0O L0 C S SPORTS books rather than blockers. "I think it would be a good idea for all freshmen to sit out," he says. "With leaving home and ad- justing to all this work, I don't know what I'd do if I was playing football right now." G r a d e s Others, however, say their .dreams of gridiron glory have been unjustly derailed Proposition 48, the latest effort to make sure that by the new standards. Schools that offered players are 'student-athletes,' takes its first toll scholarships can withdraw the financial aid if a student fails to qualify, forcing some to settle for junior colleges or give up col- lege altogether. Adrian Simmons of Pensa- or Notre Dame freshman John Foley, his fall off the football field for the first time cola, Fla., lost his basketball scholarship at autumn has always been synonymous since grade school. "It's really just like it's Missouri because of a 570 SAT score and with football. The 6-foot-4, 250-pound off season," he says. "A very long off sea- settled for Pensacola Junior College. If he linebacker has been playing the game son." He is just one of hundreds of "red- does well, in two years he'll be recruited all since he was six, and playing it well. Last shirts"-students who received athletic over again. "The school gives the players a year at Chicago's St. Rita High School, his scholarships from Division I colleges but lot of help," says a hopeful Simmons. speed and power ("I used to push cars were ruled ineligible under the new stand- The no pass, no play requirements are around to work up strength") won Foley ards, which were approved by the NCAA in far from rigorous, requiring only a grade- Player of the Year and All-American hon- 1983 to go into effect this year. Freshmen point average of 1.8 in 11 basic high-school ors from several major newspapers. "I who fail to make a minimum grade average classes and combined SAT scores of 740. don't want to sound cocky, but everyone on a core of high-school courses as well as But application of the rules can sometimes recruited me," says Foley. "I could have meet minimum test scores on the SAT's or seem arbitrary. All-American football gone anywhere." Foley chose Notre Dame, the American College Test (ACT) must sit player Paul Glonek, 18, scored 840 on the and nothing seemed to stand between him out their first year-unable to compete or SAT and had a 2.4 GPA at St. Laurence and four years of glory with the Fight- even practice with their team. High School in suburban Chicago. Notre ing Irish. For some, the failure to meet the require- Dame withdrew its scholarship offer, how- Nothing, that is, but Proposition 48-the ments amounts to little more than an un- ever, after discovering Glonek had not tak- NCAA's new set of academic requirements scheduled, but hardly devastating, time- en a required chemistry course. Eventually for freshmen athletes. Now, because his out. After the initial shock, Foley was able Iowa gave him a scholarship, but he still SAT scores were too low, Foley is spending to see the benefits of concentrating on has to sit out a year-and he's still bitter. One of the est-selling books of all.time, strengths and the weaknesses of his ap- proach. They cover children from South Africa, Northern Ireland, Poland, Brazil, Nicaragua and French-speaking Canada, as well as from immigrant Asian communi- ties in the United States. His aim is to absorb and reproduce the process through which children, divided by race, class, lan- guage and competing political ideologies, develop moral character and acquire a sense of national identity. At his best Coles dramatically renders the malleability and resiliency of children trying to survive both physically and spiritually in highly con- flictedcircumstances. Ineachcasehetraces the impact of significant adults-ideo- logues and police as well as parents and teachers-on his subjects; during a church service in Belfast, for example, Coles even C stepped forward to be "saved" by the Rev. Ian Paisley to better understand the power of theProtestants' most volublespokesman on childrenwhoaccepthisword asgospel. c Unfortunately, Coles needs a firm edi- s tor. In telling his stories, he sometimes n wraps his children in distracting asides p and details, thus blurring the uniqueness r. of individuals, which he prizes so much. li Often his children sound too much alike- ti a risk Coles necessarily takes in compress- d ing hours of conversation into straight s dialogue, albeit in long stretches. i hildren as a primary source: Coles listens to a young subject in Washington, D.C. Now that politicians and educators are most of her money to the church, who is ailing for the teaching of values in going to help me?" he asks. "Freud-no. chools, Coles's maverick methods seem But Jesus and George Eliot can. They show nore appropriate than ever. He ap- us how to look at people, not for their pa- roaches literature as a moralist and mo- thology but for the possibilities that existin ality as a healer. He dares to argue that the lowest among us." That outlook will be terature and religion are more useful severely tested in Coles's next project: a han psychiatry and social science in un- study of the significance of religion in the erstanding complex moral and social is- lives of children in the United States, in the ues. "When I try to understand the behav- Middle East and in Latin America. or of a teenage prostitute in Rio who gives K EN N E T H L. Wasu0 D W A R D s , Cambridge, Mass. Only Epson electronic typewriters have a built-in thesaurus. Plus, our Spell-Check dictionary. So it's easy to find that perfect word. That means you're free to write creatively. Then when you're done, our typewriters let you correct, edit, find synonyms and check spelling of an entire document.All at the touch of a button. They're that simple to use. They also have the most internal memory, which you can expand with