OPINION Page 4 Monday, December 8, 1986 The Michigan Daily 0hr fNitC gan aiy Edited and managed by students at The University of Michigon Siel AI Vol. XCVII, No. 66 420 Maynard St. Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Unsigned editorials represent a majority of the Daily's Editorial Board All other cartoons, signed articles, and letters do not necessarily represent the opinion of the Daily. Fathers know best To St ' jc? SHPIN@ N )i LAST MONTH, THE NATION'S Roman Catholic bishops issued a well-timed and desperately needed letter pleading to end poverty in the world. They called for all economic policy to be formed according to three criteria: what it doesto the poor, what it does for the poor, and how much chance it gives them to participate in their own future. Their knowledge, gained by experience with the suffering, is channelled into eloquent writing about the farm crisis, single parent families, and the Third World. They recommend state intervention to help the poor through specific programs such as national minimum welfare benefits, public and private funding for job training, legislation protecting small and medium sized farms from agribusiness, reducing Third World debts, and perhaps most importantly, reducing defense spending. They declared that most of the military budget is "both wasteful and dangerous for world peace." The main purpose of the letter is to make American Catholics more aware of the poverty dillemma in the United States. It asks them to turn away from prevailing U.S. culture "that emphasizes material display and self-gratification" toward "bonds of community and solidarity." A three year program of sermons, speakers, and videotapes which will be used in almost 10,000 Catholic schools and 20,000 parishes will follow up the letter. The Reagan administration and business groups are threatened by this letter which decries their conservative business policies as morally unjust. White House Communications Director Patrick Buchanan criticized the bishops' economic recommendations. The Lay Commission on Catholic Social Teaching and the U.S. Economy, a consortium of conservative Catholic businessmen, responsed that the bishops should concern themselves with moral issues and avoid economic ones. The bishops are correct in realizing that the economy is a primary indication and determinant of a just or injust society. The free-market has not worked to ensure social or economic justice. Over 33 million Americans are in poverty, including one out of every four children. In the past six years of Reagan's pro- business, free market policies, 54 percent of U.S. total net financial assets have been concentrated in the hands of 2 percent of U.S. families and the gap between rich and poor is widening. One of the proposals the bishops made was for a more interdependent U.S. domestic and foreign policy. The Lay Commission responded to this by advising, "in a world in which poverty is the rule and prosperity the exception, our bishops would do well to study the causes of prosperity." It is unfortunate that the Commission is using free market exploitation of the poor to justify the accumulation of U.S. wealth. The Contra war and U.S. support of regimes such as Gen. Augusto Pinochet's in Chile and Pieter Botha's in South Africa are directly tied to U.S. mutinational corporations' ability to secure the cheap labor and natural resources of those countries. In a political arena where the arms race is justified in perverted moral terms and the president considers cutting welfare for single mothers and their children to be "pro-family", the bishops' letter is a refreshingly realistic look at the United States unjust poverty' situation. LDETROIT I~ DuN cQouD T 1 1. ( l7 1(K'"' If. Lao, / L'. f .- __ .-.--'' ... . .-- __ - 5 1 k l(416/ vx l tt-ALALAI IOU-Mol - Is I - a a- I -I L-.F .- . r I I Letters: Accusations, half-truths deter peace 'I To The Daily: We have read with great interest the letter to the editor, "1987: The year of Palestine" (Daily, 11/20/86), about the misfortunes of the Palestinian people, signed by Ms. Shadroui, Mr. Ghannam and Mr. El-Haj. The authors of that letter are well known to the readers of the Daily from their previously published letters and interviews that attempted to discredit Israel. This trend has become, unfortunately, quite fashion- able in the Daily during the past several months. Half truths, as we know, are more misleading than lies. The letter written by Shadroui et. al. is of this nature. The letter goes to a great effort to describe the structure and organizations created by the PLO. However, the authors failed to describe the main activities of the so called "military for its people's defense," nai ely, their initiation, encourag ir nt and execution of worldwide terrorism. During the past 18 years, 557 (!) acts of international terror outside the state of Israel were carried out by the PLO. In these acts 498 innocent people were killed and 1,766 were injured-96 percent of these casualties were non- Israelis (Israeli Defense Forces, Terror Abroad: June 1968 - July 1986). Another example of misleading information is the failure to mention the historical events that occurred following the 1947 UN vote to partition Palestine into two states. The authors complain that "after forty years the Palestinians still lack the fulfillment of even a portion of their national rights." The truth of the matter is that despite the fact that the proposed partition was ex- tremely unfavorable to the Jewish population, it was accepted by the leadership of the Israelis, an acceptance that meant the establishment of an Arab Palestinian state besides the Jewish state of Israel. The reaction of the Arab League, however, was a total rejection of the proposed partition accompanied by the escalation of hostilities against the Jewish population that reached its peak when seven Arab states invaded the newly established state of Israel. We must also ask why it is that during 19 years, from 1948 to 1967, when the West Bank and Gaza Strip were under Arab administration, no attempt was made even to "partially fulfill" the national aspirations of the Palestinian inhabitants of those territories. During this time the Palestinians were ruled, often harshly, by Jordan and Egypt and all Arab efforts were geared toward the total destruction of the state of Israel. This goal remains the essence of the Palestinian Covenant up to this day. An e'xample for this current aspiration could be found in Ms. Shadroui's concluding sentence in the Daily's interview on October 17 - "When Israel falls... we are going to create a democratic secular state...." In contrast, Israel and the Israeli people have been engaged in a continuous effort to find a peaceful solution for the Arab-Israeli conflict. These efforts have included endless calls for direct negotiations between Israel and any other party that will be willing to accept its existence. One should take into consideration that throughout the history of the Arab-Israeli conflict, progressive Arab leaders such as King Abbdallah, President Sadat, PLO representative Isam Sartwai and lately the Mayor of Nablus, Mr. El-Massri, were murdered by their Arab brothers because of their more moderate approach toward Israel. A long lasting settlement of the conflict that will satisfy all parties can be reached only by recognition and direct negotiations. Accusative dec- larations and failure to recognize the existence of the state of Israel will only exacerbate tension'and lead to further suffering for the people of the Middle East. -Yossi Harel -Haim Helfgot -Noah Stern -Israeli Student and Scholar Association November 23 ''4 I Discouragement equals sexism Unimpressive T HE PRESS HAS RECENTLY awakened from its extended slumbers - and it seems to have woken up on the wrong side of the bed. The press is suddenly indignant about deals with Iran, arms sent through foreign countries, and covert aid to the Contras. What is most surprising is that these events are being reported in the mass media. The press has been filled with exposes of covert arms deals as though these are something new. Reports that the United States is funneling arms through Israel and Saudi Arabia to UNITA in Angola, rebels in Afghanistan, and the Contras in Nicaragua are not "news in the true sense of the word. The Jerusalem Post recently reported U.S. officials affirming that Israel has been assisting the Contras at Reagan's behest ever since the 1979 revolution. Laundering blood money and arms through third parties has been been trying to court Iran since Reagan took office. For Reaganites, the strategic and economic interests of allying with Iran outweigh any considerations of maintaining a consistent or moral foreign policy. No one, including the press, should be shocked by the administration's willingness to deal with repressive regimes. Quite often what the media presents as revelation is only recognition of a long-standing practice or condition. Suddenly the drug epidemic is banished to the inner recesses of the newspaper to make way for front-page stories about clandestine arms deals. The press does not look beyond day to day events for a greater political context. Once a story has had its week in the headlines, it is no longer newsworthy. For example, not much has been written lately about the famine in Ethiopia. People continue to starve, as they Bouquets of discrimination To The Daily: I am a Japanese woman who arrived here a few months ago. I would like to correct Mr. Feintuch's ("Feminists must open their minds," Daily, 12/1/86) misconception of the status of women in Japanese society. Inyspite of some recent gains by women, their position in society is not equal to that of men. Very few women have obtained high positions in business or professional life, for a number of reasons. A woman is still expected to be a wife and mother above all else. A mother is expected to care for her children and not entrust them. to anyone else. Unless her salary is needed to support the family, she will be more self-confident, talented and wiser than women. Therefore, a company would be held in low esteem if any of its top executives were women. Moreover, few Japanese men would accept a woman boss. There is a Japanese proverb that aptly expresses how women are viewed in business: "Women are the flowers of companies." In other words, men do the important work and are valued for their brains; women are purely decorative and provide comfort; they are valued for their looks and charm. Companies like to employ young, pretty women, and like fowers, they are replaced by fresher ones. Women have a difficult time a-,,in inhennr th . nr To The Daily: I realize there has already been some articles written in The Daily that deal with sexism and more specifically, rape culture. But I would like to address another aspect of sexism that is less visible but also very important. It concerns the behavoir of certain faculty members and administrators.- I personally know. several students who will soon graduate, who, during their years at Michigan, have run up against very blatant sexism coming from those authorities who should be here to encourage, not discourage, dedicated students. In one incident a student asked a professor for help with difficulties she was having with some of the course material. During the course of the discussion this professor told the student that she probably couldn't handle the material and complicated theories because she was female. She did not complain because she says he was not the only professor she could go to for help. But what if he had been the only one? What if she had not received support from friends, some of whom had similar experiences? In a hostile to female ambition that goes beyond traditional female occupations, professors can discriminate against female students by simply failing to encourage them, let alone discourage them. With the 50 percent divorce .rate, the rise in single parent households, and the feminization of poverty, it should be very clear that what the future needs are women who can hold the better paying, presently male-dominated occupations so that they can support themselves and their families alone or in times of crisis. Sexist attitudes coming from usually respected and honored authorities in any field are simply one more obstacle that erodes self-esteem and fosters self-doubt. What can be done? Supporting those who feel discouraged is good, but I feel we must be more direct and protest by contacting department heads and making use of organizations such as Tell Someone, that are here to deal with such problems. Let us also congratulatye those women who have made it through despite the added obstacle of sexism. -Elizabeth Schuck I I .4