C Puge 6 - The Michigan Daily - Friday, October 31, 1986 GElectkrn '86 41 Pollack shoots second term n state Senate Apley aims to cut the size of government I By MICHAEL LUSTIG One of Lana Pollack's biggest alcomplishients in her first term s senator representing the 18th )istrict in Lansing has been just - being a senator. Only one r woman is now sitting among t "38 senators in the Michigan Senate. That, however, is just one of the acgomplishments the 44-year-old ) mocrat is proud of. One bill on wjPich Pollack worked provided $26 million for an energy assistance prgram for welfare recipients. She ato says she "almost single- handedly" restored $3.2 million to tlhjc Research Excellence Fund, mey meant for the state's four main research universities. Pollack supports the Ufhiyersity's right to maintain its autonomy from the state on most issues, and said government iivolvement almost "ruined" the Tc'as and California systems. She said she "liked the results but not the methods" of Gov. James B tchard's threat to veto the U versity's appropriations from the state if the Board of Regents raised in-state tuition over the inflation rate last summer. Pollack supports the BEST Plan as a way for people to guarantee they will be able to afford the tuition at one of the state's public universities in the future. Critics say the plan is too vague to work. She does not support a student regent on the Board of Regents. "I have a certain amount of skepticism about having guaranteed seats on boards," Pollack said, adding that a student can run for a seat just like anyone else. She added, however, she sees some advantages in having a student on the board. One main difference between Pollack and her challenger, Dale Apley is their views on abortion. "The right to reproductive freedom is a constitutionally established right," Pollack said, adding that she believes all women should have access to abortions if they want them. Apley is "pro- choice," but he opposes state-funded abortions. Pollack opposes capital Pollack ... supports 'U' autonomy punishment, calling it "ethically reprehensible." She said it would cost more to put someone through the appeals process than to just jail someone. Only the governor can commute life sentences, and Pollack said Blanchard does not do that. The environment is an issue of major concern to Pollack, and she favors stricter regulations to force 'businesses to be responsible for their wastes. She does not want to throw polluters in jail, but said, "If a person, entity, or corporation is found guilty of causing pollution, they should be liable to clean it up. Pollack said some kind of solution is necessary now because "if we wait for the perfect answer, we'll sink in our own slime." By MICHAEL LUSTIG The Republican candidate for Ann Arbor's state Senator has unofficially adopted as a campaign motto "the government that gov- erns best governs least." Dale Ap - ley has frequently stated his opposition to creating more govern- ment agencies, which has been sug - gested several times this fall as a solution to a variety of problems. A lifelong Ann Arbor resident, the 25-year-old Apley declared his candidacy for the 18th District state Senate seat last June. He was asked by the Republican Party to run after two potential candidates declined to run. Apley won a plurality of the Republican primary vote in August and with it the chance to challenge incumbent Sen. Lana Pollack. As the administrative assistant for Sen. Nick Smith (R-Addison), Apley learned how the Senate and Pollack worked. He describes her an "ineffective" and "uncooperative" legislator earlier in the campaign, but has since tempered his attacks. Apley believes in the Univer- sity's right to have autonomy from the state, and said the regents should have a "freer hand" when making decisions. He would prefer that decisions be made at the local level - or, in the University's case, at the regental level. Apley is undecided on the issue of a student regent on the board, but he supports setting up an advisory board consisting of students. Apley's stance on abortion has two parts: He is pro-choice, but he favors developing a repayment program for women who receive Medicaid-funded abortions. He said the women could work for the state or repay in installments. Apley's stand on capital pun- ishment also differs from his opponent's. He said he would use capital punishment as a last resort after all appeals have been ex- hausted. He is unsure of the BEST Plan, which was devised to allow parents to invest with the state for future Aplev ... challenges incumbent use on their children's college tuition. Apley worries that some people will end up subsidizing others by paying into the fund, and he has questioned accessibility to it. Apley said he would accept the plan if it were run by individuals and banks instead of the state. As a former Boy Scout, Eagle Scout, and backpacking instructor' in New Mexico, Apley has long been a lover of the outdoors. A toxic waste disposal program is one of his top priorities, and he would like to form a joint state-business corporation to do the clean-up: He also wants to create a volunteer patrol force to help conservation officers in state parks. I I ep. Bullard seeks re-election Holtz hopes for election upset 0, By MICHAEL LUSTIG )Rep. Perry Bullard (D-Ann Arbor) has been in office for 14 yars, and has done some Vqntroversial things. He was ecently attacked by Republican --lallenger Vic Holtz for showing Deep Throat at a fundraiser in t 74 , and. for participating in an AMn. Arbor "Hash Bash" on the Diag to celebrate Ann Arbor's $5 fie for ma ijuana possession in the early 1970s. Bullard, however, also has has a serious side, and often comes to' campus to publicize controversial issues such as a woman's right to have an abortion, the need for .'divestment from companies which -o business in South Africa, and the importance of appointing a student to the University's Board of Regents. He favors continuing Medicaid- funded abortions for welfare recipients, and would like to create birth control and sex education relies on (Continued from Page 1) 4 the Nicaraguan Contras. Besides opposing Pursell's sup - S for U.S. aid to the Contras, r is also against the Reagan ad - stration's military buildup, wih Pursell has supported. Baker is particularly opposed to the MX missile and the "Star Wars" "de - fense" plan. Baker argues that though Pursell is running as an op - nt of the federal budget deficit, rsell voted for both the tax and increased military spend - which together caused the - ive deficit." order to broaden his base of ort, Baker has begun empha - g other issues-Social Secur - plant closings, and environ - al issues, for example-which alto voters outside Ann Arbor. t-1 as sent canvassers door-to-door t uqmm up support for his candi - k-er feels that Pursell's votes hc pending cuts are fundamentally classes in schools. "Short of celibacy and abstinence, preg- nancies will occur," he said, add- ing that no birth control method is foolproof. Bullard's ties to the University go back a long way. He received his law degree from the University Law School in 1970. He has worked with members of the Michigan Student Assem- bly on writing a Student Bill of Rights, which would protect stu- dents if a code of non-academic conduct were passed by the Uni- versity. The bill is pending in the Legislature. Bullard also supports appoint- ing a student to the Board of Regents, the University's govern- ing body. Bullard said the add- ition of a student regent would be a way to "create a real democracy" at the University. Bullard realizes the importance of the University being autono- mous from the state, but he says there have to be limits to its in- dependence. He has said a level of autonomy is necessary to avoid political interference in teaching and to allow alternative ideas and opinions the chance to be heard. He criticizes the University for suing the state over state-ordered divestment of South Africa-related stocks, saying he is "disappointed with the University for challen- ging constitutionally-defined auto- nomy." He also criticized the re- gents for having an ."abysmal" record on apartheid, and said they just want to attract funding for the University. Bullard regrets tuition in- creases, and says both in-staters and lower-income out-of-staters are being "priced out" of the University. The cause of this, he says, is that "there just aren't enough revenues to do everything we want to do." By MICHAEL LUSTIG Republican Vic Holtz says his job as a mechanical engineer gives him a fresh perspective on many state issues, especially the environment and technology and research. Holtz, who is challenging incumbent State Rep; P rry Bullard for the Ann Arbor House seat, portrays himself as a family candidate. He has five children and has lived in Ann Arbor for nine years. One of Holtz's main concerns is fighting drug abuse. Having two children in a local high school, he says, makes him especially concerned about the problem. When he worked at the Ann Arbor homeless shelter, Holtz says, he saw "people with Ph.D.s burnt out by drugs." Holtz pledges to increase funding for drug rehabilitation programs and to stiffen jail pen- alties for drug dealers. He. has accused Bullard of trying to "liberalize" drug laws. Holtz also says he would support the University in Lansing if he is elected for 53rd district representative. He says he is concerned about rising tuition, and says Democrats have been able to keep in-state tuition down only by raising tuition for out-of-staters and rais- ing mandatory student fees. In the past 10 years, according to Holtz, Michigan has dropped from 16th to 34th in the level of funding it provides for higher education. Holtz has called the disparity between tuition increases and state funding increases a "crime." The most important use for increased funding, he says, would be to maintain modern equipment and facilities. Holtz, a Roman Catholic, opposes abortion and says he opened his home to three unwed mothers. Bullard, on the other hand,, supports a woman's right to an abortion. Holtz opposes capital pun- ishment, but said, "If someone killed one of my children, I don't know how I'd react." Holtz added that he does not believe execution would be an effective deterrent to crime. Holtz is also concerned about the environment. He was born and raised in Monroe, Mich., which is on the shore of Lake Erie. He sees clean water as vitally important to the state. Holtz worked for the Bechtel Corp. and helped develop a program to reduce sulfur emis- sions from burning coal. As an engineer, Holtz sees current con- servation efforts as "short- sighted." He said that because we have the technology, we should not have to go back to "candles and lanterns." I I Pursell hopes to keep I (Continued from Page1) louse seat 41 before the 1982 election which made the district more conservative. His primary concern now, he says, is how to reduce the nation's budget deficit. Pursell's support of the Gramm-Rudman budget-bal- ancing law, which would cut spend- ing equally for both the military and social services, is indicative of his pragmatism. One way in which Pursell has campaigned for a balanced budget is as a member of the "Group of 92," a group of Congressmen who developed a budget proposal which Pursell claims would have balanced the budget in five years. Much of this budget was incorporated into the1985 federal budget which eventually passed. The emphasis which Pursell places on a balanced budget has generated criticism that he has voted for proposals which make deep cuts in programs such as social security and student loans. In both 'cases Pursell's aides have defended the cuts as part of ominbus spending bills which were necessary to reduce the deficit. Pursell's most widely criticized 'Daniel Ortega has made no bones about getting all his military aid from the Soviet Union.' -Rep. Carl Pursell 4 U.S. aggression against a popularly supported regime. Pursell does not believe that, most students oppose him despite, the protests against his Contra vote. He argues that "students are more concerned about economic issues." Pursell's centrist reputation re- sults from his support of South Af- rican sanctions, the ERA, and the nuclear freeze. ni n . . m .;?..