Page 6- The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, December 2, 1986 D.If 7j454~ 4~j~j7j 4 FOR SALE CLASSICAL GUITAR (M. Horabe) Cedar top, rosewood back and sides. Immac. cond. Comes with hardshell case. $400 neg. Call 665-166. ELECTRONIC TYPEWRITER, Smith Corona-Ultrasonic 3. Excellent condition- must sell. Call761-6400 (leave message). LEASE FOR SALE WINTER TERM. Fe- male roommate needed. Single room in 3- bdrm.apt.Great location. $2831mo. 761-5103. LEASE FOR SALE: Jan. to Aug., 2 bed- room, share with 3 other females. Non- smoker. Great Location, Great Girls! Call Jennifer at 994-8638. FOR RENT PERSONAL AUTOMOTIVE 77 VEGA. Good Cond. Low mileage. New tires, brakes, hoses. $500. 665-2572. LEASE AVAIL. JAN.-AUG. 87 one room in 4 bdrm. apt. in great house furn., females only, grad pref. Laura 663-0513. MALE SINGLE avail. winter. Close to cam- pus. $220. 995-3953, heat & water inc. NEED 1 ROOMMATE: Non-smoking Fe- male pref. Avail. Jan-Aug. 2 bdrm. bi-level ((2 9oher rm), a/c, laundry, fum., dishwshr. $191/mo.(heat incl.) CAROL 994-3173. ONE RM. AVAILABLE in 4 br. apt. Jan- Aug.$218/mo.+ elec. Nonsmok. mif 662- OWN ROOM in apt. w/ rads Dec/Jan-Aug. 504 Lawrence beaut.Pfunihed, parking, wash-dryer. $265 incl. heat. 995-8957. ROOM AVAIL. in 6 b-room house. Male upperclassman or Grad pref. 665-2028. ROOM FOR LEASE, male/female to live with 2 males in house. Washer/dryer. $241.66 + utilities. Call 747-6348. SINGLES AVAIL.- 4 month lease, for males only. $375/month. Includes meals, utilities, laundry. A two minute walk to campus. Call Yusuf at 761-5227. Space for one female, available in Luther Co- op for Winter tenm. Meals, laundry facilities, riendly atmophere included. Ca Mary at 662-335or7/-8665. rya SUBLET AVAIL. Jan.-Apr./Jan.-Aug. Large bedroom in great house. 5 Cool housemates. Rent $247/mo. + util. Excellent location-806 Catherine. Coed. 994-4382. SUNNY ROOM IN NICE RESIDENTIAL AREA. Winter term with summer opton. Three wonderful roommates and a cat. on- smoker preferred (Women only). Call 761- 2183. TIRED OF THE DORMS? Huge, fumished 2 bedroom apartments on campus. Big enough for 4. Available for winter tenn.662- 6626. UNIVERSITY TOWERS Fumnished Apartments 536 S. Forest 761-2680 We need one or two female roommates for our two bedroom apt. Close to campus dish- washer, and air-conditioning. Call 741-6146 or 764-5693. WINTER LEASE: 1 rm. in lrg. house. Great location, laundry, off street parking. $208 + utilities. Call Curt 996-3512. FOR RENT Always wanted to live in a mansion? The Phid house (A former frat) is now a co-ed house for Law & Grad Students with SIN- GLES. $195 per month. Fantastic house- mates. CallBob 668-0292. Avail. 2nd semester 4-month lease. Male single in 5 bedroom house. Cable TV, laun- dry. Arch Street. $235/mo. + utilities. Call Perry 747-8591. AVAIL. NOW. 1 Bdrm. for males. Great lo- cation. 2 blocks from SA..4 month lease. $200. Utilities incl. 761-6499. AVAILABLE WINTER '87. 816 Hill #4. Double, apt. of 4 males Micro cable, VCR,sundeck. $195/mo + util. 995-208. AVAILABLE NOW- large 2br. apts in Broadview. Call today. Spears Corp. 663- 3050. Co-o , co-ed house offers fumished SIN- GLE $195. Includes all utilities, TV room, weight room, fireplace. Law/Rackham Stu- dents preferred. Call Bob at 668-0292. FEMALE ROOMMATE NEEDED. Grad student. Own Bedroom in 5 bdnn apt. Share cooking and cleaning. Mostly Vegetar. house. No smoking. $1887mo.+l/8 house bills. 5 mm. walk from central campus3and Business school. Tant-Aug. Call: 668-4003. LARGE ONE BDRM APT: Avail Jan-Aug. for 1 or 2 people. 2 blks from Diag. Fum, Parking avail. $385/mo. 747-6925, Paul. 8 MONTH OLD KITTEN seeks warm, friendly home. Call 761-7481. ERIC'S SPORTS factory closeouts. Lycra tights and poly-pro underwear. Custom t- shirts, 2 blks off State. 419 E. Liberty. HANDLE STRESS before it handles you! Caal the Dianetics (TM) Hotline. 1-800- FOR-TRUTH (1-800-367-8788). JOHN - Paradise is not lost. 15% discount on contact lens preparations at the Village Apothecary - Lucifer. KOSHER PIZZA NIGHT every Sun. 5:45- 7yn. Chabad House 715 Hill Info 99- NEW TANTALIZING holiday goodies at. MOM'S. - and the rest of our e endary se- lection. 619 E. William, 994-6667. PASADENA BEACH WEAR!! Michigan Rose Bowl Football shirts 100% cotton. Call Dr. Huffherher, 747-8860. UNDERGRADUATE LAW CLUB 3 U OF M LAW SCHOOL PROFESSORS Frederick Schauer- Involved with Meese Pomography case.James Boyd White-crimi- nal law, rhetoricYale Camazar- Voted 1 of top 10 Profs- Time Magazine.Pond Rm of Union- Dec. 3, 1986 7 pm. AUSTIN DIAMOND For 26 Years - Diamonds at Wholesale Expert repairing & Fine Jewelry Engagement & Wedding Rings Our Specialty Mon.-Sat. Days & Eves 663-7151 1209S. University Ann Arbor STUDENT SERVICES ***MCAT*** The Stanley Kaplan Educational Center has classes formin now to help you prep are for the April 1987MCAT exam. C all 62-3149. **FEBRUARY NURSING BOARDS** Planning to sit for the nursing boards in February? The Stanley Kaplan Educational Center has a class to help you score to your potential forming now. Call 662-3149. 30 DAYS ONLY! Garage special. $39.95 20x24 16x7 overhead door. 3ft. x 6ft. 8in. service door. 30"x20" aluminum window. 240 shingles. Aluminum siding and soffitts. Concrete slab 4 inches. Sales tax included. Owner responsible for permit. Licensed and isrd(57-5-8A-1 TYPING - On cam pus. Professional. Rush service available. 665-8898. ACCURACY INK Editing/Word Processing Cassette ranscription 971- 139. FOUR STAR TYPING - Quality, guaranteed work at reasonable rates. Across from State Discount. Open 24hrs. 668-6109. PAPERS PROMPTLY prepared on IB3M-PC and proofread. CALL Judy 995-0459 after 6pm Resumes $11.50; papers $1.75/pg. On cam- pus deliver. GENERIC Word Processing- 483-1850. ly the price is Generic. STUDENT SERVICES SANDI'S TYPING & WORD PROCESSING $3 off first paper. Professional. Dissertations, papers, resumes, letters ,briefs. Fast, campus pick-up. Discounts. 426-5217. SEWING OF ALL TYPES-Fast & Reliable. Hems, zippers, alterations, mending & non- clothing projects. O'Della, 973-0565. Stanley Kaplan Educational Center 203 E. Hoover 662-3149 TYPING SERVICES - $2 per page - Letter Quality. 663-1871. TYPING- ALL KINDS-Fast, efficient ser- vice. Reasonable rates. Laurie, 973-1592. CASH FOR THE HOLIDAYS Join PIRGIM's final push for the Environ- mental Enforcement P kage, to be voted on in the up-coming legislative session. Work 5- 20 days, before and after Christmas. $35- $45/day. PT positions next semester. CAll Lee, 66-6515. CHALLENGE GET A JOB OVER WINTER BREAK The Michigan Citizen's Lobby is hiring peo- ple to work for social + economic justice in Michigan. Set up a summer job with college credit potential. Ful/part time in Ann Arbor, Detroit or Lansing. Call 663-6824. CLERKS/MANAGER-$4.00-$5.00 per hour, retail sales. Must be 18, dependable, have register experience and own transportation. Apply 209 N. 4th. 10 a.m.- 6p.m.995-1930. FULL AND PART TIME positions for GREAT ESCAPE ARCADE. Apply in per- son: 1216 S. University. GANTOS-We've got more to offer... -excellent commission plan -flexible shifts -liberal employee discount If you are seeking a career m retail with op- pertunity for advancement, one of the na- tion's leading women's specialty chains has exciting career opportunities for you. Apply in person at Gantos in Briarwood Mall. HAND SNOW SHOVELER 2 dependable, energetic persons needed to share appprox. 3 hrs. work after every snow- fall of 14"+; no transport. nec., flex. sched- ule required. Avg. 30-3 times/winter; Share $35/time. 665-4590. HOUSEKEEPER FOR SORRORITY. Please call for details. Mrs. Barron, 668-6543. HELP WANTED HELP WANTED HELP WANTED /FRESTAURANT HELP/ALittle Caesars is currently accepting applications for Assistant Managersand Delivery Help in the Ann Arborarea. We are looking for hardworking individuals to oin a positive teamatmo- * $5/hour plus tips* full/part time* day/evenin shifts* must have own vehicle- ASSISTANT MANAGERS *Kremium wage* flexible hours* day/evening shiftsTo be considered, pleaseLI LECer- son at the followin l tion:at- 1751 Plymouth Road(at Broadway)(313) 665-8458 EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EM- PLOYER IMMEDIATE OPENING Full time 8am.-6pm. M-F, December 1-19th. Must apply immediately or call 668-8898 at A-1 Typing. JANITOR FOR EARLY MORNING- Need 3rd person for 3-member staff. 12-15. hours/week. 764-0550. Ms. McGlothlin. MUST KNOW U-M CAMPUS CARD DISTRIBUTION u to 10 hours, weekl at $3.35/hr. POSITNIN OPEN IM- MED]ATELY. Please call 668-8898. SECURITY GUARDS- Now hiring for Yp-. silanti, Ann Arbor area. Uniforms furnished, weekly pay. Call 968-2600 collect for more. info. Bums international Security Service, 22150 Greenfield Rd., Oak Park, MI 48237; E6uaI Opportunity Employer. STUDENT to work with church junior/senior high program in Brighton. Weekend works, $60/week. Call 227-7411, ask for Reverand McConnell. UM STUDENTS FOR Pat Robertson! Orga- nize now. Phone 665-6031 for details. Work for academic credit or volunteerwatnthe Pound House Children's Center this winter, (credit with Project Outreach, Project Com-. munity). Locate at Hill and E. University Come over for a visit or call 764-2547 for more information. NOW APPEARING.. The Michigan Daily You don't want to go ALL THE WAY down to our offices at 420 Maynard St., BUT with our convenient desk at the Fishbowl, you won't have to. Place your classified ad between classes, 10 - 2 EVERY Wednesday. LET YOUR WORDS DO THE TALKING in the CLASSIFIEDS. STUDENT MANAGER NEEDED Women's Basketball Team Work Study Option Available Contact: Kathy Labarge, 763-2159 10101203 GREENPEACE Full and part-time positions available for committed folks to present our ideas on Toxics, Disarmament and Wildlife and raise funds for our campaign work. Earn $175 to $225 per week. Hours 2:30 pm to 10 pm. Call John 761-1996. EOE. 09101210 l -E BUSINESS SERVICES Racquet Stringing & Re pairs. l2hr. serv. Free pickup/delivery. Jerry 662-9829. TYPING 665-0337 EVENINGS Letter quality, $1.50 per page. Spfl s t a '° a . World Ca~pas if0 t~ca,, PROPERTY MANAGEMENT Complete Management and Maintenance available at affordable rates. Also Lawn Maintenance. 4564812 00111210 A WHAT HAPPEN ED .a You don't know...?n the DAIL Y does.!. Read the Daily an fid out. The Michigan Da il 1 ~CL ASSIFIEED MAIL -/11 FORM 1 1. Form must be filled out completely. 1 2. Mail money and form to: The Michigan Daily Classifieds, 420 Maynard, Ann Arbor, MI 48109., 3. Payment (check or money order) must be enclosed with the ad. Please do not send cash. 4. Deadline: One business day prior to publication by 11:30 a.m. IFor more information, call 764-05571 1 1 1 - 1 1 GOING PLACES SHARE DRIVING to southeast Florida. Male pref. Late model Cadillac. Leave be- tween 12-18 $ 12-20. Meals & lodgin paid. Reply PO Box 1405, Ann Arbor, 48106. SPRING BREAK! Feb. 21-28 Bahamas from $349, Alcapulco from $4Y9, Jamaica from $439. Regency Travel. 665-6122. SPRING BREAK DAYTONA BEACH Air/hotel $364-Coach/hotel $166. Texan Hotel, center strip w/parties, discount & more. Ray 663-9022. SP~RING BREAK! Feb. 2 1-28 Bahamas.. $259 air onlyEgood through Dec. 1. Com- plete Travel 761-6500. Ads Coupons Cartoons etc. MISCELLANEOUS 'I DAILY CROSSWORD PUZZLE Edited by Trude Michel Jaffe ACROSS 1 Ed.'s concern 4 Mail, in Britain 8 U.N. inits. 12 Play parts 14 - nous 16 Manche capital 17 Koran chapter 18 Courtyards, in Pompeii 19 Prominent times 20 Piece of cheese 21 Peregrinates 22 Jutland native 23 Modena money 25 Words of comprehension 27 - a boy! 28 Blowhard 31 Dawdle 33 Kind of can or tray 35 Turkish VIP 37 Anesthetic 40 Angora and Persian 42 Hold back 44 To be, in Paris 45 A Ford 47 Tangled 49 Cockeyed 50 Get well 52 Fast forward flow 54 Reporter's query 56 Expensive 58 Fluent 60 Splash of color 62 - High Dam 65 Mallorca, for one 67 Within: Comb. form DOWN 1 Large number 2 Racing boat 3 Honest hombre 4 Juicy fruit 5 Streetwise 6 Without deviation 7 Defeats 8 Worn 9 Saloon order 10 Mental outlook 11 Wars of the - 13 Native-born Israeli 15 Facilitated 24 Cleo's downfall 26 Before, to Shakespeare 29 Naughty 30 Afloat 32 Dined 33 Come within an - of 34 Lugubrious 36 Years on end 38 Wander off the mark 39 Madrid monarch 41 Visualize 43 Capek's play 46 Youngster 48 Haul 51 Less than less 53 More furtive 54 - havoc 55 Depend on 57 1922 Nobelist in chemistry 59 Run, as madras 61 Ripped 63 Scotto specialty 64 Narrow area, e.g. 66 Invites ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE: A N4N S GLOB TARAA COOL ROBED I G0R TRUE ORONO MELT SANDDUNE NEEDLE GONE COAL T RE ND HA R VE ST S E RE T E NOR E ST E S L APS R A N TS SO0N S S MOT E TE E TH N E T A S SE NTE D R I VE T A D 0S R E NO S A ILO0R BE A T ING S CO0V E SC R AM CO0A T SN ER 0R A TE E 01 E T E SS Y E AR S E NT 12/2/86 4 15 16 17 8a 19 10 11 i1 Sj RUN DATES AND COST ' 1 Lost & Found 10. Help Wanted START DATE: NUMBER OF INSERTIONS: I 2 For Sale 11. Business Services 3. Automotive 12. Going Places 4. For Rent 13. Miscellaneous DAYS 1 2 3 4 5 5 Dorm Doings 14. Musical 2 3.52 4.80 6.24 6.56 7.68 6. Greek Gab 15. Situations Wanted 3 528 70 9.6 .4 1.2 I 7. Personal 16. Tickets w 3 5.28 7.20 9.36 9.84 11.52 8 cupid's Helper 17. Roommates 4 7.4 9.60 12.48 13.12 15.36 ' 9 Student Services 18. Computer Mdse. 1.0 15.60 16.40 19.20 5 8.80 12.00 15.60 16.40 19.20 ; IAUVERTISEB... 1 I understand that this advertising request will be processed in accordance with The Michigan Daily's standard classified advertising policies I ' available on request ' NAME _ __ _- __ _ _ __ ___ I _ ADDRESS _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ CITY. STATE, ZIP _ S PHONE ' _-- * m PHON _______ im __u m m m ____ _________e e _______________________________________________um ulisu WANTED TO BUY - used scuba gear. Call': 995-1778 MUSICAL TAPE SALE: TDK SA90 $2.10/tape. Max ellXLII90 $2.20/tape. Call 668-7981. SITUATIONS WANTED HAVE FRAMING CREWS. Need work,,- Call 1-517-456-4812. Ask for Ray Trumbley.. TICKETS HELP!! UM B-Ball fan needs 2 season tick- ets in blue seats for home ames. Help an ad- dict. Call Jake at 971-6787 LA to Detroit: Jan. 2, one way, $150. Call 747-6348. WANTED- Rose Bowl & U of M Basketball. Tickets. 668-6282. ROOMMATES 4 I I 1 I ii FEMALE, CHRISTIAN roommate wanted to share spacious apartment starting in January. Own bedroom near campus. Call after 5 pm., 994-8436 or 996-2320. Three roomates looking for a fourth. bedrooms. Low rent. reat location. 663-5743, female preferred. Two. CaIP' i 31 35 37 1 42 4 44 -4 , BLOOM COUNTY by Berke Breathed W - i WELCOM OOK OA~'7 ~gII4 U OA'A /6 W Z' w '/r- 4 /T5t c! 77F6__ I If l~l.!. 11