OPINION Page 4 Wednesday, October 15, 1986 The Michigan Daily 01JE Mirigau 1baiIt Edited and managed by students at The University of Michigan Vol. XCVII, No. 30 420 Maynard St. Ann Arbor MI 48109 Unsigned editorials represent a majority of the Daily's Editorial Board All other cartoons, signed articles, and letters do not necessarily represent the opinion of the Daily. Don't fight marijuana Star wars summit COLLAPSE OF THE U.S.-Soviet summit talks on arms control is no surprise. Indeed, the public is fortunate to see a substantial issue-the Strategic Defense Initiative- (SDI), or more commonly, Star Wars-become the focus of conflict, instead of issues such as the Daniloff affair or Soviet credibility. With Star Wars the U.S. government is fighting a battle of public opinion, since no Star Wars weapons are in place yet. Central to that battle is the notion that Star Wars is a defensive weapons system-"America's security guarantee if the Soviets should, as they -have done too often in the past, fail to comply with their solemn commitments," according to President Reagan. At first glance, the notion of defensive weapons is appealing. In nuclear war, however, there is no distinction between defensive and offensive weapons. A successful Star Wars system would prevent the Soviets from attacking the United States. This means that the United States would be free to use its offensive nuclear weapons against the Soviet Union without fear of retaliation. That is why Star Wars is an offensive conception. In nuclear weapons lingo, Star Wars is part of a potential "first strike" package. The idea'of a first strike is to destroy the enemy so quickly that it does not get a chance to retaliate. Star Wars also has an ideology behind it. It implies the possibility of winning a nuclear war. Many if not most scientists 'believe it is impossible to build a perfect shield in space against missile attack. The cost of error when the result is a hydrogen bomb explosion is very high. On Earth, there are also many ways for a nuclear weapon to reach the United States. Low-flying missiles, jet bombers and even hand-launched nuclear weapons are. all part of current war preparations. Indeed, the nuclear destruction of the Soviet Union by the United States or by Soviet weapons that failed to pass through Star Wars defenses would result in the destruction of the earth's life- sustaining environment. The worldwide cancer-causing fallout, crop and livestock losses resulting from the Chernobyl accident is only a small inkling of what would happen with even one nuclear weapon explosion. Thus, Star Wars has little practical value as a defense against nuclear war. Mainly, it is an ideology of aggressive militarism-an ideology with many vested interests behind it in the world's largest government ministry and business com- plex-the Pentagon. The ultimate expression of this ideology is that the Pentagon hawks always promise to force the Soviet Union into peace. When they fail to deliver, as in the summit, they argue for increased military strength to put more, pressure on the Soviets. Star Wars is unreasonable to people who have no interest in a first strike against the Soviet Union and who are not willing to risk the environment in a nuclear war. That the United States government apparently tossed away what both sides say was a substantial nuclear arms agreement for the benefit of an untested concept shows that its overriding motivations are extreme. By Michael Lowenstein Hey people! Wake up to the scam Reagan and the rest of his War on Drugs crew are perpetrating. What, stiffer penalties for marijuana smokers? Just when we had begun to have laws that reflected the evidence, marijuana is nothing to fight against. Unless we feel that Reagan's ignorant, bigoted moral supremacy is a justifiable excuse to deny us citizens our right to freedom and choice, there needs to be a valid reason that the 50 million people who smoke need fear prosecution and imprisonment because of anti- marijuana laws. One would think the only credible motive would be the saftey and well-being of the people in our society. The truth however is nothing close to this. It is unfortunate that in a country where people like to considerthemselves knowledgeable, the truth about marijuana is so misunderstood. The fact is that all most people know about marijuana is what the government tells us. Yes everyone, this is the same government that once told us we were not fighting a war in Vietnam and now tells us we can end apartheid through constructive engagement. And through it all they've been telling us that marijuana is dangerous. If people cared enough to check up on Uncle Sam, they wouldfind that the scientific evidence contradicts what we are being told. Ask a doctor. There is more accumulated evidence on marijuana and its effects than, on any other illegal drug, more also than on lots of drugs the FDA has approved for consumer use. The evidence comes from independent research and government-funded studies, though the government must be getting frustrated paying for research that never says what they want it to. This research includes the infamous Jamacia Report, funded by the National Institute of Mental Health (1972), the Interim Report of the Canadian Government's LeDain Commission (1970), and a comprehensive report. issued by the National Academy of the Sciences (1982). Remarkably, these and many other studies are in substantial agreement on most all major points of fact. These studies have conclusively shown that: marijuana is one of the least toxic drugs known to man. It is potent, not poisonous. There has never been a death medically attributed to marijuana Lowenstein is a sophomore in the Residential College. overdose. In fact, lethal dosage is so high that it has never been determined. Overdose does not have any physiological effect except causing sleep. Marijuana is not physically addictive and no withdrawal occurs when use is discontinued. There is no evidence of any brain damage or chromosome damage. There is no correlation between marijuana and birth defects in chid- ren. Some evidence exists of temporary reduction of testosterone in men, not permanent. Inhalation of smoke can cause temporary bronchial irritation, but there is no link between smoking and lung cancer or any other lung disease. Marijuana contains no nicotine, the addictive poison in tobacco. There is no correlation between marijuana and aggressive or anti-social behavior. Rates of employment, job stability, and academic achievement between smokers and non-smokers are no different.sThere is also the "unscientific" evidence of the millions of people who have incorporated marijuana into their lives. Perhaps most importantly, marijuana is enjoyable and relaxing. It often intensifies sensory awareness and can trigger a heightened awareness and understanding in the user of themself, others,and the surrounding environment. It can encourage openness with friends, strangers and unfamiliar experiences. It is often used as a creative stimulant, and plenty of evidence for this can be found in literature, music and culture. Essentially, marijuana is many things for many people. The point is not that marijuana is a completely innocuous drug that should be used with reckless abandon by every - one. But it is also not the "killer weed" the government has lead us to believe it is. And there is simply no justification for its illegality. Each individual is really the critical factor deciding whether interaction with marijuana can be stable. Stable people will form stable relationships. This is exactly what 50 million people in this country have done. Except now they have to do it secretly, criminally, and sometimes dangerously, having to deal with people involved in real criminal activity. Truthfully, the biggest danger of smoking marijuana is getting busted. It is obvious that marijuana is here to stay. The evidence shows there is no reason it should be any different. Should marijuana be legalized, its production, potency, and distribution could be regulated by the government. Bringing marijuana into the world of legal business would remove the dangers of illegality. Actually, this scenario is not my creation. It was recommended to President Nixon by the National Comission on Marijuana and Drug Abuse. Legalization has also been recommended by the LeDain Comission and Consumers Union in its report Licit and Illicit Drugs . Legalization advocates include the 'American Medical Ass., the American Bar, and (wait, don't get shocked) William F. Buckley and President Carter. There is also the economic side of the issue. While Reagan sends the military to Bolivia to destroy cocaine, the hushed up story is that marijuana is the second most profitable cash crop in America, number one in California. The DEA has been spending billions on crop eradication that has been very effective. Reagan hopes this will help fight the drug problem but that is not the real effect. Marijuana demand is not going to decrease.hScarce availability drives prices up. This hurts us even here in Ann Arbor where marijuana is hard to find and expensive. This could possibly spur some people to use cocaine which can be easily found. The debilitating effects of cocaine are undisputed. Reagan's solution to a non-existent problem is causing serious real problems in many ways. If marijuana were legalized, billions could be made in taxes instead of billions spent for nothing. This money could be used to deal with drug problems that really do exist. One must seriously question why- government has systematically and deliberately spread disinformation about marijuana when the truth was clearly known. It is scary because here is a potent method of thought control that most people are not even aware of. One must also wonder what kind of hidden motive is behind such a strategy. The government is effectively instilling the general population with mistrust in the way it operates. As.I said before, the only valid reason for a law is the protection and well being of society. Such a situation obviously does not exist regarding marijuana. Ronald Reagan turns his eyes down and solemnly tells our people that marijuana smokers are ruining the moral fabric of America. Nancy tells us that the little girl in California who turned her parents in when she found marijuana in their bedroom, she must "really love her parents." Whats going on? Are people being taken in by this nonsense? People have a responsibility to be more informed on the facts of marijuana if they plan to take a stand. Legalize marijuana and let the law reflect the reality. 0 ( I I Fasting for peace "Once I was willing to risk my life for the destruction of life, why not now sacrifice it for peace? This is not a fast for death, nor for martyrdom, nor for suicide... I have to be here, what the American government is doing in Nicaragua is not being done in my name." -George Mizo -Vietnam Veteran who began fasting on 9/1/86 INVOKING THE NUREMBERG principles, four U.S. veterans, one from WW II and three from the Vietnam War, have determined that. the United States' intervention in Nicaragua is unconscionable and must be opposed. The four have been fasting since the beginning or middle of September to draw attention to the war, raise awareness, and inspire protest around the country. . The veterans advocate civil disobedience, which is a highly visible form of peaceful protest that can be justified when all other channels to government have been closed off. Civil disobedience is not an easily considered action. It represents a commitment to non- violent resistance of policies that government, on the other hand, are supported by the majority of the Nicaraguan people who appreciate newly instigated social reforms, such as increased education, health services, and land redistribution. Considering the possibility of self-determination for the Nicaraguan people, the long history of U.S. intervention, escalating military interference, and human rights abuses, these four veterans have decided that they can not remain silent and are willing to die. To show solidarity with these men and with the Nicaraguan people, October 17 has been declared a National Day of Fast. Though not on the steps of the Capitol, fasting for a day is a good way of putting the plight of the Nicaraguans into perspective on a more personal level. ' S S UB N~'4' 19, 11 I4WS LIME A DUICK(, TkAW M~ A DUGCAND LOWVS LIVE X DIUCV,, UT I 1AAVEF NO WDAW~kT IT tS a -~ ~orot4d 6 6 6 6 LETTERS: Tally Hall is unappealing eyesore' Finally, there's the mall itself To the Daily: construction schedule resulted its surroundings. The A 4m m-