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November 20, 1986 - Image 10

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The Michigan Daily, 1986-11-20

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Page 10 -The Michigan Daily -Thursday, November 20, 1986



Ohio State's tailback Workman
recovers from early fumble-itis



The Ohio State Lantern
Special to the Daily
COLUMBUS - Just as the
Ohio Buckeyes have rebounded
from a slow start, so has tailback
Vince Workman.
Coach Earle Bruce pulled
Workman out of the starting lineup
for the Utah game and replaced him
with freshman Jim Bryant. The
reason for the change was
Workman's fumble-itis.

Since then Workman has com -
piled some impressive numbers. He
has regained his starting job and
leads the Buckeyes in rushing with
859 yards including a career high
172 yards against Wisconsin last
Saturday. He has also scored four
of his six rushing touchdowns in
the last two games.
impressive statistic, however, is
that he has not lost a fumble since
the first quarter of the Indiana game
six weeks ago. Bruce is pleased

with the comeback of the 5-11,
187-pound sophomore from
Dublin, Oh.
"Vince has done'a great job of
running the football, especially
hanging on to the football," Bruce
said. "He has worked extremely
hard in practice and there is little
doubt that the competition
between he and Bryant has made
him a better player."
Workman did not let his new
backup role get the best of him for
even one game. But he does not

deny that he was feeling down
about not starting.
"I was pretty depressed with the
way I had played," Workman said.
"It's not that I lost confidence in
myself. I just couldn't figure out
why I was fumbling so much. It
seemed like the more I concentrated
on not fumbling the more I did."
THE DEMOTION to backup
tailback was incentive enough to
make Workman work harder.
"I decided to get my act together
and get going," he said. "Coach

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Bruce kept faith in me and now I
feel like I've got it going again. I
don't even worry about fumbling
Workman agreed with Bruce that
the competition with Bryant has
benefitted both tailbacks.
"I'm happy for Jim that he has
done so well," he said. "We're good
friends and we cheer for each other
when the other is in there but we
both want to be starting. The
competition makes us work harder,
but we're both only concerned
about one thing, the team
WORKMAN said Ohio State's
comeback was simply a matter of
following the team philosophy of
taking it one game at a time, but
admitted that sometimes it was not
easy to do.
"Sure it's a little hard to get up
for Northwestern but if you don't,
you can get knocked off," said
Workman. "You can't beat
Northwestern, 70-0, anymore. All
the teams in the Big Ten have
gotten better. If we had started
looking ahead we might not have
been in the position to win the Big
Workman will be starting again
this week against Michigan. He
said it is hard to describe the feeling
of running out the locker room into
Ohio Stadium.
"It's incredible," Workman said.
"The crowd is so loud that you can
feel the stadium shake. It really


... bucked early problems





pumps you up. There's really -no
feeling like it."
Workman believes the crowd
will have an effect on Saturday's
game. "We know they will be
behind us 100 percent," he said.
Workman said his second
Michigan game has more meaning
because "last year the game wasn't
for the roses," he said. "Iowa had
the Big Ten already wrapped up, but
this one's for the Roses, and that's
what Ohio State-Michigan games
should be all about."
Thoughts of New Year's Day in
Pasadena have crossed Workman's
mind before. "I dreamed about
playing in the Rose Bowl when I
was a kid and now we're only one
step away."



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IM football finals start this
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prestige, but for the highly-sought
IM brownie points - 150 go to

Green. "I feel like Jimmy
Harbaugh, but I've seen (SDT) play
and we've got a lot of bigger

Kelsey - vs.


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the football champion.
Sigma Alpha Mu
vs. Phi Delta Theta
The Sammies downed AD Phi,
16-8, to make their reservation in
Schembechler's Shed for Sunday
afternoon. AD Phi took an early
lead, but just couldn't hold it as
Sammies' Hampton Dellinger
broke through AD Phi's defense to
score a touchdown. "We always
make the key plays in the moment
of need," said coach Andy Snyder.
Playing at full force with no
injuries, the Sammies expect a
tough game against the Phi Delts.
"They're a really good team," said
Snyder. "It's a good matchup. The
outcome should be interesting."
Rivalry is a big game factor for
the Phi Delts. "They'd love to beat
us, and we'd hate to lose to them,"
said team captain Pete Tarpey.
T H E Phi Delts are out to
redeem themselves since they lost
to the Sammies in the playoffs last
"We'll beat them easily this
year," quipped Phi Delt QB Tommy
Boylen. The Phi Delts' secret
weapon is their dynamic duo:
Ross Hoefler, wide receiver, and
quarterback Boylen. In their recent
game against Chi Phi, Boylen
hurled a 50-yard bomb to Hoefler
for a touchdown.
"The (Phi Delts) will win, no
doubt about it," states Chi Phi's
Mitch Pattullo. "Their quarterback
was the difference. He has incredible
mobility and an incredibly strong
arm. Our rush couldn't get to him."
Sigma Delta Tau vs.
Bo's Building will see plenty of
women when Sigma Delta Tau and
POFD II seek to work out their
aggressions on the artificial turf.
SDT advanced to the finals after
scratching out the Zetas, 20-0. SDT
expressed shear ectasy when Cindy

Sunday's residence hall battle is
between the Quads: South Quad's
Kelsey and West Quad's Adam
The Ants come out armed with
confidence and experience. "We're
pretty sure we'll win, especially
after the Bush (House) blowout, 38-
14," boasts team captain and
Adam's House RA Bruce Young.
Brian Burnstein threw six
touchdown passes in the Bush
slaughter, and four were caught by
Adam's number one receiver,
Larry Wagner.
Young adds, "Kelsey is
supposedly number one in the
overall (IM) standings, but we saw
the end of their last game and they
don't look like anything special to
Is Kelsey antsy? "Well, we're
definitely the underdog," said team
member Jahad Antakli. "(The Ants)
think they've already won the
game. They're very confident."
North Korean president Kim I1
Sung apparently rose from the dead
yesterday, declaring that he must
play Griddes once again before
going to the great communist cloud
in the sky.
Sung walked in to the shock of
one Daily sports editor.
"It was Sung," stammered one
sports editor to the other.
"That's funny," said the other.
"Most people put their picks on
Turn in your picks in any
fashion to 420 Maynard before
midnight Friday to win a free pizza
from Pizza Bob's.
1. MICHIGAN at Ohio State
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4. Indiana at Purdue
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6. Washington at
Washington State
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8. Syracuse at W. Virginia
9. Yale at Harvard
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