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October 30, 1986 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1986-10-30

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Ninety-seven years of editorial freedom


Vol. XCVII- No. 41

Copyright 1986, The Michigan Daily

Ann Arbor, Michigan - Thursday, October 30, 1986

Twelve Pages



Detroit sets curfew,
prepares to fight arson

DETROIT (AP)- A 6 p.m.
curfew for everyone under 18 took
effect yesterday, and police and
volunteers joined forces to stamp
out an annual surge of Halloween-
week arson.
Neighborhood volunteers were
looking for signs of trouble and
police planned to enforce the dusk-
to-dawn curfew effective until
Saturday morning, Detroit Police
Department spokesman Christopher
Buck said.
In recent years, the night before
Halloween, known as "Devil's
Night," has brought a spate of
arson to the nation's sixth-largest
Ann Arbor does not experience

this type of vandalism, according to
Ann Arbor Chief of Police William
Corbett. The city does, however,
employ extra police officers on
Halloween night, mainly for "the
safety of trick-or-treaters."
The city has experienced some
mischief by some "irresponsible
people" who feel that because it is
Halloween they c-an partake in
mischievous activities. Corbett
added that there is no, need to
institute a curfew in Ann Arbor, as
vandalism here would never escalate
to the level Detroit experiences.
Vandalism at the University is
also minimal. The University's
Director of Safety Leo Heatly said
his department "will be taking the
normal precautions for a Friday

night before a football game."
According to Heatly, no extra
precautions are necessary because
Halloween has not caused any
significant problems in the past.
In Detroit, during a 71-hour
period over the last three days of
October 1985, 479 fires were set,
including 64 in occupied dwellings
and 153 in trash. The number of
fires was down 41 percent from the
same period in 1984.
Pranks and vandalism long have
been prevalent in the city on the
night before .Halloween. But
random torchings became a part of
that tradition in 1983.
Daily Staff Reporter Kelly
McNeilfiled a report for this story.

New course helps minority
freshmen master college life

Walking into a lecture room filled with 400
students can be an intimidating experience for any
new student at the University, but for minority
freshmen, who may see only a handful of other
minorities in class, the event can be particularly
Yesterday in the Michigan Union Pond Room,
minority students finished a half-semester course
called "Mastering the College Experience 102," by
listening to juniors and seniors discuss how to handle
this and other problems of college life. The seminar
was part of a prototype class designed by the Office of
Academic Affairs and the Comprehensive Studies
Program to help minority freshmen adjust to

University life.
THE CLASS met twice weekly and tackled such
issues as decision-making, time management, and test
taking. Although students did not have any exams,
they receive grades and two sociology credits for
attendance, participation, and out-of-class
assignments. The class was taught by minorities,
including a graduate student, a professor, and a
"For minority students like me, it is a breath of
fresh air coming to a class of all minority students.
Usually all day in a large class I see nothing but
white students," said Marshelia Jones, an LSA
See NEW, Page 5

Daily Photo by JOHN MUNSON

Fall cleaning
As the multi-colored autumn leaves decorate the campus grounds, University worker Charies Scott sweeps
them up in the Diag with a "Turf Vac" yesterday.


students lose. sleep but love it

Last week, the students in
Section A didn't sleep much.
The group of second-year
undergraduate architecture students
spent most of their time in the
studio on the third floor of the Art
and Architecture Building on North
Campus eating, drinking, and
drawing. Individual projects, due
Monday morning, monopolized

their attention.
"I PULLED all-nighters on
Wednesday and Thursday, I was here
until three on Friday, then all night
again Saturday and Sunday," said
John Schroeder.
Schroeder said he frequently
spends six, to eight hours daily on
homework, but when a major
project is due, "that increases

"You pull a couple of all-
nighters bgefore the final design is
due," he said.
other184 undergraduate students in
the University's College of
Architecture enjoy a reputation as
hardworking perfectionists, saying
that's not a bad image. "I don't
think there's a bad stereotype,"
Schroeder said.

The "intense" image of
architecture students relaxes after a
look at their studio. Dozens of
cubby holes and private corners are
jammed together across the open
third floor in the architecture wing
of the Art and Architecture
Building. And though each work
station features the ususal drawing
board and swivel lamp, -it also
reflects the personality of the

Over Schroeder's station hangs a
fishnet full of drawing tools and
other less recognizable trinkets. A
nearby station is piled high with
beer bottles and diet coke cans,
remnants of the long weekend just
past. Throughout the studio, music
from a dozen different tape players
and radios plays softly-this is no
place for a stereo war.

long hours come not from the
difficulty of the work, but from the
desire to get it right. "You're not
just doing math," said Barb Felix.
"You're laying your feelings on the
line. It's very personal."
Schroeder said the personal value
of the final product is one thing
that makes the long hours


Phone books wage
duel of directories
Ann Arbor used to be a one-phone book town.
Even after AT&T was forced to break up its monopoly two years
ago and open up publication, of Ann Arbor's thick volume to
competitors, one book still dominated every doorstep and claimed its
turf next to every payphone in town.
BUT THIS fall, Ann Arbor residents will find two phone books
on their doorsteps. With such features as a front cover memo pad and
pen, United Phone Book Advertisers (UPBA) has tried to snatch the
city's phone book market away from the Ameritech Publishers.
The newest phonebook landed the first punch in the duel of the
directories when it came out two weeks ago. Ameritech's came out
just last Monday.
"People have our phone books now. And surveys show that people
don't really care who puts out the book, as long as it's there. Why
should people switch?" said Jim Baker, UPBA's regional sales
STUDENTS interviewed yesterday said they were unaware their
phone book was put out by a different publisher, and they didn't care.
But the rush to come out first may have backfired. According to
Barbara Hanlay, a supervisor in Michigan Bell's local service
See PHONE, Page 5

Dashner named
American Rep.




When Michael Dashner was president of
the campus Native American Students
Association in the mid '70s, he and other
politically active students pressured the
University to strengthen and expand its
minority services.
Now, 13 years after he first came here,
Dashner has been officially named the
Native American Representative at the
Office of Minority Student Services earlier
this month.
A CHIPPEWA Indian, Dashner is in
charge of coordinating cultural activities,
such as the city's annual pow wow, for
American Indian students on campus.
Dashner, who has been serving as the
temporary representative since last October,
believes cultural programs are particularly
important for Native American students.
Many come from backgrounds dissimilar to
the University environment, he said, and

need a sense of belonging.
"One problem nationwide and at the
University is there is a high degree of
dropouts for Indians," Dashner said. "Much
of this is due to" the relatively low
socioeconomic background some Native
Americans come from, which may create
low self-esteem."
CHERYL PECK, last year's Native
American Students Association president,
agrees. "Native Americans are the least-
represented minority group on campus, and
for those who come from Indian
reservations, it's often quite an adjustment
when you don't see a lot of Indian people."
From 1975 to 1979, 77 American
Indian freshmen came to the University,
but only 30 had graduated with a degree six
years later. Last year, however, 68.8
percent of the 16 Native American students
who enrolled in 1979 earned their degree by
See NATIVE, Page 5

Daily Photo by PETER R(
Robot promotes Amiritech

Rocky the

Crush on a coWv


watch. A state game warden told the farmer, Larry
Carrara, the moose will probably stay until the end
of its mating season-which usually isn't until the
early part of November. Carrara said the moose and
cow stand side by side, but do little else. "They've
nuzzled like they're kissing, but I ain't seen no

from a dairy farm in nearby Holland. When two men
found them, the moose chased the men up a tree.
Scott Darling, a biologist with the state Fish and
Game Department, said yesterday that when the
mating seasop ends, so will the love affair. "The
interest is in the appearance," said Darling. "The

Representative Perry Bullard, and Regents
Paul Brown and James Waters for, re-elec-
lUAU- Un Dna 4




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