4 OPINION Page 4 Thursday, September 25, 1986 The Michigan DoIy Edited and managed by students at The University of Michigan Wasserman "CNE SOVIETS ARC USING CNU-MICAI- WEAPoNS IN AFGNaNIsTAN... AND;: WAG&IN& BAOLOcG1CAi\ WRRFAbWINGoUTHEP6T ASIA5 i 4 4 Vol. XCVII, No. 16 420 Maynard St. Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Unsigned editorials represent a majority of the Daily's Editorial Board All other cartoons, signed articles, and letters do not necessarily represent the opinion of the Daily. \.. .w //III US .-1 Chavez UNITED FARMWORKERS (UFW) president Cesar Chevaz will speak in the fourth floor Amphitheater of Rackham tonight to gain.support for a two year-old boycott of Calif-ornia grapes. The current boycott demands that growers allow free union elections and bargain in good-faith with the UFW, both re-quired by law, and protect farm workers and consumers from dead-ly pesticides. Most consumers remember the 1970's grape 'boycott and prob-ably think it ended growers' abuses toward their migrant workers. The previous grape boycott was a temp-orary success; when growers felt huge losses in sales, they were forc-ed to accept workers' rights legisla- tion and unionization. The most dangerous practice by growers, misuse and overuse of pesticides, affects both the workers and consumers. The Environ- mental Protection Agency (EPA) moved pesticide poisoning to the number one spot on its urgent problems list, above toxic waste dumps and pollution. More than 300,000 migrant workers are poisoned by pesticides each year. Use of pesticides leaves residue on consumers' fruit. Several chemi-cals have speaks leaked through the soil into community water supplies; at least 23 states' water supplies have been tainted by pesticides. The .Deukmejian administration has perpetrated a climate of law-lessness by refusing to police even obvious infractions of the law. The California legislature passed a bill last year requiring growers to post signs in sprayed fields, but the governor vetoed the bill claiming it would cost growers too much money. David Stirling, general counsel of the California Agricul-tural Relations Board, who is supp- osed to be neutral, uses taxpayer money to actively lobby against the UFW and its boycott. Workers' demands for fair labor practices and responsible pesticide use should be a concern of the government. The growers will only respond when their sales are threatened, as the 1970's boycott ex-hibited. The UFW is boycotting all California grapes except the three percent which are stamped with the UFW black eagle. The current boycott has forced grape prices down to 39 cents a pound in some cities; this demonstrates that the boycott is working but needs more strength to be truly effective. \ / Y 1: 4 \NE M\UT STOP' TdE UE of IKSCE \VILE, M4N 14 t~A NST9UENTS OF 7 \ -p ( L 11~~~'1 Ia a - ?Ut SOME A OR V~OWWN , LETTERS.. Freedom schools need help. seeing you at meetings. 4 Interpreting Rehnquist ON SEPTEMBER 17, the U.S. Senate confirmed the nomination of William Rehnquist as the sixteenth Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. The potential result of the ensuing "Rehnquist years" suggests that the Senate has shirked its responsibility to the people by concentrating on academic qualifications rather than fully inquiring about and exposing Rehnquist's views, views which threaten the hard won rights of minorities, women, and advocates of sexual privacy and separation. of church and state. Rehnquist's interpretation of human rights is particularly unsettling in light of the agenda setting power he will yield as Chief Justice. In his new position, he has first say about which 150 cases out .of approximately five thousand are significant enough to be heard. When voting in -the majority, Rehnquist ,as Supreme Court Justice, has the authority to assign the writing of the court opinion, which explains the court's decision. In the past, Rehnquist has often been the court's lone dissenter, staunchly advocating "judicial restraint". Rehnquist claims that broad interpretation of the Constitution goes beyond the intent of the founding fathers. Judicial restraint also means respecting precedent that has been set. Rehnquist believes that the broad interpretations in the court's recent history are not legitimate, whereas the ideals of the founding fathers were Law School to comment that Rehnquist is one "..of the finest 19th century minds in America." Rehnquist has dissented from court opinions in a number of cases which make this point clear. For example, he dissented from the 1973 Roe v. Wade decision, which declared that" a woman has a fundamental right to make the highly personal choice whether or not to terminate her pregnancy." In 1979 he dissented from a court decision upholding busing to remedy school segregation and from decisions upholding affirmative action. He has further dissented from a court decision banning prayer in, schools and is a declared proponent of the death penalty. In each decade, Rehnquist has consistantly taken personal actions against human rights. As a law clerk for Justice Jackson in the early 50s, he wrote memos advocating the separate-but-equal doctrine. As an Arizona election challenger in the early 60s, he harassed minority voters. As an attorney in the Justice Department in the early 70s, he contributed to Nixon's domestic surveillance policy. In addition, he denied knowledge of restrictive covenants in. the deeds on his homes until the issue was pursued. As a lawyer, it seems that Rehnquist would have been aware of the covenants when he signed the leases. If the covenants had disturbed him, he could have challenged them. Rehnquist's accusations about the broad interpretation To the Daily: The struggle against apartheid must be part of a larger struggle against racism and other forms of oppression everywhere. In the final analysis, the people opposed to apartheid in South Africa will determine the future of that country. President P.W. Botha insists that " the future of South Africa will be decided by South Africans, not by the rest of the world." He is partly correct, but fails to see that he and his fellow white surpremacists, both in South Africa and in countries propping up apartheid with their investments, will not be among those to decide in the end. Meanwhile, we can lend support, both moral and material, in a variety of ways to help expedite the liberation of South Africa. This letter is about one such effort being initiated by the Free South Africa Coordinating Committee ( FSACC ). The African National Congress ( ANC ) has established relief areas and training schools for people in exile from the apartheid system. The Solomon Mahlangu Freedom College ( SOMAFCO& ) is an educational institution established in 1979 at Mazimbu, Tanzania. The school was originally designed to . serve the educational needs of the large number of young South~ Africans who left South Africa in the wake of the Soweto uprising of 1976. Repression in South Africa continues to force young people to leave home, and thus the need for an expanded SOMAFCO and other facilities like it continue to grow. SOMAFCO comprises five educational sectors: Secondary, Primary, Nursing, Adult education and an Orientation Center. A variety of support structures have been established to service the educational sector. Here academic skills unavailable in most of South Africa to non-whites are offered, as is medical treatment to those in need of it. They need our help. help us in this humanitarian effort. Please send donations to FSACC, c/o 3909 Michigan Union. Checks should be made out to the Material Aid Committee. We will be conducting bucket drives, Drug edit is misdirected To the Daily: I am very disappointed with your editorial "Drug busting" (Daily, 9/17/86) on Congress' anti-drug legislation. True enough, Congress is not taking the proper steps to alleviate the serious problem of drug abuse. However, the Daily's suggested reform's are equally stupid (I use that word carefully but accurately) and misguided. The reforms suggested by Congress are merely high publicity campaign tools. Serious problems exist in the legislation, such as using the military to do civilian law enforcement or expanding the use of the death penalty. The Daily is proper in speaking against the legislation. The Daily, however, makes grevious errors in assessing the drug problem in our nation. If I understood the .editorial, you suggest that ending hunger and homelessness in our country we will aleviate the drug problem. What kind of ridiculous rhetoric is that? The drug epidemic pervades every aspect of our society. Drugs are a disease that does not discriminate. Every sex, race, religion , color, creed, and ethnicity has an abuse problem. Both rich white and poor minority folk are in grave danger from drug use. Thus, even if we could end poverty and illiteracy in this nation (which certainly could not happen in the very near future) there would still be a serious drug problem. The economically advantaged abuse drugs as much as (or perhaps more than) the disadvantaged. The call for massive social welfare programs should have nothing to do with the drug scare. more peer counseling for users in every social and economic class, for all ages. We need to make it clear to people that drugs are not "cool"; rather, it is "cool" to say "No" to drugs. Question cii To the Daily: Expiation from our sins of being ,members of a First World community has historically taken on extreme, self-righteous forms. Europeans ration- alized slavery by telling themselves that "heathen" could only benefit by becoming the chattels of Christians; the mindframe would later be called a "White man's burden." Though in essence sincere benevolence towards any people is noble, present members of our society should recognize their tunnel-vision and examine their motives for such actions as that approved by the Ann Arbor City Council on 22 September 1986 to adopt Juigalpa as a sister city in Nicaragua. The referendum from which the ordinance was born called for a sister city in Central America. Nicaragua was chosen as the country most deserving. All of Central America is poor. Many parts of Central America show the growing pains of developing countries, from the Mayas of Guatemala to the Miskitos of Nicaragua. Regardless of anyone's' politics, I interpret such an action as politically opportun- istic in that incumbents are scoring points for the next election in this largely liberal student town where it is in vogue to espouse anti- Reagan, anti-Republican sentiment. This seems It seems that the Daily has only added to the mass hysteria of the problem with another lame brained solution. -David Vogel September i7 ty Motivation by Ed Pierce referring to Nicaragua as the secondl poorest country in thk Western Hemisphere without mentioning his source of information. I have read various sources calling other countries poorest and seconal poorest, but I make no claims because mine - is not an argument of specifics. The non-politically ambitious members of our citizenry may be well intentioned overall, but whati about the concerns held by task force members like Jane Potts, who seem motivated more by political ideology than by humanitarianism when suggesting the need for an orphanage for the children of those felled by the Contras? No one knows the truth except for . those - living Nicaragua, but it does nolt seem unreasonable that there is some truth to. :a documentary aired on PAS suggesting that th'e Sandinistas are no better to the Miskito Indians than are the Contras to the Sandinistas. I propose that a sister city'e adopted in the ancestral' lands of the Miskito Indians as well. It is no secret that thousands of them have been forcibly removed or sent into exile in Honduras by the Sandinistas. The truest humanitarianism has no strings attached-especially political ones! -Luis-A. Velazquez-Rivera selling baked goods, and organizing special fund- raising benefits. All money donated for material aid will be used solely for that purpose. We urge you to be generous an'd look forward to -Glen Wiliams, Chairman,,Material Aid Committe September21 fu'ture