4 Page 14A - The Michigan Daily - Thursday, September 4, 1986 Report calls for L SA overhaul New prc By PHILIP LEVY Students in the University's College of =Literature, Science, and the Arts must be trained to think more critically, said a report examining Ow quality of LSA's undergraduate education. The observation was just one of several included in a 21-page report finished by the Blue Ribbon Corn- ission thissummer. The com- rission-made up of six faculty members, one student, and one ad- ministrator-was formed three years ago in response to a predicted national shortage of students going on to college over the next decade. ,.For example, the number of 18-year olds in Michigan will be 35 percent smaller than it was in 1979. Such a drop would increase competition among universities for students. Unless the college improves the' education it offers, it will not be able to compete, feared University of- ficials. SKILL courses "Relatively little attention is given to the reaching of critical thinking," the report said, "Courses throughout the four years do not build on previous; courses to promote the progressive development of high cognative faculties. Our curriculum lacks struc- ture and a sense of purpose." The central recommendation of the report is the creation of SKILL (Skill and Knowledge in Lifetime )gram Learning) courses. The would cover traditional subj language, history, and ch with an emphasis of resear formulating and contrasting and theories. One course, for example compare opposing interprets historical events. The studer be asked to formulate th theory. courses ects like lemistry rch, and models , would ations of nt would eir own Commission member Herb Eagle, a professor of slavic languages and literature, suggested one or two cour- ses be offered on a trial basis. LSA Dean Peter Steiner has said he plans to present the SKILL plan to the college's executive faculty committee early in the fall. The committee could approve the proposal, or ask other faculty for input. If it is immediately approved, the first trial course could be in place by Fall Term 1987. The University's Vice President for Academic Affairs James Duderstadt discussed the proposal with com- mission members this summer. "There is a very real possibility these courses should and would be of- fered," he said. While the trial courses would be voluntary, the report said "at some point, the college might consider making the SKILL curriculums a requirement." Resistance One possible obstacle to success for the SKILL program is departmental resistance. The SKILL program would be run from the deans office, outside of such departments as political science. Eagle estimates each planet course would hold ap- proximately 20 students, and with 20 such courses a significant number of students would be drawn away from existing departments. But Eagle thinks the problem can be overcome. Professors and teaching assistants in existing depar- tments could be used for the SKILL courses. "You hope that in the long run things will balance out pretty well," Eagle said. would emphasize critical thinking - SKILL courses would be broken down into "planet" courses, and "satellite" courses. Planet courses would be more general and introduc- tory, combining lecture sessions taught by professors and small discussion sessions led by teaching; assistants. Planet courses would be required in each of a students two freshmen terms, and one during sophomore year. One satellite course would be required during the other sophomore term, and would expand on one of th planet courses. The class, taught by a professor, would be small and would stress research. Eventually, the SKILL system would have 20 planet courses and 60 satellite courses. Exactly which cour- ses will be adapted or created has not been decided yet, but the commission recommended using the University's "best" professors. The report, however, was vague on how the plan should be implemented, saying only that it should be gradual. Student popu By PHILIP LEVY While much of the Blue Ribbon Commission's report dealt with changes in the curriculum, the recommendations about LSA's admissions and financial aid policies are at the heart of the problem that spurred the review. In 1983, the year the commission was established, LSA received 900 fewer applications than the year before. The college began to face up to the coming decline in student s. The situation looked almost desperate. The national dip on the college aid group was predicted to be most severe in the University prime recruiting areas, including the northeast. Then, as the commission worked, three years of sharp increases in applications followed, culminating in a record number of applications this fall. However, commission members say the University's recent good fortune does not diminish the importance of their recommen- dations. Hugh Montgomery, a mathematics professor, said "The problems are very real. The closer you look, the more certain you are that there is definitely a problem." lation drops sp All of the commission's recommendations were intended to meet that problem, upgrade the University's undergraduate program, and make the University more competitive. But one section was devoted specifically to admissions and finan- cial aid policies. Admissions Perhaps the most notable of the admissions policies concerned the percentage of out-of-state students. One obvious solution to a sharp decline in the recruiting-age population is to recruit more extensively in other areas of the country. However, the University of Michigan, is a state university and must deal with political pressure to maintain a high fraction of in-state students. Traditionally, that fraction has been around 2/3. Lately it has fallen. The commission recommended that it be allowed to continue to fall, "if this proves necessary to maintain current academic stan- dards for admission." The report gives two reasons: first, lower admissions standards for in- state students could damage other state univer- sities; second, a drop in the quality of LSA studen- arks changes ts "is potentially more dangerous for the college ' than a relatively short-term increase in out-of-:- state admissions." Yet the commission did not suggest that the' University give up on increasing its in-state ap- plications. Instead, it pointed out that two-thirds of the University's in-state students come from five counties in South-Eastern Michigan, leaving room is recruit from other parts of the state. Thee report suggests "special scholarships to en-' courage students from the more distant parts of e the state to come here. The commission also suggested that faculty become more actively involved in recruiting. "We' feel that prospective students will be favorably, impressed if they can meet with faculty when visiting our campus. The commission also recommended giving" more financial aid to recruit minorities, accor-' ding to "need plus merit." The committee would' set aside a certain amount for need, and then-add aid according to academic merit. "This would help the University continue to attract highly- talented students," Eagle said. 6 I Distribution requirements need limiting By PHILIP LEVY The lack of a systematic review of courses hurts the quality of classes in the College of Literatue, Science, and 0IArts, the Blue Ribbon Commission said in its report. In addition, the report said that LSA's distribution requirements are failing to ensure students a broad, liberal arts education. Curriculum quality , On the quality of classes, LSA's Curriculum Committee now decides, A A whether new courses should be star- ted, but there is no 'review of THEM LAST existing courses. The committee proposes getting up a review system and increasing faculty incentives for teaching. Currently, research is stressed over teaching in determining faculty pay increases and promotions. If reviews of a professor's courses are placed on their records and are considered highly when, for example, deciding whether to grant tenure, the commit- tee says faculty will work harder to ensure quality courses. Biology Prof. Lewis Kleinsmith says the quality problem of some of LSA's courses is shown by the fact that average test scores in some courses. are in the 30s. "This means a majority of students are not meeting the goals of a course. One way or another, the course is a failure,"he said. Distribution Currently, LSA's distribution system labels courses as natural science, social science, humanities, or excluded. Most - distribution requirements call for three courses from each of the first three categories. This is intended to give students a broad education. However, the reports says that because "almost every un- dergraduate course...can be used to satisfy (requirements)," students can take several courses in one area without having to branch out. 0 While the commission didn't single out courses or departments that needed cuts, it did call foc the number of courses that count towards distribution to be "sharply" reduced. Six departments have already reduced the number of courses that offer distribution credits, and more are expected to be cut. -0 DOMINO'S PIZZA DELIVERS® Faculty, By PHILIP LEVY "A student can go through this stitution and not know the faculty v enough to get three personal letters recommendation," complai Biology Prof. Lewis Kleinsmith, member of the Blue Ribbon C( mission. This lack of contact between stud ts and faculty was another problf cited by the commission in its rev: of the College of Literature, Scier Arts. The committee's report cites t- University studies, which say stud ts feel their relations with the faci are impersonal and would like great contact. "A majority of students Michigan...have not learned...wha is to participate in an academic co munity. If they are to benefit' fr their time here, they need to taught, albeit informally, what means," the commission's reps concludes. To solye the problem, the ci mission recommends that der tments be held accountable fori proving relations with theiri dergraduates and that the Dean of1 LSA Curriculum Committee shc review their progress. Probably the most significant the solutions suggested is to get students lack contact 'Doubles Two pizzas for one special price. students more involved with faculty in research. The report suggests that LSA offer research money to students, and that faculty compile a list of student research projects they'd be willing to supervise. The commission did not specify how many students could be involved in the program, but member Hugh Mon- tgomery, a mathematics professor, thought eventually at least 10 percent of the senior class could participate. " "Departments should have a systematic and organized way of communicating with their un- dergraduates, and have mechanisms for hearing and dealing with general problems." The commission recom- mends giving student groups ad- ministrative and financial support. " "Departments should be aware of students' vocational interests and take responsibility for organizing in- ternships. " "Departments should make use of undergraduates as test graders and class facilitators. The report calls un- dergraduates "among the least ex- pensive and least utilized resources in the college " " "Departments should increase in- formal contacts with students, both to improve the intellectual climate with undergraduates and to make them I further aware of the usefulness of liberal education in today's world." The report gives "brown bag" lun- ches, discussing academic issues, ai an example. The proposals will probably be discussed by the LSA Dean and the faculty's Executive Committee this fall. PH -.....T- IWI JUL WINE SHOP BALKAN BEVERAGE INC. 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The report says that counseling should "teach theystudent what to ex; pect from the college, how to get it and how to evaluate his or her ex- periences of it." It also says coun seling can be used to get students and faculty to know one another. Recommendations The report gives four recommen- dations for remedying the situation: " The quantity of counseling for on- dergraduates should be increased and more faculty members should be in volved. " "Students should be required tp see a faculty counselor on a regular basis every term during the freshman and sophomore years. Each student should be assigned to a faculty coun- selor who will work with him or her during those years." . Each stuernt shnld aln haveA - r . I 4. I Now you can have two delicious, 10", 12" or 14" pizzas for one special price. They're custom- made with your choice of toppings on each - they don't have to be the same! And we use only the finest ingredients and 1000/ real dairy cheese. 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