Ninety-seven years of editorial freedom
Wol. XCVII - No. 56
Copyright 1986, The Michigan Daily
Ann Arbor, Michigan - Thursday, November 20, 1986
Ten Pages
Reagan defend
Iran arms deal
ident Reagan said yesterday night Lincoln as saying that if an action
the controversial decision to sell proved correct, all the criticism
arms to Iran was "mine and mine didn't matter. If it were wrong, "10
alone," and said two other American angles swearing I was right won't
hostages in Lebanon would have make it right."
been freed "if there had not been so
much publicity" about the Defending his arms deal, Reagan
shipment. said, "I was not breaking any law"
At his first news conference in in authorizing the arms sale or
nearly three months, Reagan said prohibiting top aides to provide
that despite reported opposition to Congress with immediate
the arms sale, Secretary of State information.
George Shultz would remain in his
Cabinet post. Three American hostages were
"He has made it plain he would released in Beirut at times that
stay as long as I want him, and I coincided with the arms shipments,
want him," the president said. but Reagan as he did in a televised
speech last week, denied that he was
REAGAN promised to provide trading arms for hostages.
key members of Congress with all
information about the past arms "I DON'T see where the ... holds
shipments. But he said there may kidnappers or hostage holders public.
continue to be information he gained anything. They let the IT WAS n
cannot divulge in public, and hostages go . . . As a matter of into the sessio
declined to answer a question about fact, if there had not been so much was asked a q
reported Israeli participation in arms publicity, we would have had two subject-in
shipments. more that we were expecting." negotiations m
."I continu
Reagan opened the nationally Six Americans are being held in about the p
televised meeting with reporters Lebanon by groups sympathetic to another summ
e==nothe=r m
with an initial statement that the Iranian government, and Reagan Mikhail GorN~
confronted the Iranian arms issue did not identify the two hostages he The mili
head-on. said would have been freed. Strategic D
He conceded that the shipment The 30 minute news conference military aid t
amounted to a waiver of his policy was thoroughly dominated by the and a propos
of retaining an arms embargo Iranian arms shipments, an issue programs are
against Iran, but said the exception that some of Reagan's closest aides pet projects t
was justified by the potential conceded in advance threaten the future with his
rewards. nresident's credihility with the on Capitol Hi
Daily Photo by JOHN MUNSON
Ann Arbor residents Chris Shaver, left, and Ted Badgerow prepare to sample their work. The two own Fer-
mentations, a store on E. Ann St. which sells beer-brewing equipment. Shaver displays English Strong Ale and
Badgerow holds English Pale Ale, both of which were brewed by equipment sold at Fermentations.
A2 brewmaters
for hopn busines
press conference
more than 15 minutes
on when the president
uestion about another
this case arms
with Soviet Union.
ie to be optimistic"
ossiblity of having
it with Soviet Leader
ichev, he said.
itary buildup, his
Defense Initiative,
to Nicaraguan rebels
sal to trim domestic
among the president's
hat face an uncertain
s diminished influence
Ted Badgerow first brewed a big batch of beer in an
old milk vat from a dairy farm that was going out of
business. Using a friend's recipe, Badgerow's created a
eer he "thought was Heineken dark."
About ten years later, Badgerow and partner Chris
Shaver own and operate Ann Arbor's only beer-making
store, and have big plans for the future. Imagine this
- "Rick's American Cafe Riverwater" - or any
custom-brewed beer for local bars.
THE PARTNERS hold free workshops on the
history and techniques of beer making in their store
Fermentations, at 117 East Ann. The shop sells
equipment and ingredients for making a variety of beer
Jand wine, including Irish lager and banana or elderberry
Badgerow and Shaver opened the shop in October
hoping to educate people about the various types and
qualities of home brewed beers. They also hope to pave
the way for Ann Arbor's first "brew-pub," where they
would brew draft beers upon the request of local
establishments and serve their own beer at the brew-
A few obstacles, however, stand in the partners way.
First they need a license to sell imported beer in their
store. Even if they get this permit, they cannot sell
their homemade beer because it is prohibited in the
state of Michigan. Homebrewing beer was illegal
before 1979.
FERMENTATIONS are in the process of
applying for a Specially Designated Merchant license
to allow the sale of bottled beer and winefrom private
distributors. Badgerow said that they would sell mostly
imported beers but may also sell some wines made in
See BREWERS, Page 5
11vJlllV111, J V141i11l111L "Y 1{.l& l.a1V
' may request 11%
General Fund hike
Student and community
members of the Puerto Rican
\ssociation will celebrate the
fourth annual Michigan Puerto
Rican Week, beginning tonight and
continuing through Saturday with
presentations, discussions, and,
performances which will look at the
varied aspects of the Puerto Rican
"Puerto Rico is a very multi-
racial community," said Carmena
6 anchez, president of the Puerto
ican Association(PRA). "Whe:i
you come to the United States
mainland, you will find differences
between the ones brought up in
Puerto Rico who are mostly
Spanish-speaking, and those
brought up in the States who
mostly speak English.
"BUT WE do find common
points, we have the same stories,
See STUDENTS, Page 3
University officials will ask the
Board of Regents today to approve a
budget for fiscal year 1987-88 that
calls for an 11 percent increase in
the University's General Fund.
The General Fund is comprised
of money the University receives
from tuition, fees, and state
appropriated funds. The University
is requesting $45 million more
from the state than it received last
UNIVERSITY Vice President
for Government Relations Richard
Kennedy, said the $45 million
figure is the "optimum level of
appropriation we'd like to see" as a
way to solve problems caused by
past underfunding. Without the full
increase, Kennedy said the
University will reallocate internal
funds in an attempt to compensate,
but this may have "implications on
Lynn Schaefer, assistant to the
director of the Michigan
Department of Management of the
Budget, said the state is "looking at
a pretty constrained budget for next
year." She cited -a national
slowdown in economic growth as
one of the causes and predicted that
the University may not get all it
asks for. She added that the state
has other pressing needs to consider
as well.
See 'U', Page 5
Oxfam holds fast for hunger
One million Americans are expected to fast today, as
a part of Oxfam America's 13th annual "Fast for a
World Harvest." Oxfam's University liaison organized
a campus-wide effort to raise money for Oxfam.
World Hunger Education Action Committee
(WHEAC), the campus Oxfam representative, cannot
say how many students will be participating in the
fast. Group co-coordinator Jean Cilik said every
residence hall - except South Quad and West Quad -
is participating in tonight's fast. West Quad was not
organized to join the fast and South Quad is having a
special turkey dinner, so they decided not to participate.
SORORITIES, fraternities and co-ops were also
invited to participate; three sororities and most co-ops
have pledged suppport. Cilil said fraternities are not
participating because "we didn't put the effort into
See STUDENTS, Page 5
In the future, inc
might be asked
language skills on a
being able to mee
requirement by takir
high school langua
LSA faculty approv
the drawing board.
The idea co
committee on for
made up of repres
each of the Univer
may require langu
I. LEVY departments and headed by John
oming freshmen Mersereau, chairperson of the
to show their Slavic Languages and Literature
a test instead of department. Mersereau's committee
t the language was asked last year to examine the
ng four years of college's policies on foreign
ge study if the languages and see if they were
es a proposal on adequate.
UNDER the current rules,
mes from a students must either have completed
eign languages four years of language in high
sentatives from school or take four semesters of a
sity's language language at the University.
tage testing,
Last spring, in an unreleased
report, the committee reported that
the present system is inadequate and
that a change is needed. Mersereau
said the whole committee agreed
that the policy of equating four
years of high school work with four
terms of college study does not
meet the college's goals. It
suggested that incoming freshmen
take a test to determine whether or
not they have adequate language
See PROPOSAL , Page 5
Daily Photo by SCOTT LITUCHY
Cold stare
William Church waits in the Ann Arbor Bus Depot on Ashley and Huron
for his bus back home to Kalamazoo.
Food drive
ocal peace and hunger activists will team up
this weekend for a Thanksgiving food drive. Mem-
bers of SANE. the Committee for a Sane Nuclear
- large cuts in social programs and the increasing
military budget - have worsened the poverty
problems in this country and the rest of the world."
Election update
fill out the outside of the ballot. Election results
were not available at press time. In elections for
Rackham Student Government, Phyllis Englebert,
Alice Haddy, Edward Hellen, George Junne, and
Nathan Sovik won seats.
Gareovles for sale
STUDENT RESIGNATION?: Opinion supports the
Research Policies Committee student
members who have resigned. See Page 4.