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December 08, 1986 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1986-12-08

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Ninety-seven years of editorial freedom


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Vol. XCVII - No. 66

Copyright 1986, The Michigan Daily

Ann Arbor, Michigan - Monday, December 8, 1986

Ten Pages

U -Cellar
may fold
The fate of the University Cellar
bookstore will be decided this week
when store officials negotiate with
local banks for a $700,000 loan,
Jane Self, the store's general
manager, said yesterday.
The loan is needed, she said, to
buy enough text books for next
term's book-buying rush. Com-
bined with the beginning of fall
semester, the first few weeks of
winter semester make up about half
the store's business.
. Store officials, Self said, are also
considering two back-up options:
ielling the store's two shops on
Liberty Street and on North Cam-
pus, or simply selling its inventory
to a local competitor and folding.
Both options would mean the end
of the University Cellar.
Self would not comment on the
odds of any of the possibilities. But
she said a final decision would be
made before Friday because of a
deadline for one of the options. She
vwould not elaborate. Self also
defused to say whom store officials
See U-CELLAR, Page 2
PARIS (AP) - Student protests
,.against a university reform bill
widened into a general challenge of
the conservative government yes-
terday as union leaders joined
students in calling for nationwide
demonstrations this week.
Dozens of people clashed with
about 500 police in the Latin
Quarter student district. At least 68
people, inducing 58 police, were
injured, and 28 people were arrested.
,Student leaders denounced the

c ritiques
code draf t

Lei-d down Associated Press
Wolverines Andy Moeller and Tony Gant tackle Hawaii's Danny Crowell in the first quarter of Michigan's 27-
10 victory. See story, Page 8.
student protest grows

A committee of faculty mem-
bers, students, and administrators
Friday passed a strong critique of
the University Council's Emer-
gency Procedures, which would
allow the University to remove
from campus a student who
commits a life-threatening crime.
The critique, issued by the Civil
Liberties Board, may prompt the
faculty government to oppose the
separate judicial system that may
result if the University adopts a
non-academic code of student con-
"WE FOUND the additional
judicial framework the Emergency
Procedures set up to be unworkable,
implausible, and contrary to the
interest of our civil liberties," said
Blake Ringsmuth, a student
member of the Civil Liberties
As a committee of the Senate
Advisory Committee of Faculty
Affairs (SACUA), the Civil
Liberties Board investigates
possible violations of constitution-
ally-provided civil liberties and
rights. William Stebbins, the
chairperson of SACUA, deferred the
responsibility of reaction to the
emergency procedures to the board
because "they were logically most
qualified to provide it."
"We will give their conclusions
very heavy consideration," he added.
THE BOARD now joins the
Michigan Student Assembly in
opposing the Emergency Proce-
dures. Under Regental bylaw 7.02,
both MSA and SACUA are required
to approve any draft of the proposed
non-academic code of student
The University Council - also

a body of students, faculty, and
administrators- has been working
on a code since October of 1984.
The council released a discussion
draft of the emergency procedures to
the University community for input
last April. The procedures provide
guidelines and a judicial system
within the University to handle
violent crimes which the admin-
istration claims are not adequately
addressed within the existing civil
court system.
"It's rather dubious of the
University to want to set up a
parallel court system," said Jack
Weigal, chairperson of the board.
"We want to make it clear, though,
that we still support the existing
progress of the University Coun-
'It's rather dubious of the
University to want to set
up a parallel court system'
Jack Weigel
Chairman of the Civil
Liberties Board.
cil," he added.
THE COUNCIL tackled such
violent crimes as murder and arson
first because those violations
promised to be the least contro-
versial. The negative reactions the
emergency procedures have elicited,
though, question the basic right of
the University to use academic
sanctions such as suspension or
See FACULTY, Page 3

Premier Jacques Chirac, faced
with one of the gravest political
crises of his nine months in office,
appeared calm. His interior min-
ister, Charles Pasqua, promised a
full investigation into the death
Saturday of a 22-year-old student
following what witnesses said was
a beating by police.
Protests against the reform bill
began three weeks ago but escalated
in the last few days. The
government says the measure would
make universities more compe-

titive, but students charge that it
would make higher education
The students' national coord-
inating committee called for
national demonstrations this
Wednesday and invited unions and
other organizations to join in
opposing the reform bill and police
The Communist-led General
Confederation of Labor France's
largest union federation, urged its
membership yesterday to join "a

powerful day of strikes on
Wednesday, Dec. 10, and to
participate en masse in the
In the Latin Quarter, dozens of
people threw stones and bottles at
police, burned barricades, broke
windows, and set cars afire, police
said. After four hours, about 500
police officers surrounded the area
and moved in on rioters, witnesses
The students are demanding
withdrawal of the reform bill.

University medical students
staked out busy corners all over the
city Friday and Saturday, collecting
$52,586 in the annual Galens Tag
,.Days bucket drive. The donations
will go toward children's causes in
Washtenaw County.
The majority of the funds are
given to the Galens Room in Mott
Children's Hospital. "The main
hulk of our money goes there,
about $50,000," said Michael
Brand, a fourth-year medical student
collecting near a bus stop at
University Hospital Friday. The
IGalens Room is a work room for
children staying in the hospital.
The rest goes to children's
groups which the Galens Medical
Society determines to be needy. In
the past, money has gone towards
the Ronald McDonald House at the
University Medical Center and the
Alphe House for adolescent sub-
stance abuse at St. Joseph's Mercy'
Hospital. Sharon Gibson
medical stude
See MEDICAL, Page 2 Galen's Tag D
Washtenaw C
- Movies

Law school paper
forced out of office

The witty, acerbic law student newspaper, The Res
Gestae, has been forced out of its office in Hutchins
Hall by the Law School administration.
Last Wednesday's issue of The Res Gestae reported
that the paper had been "evicted" from its fourth floor
office in Hutchins Hall. The article went on to say that
the paper was hoping to move to the seventh floor
offices, which are assigned by the law student
The weekly newspaper with a circulation of 1,200
has always had its office space assigned by the
administration, according to outgoing Editor in Chief
Steve Hunter.
Hunter said he didn't believe that the
administration's decision was in response to the paper's

editorial content. But he did say, "The administration
hasn't always liked everything we've done."
According to Law School Dean Terrance Sandalow,
new faculty members will need the paper's former
office. "Roughly, what's happening is that we're
desperately short of space," Sandalow said.
Associate Dean Susan Eklund, who is in charge of
allocating office space, agreed that the decision to evict
the publication was not based on its editorial content.
She said certain offices are reserved for student use, but
that the Res Gestae was using offices reserved for staff
"We give student government seven offices to
allocate. We have also been able to give the student
newspaper office space where the staff works," Eklund
See STUDENT, Page 3

Developers drop condo plans

Condominiums slated for con-
struction above the Tally Hall
parking structure will not be built
because the developers say the need
is not great enough in the
downtown area.
Last week John Corey and his
partner, Peter Allen, dropped their
proposal to build more than $10
million worth of condominiums
above the mall.

"The characteristics of building
above a parking structure is that
you have to build them all at once.
And you have to be pretty certain
that the market can absorb that
number of condominiums," Corey
said. There has to be "enough
people with the means and interest
to buy condominiums" in the
downtown area.
"Now is not the time to do it,"
he said.

Corey and Allen's proposal to
city council called for between 60
to 70 condominiums of 1,000 to
1,600 sq. feet to be built above
Tally Hall, at a cost of $125,000 to
$175,000 each to the buyer.
According to City Administrator
Godfrey Collins, the developers are
reluctant to build the condomin-
iums because much of the mall's
retail space is still unleased.
See TALLY, Page 2

in, a fourth-year medical student, gives a tag to fourth-year
ent Dorm Dougall Friday. Gibson collected donations for
Days, an annual two-day fundraiser benefitting children in

Alternative Action, The Ann Arbor Film Co-op,
Cinema Guild, Cinema II, and Mediatrics - in
addition to the Michigan Theater. Proceeds will
benefit the film festival, which is the oldest of its
kind in the United States. The pass may be
purchased at Schoolkids Records on E. Liberty St.

Washington, a conservative "think tank," Bennett
said teachers should emphasize facts rather than
"nuclear" or "peace" curricula. He said such courses
are based on an unsupported assumption that
American children are terrifyed by the prospect of
nuclear annihilation and are a creation of the

COMPASSION: Opinion endorses the Catholic
Bishops' pastoral letter on poverty in the
U.S. See Page 4.



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