4 PII Tuesday, September 30, 1986 Page 4 The Michigan Daily 34 sttian Btl Edited and managed by students at The University of Michigan Vol. XCVII, No. 19 420 Maynard St. Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Unsigned editorials represent a majority of the Daily's Editorial Board All other cartoons, signed articles, and letters do not necessarily represent the opinion of the Daily. 4 Wasserman V NR NOTICe 14OW We CALL VE2Y- T tN6 A CRSIS ANO REN F096ET IT2 \ OF, DANGeg of MGIIEAR UZ I TWE DEATH OF IRS RgWl FARM ! TNT FL16RT Of 700 c y u. Exploiting crises IT SEEMS that media and gov- ernment are constantly in - forming the United States people of some new crisis or insidious danger, but the greatest danger may lie in how the media and government exploit crisis situations. The Reagan admin- istration in particular has proven its virtuosity in man - ipulating crises, the press, and "public opinion to achieve its L desired ends. The issues that spring to mind, attesting to the media blitz, are terrorism and drugs. The per - Ivasive "terrorism" hysteria whipped up by President Reagan and the popular press .has generously served the A domestic and international .interests of the administration. In the international arena, Reagan has been able to attack, verbally and militarily, his hated enemy in Libya without significant rebuke. Although experts agree that Syria and Iran are more responsible for international terrorism than is Libya, the voices of experts and reason were drowned out by the jingoistic clamor of the press. Reagan got what he wanted- military action against a vocal and vulnerable critic. On the domestic front,, terrorism hysteria has created support and justification for the expansion of governmental police and investigative power at the expense of civil rights. According to an American Civil Liberties Union document, "Using the threat of terrorism as today's exuse," " Reagan has enacted an Executive Order which, for the first time, authorizes the CIA to conduct covert activity inside the United States-including infiltrating United States organ - izations and conducting secret surveillance; * The Attorney General has issued new domestic security guidelines, giving the FBI new latitude in surveillance and information gathering; *The Defense Department has been authorizedbyCongress to Sconduct polygraph examina - tions on 3,500 government employees in non-intelligence positions; S*A special computer file has been activated within the FBI's National Crime Information Center (NCIC) to keep track of people who are described by the * Secret Service as anti-authority or anti-law enforcement; " Another file has been pro- posed to keep track of people not even suspected of committing a crime, but who are believed to be "associated" with people S"suspected' of terrorism..." Reading over this list, one senses the return to the days of Cointelpro, J. Edgar Hoover, and McCarthyism, when government agencies were granted free-reign to infiltrate organizations of dissent and spy on American citizens. The return to such intrusive tactics has already been indicated by the extensive government in - filtration of church groups involved with the Sanctuary movement, which harbors ref- ugees from political repression in Central America. The creation of files on people with certain political attitudes and associations is also cause for worry. Files have been kept on people, such as Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., for. having supposed "communist associa- tions." These files have been used in character assassination efforts. Hysteria about the "drug epidemic" is also being used to justify violations of civil liberties. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, drug abuse has recently been on the decline, but the pro- vocative exposes of a "drug epidemic" have created an atmosphere in which plans have developed for mandatory drug-testing, increased use of the death penalty, and employment of the military in a policing role. These measures have been properly opposed by civil libertarians as violations of basic constitutional rights. Within Congress, however, election-wary politicians com- pete to appear most hard-line on "the drugs issue." Within the rhetoric-filled walls of Capitol Hill, few have the courage to inveigh against the superficial and legally intrusive nature of the "anti-drug" legislation. Few dare to incur the stigma of being labeled "soft on drugs"...as few risk, the charge "soft on terrorism"...as few dared to be called "soft on communism" by McCarthyites. The paranoia and moral-rhetoric of Mc- Carthyism has resurfaced once again to mask transgression of basic civil rights. All this leads one to wonder whether the most insidious danger lies in how government and media exploit crisis sit- uations. A myopic focus on terrorism and drug themes is used to draw attention away from issues more sensitive to the administration, like Reagan- supported terrorism in Nicaragua and South Africa. And the drug of morally- charged hysteria is used to render Americans senseless to the theft of their civil liberties. NOW IT'5 THE WAR YOU' VNOV AkAWlNtr KILLR You'R.E RV DR ! cz JV, ToNtI4T'S SPECIAL RSP0oT-N YPE l P DMC P--- Lv . Q _+ N I __j LETTERS: To the Daily: Usually, movie reviews are not the sort of thing that would prompt me to write an angry letter to the Daily. Normally, I'd be tempted to write over your usual practice of ignor- ing, misrepresenting, or misquoting of progressive speakers and events on camp- us. However, as Kurt Serbus' pandering of the movie Short Circuit (Daily, "'Short Circuit' gives off faint glow" 9/24/86) was extremely offensive in its patronizing racist tone in praising this piece of trash, I felt that a response needed to be made. Unfortunately, I stupidly subjected myself to this movie on a six hour flight when I should have spent the time sleeping. Aside from the mo- vie's inane predictability that I'm sure most six-year olds would find insulting to their intelligence, the movie was laden with racist and sexist imagery in a blatantly dis- gusting manner. Under- neath the liberal veneer of a sprung-to-life robot dodging bad-guy army types, it's not hard to find the movie offensive - yet not untypical of most of the shit Hollywood churns out in the name of entertainment. Mr. Serbus' revelling in the blatant rac- ism of the movie was particu- larly disturbing. The only non-white character of the movie, besides the robot (who acts sort of white anyway), is an Indian scientist, or "that little Indian guy" in Mr. Serbus' words, who plays the sidekick (of course) to the white scientist. This charac- ter is made out to be a buffoon and appear foolish because he constantly mixes up English idioms and mispronounces English words. A real scream. In reality, it's just a rehashing of the same sort of racism that made Amos'n Andy so popular with white audiences 30 years ago. Aren't those "little foreign guy"s (again, Serbus' words) so funny? They can't even speak ENGLISH. And to characterize racial minori- ties with such words as "little" is an old-standing, patron- /I t /'Lt- t /to j vl/.'L LJ F ~ V~L comes liberally sprinkled with "cute" demeaning sexist remarks made by the robot to Sheedy. Again, a replay of woman as merely a sexual object that we see all the time. This time it's supposedly ador-, able because its being uttered by a robot. Oh so funny! Someone please stop my sides 'from splitting! The extreme offensiveness of the movie's key scene was of course not noted by the re- viewer. This is the scene where the white scientist fi- nally becomes convinced that the robot really is alive. To test the robot's "humanity," the scientist tells the robot a joke and if it laughs, it obviously is living. The joke chosen for this purpose is an anti-Jewish joke in which the punchline says something about Jews being money-hungry. The robot laughs. At this point, there is muchrejoicing be- cause the robot must be hu- man. What the hell is this movie trying to say? Anti- Semitism is a natural human trait that proves one's human- ity?! This supposed joke 'Eyesore' fr To the Daily: This is a response to the letters written by Drew Stirton, "Shanty disgraces the Diag," and Brad Foster "Sick and tired of the shanty," (Daily 9/26/86). The points of both letters are the same: the anti-apartheid shanty should either be destroyed or at least. not be rebuilt. Both letters contain 'a large number of objection which cannot be fully dealt with in a concise letter. I will however focus on their main objections. The reason they stress the most for removing the shanty is that it is an eyesore. According to Stirton if other groups built shanties in order to object to various injustices the Diag "would contain all the charm of an abandoned tree fort collection" and "it infringes upon mine and everyone's right to enjoy the central spot -*on the campus...." It is highly wasn't put there by accident - it's the climax of the whole film., It can't be dismissed as a harmless slip. The history of racism and anti-Semitism in the world, and in this country, absolutely forbid us from doing that. Mass-marketed popular culture does not fall from tie sky. It almost always "y- flects the opinions, morals, and values of the dominant culture. Right now racism, sexism, anti-homosexual big- otry, and anti-Semitism are being whipped up in order to keep the oppressed divided and fighting among our- selves. The goal is to blame each other, rather than the system and those who profit from it as their real enemy. It is in the interests of the tiny minority of the super-wealthy bosses of our society to keep workers and oppressed people disunified, especially in a future that they know will be filled with sharper conflicts and struggles against the in- creasing attacks people are facing all over the world. The owners of the media and the so-called entertainment industry have a vital stake in keeping these lies perpetrated and they have a special role in this process, that is, con- trolling communication. What gets produced and marketed by the media mo- guls is generally well- planned, as is what never gets'seen by the public (i.e. the real histories of mass struggle). A movie like Short Circuit is just a small, yet 4 dangerous part of all this - . all the more so because it's dressed up as a kid's movie. No, Mr. Serbus, it's not a "pretty good flick" that's.back by "popular demand" (it was a big budget flop that they needed to re-dump on us in order to try and turn it profit- able). Short Circuit is funda- mentally racist, sexist, and. anti-Semitic. For the re- viewer to gloss over this and ,actually glorify the movie's racism, is patently inex- cusable. -Paul Lefrak Sept.25 ee Diag is not a right expression is a right. Prettiness however is a luxury. Stirton asks rhetorically, "Shouldn't the majority of the students decide on the future. existence of the shanty...and not an apparently stagnated minority?" The majority has the right to control the political expression of a minority. This is a perversion of thesideal of democracy and I trust that I need not argue against such a tyrannical view. Nonetheless, both Stirton and Foster insist that they are not attacking the shanty on political grounds. This is a sly move. Not only does it reduce the risk of people labeling them "racist," it also discourages anyone from objecting-to their view on political grounds. The shanty, however, is un - questionably a political statement and their objecting that politicalgraffiti on the shanty encourages other students to spray paint graffiti on the University buildings. He even hints very strongly that those who paint graffiti on the shanty. are responsible fore vandalizing other buildings.- Both claims are unfounded and the latter claim, even as innuendo, is plainly slander. Foster in his letter expresses only one point that can be taken seriously. When the shanty was originally built the University administration,' stipulated that it be removed after two weeks. It has remained for five months. This is a legal issue, but if Harold Shapiro values freedom of speech in protest against tyranny, he will not condemn the shanty. We can only wait to see how he pg , { :,. i i E ? , , .} I . _ . f / !' 's.f ! tjl I if I V I \ I W- . . v 6d-