ered the new sound but even managed, roles. Having worked on films in both cul- n one scene, to imitate Australian costar tures leads her to muse on the comparative Bryan Brown's assumed Scottish accent. advantages of each. "In the States there are "I had the advantage," she admits. "I not political restrictions-people get a lot lidn't have to be doing it exactly right more freedom in that aspect," she says. >ecause I was mimicking him. He had a "But the director cannot do whatever he harder job because he had to do it real." wants, for financial reasons, and also he Chen had been appearing in popular has to please the audience." She is current- ilms since the age of 14 in China, where her ly filming Bernardo Bertolucci's "The Last >usy acting schedule kept her from com- Emperor" in Rome but hopes at some point >leting high school (she eventually passed to earn the 19 academic credits she needs to an equivalency exam). Her film work con- graduate from Cal State, Northridge. Last :inued to interfere with her college studies, summer she was busy making another Chi- md she decided to pursue a degree in the nese film in China but still made time to Jnited States. By her sophomore year, work on a school paper because, Chen says, however, the acting bug had bitten again, "I just want to complete something." md Chen began seeking television and film JOHN S C H w A R T Z -II Urn Sopled or demented by age I 's Not S Tough frT It'sNotSo T ughand they find that the to Drec Legnds Youg crooks today are to Direct Legends justthugs."ToughGuys" fights the attitude that "old people should go W hen directorJeffKa- ples-as men, as charac- out on the ice and be new talks about his ters and as actors they eaten by the walruses," new film, "Tough Guys," are incredibly alive and according to director Ka- he pronounces the names effective." new. "There's no such of costars Kirk Douglas Kanew uses Lancaster thing as the end of the and Burt Lancaster as a and Douglas remarkably line, unless you believe portmanteau word, as if well in "Tough Guys." that there is." the men were a single The two bring to this Credibility chips: Kanew entity: "How could there likable-but-dumb buddy had a rocky start as a be a KirkenBurt movie, film a kind of charisma director, beginning with and I have a chance to and grace-hallmarks of the poorly received sui- direct it, and not do it?" true movie-star acting- cide drama "Natural En- This is the seventh time that lesser talents can't emies." But he built that the two screen leg- approach. Lancaster and up his credibility chips ends have appeared in a Douglas portray senior- in Hollywood by turn- movie together in nearly citizen partners in crime, ing out the commercially four decades, but it cellmates in prison who successful teen comedy is their first chance to have completed 30-year "Revenge of the Nerds." flex their combined com- terms for train robbery That success, along with ic muscle, and Kanew, and must now try to an earlier working rela- who at the age of 41 has adjust to a society that tionship with Douglas in directed six movies, has has little use for old- the film "Eddie Macon's great respect for their sters. Their former hang- Run"-which Kanew de- talents. "These guys are out has become a gay scribes as a "minor cable living, breathing exam- bar, their gang is crip- classic"-allowed him to take a crack at Kirken- The KirkenBurt show: Kanew and stars on the set Burt. Whilehehasehown CHRISTINE Los considerable sensitivity to his characters as a director, Kanew doesn't claim to have a special vi- what Iamas a human be- ing, much less as a film- maker," he admits. "If you don't really know quite who you are, it's hard to know what you havetosay.' J. S. 0 ASCIATING" -NEWSWEEK Yoga was devel- oped milleniums ago asa practical, scientific means for realizing the highest potentials of human con- sciousness. Auto- biography of a Yogi, the fascinating life story of Paramahansa Yogananda, explains the universal principles underlying this yogic science and shows their relevance in our nuclear age. A deeply probing book that of- fers unique insights to understanding both the universe and ourselves, Autobiography of a Yogi is widely regarded as a classic in its field and has been used as a text in over 130 colleges and universities. 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