
against it.
Joan Huffer, legislative assistant
to U.S. Sen. Donald Riegle (D-
Flint), said Riegle opposes the
rescissions. She also said Riegle is
strongly against Reagan's proposed
budget cuts for student financial aid
for fiscal year 1988. "He thinks it
is short-sighted and is not in the
best interest for either the students
or the country," Huffer said.
REAGAN'S official budget
report says students should take full
responsiblity for funding their
education, since they are its
"greatest beneficiaries."
See PROPOSAL, Page 2

. " Daily Photo by ANDI SCHREIBER
Quittin' time
University Hospital employee Ed Currie poses in front of The Apartment Lounge on Fuller Road. Currie said
he likes to stop in sometimes after work and during the weekends.

City Council
urges nuclear
.test ban treaty

Blue travels to NU
to hunt down 'Cats

The Ann Arbor City Council
last night urged the Reagan
Administration to join the Soviet
Union in banning the testing of
nuclear weapons.
The council, in a resolution
passed by a vote of 7 to 2 with two
I abstentions, also assailed the
administration's military build-up
and called for increased federal
support of local programs.
T H E Soviet Union has
maintained a ban on nuclear
weapons testing since August
1985. The Reagan Administration
has refused to join the ban, citing
problems of verification and
national security.
The 75 people at last night's
meeting seemed to favor the ban,
some speaking before the council.
"A nuclear weapons test ban is
the best way to halt our rush toward
oblivion and economic
bankruptcy," said Kate Warner, a
University professor of urban
planning in support of the
a "I don't want to see the world
become the space shuttle of the
1990s," added Warner, representing
the local Coalition for Arms

THE coalition, an umbrella
organization of anti-nuclear groups,
had lobbied councilmembers to
support the resolution, which was
proposed by Councilmember Jeff
Epton (D-Second Ward).
The resolution continues a recent
city trend toward involvement in
national and international issues.
The city's Sister City Task Force
recently endorsed local protests
against the Reagan
Administration's policy in
"I think it's perfectly legitimate
for the city to petition the state and
federal governments on an issue of
such collective importance," said
Councilmember Seth Hirshorn (D-
Second Ward). Copies of the non-
binding resolution will be sent to
President Reagan and local
members of Congress.
speakers at last night's meeting said
the importance of nuclear
disarmament transcends local
"The resolution sends a clear
message to the national government
that the citizens of Ann Arbor think
negotiating with the Soviets is
imperative," said Allison Hynde, a
See COUNCIL, Page 2

Associated Press
The Dream
Coretta Scott King, widow of Martin Luther King Jr., joins hands with (1
to r) Lupita Aquino Kashiwahara, and U.S. Secretary of State George
Shultz, as the group sings "We Shall Overcome." The singing concluded
the 19th Annual Ecumenical Service in honor of Martin Luther King Jr.
yesterday in Atlanta.
Asian Americans to
celebrate heritage

If new coach Bill Foster has
added anything to Northwestern's
basketball program, it's respect.
Because he hasn't added any
victories - not in the Big Ten at
Foster, the 27-year head coach,
will look for his first conference
victory at the expense of Michigan
(2-3, 11-6 overall), tonight (8 p.m.)
at Welsh-Ryan Arena in Evanston.
The season has been rough thus
far for the Wildcats. They've lost to
six teams that were ranked at the
same time in the Top 10.
"We really have had our
confidence shaken," Foster said. "0-
6 is not what you'd call a
confidence builder. We're trying to
keep our spirits up. We try to
approach it as every day's a new
day, and every game's a new game."
FOSTER HAS impressive
coaching credentials, though. His
418-279 career mark includes a 113-
64 stint at Duke, where he won
three Atlantic Coast Conference
championships and brought the
Blue Devils to three successive
NCAA Championship appearances
and a second-place national finish in
Most recently, Foster coached at
South Carolina. When he was hired
by Northwestern on April 4,
Wildcat Athletic Director Doug
Single said, "We've hired the best
basketball coach in America to get
our program where it belongs."
But even Foster has his work cut
out for him. This is not a good
basketball team.
This year's squad is essentially
recollec ts
Iran -Contra
arms deal
President Reagan was described
yesterday as helping to stitch
together places and dates spelling

... first year blues

Murderer seeks
pardon in Canada

University Asian American
students will begin celebrating
Asian Awareness Month tonight
with activities designed to highlight
the varied aspects of Asian
American life and issues facing this
growing group.
A film about a Chinese
American journalist will be shown
tomorrow at 7 p.m. in West Quad.
On Thursday a reception will be
held for all Asian students, faculty,
and staff in the business school
Executive Lounge at 4:30 p.m.
According to Morris Kakuda,
president of the students' Asian
American Association, the
reception is designed to "set up a
way or arena so that students,
administration, and staff can come
together and start some
communication between the
groups" and allow students to
identify faculty and staff role

Irene Natividad, president of the
National Women's Political Caucus
and a Filipino-American, will speak
on the involvement of Asian
Americans in government and other
social institutions next Friday.
Natividad, one of the highest
ranking Asian women in American
politics will speak at 7 p.m. in the
Michigan Union's Pendleton
Room. A reception will follow.
According to Kakuda and
Aramaki, Asian Americans are not
actively involved in areas such as
politics or journalism; they tend to
concentrate in sciences, such as
physics and engineering. Many
Asian Americans are perceived as
quiet and academically oriented.
"It's a stereotype with some
level of truth," said Aramaki,
"Asian Americans do not cultivate
the sense of a public face others do.
They may learn not to become
involved... to avoid the limelight."

the same as last year's which went
8-20 overall, 2-16 conference. One
of the two Big Ten wins was
courtesy of a Minnesota forfeit
(rape charges were brought against
three players and Minnesota opted
not to play the game). The other to
the same depleted Gopher squad.
Last Saturday the Wildcats got
pummeled by Indiana 95-42 in
Bloomington, and most of the
Hoosier starters only played half the
To add injury to insult,
Northwestern's starting center and
third leading scorer from a year ago,
Brian Schwabe, broke his foot the
third week of practice. Backup Brian
Pitts (7-0, 210 pounds) broke his
hand at the end of December.
Neither have returned to the lineup.
Foster tried junior Bo Cucuz in
the middle, but when Cucuz failed
to notch a point in Northwestern's
See BLUE, Page 8
The Moonies role on campus
should be questio d N, ca G
Hundreds of 'U' students chew
their nails in anticipation of
toay's undergradaute Hopwood


John Chapman, convicted
murderer of an Eastern Michigan
University student in 1969, is
waiting for a. decision that could
transfer him to a Canadian
correctional institute. There he
would be eligable for parole.
Chapman, who went under the
alias John Norman Collins, was

rmuraers, aitnougn ne was suspecteda
of being connected with them.
The decision on Chapman's
transfer willbe made by the
Canadian magistrate before Febuary
13 and then referred to the United
States district court for a final
Originally from Windsor,
Canada, Chapman has a dual
citizenship in the United States and

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