In ceen Building your winter wardrobe
Illiee~ell Magazin10e. *Mike Fisch * Ed Pierce interview
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Ninety-seven years of editorial freedom
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Vol. XCVII - No. 37
Copyright 1986, The Michigan Doily
Ann Arbor, Michigan - Friday, October 24, 1986
Fourteen Pages
luck IU
strives for
Don't expect the unexpected.
Just expect it to be different.
Case in point: before the season
began, there was little doubt that
Indiana would start 4-2 and 1-2 in
the Big Ten before facing Michigan
tomorrow in Bloomington. After
blasting Louisville, Navy,
Missouri, and Northwestern, head
coach Bill Mallory and the Hoosiers
had to face Ohio State and then
Minnesota at Minneapolis.
IT WAS the kind of schedule
that would keep Indiana faithful
interested and then scurrying to the
ticket booth - for basketball
While Indiana lost as expected to
Ohio State and Minnesota, it was
by scores of 24-22 and 19-17. The
Ohio State loss came while kicker
Pete Stoyonovich missed the game
because of a funeral; his
replacement missed two field goals.
The latter loss came when
Minnesota kicked a last-minute
field goal.
So while Indiana has the record
everyone. expected, at 4-2, they
don't have the type of team
everyone expected, a crummy one.
THE HOOSIER'S resurgence
See HOOSIERS, Page 11
Losses may harm
U.S. monitoring
State Sen. Lana Pollack, left, and State Rep. Perry Bullard speak to students yesterday on the Diag.
Critics call forum partisan
Billed as a "non-political" event, a rally sponsored
yesterday by the Michigan Student Assembly to honor
State Rep. Perry Bullard (D-Ann Arbor) and State Sen.
Lana Pollack (D-Ann Arbor) has sparked controversy
among some students, who called MSA's sponsorship
of the rally a political endorsement.
John Gaber, vice-chairman of MSA's External
Relations Committee, the group that organized the
event, said the intention of the rally was to thank
Bullard specifically for his work on the Student Bill of
Rights and Pollack for her support of state funding for
higher education. He said the External Relations
Committee has worked closely with Bullard and
Pollack in the past.
GABER SAID he tried to keep the event non-
partisan by asking the candidates to limit their speech
topics to education-related issues. He also removed
posters advertising economics graduate student Dean
Baker's campaign for Congress that some of Baker's
supporters placed around the area of the forum.
Michael Margolis, chairman of the External
Relations Committee, said that no pins or flyers were
permitted and Pollack, who usually wears a "re-elect
See CRITICS, Page 2
Reagan administration ack-
nowledged yesterday that
restrictions imposed on the U.S.
embassy in Moscow would limit
"our ability to monitor what
happens" in the Soviet Union.
But the administration decided
not to retaliate for the expulsion of
five more American diplomats and
urged the Soviets to "put behind
us" a dispute over diplomats and
Declaring a cease-fire, Chares
Redman, the State Department
spokesman, said, "we need now to
get on with a resolution of thee
larger issues affecting U.S.-Soviet
relations and build on the progress
made in discussions at Reyjkavik."
THE SOVIETS have expelled
10 American diplomats in a week
and withdrawn 260 Russians who
worked as cooks, maids, drivers and
Socialist groups blast
*both Pursell, Baker
Although socialism has become
an issue in the Congressional race
between-U.S. Rep. Carl Pursell (D-
Mich.) and Democratic challenger
Dean Baker, most socialist groups
say they do not back Baker.
S In the 2nd District campaign's
closing weeks, incumbent Pursell
has played up the Democratic
Socialists of America's
endorsement of Baker. He has
mailed a flyer that mentions the
endorsement and, in the final
minutes of Tuesday's televised
debate with Baker, Pursell said,
"My opponent has quietly and
deceptively fooled a lot of people in
the district by saying he is not an
ultra-liberal. He has been endorsed
by the Democratic Socialists of
American out of New York City."
IN AN interview that appeared
in Monday's Daily Monday, Pursell
questioned opponent Baker's
ideology: "If he took the socialist
endorsement, that would imply that
he may or may not be a socialist. I
don't know whether he is or not. I
have to wonder why he took the
socialist endorsement.'"
DSA, however, is the only
socialist group to endorse Baker. It
claims to have the largest following
of socialists in the United States
and endorsed Walter Mondale for the
presidency in 1984. Many of its
members worked in the McGovern
'72 presidential campaign.
Other candidates who have
accepted Democraic Socialists of
America endorsements are Rep.
Perry Bullard (D-Ann Arbor) and
Senator Lana Pollack (D-Ann
Arbor). Ann Arbor City Council
members- Jeff Epton and Lowell
Peterson are members of DSA.
BUT OTHER socialist groups
criticized both Baker and Pursell's
performed other duties in the
embassy and at the U.S. consulate
in Leningrad.
"There will have to be some
fairly substantial changes in our
staffing pattern," Redman said. He
referred to the fact that the 251 U.S.
diplomats either will take on work
in addition to their duties or that
some will be replaced by American
"But I'm confident," the U.S.
official said, "that the dedicated
U.S. personnel at our mission in
the Soviet Union will continue to
perform effectively."
THE SOVIETS took the
actions in response to the U.S.
expulsion of 80 Soviets in
Washington, New York and San
Francisco. An administration
official, who demanded anonymity,
said Wednesday night the expulsion
See LOSSES, Page 7
to, visit
42 sister,
A delegation of 20 local
residents, including Ann Arbor
Mayor Ed ,Pierce and State
Representive Perry Bullard
(D-Ann Arbor), will visit Ann
Arbor's sister city Juigalpa in
Nicaragua next Saturday.
The delegation and the
arrangement with Juigalpa were
authorized last April, when ballot
Proposal A was overwhelmingly
approved by city voters. The
referendum also ordered the city to
send a letter to the federal
government asking that Ann Arbor
tax dollars not be' used for military
aid in Central America.
Campbell, a member of the Ann
Arbor Central America Sister City
Task Force, delegates will meet
with Juigalpa officals and look for
ways in which Ann Arbor could
assist local projects, 'such as
improvingaJuigalpa's sanitation
The delegates will not make any
commitments until they return
Nov. 10, Curtis said, calling the 10-
day visit a "fact-finding mission."
Curtis also hopes that
"information, good or bad," brought
See PIERCE, Page 5
exib ility
is thedet rule
It is a University program with fewer than 15 concentrators- and
most of them combine it with another major. It borrows its professors
from other departments. And next semester will be the first time
concentrators must take core courses.
It is probably the most flexible major at the University. It is named
the Medieval and Renaissance Collegium, but you can just call it
"I THINK it is the best example of a truly humanistic type of
course in the University," said Guy Mermier, director of MARC. "There
is no course with a focus that at the same time allows students to borrow
this focus in a great variety of programs."
MARC began in 1974 as a program in medieval and Renaissance
studies. It was created by English Prof. Russell Fraser, who wanted to
eliminate the boundaries that usually confine students to one department
See MARC, Page 3
Pumpkins galore DAILY Photo by JAE KIM
Students pack in to pick over and plumb plump pumpkin patch
paraphenalia. The students are from left to right: Kathy Lashbrook,
Shelly Jaster, Margo Jackson, Bobbie Jo Franzese, and Bill Murphy. The
500 jack o' lanterns in waiting are being sold outside of Stockwell to fund
the Stockwell and Mosher Jordan Halls' hayride on November 15. The
pumpkins will be on sale from 11 a.m. to6 p.m. today.
director of MARC
Late Alimony
Walsworth said. "Other than that, it's a routine
case." Walsworth said Shemers could have
avoided the jail term that began Oct. 8 if he had
documented his wife's death. He said he believed
that Walsworth should have kept track of his
wife's whereabouts. "I told him right where she
think," 17-year-old Vicki Ann Guest said
Wednesday. "A couple of days later, when people
found out about it, I was really embarassed." The
lawsuit alleges that teacher-adviser Jean Clower
told the girl her grades and performance were
acceptable for the cheerleading squad, but her
BAKER: Opinion interviews Democratic Con-
gressional candidate Dean Baker. See Page