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October 21, 1986 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1986-10-21

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The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, October 21, 1986 - Page 3

Guidelines won't hurt
research, official says

The University will lose little
funding if it bans classified research
according to one of three University
experts who discussed the proposed
guidelines for classified research at
yesterday's Research Policies
Committe meeting.
James Lesch, head of the
Division of Research and
Development Administration
(DRDA), told the committee that
the University will lose little
funding from government and
industry sources if a ban on most
classified research is adopted, as
recommended in recently proposed
classified research guidelines. The
proposed guidelines would
eliminate all classified or
proprietary research which has
restrictions on publication.
currently little money is tied-up in
classified research. The University
has about $400,000 in classified
research, which is less than one-
half of one percent of the
University's total research budget.
The University may lose some
proprietary research funds, however,
Lesch said. Proprietary research is
done for companies and industry
rather than for the government.
"We will lose a few industry-
supported contracts because some
companies want their information
to remain confidential," he said.
LESCH SERVED on the ad
hoc committee which proposed the
new guidelines for classified
research at the University last
Lesch defended specific terms of
the recommended policy at
yesterday's committee meeting. He
said provisions in the current
guidelines forbidding classified
S research which have applications
harmful to human life are not
necessary in the newly proposed
guidelines, because the proposal
virtually eliminates classified

Lesch defended the elimination
of the committees which review
classifed project proposals for
compliance with the guidelines.
"THE MOMENT it becomes
clear (a project) will become
classified, it will be over," Lesch
said. "That obviates the review
History Prof. David Hollinger,
also member of last year's ad hoc
committee, told committee
members that the proposed
guidelines,don't make a statement
about the humane values of the
University and that there is no need
for such a statement under the
proposed guidelines.
"If these recommendations are
adopted by the University of
Michigan, there will be no entity to
which a kill-maim restriction might
apply," Hollinger said.
"SURELY, WE are not going
to take seriously the argument that
we need to have some classified
research around so that we can
apply our principles to it and be
assured of an opportunity to

demonstrate our moral superiority
to it," Hollinger said.
Associate Prof. of Intern4 :
Medicine Dr. David Bassett told the:;
Research Policies Committee that
he is circulating a statement, by
'which faculty members pledge not
to do research harmful to human
life. Bassett said 30 or 40 faculty
members have signed the pledge so
. "There is a question which
should be considered by every
investigator and academician: 'Is
there any research which I, as an
investigator, should not do because
of its clear likelihood of being
harmful to human beings," Bassett
Bassett's pledge reads: "I will
not engage in research, nor suggest
that others engage in research, the
clearly forseeable and probable
result of which is to destroy or
permanently incapacitate human
beings. I express the hope that my
colleagues will also endorse this

'Star Wars' protest Associated Press
Police in Washington arrest two anti-Star Wars demonstrators yesterday. The protest group tried to block a
building which is part of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission as well as housing SDI offices.
Many misuse car safety seats

with wire reports
Approximately one-quarter of all children under four
years old ridmtg n cars on Michigan roads arent in a
dhild-restraint seat as required by law, according to a
University study.
, The study conducted by the University's
Transportation Research Institute also found that two-
thirds of the children who are in the seats are incorrectly
Associate Research Scientist at the Transportation
Research Institute, Alexander Wagenaar, said common
misuses of child safety seats are strapping the seat to the
car but not strapping the child in, or strapping the child
into the seat but not strapping the seat to the car.
PUBLIC SUPPORT for the mandatory child
restraint law is high. Nine out of ten persons surveyed
said the law should be strictly enforced. But 75 percent
o respondents said enforcement is lax.
"Very 'low levels of enforcement indicate that
enforcement has not been mainly responsible for the
siccess achieved to date, and that there has now emerged
a social norm that drivers are expected to restrain young
c ildren when traveling in an automobile," the study
The traffic injury study focused on the 33 months
after passage of the state law in 1982 requiring the use of
child safety seats or seatbelts for motor-vehicle

passengers under the age of four.
ALTHOUGH THE number of severely injured
children declined 17 percent, the rate of severe injuries
per million population showed no significant change
during the 33 months.
"Results of this study clearly indicate that Michigan's
mandatory child restraint law was effective in
substantially reducing the number of children injured in
motor-vehicle crashes," Wagenaar said. "The beneficial
effects of the law were not short-lived, and continue
essentially unchanged after two and a half years.
"Nevertheless, the beneficial consequences of the chilk
restraint law are not as large as desired," he said.
THE STUDY showed that 92 percent of childrer
younger than age one were in a safety seat and that use
of safety seats was lower among families with low
incomes, unmarried parents, non-white parents and
parents older than 40.
The study recommended that the seat designs be
changed to reduce the chance of improper use, that the
law be enforced more, and that parents be better educated
in car seat use.
The study involved observation of child-restraint use
at fast food restaurants in 14 southeastern Michigar
cities and interviews with 661 people in vehicles.
The study was sponsored by the Michigan Office o.
Highway Safety Planning and the National Highway
Traffic Safety Administration.

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Campus Cinema
Variety (Bette Gordon, 1984),
Eye, 8:00 p.m., 214 N. 4th.
Kathy Acker wrote this
screenplay about a porno theater
ticket girl and her obsessive
Bring on the Night (M.
Apted, 1985), MTF, 7:45 p.m.,
Bring on the narcissm, as Sting
and his jazzy sidekicks prepare
for their "Dream Of The Blue
Turtles" tour.
Jasmine and Steve Larson
- Ann Arbor Federation of
Musicians and Couzens Hall,
7:30 p.m., Couzens Hall.
Pianist Steve Larson will
perform light jazz and the jazz
trio Jasmine will play a special
Samu Sunim- "The Way of
Budda, the Way of Life," 8:30
p.m., 24-26 Tyler, East Quad.
Carla J. Stoffle- "The
Impact of Library Automation,"
Women in a Technological
Society, 3 p.m., Rackham
Assembly Hall.
Heather McHugh- "Reading
From Her Works," 4p.m.,
Rackham East Conference.
Tamas R- Boles- "Burial

Representations of the Earth and
the Birth of Empire," The
Thomas Spencer Jerome Lecture
Committee, 4 p.m., Rackham
Ernst Katz- "Rudolf Steiner:
Past Stages of Consciousness,"
The Rudolf Steiner Institute of
the Great Lakes Area, 8 p.m.,
1923 Geddes.
Karen Edwards- "Brothers
and Sisters in Black Families:
Focusing on Early Childhood,"
Center for Continuing Education
of Women, noon, CEW, 2nd
floor, Comerica Bank Bldg.,
corner of N. University and S.
Computing Course -
"Working With Magnetic
Tapes," 7 p.m.,1013 NUBS,
Tuesday Night Tribute-
"The Moody Blues," 10 p.m.,
WJJX radio(650 AM).
Fourth Annual Balloon
Ascension Raffle- Sigma
Delta Tau and the Michigan
Committee for Prevention of
Child Abuse, 9 a.m., Diag.
Career Planning and
Placement- "Resume Writ-
ing," 4:10 p.m., 35 Angell Hall;
"Designing a Resume: Word-
processing and Printing," 4:10
p.m., 3200 SAB, (764-7460).

with wire reports
Primates that roamed the Earth
1.5 million to 3.5 million years
ago resembled humans less than
previously believed, according to B.
Holly Smith, an assistant research
scientist at the University's Mu-
seum of Anthropology.
She said her conclusion is based
on a study of tooth development in
15 individual primates. Using
fossils from museum collections,
Smith said she studied tooth devel-
opment of primates that died
young. She conducted the study in
Africa last year.
SMITH FOUND that the
tooth patterns and maturation rates
of the tooth fossils more closely
resemble apes than humans. How-
ever, she said these early primates
of Africa, which are called hom-
inids, were not apes and were
bipetal or upright walkers. Hom-
inids are the closest relatives to
humans as they are today.
Smith compared ape tooth
development to human tooth devel -
opment. She said ape teeth are
sharp, interlocking, and canine
while human teeth are smaller and
pointed. Also, she said ape molars
"form and erupt very late, almost at
a point of physical maturity." In
contrast, human molars penetrate
the gums at age nine or ten. .The

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