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September 04, 1986 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1986-09-04

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Page 6 - The Michigan Daily - Thursday, September 4, 1986 -

New engine dean brings subdued' style to college

The University's College of Engineering is likely to
retain its momentum and liberal arts direction under
new dean Charles Vest, though the mechanical
engineering professor will exert a different type of
leadership than his predecessor, James Duderstadt.
"He (Vest)-has a somewhat different, more subdued
style," said Aerospace Engineer Prof. Robert Howe.
"He's not quite as aggressive as Duderstadt." Howe
chaired the search committee that selected Vest.
Vest assumed the post in July after having served
j as interim dean since May, when Duderstadt left the
engineering college to become vice president for
academic affairs and provost.
Nevertheless, Howe and other engineering officials
emphasized that Vest has played a major role in
revitalizing the college since 1981, when he became
associate dean for academic affairs.
Working with Duderstadt, Vest helped appoint nearly
one third of today's engineering faculty members,
established several high-tech research centers, com-
plete the college's move to North Campus, and begin a

major overhaul of the college's undergraduate
Before Duderstadt and Vest took over, the college's
national rankings had declined, and many of its
facilities had fallen into disrepair.
Since Vest was so instrumental in Duderstadt's
program faculty members and administrators are con-
fident he will continue the college's progress.
"I think Chuck's certainly not going to lose any of the
forward momentum," said Elaine Harden, assistant to
the dean for college relations.
Support from faculty, staff
Harden said Vest was the natural choice to succeed
Duderstadt and the faculty, staff, and alumni were hap-
py with the choice.
"I expect in the next five years we'll see the fruits of
the steps takenin the last five years," said Aerospace
Engineering Prof. Thomas Senior. "(Vest) was part of
Duderstadt's team"
Engineering officials agreed that while Vest will get
the job done as well as Duderstadt, he will do it with a

different approach.
More mellow
Duderstadt's hard-driving, straightforward approach
brought criticism from some faculty, who compared his
"autocratic" style to that of former Phillipine president
Ferdinand Marcos.
Howe said Vest's more mellow personality'is less
likely to produce dissension.
When former Vice President for Academic Affairs
and Provost Billy Frye originally appointed the commit-
tee to find a new dean, he speculated that an insider
might be the best choice. Duderstadt said it was unlikely
that someone who didn't agree with the college's current
direction would be appointed.
Vest meets both qualifications. He has been a faculty
member since 1967 and received his masters and Ph.Ds
in mechanical engineering at the University several
years before.
Research increased
Howe also credits Vest for his role in the huge jump in
engineering research funding, which has gone up by $20

million in the past five years.
And that number may double in the next few months
While Vest was interim dean, the college was award
around $20 million more in funds from the University
Research Initiative (URI), a defense department
program designed to revitalize the nation's research
Though the exact award has not been determined, the
URI money will pour in during the next five years Vest
will serve as dean. The funding will help create several
new engineering research centers.
Vest will also implement changes in engineering
education begun under Duderstadt. The engineering
humanities program was phased-out, and the entire un-
dergraduate curriculum put under intense review. The
review may force engineers to take more humanities
and social sciences classes.
Of immediate concern in the college is the appoin-
tment of a new associate dean for academic affairs.
Vest gave the post a very active role in determining the
direction of the college


Study says student cocaine use at a peak

Hai rut
With Shampoo &
mention ad upon entry

Cocaine use is at its peak among
college students and shows no signs of
levelling off, warned a national study
of drug use on college campuses
released this summer.
According to the study conducted by
the University's Institute for Social
Research (ISR), 17 percent of studen-
ts have used cocaine at least once
during their first year in school. 30
percent will have tried it by the end of
their fourth year, the study said.
Steve Hnat , a drug-use counselor at
Ann Arbor Consultation Services,
feels the study may even have un-
derestimated cocaine use on campus.
A year ago, Hnat reports, his drug
counseling service treated very few
students. Now, he says, 25 percent of
his patients are students with cocaine
problems. He said the the Catherine
McAuley intensive outpatient
program for cocaine patients has seen
a similar increase.
Campus counseling inadequate
In light of "raging epidemic,"
Hnat feels, drug counseling on cam-
pus is inadequate. The University's
Health Services and the Michigan
Union counseling services offer
general help, but are unequipped

to handle cocaine and other drug
problems. The University services;
usually refer students seeking coun-
seling off campus. Spokesmen from.
Health Services and counseling ser-
vices say there are no plans to expand
their programs. Both say they receive
few requests for drug counseling.
Hnat feels there is a general denial
and a lack of recognition of the rising;
cocaine problem.
Various University organizaitons
try to raise awareness through
prevention and education programs.
Health Services offers pamphlets on
alcohol and drug abuse, and sponsors
a minicourse in the Residential

College called Health and Lifestyles.
Other education programs are also
being developed, said Jan Kravolec of
the University's Housing Division,
especially in the dorms. Kravolec
described a Peer Education Program
which is still in the planning stages.
Interested students, under this plan,
would visit fraternities, sororities,
dorms, and classrooms providing in-
formation on drugs and alcohol.
Education seen as crucial
Lloyd Johnston, one of the ISR
researchers, and Hnat feel that
education about cocaine is crucial
because myths about the drug are
largely responsible for its popularity.

For example, they point to the myth
that cocaine is not ' addictive.
"Cocaine is the most addictive drug
available in large supply," Hnat said.
Johnston said cocaine can'be used
for three or four years without
problems, and then suddenly become
addictive or cause an adverse reac-
tion. He calls the period in between
the "Honeymoon Period" because
users and people around then4
develop a false sense of security that
their habit is safe and under control.
Hnat also blames the nation's
culture for emphasizing such values
as money, power, and sex that he says
resonate with cocaine use.

'U' links with Detro

Arborland 971-2510 9 NOW OPEN SUNDAY a Daily 9 to 9

A partnership between the Univer-
sity and a small liberal arts school in
Detroit may bring more minorities to
Students participating in the new
program, announced in May, will
spend two years at Marygrove
College before coming to the Univer-
sity. They will then enroll here for two


or three years, depending on their
academic program.
Graduates will receive a degree
from both schools. Marygrove
students must have completed 90
hours of class and maintained a 3.2
grade point average to remain
eligible for the Two Degree Oppor-
tunity Program.
It's unclear, though, exactly how
many students will take part in the
program. According to Amber Pat-
terson, director of admissions at
Marygrove College, only two students
had been accepted as of August, but
30 other applications were being
Helps minority enrollment
Although the program is open to
whites, Marygrove's 70 percent
minority enrollment will probably
channel more minorities to the

it college
The University has struggle
throughout the past decade to raise
back enrollment to ten percent.
Blacks now make up only 5.2 percent
of University students.
"The whole idea of a major resear-
ch university working with a com-
munity college is a good one, and
could have a definite impact on
minority enrollment," said Virginia
Nordby, the University's director of
Affirmative Action.
According to Robert Holmes, the
University's associate vice president
for academic affairs, "the program
will allow students to ease into their
college education. They will begin at
a small, private liberal arts college,
where they can adapt to campus life,
and also take :a broad program of
liberal arts courses with careful
preparation in the basics."



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