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October 09, 1986 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1986-10-09

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Ninety-seven years of editorial freedom


. . ........ ........ ......... . . -- -- - --- ---------- --------

Vol. XCVII - No. 26

Copyright 1986, The Michigan Daily

Ann Arbor, Michigan - Thursday, October 9, 1986

Ten Pages



may retire
Lesch could close 36 year
career as research head

'U' Council
head warns
against code
The Michigan Student Assembly
may be inviting the University
administration to come up with its
own code of non-academic conduct
if the assembly refuses to consider
any code, according to University
Council chairman Donald
The University Board of
Regents' bylaws give MSA has the
right to approve any code draft. Last
fall, however, University President
Harold Shapiro threatened to bypass
that right if students do not
cooperate in writing a code.
MSA MEMBERS predicted
this week that the assembly, as in
past years, would take a "No Code"
stance at its next meeting.
In another development which
will slow the University Council's
progress toward a code, another
student member resigned Monday.
LSA junior Ken Weine, who also
heads MSA's Student Rights
Committee, said he resigned
because of "too many time
The council, composed of
student, faculty, and administrators,
See STUDENT, Page 2

Daily Photo by JOHN MUNSON
Tally Hall shop owners Jan and Mary Devereaux, say they are concerned about the lack of business in the
mall. Business has been slow since the mall opened, shop owners have said.
Business slow at ally
Hall, store owners say

Tally Hall store owners blame a lack of advertising
and the many unleased shops in the mall for the lack of
business since it opened in early July.
Joe Mencotti, part-owner of Pizza Plenty, says he's
not sure if students know about the shops. "I hope the
students don't know about the shops, because if they
do know about us we're in trouble," he says. Mencotti
says low student turnout is his biggest disappointment.
This fall, students have accounted for only five percent
of his shop's business, he says.
TALLY HALL, located at 515 E. Liberty St.
consists of food stands in the basement, retail shops on
the first floor, and a city-owned parking structure.
Other shop owners are also concerned about the lack
of student customers. Alia Hattar, co-owner of
SubVilla, says she thought business would pick up
when students returned to Ann Arbor, but sales have
remained the same since she opened August 10. Hattar
also estimates students account for only five percent of-

her customers.
But "shop owners may be expecting too much too
soon," according to David Reilly, Tally Hall manager.
"Owners of small businesses tend to worry if
customers do not come rushing in the door
immediately. Owners of shops that are part of a
nationwide chain realize it takes time to establish a
SHOP OWNERS say the mall's management did
not advertise enough at the end of August and
beginning of September to attract students. "There was
only one newspaper ad in September," Hattar says.
Tim Gallagher, manager of The Steak Escape, said
that both the general public and students are unaware of
the shops located in Tally Hall. "One customer told
me he had been parking in the structure for three
months before he realized there were shops in Tally
Hall," Gallagher says.
See MALL, Page 5

The head of the Division of
Research and Development Agency
will apparently retire next July.
James Lesch, who has headed
DRDA since 1973, said he
currently plans to retire, but that he
could still change his mind. Other
research administrators, however,
said he most likely will vacate his
funneling agency between faculty
members and various research
agencies. It helps faculty get money
to do research, as well as aiding
them in preparing proposals to
research agencies, such as the
National Institute of Health.
The DRDA also handles faculty
proposals that goe to the sponsors
of these projects. "We were created
to assist faculty in all aspects of
administrative research and
scholarly activities from selecting
sponsors to preparing proposals for
administrative matters through the
course of the project," said Neil
Ger, a DRDA project
The DRDA also ensures that
research proposals comply with the
University's current guidelines on

... heads DRDA
classified research, which contain an
end-use clause forbidding research
that can kill or maim humans. If a
project does not meet these
standards, DRDA informs two
review panels which decide, along
with the Vice President
forResearch, whether the proposal
See LESC I, Page 5

Group urges spending review
By MARTHA SEVETSON areas. Sydney Bernard, a commitee

A faculty committee is hoping
to remind University administrators
of the importance of departments
not currently in the financial
limelight. Members of the Senate
Advisory Committee on University
Affairs (SACUA) have asked for a
committee to review the priorities
of University spending.
The SACUA Academic Advisory
Affairs Committee, a group
assigned to study University
academic policy, recently completed
a five-year study on the way
funding is distributed at the
University. Some committee
members feel certain departments
are being overlooked while funding
is being funneled into a few specific

member and social work professor,
identified the School of Education
as one unit which has suffered
serious cutbacks recently and might
benefit from an annual spending
"W E would like to have a
legitimate spokesman for units
which currently might not be doing
so well in 'centrality sweepstakes'
but might be important in the long-
term," said Bernard.
'Centrality' has two competing
definitions in University literature,
.according to committee members:
One defines it as programs which
are important to the University's
status as a "center of excellence."
These include math, english and
foreign language departments,

'Resources should flow to your highest
priorities, and the University's priorities will
change over time.'
-James Duderstadt
University Vice-President
of 'academic affairs

according to Carla Stoffle, a
committee member. The other
definition refers to programs which,
are popularly supported by external
organizations, such as the
Department of Defense or the
National Science Foundation.
Vice-President for Academic
Affairs James Duderstadt, who has
not yet issued a response to the

proposal, said that centrality cannot
be decided by the faculty or the
administration, but by the
environment in which the
University finds itself.
"RESOURCES should flow
to your highest priorities," said
Duderstadt, "and the University's
See GROUP, Page 3

Nicaragua withholds survivor from U.S.

MANAGUA, Nicaragua (AP)- The U.S.
Embassy sought permission yesterday to see
the American who survived when Sandinista
troops shot down a rebel supply plane, but
Nicaraguan authorities would not say where he
was being held.
Barricada, the Sandinista party newspaper,
said in the first account of the capture that
Eugene Hasenfus walked a mile through the
jungle after the C-123 was shot down Sunday.
It said an army patrol found him in an
abandoned shack, where he had fashioned a
hammock from his parachute.
CAPT. ROSA Pasos, who speaks for the
Defense Ministry, said the American from
Marinette, Wis., was being questioned at a
location she refused to disclose.

"All I can say is that he spent the night with
our authorities and that he is being treated
well," she said.
Officials of the leftist Nicaraguan govern-
ment say three other people were killed: two
Americans identified as pilot William Cooper
and co-pilot Wallace Sawyer, and a third man
who crashed into the jungle of southern
SANDINISTA officials said cargo found
on the plane indicate it was part of a CIA
operation to supply U.S.-backed rebels who
have been fighting the government of President
Daniel Ortega for 4 1/2 years. They said the
Americans were U.S. military advisers from El
President Reagan and other U.S. officials

deny that the plane or the men were conncected
with the American government.
Alberto Fernandez, spokesman for the U.S.
Embassy, said it was waiting for a response to
two diplomatic notes to the Foreign Ministry
requesting consular access to Hasenfus and the
quick return of the bodies of the- Americans to
their families.
H ASENFUS is believed to be the first
American caputred in the war the Contra rebels
began in 1982.
He appeared briefly at a news conference
Tuesday night, but was led away after he gave
his name and hometown and said he was cap-
tured Monday in southern Nicaragua. He was
dressed in the mud-stained denim pants and
jacket he wore when captured.

Media conflict Ascae-rs
Former reporter Bernard Kalb resigns yesterday from his job as
spokesman for the State Department over a reported effort by the
Reagan Administration to deceive the news media about the situation in


said he has overheard students discussing whether XKE
has the proper certification to be considered a fraternity.
LSA senior John Shelden, a resident of 420 S. Division
St. said he and housemate Dave Currie, an architecture
senior, named their house "Bob" to "do a one up on" the
XKE house. Currie said the name comes from a
characrter inPall Cosbv crnedv skitwho s~ huvns the rat.

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LOSING ITS REPUTATION: Opinion reprimands
Yale University's punishment of student
protestors. See Page 4.


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