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December 02, 1986 - Image 7

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The Michigan Daily, 1986-12-02

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Rose Bowl Tickets
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The Michigan Daily Tuesday, December 2, 1986 Page 7

Red is singing the blues

Another disappointing weekend
has been added to the Michigan
hockey team's ever-growing
collection. Lake Superior State
dropped the Wolverines' record to 4-
12 by winning 6-4 and 5-4 last
weekend at Yost Ice Arena.
For head coach Red Berenson,
yesterday was time to once again
breathe life back into his hockey
"Every Saturday has been the
blues," said Berenson, "and then we
start over again Monday and try to
® get confidence."
The third-year coach is
beginning to feel like a stranded
sailor who has to keep blowing up
his leaky raft to stay afloat in the
middle of. .. well, Lake Superior.
IHis Wolverines are barely floating
-- they're just two points out of
last place in the Central Collegiate
Hockey Association. Lake Superior
State pushed its mark to 11-4-1 and
is ranked eighth in the latest
WMPL hockey poll.
A QUICK comparison of the
LIakers' and Wolverines' depth
charts shows why Michigan keeps
tteading water while Lake Superior
State is a prime contender.
Every player on the Lakers' top
tWo lines has scored over 15 points.
Only three of Michigan's top six
forwards can boast that mark. Add
Lake Superior State's third line and
you'll find that eight of its top nine
forwards - including two freshmen
- have tallied over 15 points. The
Wolverines can't compare. And
unless they develop gills, they're.
going to drown.
"We don't have the balanced
offense," Berenson said. "We really
don't, and that's hurting us. Again,
Pits a matter of taking advantage of
our chances. I think we've got more
guys that could put the puck in the
net. We've tried to put two scoring
lines together and that's been
frustrating. It's been tough enough
getting one together.
"I guess we can attribute it to
youth for a certain time, but we're
out of excuses. Our young players
just have to carry the load."
The Wolverines do have a
legitimate excuse. Berenson has


been forced to throw his babies into
the harsh waters of the CCHA, but
learning to swim with the big.
fishes has been a tough task.
"THEY ARE going to learn
from their mistakes," Berenson
said, "but the mistakes are just very
costly. Every mistake is a game-
winning or a game-losing mistake.
When you're in tight games every
mistake is a big one."
That is something for the
Wolverines to take heart in.
Michigan is rarely blown out. The
team has either been ahead or tied
going into the third period inl1
of16 games. But it's managed to
blow seven of those eleven
The Lake Superior State series
showcased two classic Michigan
third period collapses. Before the
third period the Wolverines trailed
the Lakers by a 4-3 margin in the
first game and they led the Lakers
by that same score in the second
"It's pretty much been the same
way we've played all year," said
junior right wing Brad McCaughey.
"We've been winning the game
going -into the third and we just
make a few mistakes, and then we
all quit."
The schedule does not offer a
break for the Woverines next
weekend. They must try to keep
above their heads above water level
in the land of 10,000 lakes for a
pair against fifth-ranked Minnesota.
-Michigan State goaltender Bob
Essensa was named CCHA player-
of-the-week. The senior allowed one
goal in the two games he played
last week. Michigan's Todd Brost
was among the nominees. The
sophomore from Calgary
contributed two goals and three
assists over the weekend.
-Just when the Wolverines get
rid of one jinx, another one crops

up. Last weekend Michigan snapped
its 12-game road losing streak at
Western Michigan. But, including
Saturday night's loss to Lake
Superior State, Michigan has not
won on a Saturday since its 5-3
victory over Michigan State last
January 25th.
.Speaking of last year, the
Wolverines had a 5-11 record after
16 games in 1985-86.
-With its sweep over the
Wolverines, Lake Superior State
has now won seven of its last eight

Daily Photo by JOHN MUNSON
Michigan's Todd Brost (9), shown in action against Ferris State, scored two goals against Lake Superior State



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Lion great
Layne dies
LUBBOCK, Texas (AP) - Hall
1 nf Fame nuarterhack Bnhhv Lavne

AP Football Poll
Team Record Pts.
1. Miami (53) 11.0-0 1,155
2. Penn St. (5) 11-0-0 1,092
3. Oklahoma 10.1-0 1,053
4. MICHIGAN 10-1-0 984
5. LSU 9-2-0 877
6. Nebraska 9-2.0 861

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