0 0 0 PHoTroS BY WILL w Displaying the bands that tie: Loyal Ags can't buy their class rings until they complete 9 Agie re No Jok Unique Texas A&M, long the butt of Lone Star humor, builds a brainier reputation T radition holds that sometime before on here people wouldn't understand." Thanksgiving, the students of Texas Tradition holds the Aggies like a moth- A&M University will begin building er's arms or a set of shackles-depending on The Bonfire. Supervised by red-helmeted whom you ask. In a nation that homog- seniors, the Aggies will top the 65-foot pyre enizes every commodity from hamburgers with an outhouse built, as tradition dir- to houses, other colleges may sometimes tates, by members of the Fightin' Texas seem the same. But 110-year-old A&M re- AggieBand. OnNov. 25 itwillblaze,andthe mains, well, refreshingly different. Being night will be filled with smoke and the different has its price, saddling the south- whoops of a frenzied "yell practice." If the central Texas school over the years with an outhouse survives past midnight, the Ag- oafish reputation. Now it is improving its gies believe they will defeat the archfoe University of Texas- referred to by loyal Ags only as "t.u." On Thanksgiving Day the Aggie Band will enter the stadium playing the "Aggie War Hymn," and thousands will sing along: "Hullabaloo, Caneck!Caneck!" Every Agwill stay on his feet throughout the" entire game, as if ready to step in for injured team members- to be, as tradition demands, the "12th man." Notes Jeff Davis, commanding officer of Com- panyK-2 of the Corps of Cadets: "A lot of the stuff that goes Corps curriculum: Mingling (right), yell practice (inset) 44 NEWSWEEK ON CAMPUS image, becoming a research powerhouse worthy ofitssports program. And, for all its tradi- tionalism, A&M is also con- fronting change, trying to forge a better future by discarding some of the more restrictive trappingsofitspast. How best to explain the Ag- gies to the outside world? We could eat at the Memorial Stu- dent Center cafeteria, where A&M's 36,561 hungry students can pile a plate high with chicken-fried steak and turnip greens, orwecouldviewthe odd architecture on the 5,142-acre campus, which pits stately old buildings and live oaks against concrete-and-glasshulks. One taco short: But the best way to understand the Aggie gestalt may be through the Aggie joke, n OVERsEEK a Texas specialty that plays on credits the students' old reputation for being a taco short of a combina- tion plate. "How can you tell if an Aggie has been using your word processor?" asks one. Answer: "There's white-out all over the screen." No one knows better Aggie jokes than one of the tribe: the jokes, like the otherrituals, arepartofthe legacy. ThesedaystheAggiesarebentonproving the punch lines wrong. No longer the back- water agricultural and mechanical college that gave the school its nickname, A&M now rightfully boasts of national superior- ity in several areas, especially chemistry. Its mammoth engineering, architecture deduct the interest payments if the loan is used for educational or medical expenses. Therefore, tax counselor Kaye Farriter of Coopers & Lybrand suggests that parents may want to consider doing the borrowing instead of their kids. Many undergraduates still won't be taxed, since even with aid packages they don't have enough income to pay taxes. Athletes and other full-scholarship stu- dents, however, may face problems be- cause their nontuition aid may push their gross receipts over the $4,900 taxable-in- come threshold. "It doesn't sound like a very good deal," says Illinois right defen- sive end Hon Bohm. His annual aid ride is worth $4,956 for tuition and $4,072 for room and board. Under the new law, Bohm's nontuition aid would be added toj his summer earnings of about $5,000. Hisj gross income of $9,072 could therefore be taxed at a 15 percent rate. The tax law could seriously affect grad students, who often work their way through school. Although their tax bracket may be lower, their aid and income-com- bined with that of a spouse-may increase their tax bill. Harvard economist Law- rence Lindsey predicts that students will be scared away from lower-paying but cru- cial fields like college teaching in order to make good on their debts.e We're going to pay for it in the 1990is," he declares. The new bill could also constrict the flow of charitable donations. Appreciated prop- erty such as stock or art-which accounts for about 40 percent of all gifts-will now be subject to a special minimum tax that will penalize wealthy donors who may have abused previous loopholes. Fund raisers who deal with less-than-wealthy alumni now fear that some graduates will have less incentive to send in their modest but useful checks every December. The lower tax brackets will reduce the tax benefits of charitable giving-and eliminate them for those who do not itemize on their returns. The worst-case scenarios predict a drop of $1.2 billion in contributions from last year's record $11.05 billion. So schools are urging loyal alums to contribute in 1986 before the rules change. In addition, the bill puts a $150 million limit on the amount of tax-exempt bonds that each private school can issue. Dubbed "the Harvard provision" by some confer- ees, this would affect only the two dozen major research schools that exceed the cap. Unless Congress writes in an exemption for individual schools, those that want to spend more would be forced to either delay new projects or seek, more expensive fi- nancing. Score one for the public Ivies: pub- lic schools can still borrow tax-free under the authority of a state. CONNIE LESI i Ewith BR Ao RISINGER intWashington, To ACYsiv soT Zi New Haenand LAUReA ow ,E Yin Chmpaign Hys looking for men who are looking for a fight. e's looking for young men willing "T ;--" Hato dedicate their lives to fightin Father Bill Moorman, Director of Vocations povrt, unerand .eigou 1The Trinitarians1 povety, hunger and religious P.O. Box 5719 Baltimore, MD 21208 intolerance. Tell me more about the Trinitarians. And if that man sounds like you, 11 maybe you should become one of us. Name We're the Trinitarian Fathers, an I Address_ _ 800-year-old order of Catholic priests nty sate zip and brothers dedicated to fighting 11 poverty and hunger, and freeing those ! 1 THE imprisoned for their religious beliefs. . TRINITARIANS Come uosn on the front lines. We :F O YY can always use a few more good men. i IS E DB O For more information, call us at------------------------ (301) 484-2250, or send for our free TheTrinitians.Jinus,and the brochure. WOrldWill never the same. OCTOBER 1986