a s 0 w . SIU's VideoTIPLE Volunteers CHOICED m Three years ago Carbon- dale, Ill., lacked the full spectrum of cable-televi- sion programming-but South- ern Illinois University stu- dents still wanted their MTV. So volunteers from the campus radio station put to- gether their own music-video show. Since then, MTV has ar- rived. But SIU's spirited "The New Frontier" show has sur- vived by becoming a video al- ternative, developing a play list of more offbeat, smaller-label groups like the Meat Puppets and Husker Dti. New installments of the hourlong show come out every few weeks and air three times weekly on the local-access channel. The program varies the tone with student films and segments like "Woman in the Street," which asks people about topics like the grossest thing they ever found in their food-"really kind of nutty stuff," says "New Frontier" producer Paul Andresen, "that a rock-and-roll audience would like." j- The New Frontier-ers fat- ten their video stockpile by pro- ducing videos for local bands like 138 and Hunting Sleaze. "Depending on what the band's contracts are like, we can produce a video for basi- cally any band that will have us," says Andresen, a 22-year- old radio-TV major. The program gets support from a combination of student funds and ad sales, and it scrapes by on what Andresen calls "an almost zero budget ... all it is is time and a little elbow grease." Eager music promoters provide some videos, and most of the work is done by the nearly 100 volunteers in production, writing and ad sales. They also do multimoni-. tor "live" gigs at an area bar, mixing music segments with "video wallpaper"-visually interesting filler images-a la trendy New York clubs. "Kind of like the Palladium, scaled down," Andresen says. "Waaay down." . Missouri's Own Henge No self-respecting Druid should pass up this road- side attraction: the new American Stonehenge-"Mo- henge" to familiars-at the engineering-oriented Universi- ty.of Missouri, Rolla. Complet- ed by students in 1984 with $75,000 in private donations, the 160-ton half-scale replica, like the millenniums-old original, is a functional observatory. Mohenge's de- signer, Joseph Senne, a UMR professor emeritus of civil en- gineering, calls it "sort of a trib- ute to the ancient engineer." Stonehenge enthusiasts among the students and faculty wryly erected the copy near the Mathematics and Comput- er Science Building. Mohenge deliberately does not duplicate the English Stonehenge be- 'Kind of nutty stuff': 'New Frontier' student crew tapes the Carbondale group Hunting Sleaze 38 NEWSWEEK o04CAMPUS