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November 17, 1986 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1986-11-17

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Ninety-seven years of editorial freedom



Vol. XCVII - No. 53

Copyright 1986, The Michigan Daily

Ann Arbor, Michigan - Monday, November 17, 1986

Twelve Pages



Christmas is more than a month
away, but the Michigan Wolverines
did some early gift giving. Three
Michigan turnovers led to 17
Minnesota points as the Golden
Gophers shocked the second-ranked
Wolverines Saturday, 20-17, at
Michigan Stadium.
Chip Lohmiller's 30-yard field
goal as time expired gave
Minnesota (5-2 in the Big Ten, 6-4
overall) the win.
"We haven't been a turnover
team; we haven't made these
mistakes in the past," said Mich-
igan head coach Bo Schembechler,
who saw that charity does indeed
begin at home. "Today we just
made one mistake after another. I
can't believe they would play like
that, but they did."
FEW OF the 104,864 fans
who saw the game could believe it,
either, as Michigan's hope of a
national title dissipated as Loh-
miller's kick sailed through the
goalposts. "This was the biggest
kick I've made in my career,"
Lohmiller said. "I was a little
nervous but I had to try block out
Unfortunately, Michigan quarter-
back Jim Harbaugh was apparently
nervous and/or distracted. The
senior from Kalamazoo didn't pick
up any Heisman votes by being

Last-second kick
lifts Gophers, 20-1


intercepted once and losing one
fumble. The third-quarter inter-
ception, as Gopher cornerback Matt
Martinez stepped in front of
Thomas Wilcher at the Michigan
36, was especially costly. It re-
sulted in a Rickey Foggie five-yard
touchdown run four plays later.
"The bottom line is the
turnovers and I made two of them,"
Harbaugh said after Michigan
suffered its first loss in ten games
this year. "You can't play when
you're quarterback is turning the
ball over like that."
didn't bother Minnesota's John
Gutekunst. The first-year head
coach led Minnesota to its first win
over Michigan since 1977, and in
doing so, put itself in contention
for a bowl bid.
"We got our points on their
mistakes, we got the turnovers and
field position," he said. "Our
kicking game put them in bad field
position." -
Expected to easily give Schem -
bechler the all-time record for most

wins at Michigan, the Wolverines
were 23-point favorites. But Mich-
igan was largely uneffective mov-
ing the ball, and Minnesota's
opportunistic offense, led by junior
quarterback Foggie, outgained
Michigan rushing 227 to 134, and
controlled the ball 31:04 to
Michigan's 28:56. Foggie led
Minnesota in rushing with 78 yards
and a touchdown, while throwing
THE FOG descended
permanently upon Michigan Sta-
dium when he scrambled with less
than a minute left to the Michigan
17 to set up Lohmiller's heroics.
Unable to find an open receiver
downfield on third and five, Foggie
scrambled to his right into a huge
hole for 31 yards.
"I don't know how there was
such a big gap there..." said senior
linebacker Andy Moeller. "Whether
we stayed back a little bit too
much, I don't know. I don't know
how he got out like that."
The Wolverines had tied the
See BLUE'S, Page 11

Michigan quarterback Jim Harbaugh coughs up the football as he gets sacked in the second quarter of
Michigan's shocking 20-17 loss to Minnesota last Saturday. The Golden Gophers took advantage of four
Wolverine turnovers and claimed the victory with a last-second field goal.

N. Korean Pres.

Republican councilmember
seeks nomination for mayor

From staff and wire reports
SEOUL, South Korea - The
Defense Ministry, in a broadcast
today on state-run radio, said North
Korean loudspeakers along the
demilitarized zone were saying
North Korean President Kim II
Sung had been killed in a shooting.
The same broadcast said there
was no confirmation of the report
from North Korean radio broadcasts
or sources here in the capital of
South Korea.
PPOLITICAL Science Prof.'
Kenneth Lieberthal said that
hostilities could develop between
North and South Korea if the South
Koreans were responsible for the
reported killing.
"On the negative side, we don't


know who is responsible. The
South Korean government is not a
stable government, as it is in the
midst of an ongoing succession
crisis. There is certainly, now,
instability in the North, and
potential instability in the South,"
Lieberthal said.
He added,"War on the Korean
Peninsula would be a nightmare
that no one wants to see realized.
This could be one of the most
.dangerous international events in a
number of years."
officials announced that the entire
national police force had- been
placed on full alert "in connection
with the recent situation in North
See N. KOREAN, Page 2

Republican city councilmember Gerald Jernigan
announced his candidacy for mayor of Ann Arbor on
Friday. Local Democrats predicted his victory would be
a longshot.
Jernigan (R-Fourth Ward) would oppose Democratic
incumbent Mayor Ed Pierce in a Republican effort to
regain both a council majority and the mayorial seat
lost in the 1985 elections.
Councilmembers say Jernigan, who describes
himself as "moderately conservative," will probably
receive the Republican nomination. Jernigan, a
University investment analyst, said he decided to run

for mayor because of the lack of unity under the
"I just don't think Pierce provided any direction,"
Jernigan said. "We don't have any solid policies. There
is not a strong housing policy. The city council isn't
united in any way. We haven't defined.the township
boundaries. There ar.e land development questions still
Jernigan's experience from his five years on city
council, but say he has not been a strong force on

... runs for mayor

Reagan referendum
'defeated at Brown
Students at Brown University last week barely voted down a
referendum which proposed to impeach President Reagan.
The proposal was defeated 477-458. About 20 percent of students at
Brown voted in the election.
Brown student John Bonifaz, founder of the group that sponsored the
referendum, Students for Ethical Government, remains pleased with the
outcome. "In only nine working days we convinced 49 percent of the
voters. That is an enormous percentage," he said.
Students for Ethical Government gives several reasons why Reagan
should be impeached. First, the group says Reagan disobeyed
Congressional orders in an attempt to overthrow the Nicaraguan
government. Second, the group believes the Reagan Administration's
disinformation campaign to mislead-the American media on United
States relations with Libya is unconstitutional.
FINALLY, the group claims the Reagan administration is hiding
critical information about the 1983 Korean Airlines disaster,'and that
the plane, which was shot down by the Soviet Union, may have been a
spy mission.
Bonifaz said he and others in the organization will gather their

Il-sc boo I
Four University graduate bus-
iness students won a General Foods
Corp. contest in New York City
this weekend for creating an entire
marketing campaign for sugar free
The students - Phil Martens,
Scott Myers, Carol Pettitt, and Jack
Ridge - competed against six
teams from the nation's top bus-
iness schools, including Stanford
University, the University of
Chicago, Wharton School of
Finance, and Columbia University.
The first annual competition
entailed analyzing a product,
formulating an marketing cam-
See GRADS, Page 5

Doily Photo by JOHN MUNSON
Eric Robinson, center, leads the Friars during the Men's Glee Club concert last Saturday night at Hill
Auditorium. Robinson was the soloist in the song "Sometimes Bad is Bad."

Busy signal

capital and often the national butt of jokes, now have
to worry that the television comedy of the same name
won't be funny enough. "Fresno," CBS TV's prime-
time send-up of soap operas like "Dallas," and "Falcon
Crest," premiered last night. "If this show flops,
Fresno will be seen as even more of a big dud than it
e __ ,," eadFr.. ntiesT Tnnnae "P ..;..nmni.

tuxedos to give the city a smarter image. "How would
you like to be tied up in a tight tuxedo in 95-degree
weather 12 hours a day?" Bernie Wilson, owner of
Bernie's Ideal Cab Co., asked last week. Mayor Jim
Maloof wants about 60 cabbies at three city taxi com-
panies to wear tuxedos while on duty, year-round. The
manar of a local formal-woer rntaloutlt a:.o

LSA-SG: Opinion proposes overhauling the
college's student government. See Page 4.
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ecause the University's new multi-million


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