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November 03, 1986 - Image 9

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1986-11-03

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vs. Ferris State
Friday and Saturday, 7:30 p.m.
Yost Ice Arena


vs. Ohio State
Friday, 7:30 p.m.
IM Building

The Michigan Daily

Monday, November 3, 1986

Page 9-



Icers get sick,
By SCOTT SHAFFER Berenson's offense and he was the nigi
Warning: The following account forced to go with makeshift lines. burned N
of last weekend's hockey series In addition, defensemen Brad Turner Sharples
with Illinois-Chicago is not and Randy Kwong couldn't finish the secon
recommended for the faint of heart. the game while Joe Lockwood and The g;
The series itself was not for Jeff Urban played sick. However, statistics
those with weak stomachs. Urban did have two of the three celebrate,
U N F O'R T U N A T E L Y, that Michigan goals. around sl
eliminated almost one-third of "WE HAVE to forget it. There's broom. '
Michigan's team from Saturday nothing we can do about it. It can't trick and
night's game. get any worse than that," said netted pa
Many of the Wolverines were Berenson, who also reported feeling while Jef
stricken with food poisoning after under the weather after the game. UIC scort
Friday's 5-2 loss in Chicago and The game was out of reach soon "I FE
head coach Red Berenson was forced after it started. John Mynatt lifted a but those
to lead a seriously depleted squad shot past Neary just 1:34 into the happy tc
into Saturday night's game with the game. The next three Flame scores weekend,
Flames. came in a span of 2:29, setting a Val Beln
The result was a 13-3 drubbing school mark for quickest three The sv
at the hands of UIC that was goals. That record didn't even last (4-2 in le
almost, but not quite, as sickening
as the food served at the hotel where
the team stayed on the trip.
IT WAS so bad that the
Wolverines (2-6) entered the game
without the services of five players
and had three more leave the ice as
it progressed. The most visual of
the early exits came when goalie --
Glen Neary, who gave up seven
goals in the first period while
trying to ignore the illness,
vomited into a bucket while sitting
on the bench during the next period.
"I wanted to give it a shot..."
said Neary after the game, his voice 1031 E. Ann -761-1111
trail~ng off, "it sucks, but that's 1200 Packard - 761-9393
The fact that all five who missed 1141 Broadway - 769-5511 No subst
the whole game (Bryan Deasley,
John Bjorkman, Mike Moes, Brad
McCaughey and Ryan Pardoski)
were forwards wreaked havoc on

swept in
ecause the Flames when Tom Almquist led the Flames
s replacement Warren with two goals and an assist. It was
times in just 1:49 in Halloween and those clever Flame
iod. fans picked up on this by coming
did wonders for the disguised as empty seats. There
he UIC players, who were almost 8,000 of them while
e sweep by horsing only 914 people really showed up,
ss on the ice with a either in or out of costume.
t Rees tallied a hat The game began with each team
) assists. Rob Klenk trading power-play goals. The
>f goals and assists, Flames then scored the next three
nmer assisted on five goals before Todd Brost beat goalie
Jim Hickey to make it a 4-2 game.
>r Red and his team, The Wolverines, who have now
gs happen. We're just lost 11 consecutive road games,
the four points this appeared to close the gap to 4-3
id Flame head coach towards the end of the second period

W y0
the rebound was covered up by
B E R E N S O N was clearly
annoyed about the call after the
game but refused to violate CCHA

rules by criticizing the officiating.
A final goal by Almquist put the
game away and ensured the results
would not be decided by that call,

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