C, br airgti i4I tlQ Ninety-seven years of editorial freedom Vol. XCVII - No. 49 Copyright 1986, The Michigan Daily Ann Arbor, Michigan - Tuesday, November 11, 1986 Eight Pages A2 group returns from By KERY MURAKAMI Special to the Daily ROMULUS-Thirteen members of an Ann Arbor delegation to Nicaragua returned late last night, espousing opposition to United States aid to the Contra Rebels in Nicaragua. The delegation was sent to Ann Arbor's sister city Juigalpa, which was created last year through a city- wide affirmation of a proposal to establish the sister city and send a letter to President Ronald Reagan protesting his administration's policies in Central America. Greeted by about 20 supporters at Detroit Metropolitan Airport, delegates said they were given free access to speak to Nicaraguan citizens, including some opposition leaders and an editor of the opposition newspaper La Prensa, which was recently closed down. WHILE MANY of the Nicaragua delegates were tired from the 12- had no sewage system, and hour plane trip and refused to uncertain water supply, limited comment because of the late hour, a health care resources, and an prepared statement said "We find economy that barely meets the that the Contra war of terrorism, basic needs of most citizens." financed by our tax dollars, is a Gregory Fox, a member of the morally bankrupt campaign of delegation and Ann Arbor Central brutality against the people of American Sister City Task Force, Nicaragua. said the group hopes to raise money "In Juigalpa, and throughout to send medical supplier and other Nicaragua neonle are working to - aid. gether in a remarkable atmosphere of political and religious freedom, given the level of poverty and military emergency present. "To us, the countries leadership appears to enjoy broad popular support." The delegation's main purpose was to establish ties between Ann Arbor and Juigalpa, and discuss ways Ann Arbor could help the Nicaraguan city. ACCORDING TO the state - ment "residents of our sister city Many delegates were especially struck by the brutality of Nica - ragua's civil war, said state Rep. Perry Bullard (D-Ann Arbor), when a jeep of seven civilians were machine gunned by contra rebels seventeen miles from Juigalpa. Five civilians were killed and two wounded. Six delegates attended a mass funeral. "I really had to apologize for what our government has done with our tax dollars," Bullard said. Daily Photo by JOHN MUNSON Representative Perry Bullard (D-Ann Arbor) is welcomed home last night at Detroit Metro Airport, after a 17- member delegation returns from visiting Ann Arbor's sister city in Juigalpa, Nicaragua. The delegation spent 10 days examining social conditions in the Nicaraguan city. Minorityenrollment reaches all-timehigh By EUGENE PAK Asians now are at an all-time high, representing 5.0 The University's minority student population percent of the student population. Last year they reached an all-time high of 3,985 students, or 12.7 represented 4.5 percent. Black students represent 5.3 percent of the student population. percent, up from last year's 5.2 percent. Hispanics 2.0 The 6.87 percent increase marked the third straight percent, up from 1.8 percent, and Native Americans year of record minority student enrollment. equal 0.4 percent, down from 0.5 percent. "I think it's important for people to realize it's not Enrollment for each minority group, except Native just a passing trend," said Niara Sudarkasa, a Univer- Americans, has increased since 1983, when the sity associate vice president for academic affairs. She University publicly committed itself to increasing added that the minority college-age population should minority enrollment. The University appointed Sudar- be large enough to increase minority enrollment kasa with the intention of increasing minority student through the end of the century. enrollment and retention; particularly black student ASIAN student enrollment accounted for much of enrollment which had dropped to a low of 4.9 percent this year's overall increase of 256 minority students. a.in 4l983. Asian enrollment rose by 153 students, 71 for hispanic SINCE 1983 black student enrollment has students, and 55 for black students, while Native increased each year, bucking a national trend, but still American enrollment dropped by 23 students. See INCREASED, Page 3 Minorities at Michigan Biiak i Am. Ind' Figures represent percent of total enrollment c 0.4 .0.4 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 Totals: 9.9 10.0 10.3 10.5 11.3 * ma. 1985 1986 12.0 12.7~ 0 Color of money green for pool hal Study lambastes state o higher education By STEVE BLONDER A scathing "report card" issued by the Carnegie Foundation, a watchdog of public education, could instigate significant changes in the nation's universities. In addition to charging colleges and universities with being more concerned with passing out dip- lomas than educating students, the study recommends changes in ath- letic, admittance, and tenure poli- cies at the nation's institutions. UNIVERSITY Vice President for Academic Affairs James Duder- stadt said the charge that univer- sities want merely to hand out See EDUCATION, Page 2 Student shoppers explore Ann Arbor By FRANCIE ALLEN Many students never venture off campus to brave the wilds of Ann Arbor b.eyond Main Street or Washtenaw Avenue. But Kevin Abramowski has had his fill of people-watching on the Diag. "I've often wanted to (go across town) but I never did up until now. I never had a mode of transportation." All set with a new used car, the LSA junior resolutely vows to explore Ann Arbor to see "whatever is out there, and go wherever my wallet will take me." CRUISING STADIUM Blvd. may pale in comparison to cruising the strip in Ft. Lauderdale, but a true partier rejects no byways that may lead to a good time.With a By HAMPTON DELLINGER is what brought. The Color of Money, the movie Michael Seres b starring Paul Newman and Tom Seres, a 33 y Cruise as a pair of pool hustlers, assistant, had n bombed at the box-office but set off stick in 10 yea an explosion of interest at the movie two wee Michigan Union pool hall. he and friend H The Campus Games Center's 19 been cracking pool tables usually generate about day. $150.00 on a weekend night. But "We're goi since Newman and Cruise glamor- serious pool all ized the game on the silver screen although Widle the color of money has remained excitement of th the same while the quantity doubled off." to $350.00 a night the last two ROB AI weekends. - sophomore, sai Long-time employee Bill Para- movie was mor dise said the pool hall had another prior to Color o dramatic increase in customers-20 he said since se years ago. has frequented "THE YEAR was 1965 and often. "In the p The Hustler (a movie starring I've found myse Newman as pool prodigy "Fast" Although Eddie Felson) had been shown the definitely infuse night before on national TV. I came a desire to "raci to open the place up on Sunday the Games Cer morning and there was a line of 10 rcn Gones. people. I couldn't believe it." recent converts. of a sr s The Color of Money, a sequel so Ma rk sBe toThe Hustler, presents "Fast e "pays p Eddie" as a successful liquor dis- find a party." tributor who returns to the game His playing after an extended hiatus. Watching Newman recapture the desire to play See PO( TODAY Bruce alert S"""h Ann Arbor resident ack to the Union. year-old health care ot picked up a pool rs until he saw the eks ago. Since then oward Widley have the cue ball every ng to play some winter," said Seres, y admitted that "the he movie is wearing KENS, an LSA d the effect of the e subtle. A pool fan of Money 's release, eeing the movie he d the Union more past couple of days, elf playing more." the movie has ad some people with k'em up," not all of nter's clientele are Between quick sips ht, business school nkendorf explained ool whenever I can't partner, economics OL, Page 2 Daily Photo by SCOTT LITUCHY Though they may look more at home in a lecture hall than a pool hall, emeritus professors Olin1 nest Brater and Hal Farrar shoot billiards at the Union. Browder, Er- See STUDENTS, Page 3 INSIDE- - p U where, according to manager Michael Lang, the process of unloading "3,500 pounds" of Jersey- born rock'n 'roll began. "We bought enough so that we won't run out through Christmas," Lang added. Fans were overjoyed. At its peak, the crowd inside Schoolkid's numbered almost 200, though some people had come to meet Robyn Hitchcock, have." But the familiar cry caveat emptor must be sounded, as Discount Records had several records returned due to warping. Lang said that because the records had been subjected to freezing temperatures, they may be suffering from "cold warp." If so, fans need only sit and wait for the records to warm up and straighten out...if they can MOZAMBIQUE: Opinion examines stances surrounding President Machel's death. See Page 4. circum- Samora I i I CITfICI V. A....a ..Ilre ..Z.LCafL T:.v w