4 OPINION Page 4 Thursday, November 20, 1986 The Michigan Daily 4 Educate U.S. public on hunger By Jonathan Hirschmann How is it possible that 20,000,000 Americans are hungry at least some time during each month, when "the U.S. government stores enough surplus cheese, milk, and butter to provide every American with almost 50 pounds and enough surplus wheat to bake nearly seven loaves of bread for every human being on earth?" (Physician Task Force, 1985), (Frances Moore Lappe & Joseph Collins, 1986) Hunger is perhaps the largest crisis that America faces. In order to alleviate this national tragedy, people must be educated about the characteristics of our nation's hungry as well as our political and economic system which is supposed to handle this crisis. Most American voters, including myself, are better off economically than Hirschmann is an LSA sophomore. our nation's hungry, who traditionally have lower voter turn-outs during elections. Most voters are isolated from those Americans who are not able to provide enough food for themselves. Since most of our citizens never see or hear about hunger in their day to day lives, they vote to maintain the status quo simply out of ignorance. Thus, I conclude that people must be educated about this hidden and unpublicized part of society so that the government responds towards its needs in order that the nation's hungry will receive better living conditions. If citizens were educated about the people who frequent soup kitchens they would question why President Reagan has stricken one million people from receiving food stamps and reduced the benefits for an additional twenty million people.(Food First, 1983) The people affected by these cutbacks are mostly hard-working citizens who have recently lost jobs in industries such as steel, that are being phased out of our economy, rather than these people being bums who are simply too lazy to get a job, as our government would have us believe. If citizens were better educated, more people would be aware that twenty percent of all the food produced in the United States each year is wasted, (PIRGIM, 1986) and would demand that their government take some action. Imagine corn in such an abundance in Iowa that thousands of acres are never even picked because it is feared that prices would fall too low. What would most citizens do if they knew that their government watched this happen without even once considering to transfer this "surplus" to the hands of our nation's hungry. It is ironic and sad that such a word as "surplus" can be used when twenty million Americans go hungry sometime during each month. If people were made more aware of the reality of hunger in America, change would be demanded. Did you know that over two million full-time American workers fall below the official poverty line? (PIRGIM, 1986) Furthermore, many Americans with incomes above the poverty line cannot even feed themselves properly. Once I became aware of this condition it changed my whole way of thinking about the world hunger crisis. Others must also be educated if we ever hope to feed all of our citizens. It would seem as though this condition, which involves so many of our citizens, would be known throughout society. Most people, however, remain ignorant. Why is this so? A very simple answer exists. Our government and big- business keep our citizens uninformed, so that we don't threaten the status quo which they so much enjoy. Education would lead people to question the very political and economic systems which enable such an injustice as hunger to exist. In conclusion, hunger affects a significant number of people in America. As long as there is one person who goes to bed hungry at night, our citizens have failed to protect our inalienable rights as elaborated in our constitution. Hunger affects all sectors of America even though most of us rarely see people starving in the streets of our sheltered neighborhoods. There are many ways to help solve hunger, but we must put all of our energy into educating our fellow citizens, because most of them don't even know what is going on in their own country-- namely people starving, or how their government simply neglects many of the responsibilities which we assume it is fulfilling. Only through education, can the myths about the poor and the government be broken. We cannot expect help from big business or government, because they would tell us such things as "there's simply not enough food," "nature's to blame," "there are too many mouths to feed," and "the free market can end hunger." (Frances Moore Lappe & Joseph Collins, 1986) All of these are myths and not fundamental issues of the cause of hunger,which cannot be resolved. Let's stop believing that nature is to blame and realize, that in reality there is a distribution problem. People must work together in educating their communities by starting at a grass-roots level. It won't be an easy task, but we must try .to educate each other about the society ,in which we live in, as well as thinking of ways to change our economic and social systems which too many of us accept as being the best possible for our whole society. Although most of the students at Michigan benefit from our political and economic system, we must not forget about those that are victimized by these same policies. Director of Oxfam John Hammock will speak tonight on "Hunger, Technology and Change" at 8p.m. in the Pond Room of the Union. Edited. and managed'by students at The University of Michigan Confront the Vol. XCVII, No.56' 420 Maynard St. Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Unsigned editorials represent a majority of the Daily's Editorial Board All other cartoons, signed articles, and letters do not necessarily represent the opinion of the Daily. Resigned to a c t THAT THE FOUR STUDENT members on the Research Policies Committee have resigned is a major, statement about the failure of the University to discuss weapons research and to recognize student concerns. Through resigning, the students have brought attention to the unacceptable position of the committee on which they serve. The Research Policies Committee has endorsed the majority report of the Ad-Hoc Committee on Classified Research which was appointed by President Harold Shapiro to contend with the 1985 University Board of Regents' request to review the research policies adopted by the University in1972. Specifically, the committee was to consider the position of the University on classified research, and the end-use clause, which prohibits research with the intent to kill or maim human beings. Indeed, prior to the current guidelines which the regents instilled in 1972, the University had the reputation of being the "Eyes of the Army" because of the research conducted in the then University affiliated Willow Run Laboratories. By prohibiting restrictions on publication beyond one year of the end of a project's funding period, the spirit of the majority report implies that weapons research will not be conducted at the University. Since such projects are generally classified for more than one year, getting clearance beyond that time period is virtually impossible. The majority position on openness is admirable, but ironic, in light of deliberate lack of attention to weapons research in the report. That the discussion .of weapons research, and specifically, the intent of such research to maim or kill human beings has been suppressed, is contrary to the encouragement of onenness in the can fund it. While it is important to respect the integrity of University researchers, it. is also important to protect University autonomy from the government by recognizing that it has a huge amount of resources to fund University projects. Since 1967, when the University was conducting extensive research for the Vietnam War, classified research has decreased from $10,354,239 to $351,732 in 1985. The claim of the report that University policy should not be affected by the politics of the time may have some validity, but even so, the University should always be in favor of human life, in war or peace. Research content, in any case, is directly affected by the politics of the time; the fact that both the minority and majority report reject this argument by ignoring it, is one of the primary reasons the four students became frustrated on their committee. If the primary concern of all involved is truly open discussion and academic integrity, then this is not coming through in any formulated policy. Open discussion is not taking place in these committees and consequently, is not included in the report. That the University would remove the supposed bureaucratic process of research review completely opposes ideals of openness and discussion. It also removes students even further from the decision making process, since public inspection of research projects would occur only after the projects had already been accepted. The students' resignation is a signal to students that working with the University on committees may be counterproductive. Clearly, while the administration claims to care that students participate in discussion, students have no authority, nor are they By Brett Stockdill Students and other members of the University community wishing to express support for the anti-apartheid movement and anti-racist efforts on campus will have an opportunity this Thursday, November 20, when the University regents hold their public comments section. This meeting will be integral in determining further action against racism by the regents and other groups such as the Free South Africa Coordinating Committee. (FSACC). FSACC will confront the regents' refusal to honor Nelson Mandela, their continued investment in South Africa, and their failure to combat racism here. University students, faculty, staff and any other concerned parties are urged to attend the meeting, to be held at 4 p.m. in the Fleming Administration Building (near the cube). The regents' support for apartheid in South Africa is a reflection of the blatant racism which pervades our university. Racist, anti-semitic, sexist, and homophobic graffiti pollutes bathroom stalls, desks, tables, and buildings throughout campus. The administration chooses to 1^a- up such statements as, "Burn the n ger shack!" What is more Stockdill is a member of FSACC. disturbing is the fact that such graffiti is fostered by the hateful prejudices which smother the University. Slightly more subtle are the virious forms of institutional racism which are evidenced at the University. Despite recent claims that great strides have been made in increasing minority enrollment, little progress has been made toward meeting long promised goals, e.g. the Black Action Movement goal of 10 percent black enrollment. The University places little emphasis on minority retention and graduation rates, which are drastically lower than initial enrollment rates. University employment practices are racist. Minority and women workers experience poor working conditions, restriction to lower paying and less rewarding jobs, and discrimination in actions affecting those postions. Tenure review procedures act to prevent the promotion of ethnic faculty, a key to providing a proper educational environment for all. The University has made no effort to explore its systematic, institutional racist policies, and thus, no attempt to implement specific programs to. reverse them and fulfill its responsibilities to ethnic and racial minorities. Administration and regental procedures to implement change are designed to circumvent input from students, faculty, 'egents and staff. This is seen in the history of the Mandela degree. Subsequent to Mandela's nomination, the regents knew of a by-law prohibiting conferring of honorary degrees in absentia (obviously applicable to Mandela), but waited four months before informing FSACC. The regents also failed to acknowledge the fac that four exceptions had been made to the by-law within the past 25 years. The regents continue to behave in a racist undemocratic manner. Their decision to form a committee to determine the very validity of honorary degrees only after Mandela's nomination is fundamentally racist. Despite the fact that FSACC's demand for the Mandela degree led to the committee's formation, no FSACC members are on the committee. The free exchange of ideas between the committee and other individuals or groups is precluded by the secrecy oath each committee member is forced to take. The regents set aside one hour per month to listen (without open dialogue) to those they supposedly represent. It is critical that we. use this hour. FSACC will address several issues of racism mentioned above. In turn thd regents have the power to become a positive force in attacking racism rather than buttressing it. It is important that all concerned individuals attend this meeting to pressure the regents to share in community efforts to destroy racism. LETTERS: 4 198 .The Year of Palestine To the Daily: 1987: The Year of Palestine. In 1977 the United Nations declared November 29th the international day of solidarity with the Palestinian people. It is a day celebrated by Palestinians and their friends as they reflect upon accomplishments gained in the face of formidable obstacles. During the last forty years the Palestinians have developed an independent expression of their national identity, which is embodied in the Palestinian Liberation Organization. The PLO is a legitimate government in exile. It rebuilt the social fabric of the Palestinian people and created national institutions such as schools, social programs, clinics, trade unions, professional unions, and a military for its people's reached, it must include the PLO--which over 90% of the West Bank and Gaza Palestinians declare to be their sole legitimate representative. November 29th, 1986 has great significance because it marks the start of The Year of Palestine, so designated by the nongovernmental organiza - tions of the United Nations Committee on the Question of Palestine. This year will focus more attention on the Palestinian people, their aspirations for self- determination, and their hopes for peace in the Middle East, than ever before. 1987 is an important year because it marks several significant anniversaries that underscore the aggressions committed against the Palestinian and other peoples of the Middle East by an expansionist Israel: June 6 marks the occupation. June 5 marks the fifth anniversary of the Israeli invasion of Lebanon. Thousands of Lebanese and Palestinians were killed, maimed, and made homeless by Israel's infamous "Peace for ° the Galilee" campaign. On the fifth anniversary of the occupation, Israel continues of occupy Lebanese, soil, bomb refugee camps and cities in Lebanon, and interfere in Lebanese affairs. November 29, 1987 marks the fortieth anniversary of the U.N. vote to partition Pale - stine into two states. Yet after forty years, the Palestinians still lack the fulfillment of even a portion of their national rights. To acknowledge this denial and to launch a process to reverse it, the U.N. in 1977 declared this America's role in the continuation of the injustice: our tax money bolsters the Israeli government (with approximately 5 billion dollars per year). It is time America joined the internationa4 consensus for peace wi:th justice in the Middle East. We also want to alert the American people to the danger of our government's hypocritical policies. President Reagan would rather pursue tactics of aggression and lies (more politely termed "disinformation") than seek justice and real peace The Palestinians are like anyone else: they fight oppression and seek fundamental rights claimed hy any other people in the word today. Show your solidarity with the Palestinian people during the year of Palestine. Write to your elected representatives and demand the4