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December 03, 1986 - Image 7

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The Michigan Daily, 1986-12-03

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Rose Bowl Tickets
On Sale Today
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The Michigan Daily Wednesday, December 3, 1986 Page 7


Central Michigan coach Charlie Coles'
family has been known to work miracles in
Crisler Arena.
Just last year his son Chris, now a freshman
on the Chippewa basketball team, sank a 64-
foot shot as time ran out to to propel Saginaw
Buena Vista to a 33-32 victory in the Michigan
Class B High School Final.
The senior Coles will be looking for a
similar effort tonight when the Chippewas take
on the Michigan Wolverines at Crisler Arena at
P7:30. But it wouldn't even be a miracle if
Central did happen to beat the Wolverines. The
Chippewas clobbered Tri-State (Ind.) 100-54
Monday night in their first game of the season.
WHAT A DIFFERENCE a year makes.
Just a year ago the Wolverines returned all five
starters, while Central was an inexperienced
squad with a new coach. Michigan was predicted
to finish first in the Big Ten, which it did, and
Central was predicted to finish somewhere near

own to
the bottom of the Mid-American Conference.
The team tied for sixth with a 7-11 record.
While Michigan rebuilds this year, all five
CMU starters have returned, including arguably
the best player in the MAC, 6-5 junior forward
Dan Majerle. The Chippewas also have added a
junior college player, 6-2 junior guard Tommie
Johnson, who has paid off instant dividends.
Throw in senior guard Earvin Leavy and one
has the makings of a team that has Michigan
coach Bill Frieder thinking hard about how to
repeat last year's 82-61 win.
"They've got good experience in Majerle and
Leavy and the rest of the guys, and they've got
the kind of experience that could hurt us
inside," said Frieder.
ESPECIALLY troublesome should be
Majerle, who last year put nagging injury
problems behind him and played a full season
of solid basketball. Majerle, of Traverse City,
averaged 21.4 points and 7.9 rebounds per game
last year. He had 25 points and 11 rebounds in



Central's win over Tri-State.
Defending him will be a problem, as his size
and strength may overwhelm Michigan's
guards, and his outside play may be a problem
for Michigan's inexperienced big men. That
hasn't escaped Frieder's eye.
"I think (Majerle) is a great player," said
Frieder. "He's capable of being in our lineup."
"I'm looking forward to playing them," said
Majerle. "We've got a lot of talent this year and
we'd like to revenge last year's loss."
Helping Majerle toward that goal are a pair
of talented guards - Leavy and Johnson. Leavy
scored 20 Monday night, while Johnson scored
21 in his debut as a Chippewa.
Rounding out the list of returning starters
are 6-8 sophomore center Daryl Miller, 6-5
senior forward Jim Murray, and 5-7 sophomore
guard Derrick Richmond.
Coach Coles himself is back in action after
heart problems sidelined him for most of last

/ 4

full court



Out of the cold...
... Majerle hot for CMU


i "

Daily Photo by SCOTT LITUCHY
Michigan forward Glen Rice slams one home during Monday's victory
over Ball State. Rice will try to do the same tonight when the Wolverines
face Central Michigan.

The first thing to understand
about Traverse City is that it's far
north of Ann Arbor. If you started
walking from Ann Arbor at a 30-
mile-per-day pace, you'd be in
Traverse City seven days from

about Traverse City is that snow
is continually dumped on it from
December (if the snow arrives
late) to March (if the snow leaves
The piles of snow created by
weeks of plowing the Traverse
City High School parking lot
sometimes melt before school
gets out in the middle of June.
They don't run too many fast
breaks in Traverse City.
Michigan has been a high-
school basketball hotbed for the
last decade. Magic Johnson, Glen
Rice, Eric Turner, Roy Marble,
Antoine Joubert, and Terry Mills
are just a few of Michigan's
From Traverse City hail Tom
Kozelko and Mark Brammer.
Kozelko and Brammer -
Traverse City's finest.
Kozelko was a star for the
Traverse City High School
basketball team before going on
to an NBA career with the
Washington Bullets. Though not
flashy, he was a steady frontcourt
player much like former Michigan
star Tim McCormick is now.
Brammer was a basketball
player, it's true, but his real
calling, was football. After
graduating from Traverse City
High, he went on to start at tight
end in the late 1970s for Michigan
State's glory teams (Hey, they,
almost went to the Rose Bowl).
He then played with the Buffalo
Bills, and was cut by the Lions
during training camp this year.

Those two were what Traverse
City basketball was all about -
until Dan Majerle came along.
People knew all along that
Majerle, who will start at forward
for Central Michigan University
tonight when they take on the
Wolverines, was going to be a
good athlete - the only question
was, in how many different
Gifted athletes such as Gary
Grant and Greg McMurtry play
sports year-round.
That's the way it was with Dan
Majerle too, until he saw his older
brother Steve go down with a
football injury during his senior
year, causing Steve to miss half
the basketball season.
That was during the younger
Majerle's junior year of high
school. He helped fill the gap
created by his brother's absence
from the basketball team by
averaging 20 points a game that
season. Mid-American Conference
schools started recruiting the 6-5
forward from the little town up
When football practice started
his senior year, Dan Majerle,
remembering his brother's injury,
was playing with a round ball on
a hard court.
In Traverse City, a football
town, some thought Majerle
should be starting at quarterback.
After all, it was the football team
that regularly pulled in 3,000 fans
and was constantly the talk of the
town. Basketball games in
Traverse City are lucky to pull in

one-third as many fans.
"I think some people were
disappointed - some of the
football fans," said Majerle.
They had a right to be. Majerle
was named to the All-State teams
in baseball and basketball, the
only person in the state to
accomplish that feat in 1982-83.
He may have been All-State in
football had he played.
That didn't much matter to
Majerle. Not recruited by Big Ten
basketball coaches, he signed early
with CMU and then went out and
scored more than anyone else in
the state, 37 points per game.
Only two prep players in the
country scored more points than
Majerle that year.
And that left Big Ten coaches
envious over CMU's steal.
"The early signing date saved
Central," said Michigan coach Bill
Frieder. "Had you not had the
early signing, you would have
seen him recruited by a number of
bigger schools after the senior
season he had."
For one winter, Majerle's
dunks and jumpers changed
Traverse City from a football
town to a basketball town. Fans
were turned away at the gym doors
because the fire marshal wouldn't
let in more than 3,000 people.
You've heard of cold day in
hell? It'll be a hot day during a
Traverse City winter before
someone does again what Majerle
did that year.

... Traverse City's finest
Living in Traverse City
(population 15,000) is almost like
living in Minnesota or
Wisconsin, where they don't play
basketball - just check out their
Big Ten representatives. People
don't play much basketball in
Traverse City, either.
The second thing to understand
about Traverse City is that it's a
suburb for the suburbs - the
yuppies who tire of living in
suburban Detroit often find their
way north to Traverse City.
Basketball isn't a yuppie sport.
- The third thing to understand

Available December 5
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All-American guar
scored 26 points, in
throws with 11 sec
to lead No. 3 Indi
victory last night oN
Notre Dame, 0-
by 12 at halftime, c
lead to 63-62 wh
stole a pass and scot
Seconds later,
Alford, who made a
throw attempts. Kre
two more free thr
victory for Indiana,
Hicks scored 11
in the second half 1
Irish lost some o
punch when Donalc
a leg injury with
He had scored eight
in the second half.
Keith Smart add
the Hoosiers.
Michigan Sta
Rr.nn n 9

dumps Iris
, Ind. (AP) - climb to 2-1. Brooklyn fell to 0-2.
rd Steve Alford Senior guard Vernon Carr scored
cluding two free a career-high 24 points to lead
onds remaining, Michigan State and Darryl Johnson
iana to a 67-62 added 20.
ver Notre Dame. For Brooklyn, Jeff Petway
2, which trailed scored 18, Frank Gregov 15 and
ut the Hoosiers' Spious Kilpatrick 14.
en Scott Hicks Most of Valentine's baskets
red on a dunk. came after offensive rebounds. He
Hicks fouled had seven boards after starting in
dl 10 of his free- place of Ed Wright.
igh Smith added The Spartans made their first 10
ows to seal the shots of the second half to turn a
2-0. two-point edge into an 11-point
of his 18 points lead, 53-42, and added 10
but the Fighting unanswered points to make it 65-42
f its offensive with 8:22 remaining. Brooklyn
d Royal suffered didn't get closer than 13 after that.
5:32 remaining. Michigan State led 30-28 lead
t of his 14 points after a see-saw first half. The
Spartans gained a 10-2 advantage,
ed 17 points for but missed seven shots and allowed
Brooklyn to go ahead 12-10. The
te 80, teams traded the lead four more
times before the end of the half.



Buckeyes, while Western Michigan
remained winless in two games.
Ohio State trailed 86-80 with
4:24 remaining, but guards Jay
Burson and Curtis Wilson each
scored three points to pull the
Buckeyes even.
The teams traded baskets, with
Wilson hitting a 15-foot jump shot
at the 2:40 mark after a steal to
give Ohio State a 90-88 lead.

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