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November 24, 1986 - Image 8

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The Michigan Daily, 1986-11-24

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Page 8 - The Michigan Daily - Monday, November 24, 1986




'Fantasticks'. Class act

By John Ganun
For a show that's been around
for 26 years, The Fantasticks is
alive and kicking, as proven by the
cast of this year's Soph show on
Thursday night's opening. Director
Ty Hreben's youthful cast of
underclasspeople showed they've
got what it takes to make the
world's -longest-running musical
not just another production of one
of the world's most produced
Though The Fantasticks has an
outwardly simple story, its under -
lying message of having to take the
bad in order to appreciate the good
runs deep throughout. With
virtually no "'fourth wall" to hide
behind, many of the lines are given
directly to the audience and are often
in rhymed form or accompanied by
piano underscoring. Most admirable
in this production was that none of
this was overdone. The actors
played their parts with an un -
derstanding of the roles and simply

did it: no schmaltzy love songs,
melodramatic monologues, or
overexaggerated glances to the and -
Right from the lighthearted
overture and introduction of the
characters, the show exuberated a
very youthful feeling (not young -
youthful ). This was most apparent
in the young romantic couple, Matt
and Luisa. Caren Saiet as Luisa was
believable as a fifteen year-old girl
in love. Her light, airy voice and
unabashed straight-forwardness were
consistent from her first song,
"Much More," to the sweet and
simple duet with her returned love,
"They Were You." Jamie Mistry as
Matt made a very nice complement
to Saiet, exemplifying all of the
characteristics that accompany
being young and in love; energetic,
romantic, and boastful. Mistry
possesses a full, rich voice which
he uses well both when singing and
speaking, most noticeably in the
enchanting "Soon It's Gonna Rain"
and in his urgent desire to see the
world in "I Can See It."
The young couple in love are
prodded, pushed, helped, and huit by
the surrounding characters to finally
arrive at a happy resolution after a
breakup and a few songs and dances.
Alex Irvine and Richard Freysinger
joined forces as the scheming
fathers, devising a plot to build a
wall between their two houses so
their two children would fall in
love. Together they perform "Never
Say No," a well staged vaudevillian

slap stick number, and later teamed
up with Steve Josselsson in the
crowd-pleasing "It Depends On
What You Pay," a rather unusual
song about the price of staging an
abduction. Josselsson handsomely
led the number, as he did
throughout the entire show, with
his strong,clear voice as the
Narrator El Gallo.
One of the hardest parts to play,
and one of the best performances,
was the Mute, played by Liz Haas.
Given no lines, but a myriad of
tasks (handing props, showing
seasonal changes, playing a mirror,
a bricklayer, and a symbolic wall),
she livened the stage with her
presence. Being onstage through
literally the entire show, her
graceful style and simple movement
added immeasurably to the mood
and feeling. Not to be forgotten are
Cindy Davis and Brian Felder, as
the duo who lightened up the show
with their hilarious portrayals of
aging actors who spend their time
paraphrasing Shakespeare and
staging elaborate death scenes.
Hreben and musical director
Elizabeth Schauer deserve much of
the credit for bringing' The
Fantasticks to life, leading the
actors through good staging and
music. Jeff Dines' miminalistic set
and Tim Snyder's everchanging
lighting contributed much to the
feel of the show, as were Tracy
Diestel's true-to-life costumes.
Though not without its flaws, The
Fantasticks was a success.





Daily Photo by JOHN MUNSON
They're the tops
The Four Tops (above) and The Temptations played two shows to a fully packed Michigan Theatre
Friday night. With a good share of their classic songs, as well as some new material by The Tem-
ptations, the two groups brought the crowds to their feet, wrapping up their final tour together.

Support the
March of Dimes


TTeCalen dar
of The University of Michigan

The calendar combines meeting, lecture work-
shop and conference announcements with
other events happening each week on campus.
It is based on The University Record calendar,
and is open to all University sponsored groups
and organizations recognized by the Michigan
Student Assembly. Items must be submitted in
writing by 5 p.m. the Tuesday before publi-
cation. Address all information to: Julie A.
Brown, publications assistant, University Rec-
ord, 412 Maynard St. Asterisk (*) denotes
events to which admission is charged.
November 24
A-Squares-Plus level sq dancing, 8:30-10 pm, Mich Un-
ion, 665-5794.
Career Ping & Plcmt-Lib tour, 4:10 pm, 3200 SAB.
Computer Vision Res Lab-Sem. C Lee, "Connectivity
Issues in 2D & 3D Images, "5 pm, 3427 EECS Bldg.
U-M-DBN/Women's Ctr-Support grp for separated/
divorced women, 11:30 am, 30 CAB. 593-5147. Concert,
N Mehta, violinist, 8 pm, Music Rm, Henry Ford Estate
-Fair Lane. 593-5087, 593-5183.
Guild House-Writers Ser, C Baxter & W Holinger, 8 pm,
802 Monroe St. 662-5189.
Women's Okinawan Karate & Self-Defense Club-Beg wel-
come, 7:15, IM Bldg, Martial Arts Rm. 763-3562.
Sch Music-Concert, Univ Phil Orch, 8 pm, Hill Aud.
Guest piano recital, F Weldy, 8 pm, Recital Hall.
Ne E & N Afr Stds-Brown bag lec, J Fine, "Islamiza-
tion of Bosnia, Yugoslavia, "noon, Lane Hall Commons
Stds in Religion-Lec, G Gutierrez, "Reflections on Liber-
ation Theology, "8-10 pm, MLB 3. 764-4475.
Germanic Lang & Lit-Lec, G van Well, "Germany & the
New East-West Dialog, " 4 pm, W Conf Rm, Rackham
Phys Ed Ad Lifestyle Prog-Fitness Over 50, 9 am, Briar-
wood Mall (enter main door between Sears & Hudson's).
Tae Kwon Do Club-Practice (beg welcome), 6:30-8:15
pm, Martial Arts Rm, CCRB. 665-7399.
Gay Liberation-Lesbian-Gay Male Religious Caucus
Open House, 8 pm, Canterbury House, 218 N Division,
665-0606, 763-4186.
Chemistry-Sem, S Lee, "Mott Transitions of Two Kinds:
The MPS3 Family, "4 pm, 1200 Chem Bldg.
Nat Resources-Disting Speakers Ser, L Quinn, "Con-
temporary Approaches to the Criminal Enforcement of
Michigan's Natural Resources Act." 3:30-5 pm, 1040
Dana Bldg. 763-6961.
Computing Ctr-Monday Lang Sem, 7-9 pm, 1013 NUBS.
Microcomputer Ed Ctr-Workshops: "Basic Concepts of
Microcomputer Word Processing," 3-5 pm & "Introduc-
tion to Microcomputers," 10:30 am-12:30 pm, 4003 Sch.
Ed Bldg. Workshops: "MS-DOS Basic Skills," 10-12:30
pm & "Microsoft Word on the Macintosh, Pt II," 1-5
pm, 3001 Sch Ed Bldg. 747-2424.
November 25
CRLT-Workshop, K Zinn, "The Use of Computer-
based Conferencing to Extend the Classroom, " 7-9 pm,
3001 Sch Ed Bldg. 764-0505.
Ecum Camp Ctr/IntI Ctr-Lec, "Opportunities for Work
Abroad," noon, 603 E Madison St. 662-5529.
*HRD-Sem, "Tax Reform: Rethinking Your Invest-
ment Strategy," 5-6:30 pm; "Stress Management for
Office Staff," 1-4:30 pm; "Influencing, Pt I," (Pt II:
Dec 2), 8:30 am-noon, 1111 Kipke Dr. Register: 764-
Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship-Mtg, 7 pm, Hender-
son Rm, Mich League. 668-6358.
Sch Music-Concert, U-M Symph Orch, 8 pm, Hill Aud.
764-0594. Voice recital, S Hucci, baritone, 8 pm, Re-

November 26
AIESEC/Inti Bus Club-Mtg, 7 pm, K1310 Kresge Bldg.
Disser Support Grp-Mtg, 8:30-10 am, 3100 Mich Union.
*HD-Prog, "Time Management for Office Staff," 8:30
am-noon; "Hands=On Word Processing," 8:30-11:30
am, 1111 Kipke Dr. Register: 764-7410.
Mich Gay Union-Soc/disc, 9 pm, Guild House, 802 Mon-
roe St. 763-4186.
Phys Ed Ad Lifestyle Prog-Fitness Over 50, 9 am, Briar-
wood Mall (enter main door between Sears & Hudson's).
Clin Psych-Lec, H Coppolillo, "Seeds of Suicide: A View
from the Analytic Child Therapy of a Three-Year-Old, "
2:40-4:30 pm, E Conf Rm, Rackham Bldg.
Sci Fic Club/Stilyagi Air Corps-Mtg, 8:30 pm, Mich
League Conf Rm. 994-8419.
Tae Kwon Do Club-Practice (beg welcome), 6:30-8:15
pm, Martial Arts Rm, CCRB. 665-7399.
Mich Gay Union-Soc/disc grp, 9 pm, Guild House, 802
Monroe St. 763-4186.
Chemistry-Sem, R Tembruell, "The Applicability of Res-
onant Two Photon Ionization and Pulsed Laser De-
sorption in Supersonic Beam Mass Spectrometry, " 1 pm,
1200 Chem Bldg. Sem, W Harter, "Synthesis and Reac-
tivity of Cyclopropenes and Cyclopropenones, " 4 pm,
1300 Chem Bldg.
Microcomputer Ed Ctr-Workshop, "Lotus 1-2-3, Pt II,"
1-5 pm, 3001 Sch Ed Bldg. 747-2424.
November 27
November 28
*Cinema Guild-Beauty & The Beast, 7 & 9 pm, MLB 3.
Korean Christian Fellowship-Bible study mtg, 9 pm,
Camp Chapel. 747-0120.
Phys Ed Ad Lifestyle Prog-Fitness Over 50, 9 am, Briar-
wood Mall (enter main door between Sears & Hudson's).
Tae Kwon Do Club-Practice (beg welcome), 5-7 pm, Sm
gym, CCRB. 665-7399.
Women's Crisis Ctr/Lesbian Network-Women's Tea,
5:30-7 pm, 306 N Division St. 761-9475, 994-9100.
November 29
*Cinema Guild-Roxie Hart, 7 pm & Here Comes Mr
Jordon, 9 pm, MLB 4.
*Mich Guild-Christmas Art Festival, 10 am-6 pm, Coli-
seum, 5th Ave & Hill St. 662-3382.
*Exhibit Mus-Astron slide pres, "The Universe of Dr.
Einstein," 11:30 am, 2 & 3 pm, TAM Rm. 764-0478.
November 30
Mus Art-Docent tour, "Latent Images Photography,"
2 pm.
His House Christian Fellowship-Fellowship & Bible
study, 6-8 pm, 925 E Ann St. 665-0775, 663-0483.
*Mich Guild-Christmas Art Festival, 10 am-5 pm, Coli-
seum, 5th Ave & Hill St. 662-3382.
Sch Music-Stu recital, E Lewis, viola, 6 pm, Recital
*Exhibit Mus-Astron slide pres, "The Universe of Dr.
Einstein," 2 & 3 pm, TAM Rm. 764-0478.
WELS Lutheran Camp Ministry-Worship, 10 am, 1360
Pauline Blvd.
Univ Lutheran Chapel-Worship, 10:30 am, 1511 Wash-
tenaw Ave.
Lord of Light Lutheran Church-Worship, 10 am, 801 S
Forest St.

Phys Ed Ad Lifestyle Prog-Fitness Over 50, 9 am, Briar-
wood Mall (enter main door between Sears & Hudson's).
Stds in Religion-Lec, G Gutierrez, "Reflections on Liber-
ation Theology, "8-10 pm, MLB 3. 764-4475.
Tae Kwon Do Club-Practice (beg welcome), 6:30-8:15
pm, Martial Arts Rm, CCRB. 665-7399.
Women's Res Club-Lec, M Zolan, "Molecular Genetics
of Meiosis," 7:45 pm, W Conf Rm, Rackham Bldg.
Linguistics-Visiting Lec Ser, J Haiman, "Origin of
Medial Verbs, "I11 am, 3050 Frieze Bldg. 764-0353.
Gay Liberation-Lesbian Gay Male Religious Caucus Open
House, 8 pm, Canterbury House, 218 N Division. 665-
0606, 763-4186.
*A2MISTAD Construction Brigade/Amnesty Intl-Bene-
fit concert, B Bragg, 10 pm, Nectarine Ballroom, 516 E
Liberty St. Tickets: 662-0851.
December 2
Mus Art-Art Breaks, "Indian Art," 12:10 pm.
U-M-DBN-Perf, University Choir, 8 pm, Music Rm,
Henry Ford Estate-Fair Lane. 593-5087, 593-5183.
Hopwood Rm-Fic reading, R Brown, 4 pm, W Conf Rm,
Rackham Bldg.
*HRD-Prog, "Influencing, Pt II" 8:30 am-noon; "Man-
aging Your Office Records," 1-4:30 pm, 1111 Kipke Dr.
Register: 764-7410.
Sci Res Club-Lees, M Wynne, "In Search of Red Al-
gae in the World's Oceans" & S Bement, "Toward
Microelectronic Brain Probes, " 7:30 pm, Chrysler Ctr
Aud, 2121 Bonisteel Blvd. 761-4320, 763-7060.
Career Ping & Plcmt-Lec, "Resumes for the Interna-
tional Student," 4:10-5:30 pm, Intl Ctr, 603 E Madison
St. 764-7460.
Sch Music-Recital, T Lettvin, piano, 8 pm, Recital Hall.
December 3
Sch Art-Demo, VAX GPX Advanced Workstation Sys-
tems, 1045 Art & Architec. 764-0397. .
AIESEC/Intl Bus Club-Mtg, 7 pm, K1310 Kresge Bldg.
Bioengr-Sem, C Owings, "Human Lightning Strikes,"
4 pm (coffee: 3:30 pm), 1017 Dow Bldg.
Women in Sci Prog-Lec, "Getting Lab Jobs," noon
(*lunch avail), Rm 4, Mich League. 763-7225.
*HRD-Prog, "Communication Skills-New Supervisor,"
8:30 am-noon, 1111 Kipke Dr. Register: 764-7410.
*Cont Legal Educ-Course, "Estate Planning for Famil-
ies of the Developmentally Disabled," 1-5 pm, Ann Ar-
bor Hilton, 610 Hilton Blvd. 761-7800.
Phys Ed Ad Lifestyle Prog-Fitness Over 50, 9 am, Briar-
wood Mall (enter main door between Sears & Hudson's).
Physiol-Sem, J Johnson, "Ca+ + Binding Proteins &
Muscle Contraction, "4 pm, 7745 Conf Rm, Med Sci II.
Students of Objectivism-Mtg/video, L Peikoff, "Medi-
cine, the Death of a Profession, " 8 pm, Rm D, Mich
League. 663-5589.
Sci Fic Club/Stilyagi Air Corps-Mtg, 8:30 pm, Mich
League Conf Rm. 994-8419.
Tae Kwon Do Club-Practice (beg welcome), 6:30-8:15
pm, Martial Arts Rm, CCRB. 665-7399.
*Women's Crisis Ctr-Workshop, Self Defense, 7:30-9:30
pm, Mich Union. Register: 761-9475, 994-9100.
Linguistics-Visiting Lee Ser, J Haiman, "Word Order
and the Pro-Drop Parameter: Evidence from Rhaeto-
Romance,"I11 am, 3050 Frieze Bldg. 764-0353.
*Hillel-Film, Sound of Music, 7 pm, 1429 Hill St. 663-
Mich Gay Union-Soc/disc grp, 9 pm, Guild House, 802
Monroe St, 763-4186.
Women's Stds-Open house/lec, R Dorrestein, "Gender
and Self-Expression, " 4-6 pm, 236 W Engr Bldg. 763-
Sch Music-Stu recital, P Baughman, trumpet, 8 pm,
Recital Hall.
December 4
Mus Art-Art Breaks, "Indian Art," 12:10 pm.
Atmosph/Oceanic Sci-Acid Rain Sem Ser, W Stockwell,
"Development of Chemical Mechanisms for the Model-
ing of Acid Deposition, " 4 pm, 2231 Space Res Bldg,
2455 Hayward St. 936-0448.
Engl Lang & Lit-Colloq, M Awkward, "On American
Black Women Writers, " 8 pm, W Conf Rm, Rackham
Ext Svc-Income Tax Institute, 7:30 am, Holiday Inn-
West. Register: 764-5304.
Grad Christian Fellowship-Mtg, 7 pm, Rm D, Mich
*HRD-Prog, "Talking to Your Employees," 8:30 am-
noon, 1111 Kipke Dr. Register: 764-7410.
His House Christian Fellowship-Fellowship & Bible
study, 7:30-9 pm, 925 Ann St. 665-0775, 663-0483.

Res Econ Devp-Disser, J O'Reilly, 12:30-2 pm, CRED
Conf Rm, 361 Lorch Hall.
*Rec Sports-Ski waxing clin, 7-9 pm, 2230 CCRB. 764-
Soc Work-Social Work Day (for undergrad students),
6-9 pm, Assembly Hall, Rackham Bldg.
Stu Intl Meditation Soc-Intro lec, 8 pm, 528 W Liberty
St. 996-TMTM.
Scottish Country Dancers-7 pm, beg; 8 pm, intermed &
advanced; 9 pm, soc, Forest Hills Comm Ctr, 2351
Shadowood. 996-0,129.
Univ AA-Mtg, noon, 3200 Mich Union..764-8312.
UAC/Impact Jazz-Free dance workshops, 7-8:30 pm,
Pendleton Rm, Mich Union. 763-1107.
Union Arts & Progs-Arts at Mid-day Ser, M Ajimi,
demo of Japanese instruments, 12:15 pm, Pendelton Rm,
Mich Union. 764-6498.
Linguistics-Visiting Lec Ser, J Haiman, "Iconicity as a
Linguistic Universal, " 4 pm, E Conf Rm, Rackham
Bldg. 764-0353.
Sch Music-Concert, Univ Jazz Band, 8 pm, Rackham
Aud. Stu recital, S Matsumoto, piano, 8 pm, Recital
December 5
Cont Med Educ-Course, "Basic Cardiac Life Support,"
3:40-9 pm, Towsley Ctr. 763-1400.
Ext Svc-Income Tax Institute, 7:30 am, Holiday Inn-
West. Register: 764-5304.
*Folk Dance Club-8-11 pm, Anderson Rm, Mich Union.
665-0219 (eves).
Guild House-Lec, K Yih, "Ethnicity and Autonomy on
the Atlantic Coast of Nicaragua," noon (*lunch avail).
Mus Art-Reading, B Hornback, "Christmas Carol, " 8
pm (come early to carol with Glee Clubs), admis: free
ticket only, see News Brief.
*Mus Soc-Concert, Handel's "Messiah, "8 pm, Hill Aud.
*Univ Prod-Power Ser, "The Taming of the Shrew, " 8
pm, Power Ctr. 764-0450.
Phys Ed Ad Lifestyle Prog-Fitness Over 50, 9 am, Briar-
wood Mall (enter main door between Sears & Hudson's).
S & SE Asian Stds-Brown bag lec, K Hutterer, "Punan
Hunters: A Tourist Visits Borneo, " noon, Lane Hall
Commons Rm.
Tae Kwon Do Club-Practice (beg welcome), 5-7 pm, Sm
Gym, CCRB. 665-7399.
Wang Users Grp-Mtg, 11 am, Regents Conf Rm, Flem-
ming Ad Bldg. 764-2131.
Women's Crisis Ctr/Lesbian Network-Women's Tea,
5:30-7 pm, 306 N Division St. 761-9475, 994-9100.
Linguistics-Visiting Lec Ser, J Haiman, "Stereotypes in
Advertising, "11 am, 2050 Frieze Bldg. 764-0353.
Sch Music-Concert, Wind Ensemble, 8 pi, Rackham
December 6
*AAFC-Invasion of the Bee Girls, 7 pm, & The Fly, 9:05
pm, MLB 3.
Cont Med Educ-Course, "Advanced Cardiac Life Sup-
port Recertification," 7:40 am-5 pm, Toswley Ctr. 763-
*HRD-Workshop, "Effective Oral Presentations," 8:30
am-4:30 pm, 111 Kipke Dr. Register: 764-7410.
*Mus Soc-Concert, Handel's "Messiah," 8 pm, Hill
Aud. 764-2538.
*Exhibit Mus-Astron slide pres, "The Universe of Dr.
Einstein," 11:30 am, 2 & 3 pm, TAM Rm. 764-
*Univ Prod-Power Ser, "The Taming of the Shrew," 8
pm, Power Ctr. 764-0450.
*Hillel-Film, Red River, 7 & 9:30 pm, 1429 Hill St. 663-
Sch Music-Concert, Contemporary Directions Ensemble,
8 pm, Rackham Aud. Opera workshop, J Lesenger, 8
pm, McIntosh Theater. Stu recitals, E Washington,
horn, 2 pm; Mu Phi Epsilon recital, 4 pm; voice/Ac-
companying recital, G Watson, soprano, & T Plam-
beck, piano, 6 pm; Recital Hall.
December 7
Mus Art-Docent tour, "Latent Images Photography,"
U-M-DBN-Commencement, 2:30 pm, Fieldhouse.
Ethics & Religion-Alternative Holiday Fair, 4-7:30 pm,
First Baptish Church, 512 E Huron. 764-3482.
His House Christian Fellowship-Fellowship & Bible
study, 6-8 pm, 925 Ann St. 665-0775, 663-0483.
*Mus Soc-Concert, Handel's "Messiah," 2 pm, Hill
Aud. 764-2538.
*Exhibit Mus-Astron slide pres, "The Universe of Dr.
Einstein," 2 & 3 pm, TAMRm._764-0478.








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