cl be Mit tga Ninety-seven years of editorial/freedom l3ailQ .. .. . .. .... ------ P Vol. XCVII - No. 39 Copyright 1986, The Michigan Daily Ann Arbor, Michigan - Tuesday, October 28, 1986 Eight Pages i A 2Iwuse has high radon gas level By ELIZABETH ATKINS A recent University of Pittsburgh study lists an unidentified house in northern Ann Arbor as having the highest level of deadly radon gas pollution in the state. Radon is an odorless, colorless, radioactive gas which seeps into homes through water or soil. Breathing air heavy with radon is linked with lung cancer, according to the Environmental Protection Agency. THE Ann Arbor house regis- tered 58 picocuries of radon per cubic liter of air. The EPA says more than four picocuries per cubic liter could be dangerous and 58 picocuries per liter is comparable to receiving several thousand x-rays in one year or smoking three packs of cigarettes a day. Barry Johnson, Washtenaw County environmental health director, refused to identify the Ann Arbor house, except to say that it is somewhere in the 48105 zip code see STUDY, Page 3 Mets to W Serie From the Associated Pre with staff reports NEW YORK - The New Y Mets came from behind to erase a deficit to post a 8-5 victory last ni to capture the second champions in the franchise's history. The Mets went ahead for goo( the seventh, posting three more r off Boston reliever Calvin Schra Mets third baseman Ray Kni homered into left field to lead off inning. A wild pitch sandwiched betw two New York singles brought he Len Dykstra with the Mets' fifth and Rafael Santana scored of Hernandez sacrifice fly. THE RED SOX rallied for1 runs in the top of the eighth to r the score 6-5, but New York c, back with two of its own to put game away. Boston was unabl( respond in the ninth as Jesse Oro struck out Boston second baser Marty Barrett to end the game. rally orld title A two-run single by Keith Hernandez keyed a three-run New York sixth inning as the Mets rallied to tie the Red Sox 3-3. With the Red Sox leading 3-0, Lee Mazzilli got a one-out pinch single in the Mets' sixth and went to second on a single by Mookie Wilson. Tim Teufel drew a walk from Boston starter Bruce Hurst to load the bases for Hernandez. HERNANDEZ lined a shot to center that drove in Mazzilli and Wilson, then Wally Backman went in- to run for Teufel at third. Gary Carter hit a soft fly just out of the reach of a diving Dwight Evans in right that got Backman across with the tying run. Carterdidn't receive credit for a hit because Hernandez was thrown out at second by Evans on the play. Successive homers by Boston's Evans and Rich Gedman keyed a three-run second inning as the Red See NEW YORK, page 7 Daily Photo by SCOTT LITUCHY University President Harold Shapiro (center) and his wife Vivian chat with LSA junior John Kovacs yester- day at the Shapiros' open house. See story, Page 2. Mandela renominated for honorary degree By TIM DALY A University professor has renominated jailed South African activist Nelson Mandela for an honorary degree, renewing last year's debate over the University's degree policy.. Thomas Holt, a history professor and acting director of the Center for Afroamerican and African Studies, nominated Mandela Friday in a letter to James Short, assistant to the president. Holt urged the University community to "seize this rare and short-lived opportunity to reaffirm our basic purposes and values." The regents rejected the same nomination last year because it would violate a regents' bylaw that prohibits giving honorary degrees to those who cannot attend commencement ceremonies. HOLT SAID he made the nomination again this year because the situation in South Africa is even more critical than it was last year. "Awarding an honorary degree to Mandela is the minimal gesture the University can make to apply pressure to South Africa's government," he said. An ad hoc committee that is reviewing the University's honorary degree policy began meeting in See REGENT'S, Page 3 Lousma warns voters about polls By STEPHEN GREGORY Former astronaut and one-time U.S. 'Senate candidate Jack Lousma yesterday urged voters to ignore polls gauging support for candidates because they "can be very misleading and negative." "The polls are often wrong, and I think they are this time," Lousma said, referring to recent polls that indicate gubernatorial candidate William Lucas lags way behind Gov. James Blanchard in public support. Lousma spoke to 15 people in the Union as he campaigned for Lucas. "I'm here to support Bill Lucas. I believe he's the man the state needs," Lousma said. "I'm here to show the polls don't really mean much." LAST THURSDAY the Detroit News released poll findings showing Blanchard leads Lucas in public support by a 55 to 25 percent margin. The newspaper the large margin exists because "more and more See POLLS, Page 2. L ousma ... downplays polls Handicap services seeks new director By BRIAN BONET The University's Office of Disabled Student Services has been operating for more than a year under the direction of a secretary, who is leaving her position on Friday. Debra Corby- the secretary who is leaving for a job in Plymouth- and disabled students say that lack of a director has harmed the quality of services for the handicapped. "Everything has been put on hold. We've kept the same support programs, but haven't increased them yet," Corby said. JAMES KUBIAKO, former director of Disabled Student Ser- vices, left for a position at the Wayne County Intermediate School District at the end of August 1985. Corby was named student service administrator for one year and was given a raise while the University looked for a new director. See DISABLED, Page 2 Council delays vote on shopping mall plan By EVE BECKER ' As of midnight last night, it appeared that the Ann Arbor City Council would send a controversial plan to create a shopping mall in the north campus area back to the city planning commission for further consideration. More than 200 Ann Arbor residents attended the meeting to protest the construction of the mall. It was the second public hearing the council has held for the plan. Residents said there was no need for the shopping mall because it would detract from business downtown, disturb the residential character of the neighborhood, and increase traffic and safety problems in the area. THE PLAN to create a 27-acre shopping mall by changing the zoning from a research district to a commercial district at Nixon and Plymouth roads in northeast Ann Arbor first went before the council Sept. 15. First Martin Associates, the developer of the University Center shopping mall project, revised its original plan to build the shoopping mall because of extensive objections from residents. . The new proposal, presented last night, included breaking down the See COUNCIL, Page 3 Nite Owl schedule baffles riders By MELISSA BIRKS On the window of each Nite Owl bus is a sign: One says "north" and the other says "south." But two weeks after the route forked into two separate runs, students are still confused about the schedule. "A lot of people didn't realize we were making the switch," said senior dental student Mark Milano, who drives the northbound bus. "We just all of the sudden switched on Sunday (Oct. 12)." Wendy Cohen, a Natural Resources freshman, learned of the separate routes the hard way. She boarded the southbound bus and rode through the entire 15- minute route unaware that it wasn't going anywhere near her residence in Mary Markley hall. "I DIDN'T KNOW it was two different routes," Cohen said, boarding the northbound bus, "so I got on the wrong one." The new routes began after the University's executive officers approved a proposal from the Campus Safety Committee to expand the route. The administration granted the service $52,000 to run two busses simultaneously, put up stop signs, and, possibly, continue the service during the spring and summer. See NEW, Page 3 Daily Photo by SCOTT LITUCHY Leaves galore Lee Ching, who lives with her sister on Packard, gathers leaves outside of Regents' Plaza yesterday. Ching plans to send some leaves home to her parents near Shanghai, China. TODAY- Piss for the Pres. P - :A- T . - ..--tv ;ornnArlfc s n n a.. INSIDE -' Y -t flask. The cartoon appeared in the Daily last week. Meanwhile, the Los Angeles times reported that such drug tests are "far from error-proof and can easily cause people to be falsely labelled as drug users." The newspaper cites pharmacologists at the University of California and Harvard University who sav that urine tests are unreliable because they RED BAITING: Opinion questions Rep. sell's campaign tactics. See Page 4. Pur- COMPLEX: Arts begins a three-part series on