cl ble LIE 43U0 Ninety-seven years of editorial freedom 1Ett1 Vol. XCVII - No. 24 Copyright 1986, The Michigan Doily Ann Arbor, Michigan - Tuesday, October 7, 1986 Twelve Pages Mystery lounger 'lives in Sub sinks off coast Bermuda w. Quad By DOV COHEN A man, known to West Quad's Wenley Hall residents as "the lounger," apparently lived in Wenley's TV lounge for a month before he was arrested by the Ann Arbor Police. A memo from Resident Director Patricia Armstrong told residents "the lounger... hid his belongings under the tiers in the TV lounge, 'used the facilities' on court floor, and even let Jon Gant (a resident advisor) into the building once." "HE ACTED like he belonged here so nobody questioned him," said a resident who only identified himself as Chris. About three weeks ago, West Quad resident Neil Roseman thought he had lost his keys. A few days later a stereo receiver, tape deck, answering machine, $30 in change, and $300 worth of clothes were stolen from his room, he said. The man's belongings apparently included clothes stolen from Roseman, an LSA sophomore.. At first Roseman only thought his answering machine, receiver, and tape deck were gone. Then he saw the man wearing his clothes. ROSEMAN visited the lounge one morning to buy a pop. "A guy's sitting there watching TV at 7:30 in the morning. I looked at him and he's wearing one of my shirts. I didn't think much of it at the time. I didn't know my shirt was missing at the time," he said. After the incident Roseman returned to bed. "Then I woke up at 9:30 and realized he was wearing my shirt. I looked through my wardrobe and found my clothes and money were missing," he said. About a week ago, "the lounger" See MAN, Page 2 Council approves Hillel ex sion By EVE BECKER Ann Arbor City Council- members unanimously approved the renovation of the B'nai Brith Hillel Foundation building at last night's meeting. The plan adds13,000 square feet in a three story addition to the Hill Street structure, and costs $3 million. Hillel, the University's second largest student organization, is planning to renovate the 36 year-old building to include office space for twenty student groups, a new movie theater for the Hill St. Cinema, a larger library, study rooms, and banquet rooms. In September, Hillel gained necessary approval from the Ann Arbor Zoning Board of Appeals and the Ann Arbor Planning Commission for zoning variations because the addition conflicted with city codes. The Zoning Board granted variances to allow the addition to have 10 fewer parking spaces than the required 73, and narrower land buffers. "It's clear that the Hillel expansion is a good idea, it's a very See CITY, Page 2 Daily Photo by SCOTT LITUCHY WASHINGTON (AP)-A nuclear-powered, nuclear-armed Soviet submarine, apparently doomed from the moment it experienced a fire and explosion last Friday morning, sank and was abandoned by its crew early yesterday morning in the western Atlantic Ocean. The Soviet news agency Tass said no lives were lost when the so- called Yankee-class submarine went down around 4 a.m. EDT, and the Pentagon said it had no reason to doubt that statement. THE VESSEL sank in waters 18,000 feet deep about 1,060 nautical miles to the east of Cape Hatteras, N.C., or roughly 600 miles east of the island of Bermuda. A Soviet merchant ship, which earlier had been attempting to tow the vessel, collected survivors and remained in the area yesterday, the Pentagon said. Two ranking U.S. military officers said the sinking posed no threat to the environment, even though the submarine was powered by two nuclear reactors and carried up to 16 nuclear-tipped, SS-N-6 ballistic missiles. The warheads atop one of those missiles could very well have been blown into the sea and sank when the submarine experienced a fire and explosion while submerged on Friday, said Vice Adm. Powell Carter Jr., the staff director for the Joint Chiefs of Staff. CARTER AND Lt. Gen. Richard Burpee, the director of operations for the joint staff, said the sinking was observed on radar and intermittently by the crew of a Navy P-3 reconnaissance plane through the light provided by flares Fly, be free! LSA Freshman Colleen Riley found this pigeon outside the MLB yester- day. Riley said she has raised pigeons as pets. Animals don't have rights, fired by the Russians at the scene. A U.S. ocean-going tug was also near the scene at the time - about 48 nautical miles to the southwest - and offered assistance. But it was told to remain clear, the two said. The two officers, . while stressing that they couldn't say for sure, said it appeared the crew of the submarine never gained control of leaks caused by a fire and explosion on Friday. That fire apparently began with the liqiud-fuel propellant for one of the missiles and "the force of the (resulting) explosion was enormous," Carter said. Carter speculated the initial explosion, which ripped apart one of the heavy metal hatches over a missile tube, also damaged the hull below the waterline or ripped apart the interior, sea-water piping systems. ASKED IF THE United States might be interested in recovering the vessel, Burpee replied: "No, that's a Soviet Soviet Sub Sinks in the Atlantic Ocean U.S.S.R U.S Atlantic " Ocean BERMUDA Associated Press Arrow points to the approximate location in the Atlantic where a disabled Soviet missile-carrying submarine sank early yesterday morning. responsibility if they want to recover it." Carter added that because of the vessel's age - the first Yankee- class submarines were built in the 1960's - the Pentagon had not learned anything "of any military significance" in monitoring the disaster. Pentagon sources who requested anonymity said the Soviets are not believed to possess any vessel capable of lifting a vessel of that size to the surface. But Carter said the Soviets do have a small submersible capable of diving to such depths to study the wreck. THE SOVIET news agency Tass, which reported earlier that three men had been killed in the initial fire, announced at midday yesterday (Eastern time) that the submarine had gone down. It said the crew had been evacuated and that there was no further loss of life. 'U, prof says By MARTIN FRANK University Prof. Carl Cohen blasted opponents of animal research in his article that appeared in the New England Journal of Medicine. Cohen said animals don't have rights, thus removing any moral question about researching with animals. Cohen, a philosophy prof., said only humans are entitled to rights because they can "make moral claims against one another." "ANIMALS lack this capacity for free moral judgement. They are not beings of a kind capable of exercising or responding to moral claims. The assertion that all animals, only because they are alive and have interests, also possess the 'right to life' is an abuse of that phrase, and wholly without warnt,"he wrote in the October 2nd issue of the journal. Eileen Liska, a representative of the Michigan Humane Society disagrees with Cohen's arguments, calling him "morally bankrupt." "Professor Cohen stands alone in his beliefs; I don't know many philosophy professors who would agree with him," Liska said. LISKA sees animal research as an "unfortunate necessity," but she draws the line on animals who must painfully suffer through experiments. University experimenters do not really look for alternatives to using animals for research projects, she says. "Because (researchers) can get dogs and cats so quickly and cheaply from pounds, there is no motivation to find other sources." The Director of the University's Unit for Laboratory Animal Medicine, disagrees with Liska, however. Prof. Daniel Ringler said the pound animals University researchers purchase for $40 each would be killed anyway. "IF THESE animals are brought to the University, bott humanity and the animal kingdoim alike can benefit from our experiments on them," Ringler added. He stated that if the University were to breed its own animals, it would cost seven to 1( See 'U,' Page 5 r t I } &,Senat e hopeful says Polluck iv vulnerable Snarrates controiersial series By STEVE KNOPPER A nine-part national television series narrated by a University professor is expected to spark controversy when it is aired on The Public Broadcast System channel tonight. The first segment of "The Africans," narrated by Political Science Prof. Ali Mazrui, debuts tonight at 9 p.m. on WTVS, channel 56. The series is accused by the National Endowment of the Humanities (NEH), a former sponsor of the program, as being "anti-Western." DEBRA BELLER, manager of' publicity at WTVS in Detroit, said the NEH takes issue with parts four and nine. It charges that part four, "Tools of Exploitation," is anti-Western, and that part nine, "Global Africa," glorifies Libyan leader Moammar Khadafi. Beller defended both episodes, saying of part four: "There's not much good you can say about slavery" and of part nine: "It put Khadafi in context as a player not a pawn in world affairs." See PBS, Page 2 By MICHAEL LUSTIG Republican state senate candidate Dale Apley criticized his opponent, incumbent Lana Pollack, last night, saying: "she is not an effective legislator at all." Speaking informally at a "meet the candidate" reception last night at the Michigan Union, Apley said many bills Pollack has sponsored "required no leadership to move through" the Legislature and most of the things she has sponsored have ended up staying in committee. RESPONDING to Apley's charges of ineffectiveness, Pollack said, "I think he is getting desperate and I feel badly that he has sunk to personal campaigning. Maybe he is young and doesn't understand that people don't follow negative campaigns." Last night's event, sponsored by the College Republicans, concluded Apley's four-day "Walk across Washtenaw". About 25 people, mostly Apley's staff and members of the College Republicans, greeted Apley with a pop and cheese reception. Apley did not make a formal speech, but casually spoke with the people in the room. He refused to discuss student-related issues, saying he will address student issues tomorrow when he speaks to a current issues class at 11 a.m. in room 35 Angell Hall. THE object of last weekend's walk, according to Apley, was to meet as many people in the district as possible. The path of the 75 mile walk included stops at several high schools. Apley said he was "pleased with the reception along the way." Apley is running in the 18th Senate district, which includes all of Washtenaw County. He said he first got interested in politics while working for State Sen. Nick Smith and "decided I wasn't satisfied with what I saw. I was raised that if you sit back and gripe, nothing will be accomplished." MUCH OF Apley's contact with the University so far has been through the College Republicans. He said he wants to learn what issues are important to college students and is in the process of creating a student task force including student representatives from the University, Eastern Michigan University, Washtenaw Community College, and Concordia College. He has asked the Michigan Student Assembly to appoint two University students to serve as representatives on the Apley ... wants to unseat Pollack committee and has asked for two students from each of the other colleges in the district. Apley stressed that the task force should be bipartisan. Apley, who never mentioned Pollack by name, specifically attacked her vote for a single business tax credit which would benefit small firms involved in high-technology research and See APLEY, Page 2 TODAY Short People S ongwriter Randy Newman once said that achievement must be considered unlikely," the article said. Darrell Wilson, an assistant clinical professor who headed the research team, said the study did not examine reasons for the link between height and IQ, but he speculated that children of different heights are treated differently by adults. ".h rtp.r -hilron m v he treateda s if thev're out of mushrooms. It's called the "mushroom cannon" and scientists at the department's Eastern Research Center in Philadelphia are declaring it a boon for both growers and packagers of mushrooms. Michael Kozempel, a chemical engineer at the center, said he sees the "puff-dried" mushrooms that the cannon produces being used as - INSIDE- RESEARCH GUIDELINES: Opinion calls for open discussion of research projects. See Page 4. HARMONIOUS: Arts reviews the Chamber I I