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October 09, 1986 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1986-10-09

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The Michigan Daily - Thursday, October 9, 1986-- Page 5

State Senate hopeful
lectures poli. sci. class

Republican candidate for state
senate Dale Apley spoke about
campaign issues and his last-minute
decision to run yesterday in front of
about 100 students in a political
science class.
Apley is running against Sen.
Lana Pollack in the 18th district,
which includes all of Washtenaw
B E F O R E responding to
questions from students in Political
Science 300, Apley discussed his
decision to run. He said Republican
Party officials approached him a
week before the filing deadline last
June after two other potential
candidates declined to run. Apley
quit his job as administrative
assistant to state Sen. Nick Smith
and beat out three other candidates
in the August 5 primary.
Apley acknowledged that
defeating an incumbent is difficult.
"It is an uphill battle all the way.
We know we have to fight," he
While anwering questions,

Apley angered many women in the
class with his advice concerning
maternity leave: "If I were you and I
was looking for work, I'd take the
job that offered the best maternity
APLEY supports mandatory
sentencing for criminals who attack
elderly and handicapped people. He
also supports a mandatory jail term
for people who commit crimes
while under the influence of drugs.
Drug education and awareness are
better ways of preventing drug use,
Apley said, calling sentencing a
"stopgap' measure. He emphasized
the need for drug education by
citing a survey of Ann Arbor public
schools which found that one of
four 12-year-olds had experimented
with drugs.
Apley also supports
implementing a death penalty in
Michigan. "Some crimes are so
hideous that the death penalty is
called for," he said.
A P L E Y is opposed to
Medicaid-funded abortions, but said
he would protect a woman's right

to make a personal decision.
Democratic Gov. James Blanchard
and his predecessor, Republican
William Millikin, have vetoed
measures to end state-paid abortions
for welfare recipients.
One student in the class
challenged Apley's view, saying,
"Then if you can afford it, you can
have it, if not, tough luck." But
Apley, arguing that people take
advantage of the system, proposes a
repayment plan under which women
receiving Medicaid-funded
abortions could pay medical fees
either in installments or by
working for the state.
-- - -BU E
From All Of Us At



Associated Press

Another boring lecture?
Japanese Prime Minister Yasushiro Nakasone, center, dozes yesterday during a session at the Parliment
Special Committee to reform Japan National Railways. The government plans to privatize the debt-ridden
railways next year.
Yugoslav court convicts Mich.
citizen of government protest


What's Happening
Recreational Sports


WASHINGTON (AP)-Yugoslav authorities have
sentenced a Michigan man to seven years in prison for
peacefully demonstrating near the Yugoslav Embassy
here in 1981, Rep. William Broomfield (R-Mich.) said
Peter Ivezaj, of Sterling Heights, is the victim of
"outrageous injustice," Broomfield said.
A five-judge panel of the district court of Titograd
convicted Ivezaj of engaging in anti-Yugoslav activ-
ities. Court sources in Yugoslavia, who spoke on
condition of anonymity, said Ivezaj was convicted of
joining demonstrations directed against the Yugoslav
constitutional system and aimed at toppling the
socialist system.
THE CONGRESSMAN said he was told of the
sentencing by family members in Michigan and
confirmed the information by telephone with U.S.
Ambassador John Scanlon in Belgrade, Yugoslavia.
Ivezaj's trial began Friday and ended Monday.
Broomfield called Scanlon during a House Foreign
Affairs subcommittee hearing on alleged repression by

the Belgrade government of Yugoslav citizens of
Albanian descent.
Broomfield said Scanlon told him the U.S. Embassy
is continuing efforts to free Ivezaj and two other
Americans he said also are in Yugoslavian custody.
"HE TOLD me he is still hoping there could be
some favorable developments in the next 48 hours,"
Broomfield said.
The congressman said Ivezaj, a school teacher who
was born in Yugoslavia and is of Albanian descent,
was sentenced for his role in the 1981 protest against
Yugoslavia's treatment of ethnic Albanians.
Broomfield said he would try to push a resolution
through Congress before it adjourns for the year to
strip Yugoslavia of its most-favored nation trading
status and to end U.S. trade with that nation.
HE SAID he had told Scanlon, "We've got to
take action. We can't afford to trade with a nation that
disrespects American citizenship."

Tues., Oct. 14,

4:30 pm,



Sun., Oct. .12,

2-4 pm,

IM Pool

Mall s
(Continued from Page 1)
Tally Hall manager David Reilly
says advertising was "overlooked"
in September. He also agreed there
were some delays in getting ads in
local newspapers. "Our advertising
agency's ideas had to be approved
by the owners of Tally Hall. Some
ads were delayed for two weeks
because changes had to be made,"
he said.
0 REILLY says Tally Hall will
conduct an advertising campaign
this month which will include
posters in dorms, local radio spots,
and ads in local papers.
Shop owners also say they are



concerned that half the spaces in the
"food court"have not been rented
yet, and that only two retail shops
had moved in on the first floor.
There are 13 unrented spaces on the
first floor and 11 in the basement.
Mencotti says he is "upset" that
the retail shops haven't been rented.
"The retail shops get people in the
building. Once they're in the
building they're likely to eat here,"
he says..
H A T T A R says the shop
owners were led to believe that all
food court and retail spaces would
be occupied by the mall's grand
opening in July.

There was no written agreement
between Tally Hall and individual
shop owners guairanteeing that all
spaces would be rented, or when the
mall would advertise. Owners pay
each month for advertising,
maintenance, security, and rent.
Reilly said many retail shops
backed out of leases when parking
structure construction was delayed
by bad weather and a cement strike.
"We also had a few shops break
leases due to bankruptcy," he added
Tally Hall management is
currently negotiating with three
companies that are interested in
renting retail space, Reilly said.

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* Lesch may retire as head of DRDA


(Continued from Page 1)
should be allowed.
THE REVIEW panels are the
Research Policies Committee and
.,~the Classified Review Panel.
The new proposals under
-consideration for research guidelines
would eliminate the review panels
as well as an end-use clause.
Lesch, however, does not think
1 -that the proposed guidelines would
allow illegal research projects to go
through the DRDA because deans
and department heads must check
the proposals. Some student
activists have said the proposed
guidelines lack the enforcement
power of the current rules.
"THE (NEW) guidelines dwell
on the openness so anyone can see
if (the guidelines) are being
r followed, " Lesch said.
Openness refers to provisions in
; the new guidelines that require
-research results to be published
within one year after the funding
period has ended, except for
_ "extraordinary circumstances".
The DRDA also produces a

Student Activist Ingrid Kock
says she has mixed emotions about
the DRDA. She feels that while it
has been helpful in providing
information on research contracts, it
is also "an administrative
processing facility" and does not.
subject research proposals to
student input.
Kock, who was the Michigan
Student Assembly's military
research advisor, also was dismayed

with University President Harold
Shapiro's placement of Lesch on
the ad hoc classified research
guideline review
committee."(Lesch's) vested
interests are in reserving defense
department contracts," Kock said.
according to Kock, led to certain
proposals that could weaken the
current research guidelines.

2 -t) 4i T t
q 11October 13, 1986


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