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October 23, 1986 - Image 27

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1986-10-23
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Getting comfortable with an IBM PC now
can put you in a good position later.

Familiarity with the IBM Personal Com-
puter can give you a real advantage in school.
And it can put you in good standing when
you get out.
Since IBM computers are widely accepted
throughout the academic and professional
fields, chances are you'll be seeing a lot of them.
So while you may leave a lot of things be-
hind when you leave school, PC know-how is
one thing you can take with you. And put to
good use.
You can count on
the IBM PC to help
you through the
tough times in
school. And
beyond. It runs
many powerful
programs to
meet your
The popular academic,
IBM Personal Computer. personal and

professional needs. And
with the PC Convert-
ible, you can put
computing where
you need it-in the
library, lab, classroom
or dorm. Or even under
your favorite tree. IBM PC Conrertible.
The IBM PC's word processing and
graphic capabilities-coupled with an IBM
printer-will help make your schoolwork
look polished and professional. And every
time you write a paper or plot a graph, you'll
hone the skills you'll need on the job.
So if you want to put yourself in a good
position for the future, you can start by get-
ting comfortable with an IBM PC.
For more information, see your campus
organization authorized to sell IBM Personal
Computer products,
or your local IBM- -
Authorized PC Dealer.

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