40 OPINION Page 4 Thursday, September 4, 1986 The Michigan Daily a Edited and managed by students at The University of Michigan Vol. XCVI, 420 Maynard St. Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Unsigned editorials represent a majority of the Daily's Editorial Board All other cartoons, signed articles, and letters do not necessarily represent the opinion of the Daily. Learn more than books Respect 'No Code' In a democratic nation, it seems self- evident that decisions should be made by those they affect. But in the University's political structure, only administrators have power to set policy. Students can merely make suggestions, somewhat like slaves asking masters for vacation time. Students should have more decision-making power unrelated to schoolwork. Administrators say the University's current rules are inef- fective and have never been used. But students respond that additional rules are unnecessary in light of the police, and that a University judicial system would violate certain civil rights. For example, prosecution by the University as well as the civil authorities would represent "double jeopardy." A code could also discourage political dissent on campus. At worst, a student could be expelled or suspended for taking part in a sit-in. More likely, the threat of such sanctions could be used to intimidate would-be dissidents. While other campus political issues have divided "liberals" and "conservatives," the code has not. Both the "liberal" Daily and the "conservative" Michigan Reviev. have taken editorial stances against the code. And while in-fighting between "liberal" Student Rights Party representatives and "conservative" Meadow party represen- tatives, has crippled the Michigan Student Assembly, both sides think the code is un- just. Despite this bi-partisan opposition, University President Harold Shapiro has threatened to implement the ad- ministration's version of the code without MSA's approval, possibly this fall. Such a move would violate the student gover- nment's authority, giwven by the Board of Regents, to veto any changes in the current rules. Shapiro's threat exemplifies the imbalan- ce of power at the University. Students' main input into policy-making is serving on University committees that advise ad- ministrators. If administrators dislike the proposals or grow inpatient, they can ignore the committee. Students should have some actual0 decision-making power. But for the time being, this seems like a pipe-dream. Until students win a greater role in University decision-making, they should stay informed about the code, and continue to express their opposition. Welcome to the University of Michigan. Here you will meet brilliant professors who teach fascinating courses. You will also meet teaching assistants who barely speak English. Your mind will be opened to a variety of dif- ferent ideas, and you'll find yourself questioning many of your previous beliefs. You'll also en- counter racism and sexism. You will have fun and meet interesting people. You'll also toil alone in the library, your mind and body wrenched by the coffee you poured into your nervous system. The good. The bad. And the UGLi. You'll read about it five mornings a week in your completely student-run newspaper, The Michigan Daily. The Daily brings you the issues you're concer- ned about and the issues other people think you should be concerned about. Whether it's the latest idea for rules governing student behavior ("the code"), the most recent salvo in the debate over military research, or another rally against apartheid, the Daily will be there-because it's important to you. Just because something doesn't have ear- thshaking significance doesn't mean it's not im- portant, though. Our reporters also follow the social convolutions of rush and Greek Week, the Tomorrc A long-awaited report critiquing the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts is blunt in its criticism of the undergraduate program here. Pointing out existing problems, rather than the solutions they suggest, may prove to be the most valuable product of the Blue Ribbon Com- mission's work, however. Many of the criticisms-students have too lit- tie contact with faculty; undergraduate coun- seling leaves much to be desired; the, distribution is not guaranteeing a quality liberal arts education-is nothing new to un- dergraduates. But it is very comforting to hear faculty and administrators recognize that problems exist. Even is none of the many recommendations in the report are adopted, an increased awareness of the college's problems is sure to be of some help. The committee propses some appealing ideas, though. For example, their central proposal for a large system of courses teaching un- dergraduates critical thinking is very attractive. The plan, as laid out in the report, is innovative and stands a good chance of meeting its goals: to provide a true liberal arts education and to take advantage of the research excellence of the faculty. Since it is the central proposal of a major commission, it is almost certain that it will be Today's The Michigan Student Assembly seems genuinely interested in working out its internal problems and getting on with the business of representing students. The fall offers a new op- portunity for the assembly, both for new progress and serious backsliding. The mediation the assembly brought in this summer seems to be making a positive differen- ce and the future looks optimistic for MSA. Returning members who did not share in the summer's healing process should be careful not to reopen the wounds caused by the conflict bet- ween President~Kurt~Muenchow and the leaders of the opposition. The assembly brought the problems on itself through childish antagonisms, many with their roots in the mudslinging election campaign of last March. Assembly members correctly deduced that an outside mediator was the best way to iron out their differences, but the fact remains the students paid for MSAs own negligence. Only if the improvement continues will the cost have been worth it to the students. If the return latest victory of the Wolverines, or the hottest new band in town. When interesting people do in- teresting things in Ann Arbor, the Daily is there and so are you. Whatever your interest, cause, or pet peeve, the University is a place to get involved. If the Latin American Solidarity Committee's focus on U.S. involvement in Central America turns you off, maybe the quality of dorm life will concern you. Or, if the University's stance on military research makes you yawn, maybe the big parties of Michigras and homecoming will wake you up. The Univerity, the students, the country, and the world are all inexorably tied - economically, politically, and socially. Your relationship with the University doesn't sto when you pay your tuition bill or finish CRISPing, and the Univer- sity's relationship with the state doesn't stop when the Governor signs the budget. The Daily is part of this network, even as we tell you about it. Student decision-making, campus safety, the Middle East, Chile, exams: all are issues that do, will, or might affect you. Keep informed and stay involved through both the Daily and your- self. No campus issue demands self- determination, and exemplifies the vast imbalance of campus political power, more than the proposed code of nonacademic conduct. There should be no code. For three years, students and administrators have debated the need to govern student behavior Supporting democracy abroad a J '5 LSA tried in some form, despite a price tag of over $1 million for the whole package. If the proposal is fully implemented, it will significantly change undergraduate education, giving it a theme and some new valuable content. After that recommendation, however, many of the other proposals seem to be only feeble solutions for difficult problems. They offer few concrete ideas for implementation and no plans Word spread rapidly around campus last' winter when United States planes bombed Libya. Political arguments raged on the Diag, as students postponed their studies to support or condemn the raid. When Congress rejected President Reagan's plan to aid the Nicaraguan Contras, campus ac- tivists hailed the decision, while conser- vative students protested. Though it sometimes seems that Univer- sity students are glued to their schoolbooks, international issues play a major role in campus life. Students from all political per- spectives debate everything from Chilean independence to Palestinian autonomy. And the Daily in particular devotes much of its editorial focus to international issues. Throughout the world, authoritarian governments are threatening the civil liber- ties Americans have come to expect. The Daily's editorial board strongly believes in governments based on popular consent. A nation can fairly reflect the will of its people only by respecting civil rights, tolerating political dissent, and allowing free press. TherSandanista government in Nicaragua, for example, though it claims to be democratically elected, has closed valuable opposition newspapers and in- vaded religious privacy. But the Contras, American puppets in the guise of popular revolutionists, are cer- tainly no better. They represent an insult to Nicaraguans who helped overthrow the dic- tator Anastasio Somoza in 1979. Composed in great part of former Somozan officers, the Contras have violated human rights on an often ghoulish scale. In South Africa, however, the ad- ministration's actions are cloaked in hypocrisy. The Botha regime has, with American support, ignored internal violen- ce, international pressure, and even its own promises of reform. Modest gains like the end of South Africa's notorious "pass laws" mean nothing when political opposition remains banned, blacks face intolerable discrimination, and the press has been strangled. While President Reagan mouths moral condemnations of apartheid, his ad- ministration's attempts at "diplomatic" pressure have proven a miserable failure. The United States government should acknowledge the inevitability of revolutionary change and initiate contact with the African National Congress, the black group most likely to provide effec- tive leadership. In addition, punitive sanctions seem an ef- fective step to register moral disdain for a government that violates every American principle of liberty. Even the democratic Israel has not been exempt from these repressions of democracy. By delaying an investigation in- to the scandal surrounding the Shin Beth, its security agency, the Israeli government has compromised much of its moral integrity. a 4 P. W. Botha Proposed changes are encouraging Though the United States should not aid the Contras, American policy should en- courage a popularly-elected leadership that truly represents the Nicaraguan people. Such a collective government is also a must in Chile, where General Augusto Pinochet has exercised a virtual dictator- ship since 1973. Though Chile's constitution calls for him to step down in 1987, Pinochet has indicated that he may subvert the elec- toral process and stay on for another term. The Reagan Administration has correctly pushed for new elections to give the Chilean people a voice in their government. for meeting costs. Yes, it would be lovely to have more financial aid, but where will the money come from?. Commission members have explained that their task was huge and their support was minimal. Some have expressed dissatisfaction with the report, saying it did not reflect the depth and breadth of the group's discussions. This is too bad. In all of the areas touched by the group, much more work will need to be done. But the first step to solving problems is always to recognize that they exist, and this is the LSA Blue Ribbon Commission did exceedingly well. MSA- of the rest of the members, some of whom played major roles in the antagonism, means a return to the back-biting of last spring, the money, time,. and effort spent this summer will be meaningless. MSA has proven is can effectively work for student concerns. While the assembly oc- casionally gets too philosophical in its discussions, or even if it doesn't always read student opinion well, MSA has shown it can run essential student services and occasionally sway the regents and administration. The assembly under Muenchow has to prove itself as effective as those under past presidents Scott Page and Paul Josephson. Important issues like the code of non-academic conduct, the proposed guidelines for classified research and campus safety all require a strong student voice. Neither the students at large nor the ad- ministration will take seriously an assembly ob- viously more concerned with winning internal battles than reasonably addressing issues. The summer has given MSA a second change - let's hope they don't waste it. While a popular revolution is certainly not necessary in Israel, such a step should be encouraged in every nation that flouts freedom. Just as the Philippine people rose up and helped defeat Ferdinand Marcos, so should people of other nations with op-, pressive governments. Racism around the Ivory Tower I Despite the University's ivory tower and intellectual atmosphere, the campus is not a haven from society's ills. Subtle and overt racism have plagued the campus this past year, and require steadfast opposition. The first step is to demand the immediate removal of racist graffiti from University buildings. This most prevalent form of racism ranges from anti-semitic statemen- ts on the stairwells of the Modern Language Building, to the desecration of a Chinese- American students' carrel in the graduate library. Many students last spring showed they will not tolerate such defacement by organizing a cleanup of graffiti in the graduate library. The University also scrubbed clean many walls this summer, but only after racist slogans remained up for months. The continued presence of the anti-apar- theid shanty makes a symbolic statement for racial equality, although the University has done little to protect it from physical at- tacks. Most racism takes subtler forms than graffiti, however. Lurking behind the graf- fiti problem is an underlying racist attitude. In many cases, this is due to a lack of ex- posure to minorities. By increasing minority enrollment, the. University can increase interaction among students of different races and cultures. But the University has shown itself better at set- ting impressive goals for minority enrollment than achieving them. While minority enrollment rose to a University all-time high of 12 percent, black enrollment was just slightly more than half the Univer- sity's goal of ten percent. In some ways, it's a vicious circle. The University's racist image makes recruiting minorities difficult. But there are steps that can be taken, such as increasing financial aid and minority recruitment efforts. The best place to educate students about racial interaction is in the dorms. Resident advisors are already screened to ensure that they understand the importance of discouraging intolerant attitudes. Many dorms also have minority lounges. One idea that should be given serious con- sideration is a mandatory racial awarenessf course for freshmen. The presence of racial intolerance on campus is itself intolerable. Students should fight it in their daily lives and pressure. the administration to increase their efforts. Athlete -student Michigan's basketball team will have to do without two promising recruits next year. In-coming freshmen Terry Mills and Rumeal Robinson failed to meet the academic standards set by the NCAA's new Proposition 48 rule, and will have to sit out a year. While it's encouraging that the rule is being enforced, it's questionable whether the University should be admitting students incapable of meeting minimal NCAA stan- dards in the first place. Proposition 48 requires that an athlete receive a combined 700 SAT score and a 2.0 GPA in high school. The rule was designed to combat the practice of universities ad- mitting players unqualified to attend their schools. Refore the rule. several nlavers were Although a SAT score is a poor indicator of ability, especially among students disad- vantaged by poor public education, it is reasonable to expect a combined score of 700, which requires answering correctly only one fifth of math questions and one- third of the verbal. The Robinson and Mills cases are an em- barrassment to a University which prides itself an academic excellence. But admit- ting students unqualified to succeed academically is a crime mainly towards those athletes who do not buck overwhelming odds to become professional basketball stars. Hopefully, Mills and Robinson will suc- ceed academically despite their low scores. The basketball team holds mandatory study sessions and offers tutoring to players, which may be some justification for admit- ting athletes at a lower standard than other students. But in the cases of Mills and Robinson, it seems the University has gone too far. 4 i __ di