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December 03, 1986 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1986-12-03

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Page 2 - The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, December 3, 1986
Law professor to be WSU dean

University Law School Prof. John Reed has
been appointed Dean of Law at Wayne State
University, officials said yesterday.
Reed, 68, was approaching the University's
mandatory retirement age of 70, but his new
appointment will allow him to continue
working for another five years. Under an
agreement with the state Board of Education,
the WSU Board of Regents extended the
retirement age.
After his 70th birthday, Reed's tenure will
automatically be extended.
"The appointment cut off only one year of
teaching, with the opportunity of four more
years of work," Reed said.

"THERE HAS been speculation that my
head needs examining," he quipped, then added,
"I'm delighted to be doing it."
Reed has been a college professor since
1949, and is a renowned expert in evidence.
The unanimous appointment by Wayne
State's search committee did not surprise WSU
officials, who directed their efforts to bring the
prestigeous Reed to their university.
Wayne State's current law school dean,
Robert Abrams, said Reed is "a recognized
authority of evidence and an expert in
continuing legal education. He is a man who
will help continue the progress of Wayne State
to the top of the ranks in American law

University of Michigan Law School Dean
Terrance Sandalow said Reed is a "wonderful
appointment for Wayne to make... We're sorry
to lose him, even for one year."
Reed brings nearly 40 years of legal
experience. In 1942 he graduated from Cornell
University with a bachelor's degree in law, and
later went on to receive a doctor of juridicial
science degree from Columbia University in
Reed served as the Dean of Law at Colorado
University from 1965-1968, and Associate
Professor of Law at the University of
Oklahoma from 1946-49.

ident Rea
policy eva
"The A

White House readies for long haul
HINGTON (AP) - Pres- and the diversion of payments to The official signaled that the drawing conclusions.
igan's desire for a speedy Nicaraguan rebels could well con- administration will seek from here "I've done everything in my
n of the controversy tinue for at least a year. And if on out to deflect questions about power to make all the facts con-
around his secret foreign criminal trials follow the inde- the case, citing the ongoing inves- cerning this matter known to the
aporated yesterday with the pendent counsel's probe, they likely tigations and the need to permit American people," Reagan said in
ation's call for a special "will go beyond the end of this them to run their course before his speech.
)r and a Watergate-style administration," the official said. " "
onal investigating com- Reagan's scandal has burst forth, an orde s i qiry
more quickly than the Watergate e Cgnu o rdrgiq)r
ie is tact " cnid] nUUAK nin case which forced the r i rsi n f (ContinuedfromPage1)

d11 Uls cst, SwuUle Senor
White House official. "It will go on
now for months and months and
A Reagan aide, speaking on
condition he not be identified, said
the president realized when he
addressed the nation at midday
yesterday that the investigations of
clandestine weapons sales to Iran

President Richard Nixon just over
two years after the break-in at Dem -
ocratic headquarters. But with the
establishment of formal inquiries,
the pace inevitably will slow.
"There's not a great deal that can
be done now," the White House
official said. "In a sense, it's out of
our hands."

his desk, Reagan assured the nation:
"If illegal acts were undertaken,
those who did so will be brought to
justice. If actions in implementing
my policy were taken without my
authorization, knowledge or con -
currence, this would be exposed and
appropriate corrective steps will be

of events began with Sen. Richard
Lugar's demand that White House
chief of staff Donald Regan and
CIA director William Casey resign.
There was no immediate in -
dication that Regan or Casey would

Residency remains difficult to pTove

(Continued from Pase 1)
The registrar's office looks at
three main areas in each
application, according to Wright:
dTo what extent the student has
settled in Michigan;
e-How likely it seems that the
student is living in Michigan for
reasons other than just attending
school. If the student has made
many contacts outside the

University - if he has relatives and
friends apart from school, for
instance - that would help his
chances; and,
-Whether it .seems as if the
student will remain in Michigan
after he graduates. Looking for a
permanent job in the state would be
a good indication of this, Wright
If the registrar's office rejects a

request - which it does in about
half of all cases - students can
make one more appeal within the
University. And if the appeals
committee rejects the request - as
it does in 80 percent of all cases -
the only alternative is to take it to
Usually the registrar's office
rejects about half of those applying
for residency, often citing that they
haven't adequately demonstrated a
real intent to remain in the state.
It takes anywhere from eight to
14 weeks for an initial request to be
reviewed. The registrar's office is
still adjusting to a 90 percent
turnover in staff that occurred last
year when the former director of the
residency office retired.
"A-studenagets-rejected for a
combination of reasons--butit's
important to remember that the

burden of the proof lies upon the
student," said Richard Kennedy,
chairman of the Residency Appeals
Committee since its inception 12
years ago. "I admit that it is very
difficult for one to effectively
demonstrate that they will stay
within the state and continue to pay
After that, the only option left is
for the student to sue the University
through the civil court system.
"It's extremely difficult because
residency is a subjective thing that
has to be represented in an objective
manner," said Roderick Daane, the
University's chief attorney who
handled most of the University's
residency cases in the '70s.
"In my 16 years at it I don't
recall one suit that was totally
successful," he said.

1,500 arrested in Indian riots
NEW DELHI, India - Mobs of Hindus angered by Sikh terrorism
rampaged through the capital yesterday and battled Sikhs outside their
temples. Police reported 1,500 arrests as they struggled to control the
16,000 Hindu rioters.
Bloodied protesters were seen at several confrontations with club-
swinging police, but there was no immediate figure on the total number
of injured.
The rioting erupted during a general strike called by a Hindu party to
express "anger and anguish" over the massacre Sunday of 24 Hindus in
Punjab state by assailants described by police as Sikh terrorists.
"The situation is very tense. We can't say what we are going to do,"
area police chief R. Mohan said yesterday evening in densely populated
old Delhi, where the major sectarian battle erupted at the historic
Sisganj Sikh temple.
General strikes or other protests were declared in six Indian states
yesterday, but widespread violence developed only in New Delhi, where
7,000 extra police and paramilitary troops were called in.
Israel denies funneling Iran
arms money to Contras
JERUSALEM - Israeli leaders yesterday denied new assertions that
their country siphoned funds from arms deals with Iran to Nicaraguan
rebels. Foreign Minister Shimon Peres called the reports "complete
Denials from the top three government officials put Israel in
apparent conflict with President Reagan, who was quoted in Time
magazine as saying a third country channeled money to the rebels from
inflated prices Iran paid for weapons.
Newspapers quoted Americanofficials as saying Reagan meant
Israel, which has acknowledged secretly shipping U.S. arms to Iran but
has denied handling payments to the rebels, known as Contras.
Defense Minister Yitzhak Rabin told Parliament during a 45-minute
debate: "The Israeli government doesn't maintain contact or ties or
supply weapons from here to the rebels in Nicaragua. It has not given
approval for any Israeli to assist, supply know-how or weapons from
Israel to the rebels."
GM faces effects of buyout
DETROIT - General Motors Corp.'s biggest challenge in the wake
of its $700 million buyout of Electronic Data Systems Corp. founder
H. Ross Perot will be keeping EDS workers from following the
outspoken billionaire, analysts said yesterday.
Perot resigned as chairman and chief executive officer of EDS and
from the GM board of directors Monday. The buyout deal also includes
a clause forbidding him to start a company that would compete with
DES during the next three years and to raid EDS for top employees for
18 months.
But several industry analysts suggested the clause could be
challenged and might prove unenforceable.
"These things tend not to stand up in court when challenged,
particularly after a year," said Joseph Phillippi, an analyst with E.F.
Hutton in New York.
Abortion clinic fire probed
KALAMAZOO - Agents began a federal investigation yesterday to
determine what caused a fire that destroyed a Planned Parenthood clinic,
as the facility's officials voted to rebuild.
"It's going to be back and it's going to be better than ever," said
Louise Safron, executive director of the Planned Parenthood-
Reproductive Health Care Center, which had been picketed by anti-
abortion groups almost daily.
Capt. Glenn Nevelle, chief of detectives for the city's Public Safety
Department, said authorities had not determined what started the
Monday morning fire, which caused an estimated $750,000 in damage
to the two-story building.
Marty Myers, Kalamazoo fire marshal, said it was too early to
determine whether it was arson.
The U.S. Treasury Department's Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and
Firearms sent 21 agents to begin its investigation of the fire, a
spokeswoman said.
Legislature still stalled on
state-paid abortion issue
LANSING - Nursing home workers rallied yesterday at the Capitol
against the prospect of payless paydays because of the standoff over
state-paid abortions.
Meanwhile, legislative leaders blamed Gov. James Blanchard and
each other for the stalemate that has suspended state reimbursement for
Medicaid-covered health care services.
Nothing was resolved. The House and Senate adjourned until next

week, postponing final action in case a conference committee reaches a
surprise agreement.
"Free us from this dispute," Paul Policicchio, vice president of
Service Employees International Union Local 79, urged during the rally
by about 200 nursing home employees.
He said workers at several inner-city and rural nursing homes have
been told not to expect their Friday paychecks.






We've got the aristocrat of
British Beer on Draught!


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Try the cool
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10p.m. - close

City reviews development


of Tomorrow...
If you are considering
management studies, let us
tell you about
Come to an informational session
presented by the Business School
Place: Bursley Dormitory - McGreaham-Cewik Lounge
Date: Thursday, December 4
Time: 6:30 - 7:30

(Continued from Page 1)
"digesting public input" before
building a framework of where and
how to develop.
Connie Dimond, coordinator of
the downtown development project,
said the city will consider building
new parking structures to alleviate
congestion caused by the addition of
new retail shops and restaurants.
She said it is possible to convert
surface parking lots, such as the
one by the Ann Arbor Public
Library, to parking structures.
The Ann Arbor City Council
included $92,000 in its budget for
this year for downtown
The Downtown Development

Authority is aiming to develop run-
down areas to provide a continuous
path of shops to connect shopping
areas on E. Liberty with
Kerrytown. It has targetted Liberty,
Washington, and N. Main streets
for further development and the
addition of street level shops.
Other areas targetted for
developmentinclude the vacant
space near University Towers, and
the downtown area near Fifth,
Division, and Washington streets.
Other areas under consideration are
areas near First Street, and land east
of Kerrytown and behind
Community High School.



Students draft Constitution

(Continued from Page 1)
The simulation game has a great
educational component, according
to Taylor. "It teaches political
reality is not a simple one, it's a
complex one. That comes from
being involved in the process," he

"Our hope is they'll

American history in a comparative
context, comparing... one time
period with another," Taylor said.
"It's really not the products, it's
the process they go through. At one
level we don't care what the
outcome is as long as it's (grounded
in) reality."
Taylor said other simulation
exercises are now being drafted.
These simulations could revolve
around such issues as Soviet-
American relations, ecology, drugs
and alcohol abuse, and policies on
AIDS, he said.



What's Happening
Recreational Sports


Vol. XCV1 -- No. 63
The Michigan Daily (ISSN 0745-967 X) is published Monday
through Friday during the fall and winter terms. Subscription rates:
September through April-$18 in Ann Arbor; $35 outside the city.
One term-$10 in town; $20 outside the city.
The Michigan Daily is a member of The Associated Press and
subscribes to Pacific News Service and the Los Angeles Times
Syndicate. Sports Editor...... .......BARB McQUADE
Editor in Chief........ .....ERIC MATTSON Associate Sports Editors........DAVE ARETHA
Managing Editor.....U.........R GOTTLIEBM RICK KAPLAN
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NEWS STAFF: Francie Allen, Elizabeth Atkins, Eve SOT TF:JmDweLa lhry le
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Eugene Pak, Martha Sevetson, Wendy Sharp, Susanne Photo Editor..........................ANDI SCHREIBER
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Opinion Page Editor ..............KAREN KLEIN Lituchy. John Munson, Dean Randazzo, Peter Ross.
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AaeOPINION PAGE iiPg STAFF: R..osemary I Chinnoc, Tim R Sales Manager.....................DIANE BLOOM
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Music.......... ........BETH FERTIG DISPLAY SALES: Barb Calderon, Irit Elmad, Lisa
Film ........................KURT SERBUS Gnas, Melissa Hambrick, Alan Heymnan, Julie
R-1-:_.. _.ci T7 .l! ANX ieR.C!rIK Kromholz. Anne Kubek. Wenidy Lewi, JIsns. A



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