OPINION Page 4 Friday, September 19, 1986 The Michigan Dai Edite mn de U 05st tgan Btl Edited and managed by students at The University of Michigan LETTERS: ;a .V Examine the Greek system Vol. XCVlI, No. 12 420 Maynard St. Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Unsigned editorials represent a majority of the Daily's Editorial Board All other cartoons, signed articles, and letters do not necessarily represent the opinion of the Daily. Ticket troubles THE NEW TICKET procedure at University football games will both help and burden students. The University Athletic Department now requires each student to bring their entire booklet of tickets and their school I.D. to enter the games. The new policy is designed to keep non-students with scalped tickets out of the student sections. In the past, the non- students would demand to sit in their ticketed seats which caused conflict with students who prefer to sit anywhere. According to Michigan ticket manager Al Renfrew, the de- partment implemented this pro - cedure to "protect the students." The new procedure will benefit students by creating an all-student section but will penalize them in more important ways. Abolishing the students' option to scalp tickets contributes to the scarcity of tickets for individual games. Now some students who can not afford to shell out 48 dollars at the beginning of the term, will not be able to attend individual games. To the extent that the Athletic Department sells fewer ticket books to students because of the new policy, other spectator groups will buy more. The income students gained in the past from scalping unused tickets will then go to alumni, faculty and other spectator groups still allowed to scalp their tickets. To the extent that book tickets are not used or sold under the new policy, scalped tickets will go up in price from the shortage caused. People who do manage to find individual tickets for sale will pay a higher price than in the past. A student who cannot attend a game will be wary to sell or lend their ticket to anyone, including friends, because of the risk they will be taking by lending out their entire booklet and I.D. card. Part of the fun of attending games is to bring parents, siblings, and visiting friends-people who were able to buy scalped tickets in the past. The lack of adequate warning about the new system will cause confusion at the stadium gates tomorrow. It is likely that a number of students will forget their I.D. cards or tear off their ticket as they have done in the past, rendering it invalid. Students risk missing the remainder of the season if they lose their booklets. Football at the University is played by students; their class - mates have the right to enjoy these games. The new procedures penalize students for wanting to have fun. To the Daily: Once again the fall winds rush through leaves turning crimson and gold in the fading sunlight; flocks of Canadian geese will soon be heard overhead pointing south toward sunshine and warmth; a nervous influx of post-adolescents jams the streets every hour on the hour, and the Daily takes up its crusade against the Greek system; clearly, autumn is upon us once more. I do not believe the Daily raises sufficient support for its position as stated in the editorial entitled "Why Rush?" (9/8/86). Neither do I believe that those fraternity and sorority members who have attempted to reply to your "allegations" as Valerie Salkin described in her letter "Greek experience can be positive" (Daily, 9/10/86), have even begun to examine the system to which they belong. This argument tends to descend into bigoted name- calling from both sides every time it is raised. Let me begin by stating that I strongly support the purported goals of the Greek system; that is, I believe encouraging fraternal ties, providing a means of meeting new people, and providing a support network through the troubling years spent studying at a monolithic institution such as this university, are worthwhile, meaningful goals. If the system worked, I would heap lavish praise upon it. Examining the evidence, though, it becomes painfully obvious that the system does not achieve these lofty goals; in some cases, the system works directly against those aims, encouraging the behavior it seeks to discourage, sheltering students from anything unknown to their backgrounds instead of exposing them to diverse people and situations. I take exception with the Daily's describing the Greek system as "a large homogeneous group." It's easy to see that within the compass of the entire Greek system, there exists a multi- plicity of ethnic groups, and religious backgrounds. What bothers me is that within the system these groups tend to clump together; why are there "Jewish fraternities" or "WASPy sororities?" It seems that the only catch-all heading these people fall into is "the upper class." A sampling of students within the Greek system would show that vast majority come from professional parents, and that their average family incomes are 15-20 percent higher than the typical University student. How many Greeks do you know that have never had a job, or have only worked for one of their parents? I take exception, too, to the almost total exclusion of blacks from the Pan- Hellenic fraternities and sororities. Why do the blacks on campus feel they have to form their own, independent sororities and fraternities? To state that this minority chooses to exclude itself, as the Pan-Hellenic Society claims, is ducking the question. Perhaps too many of the Greeks would think twice about rushing if they knew they might have a black "sster" or "brother-" maturity. Sad, but true. How many people do you know that are personable, sensitive individuals, but act like complete idiots in a large group? Watching a group of young men drink till they puke or a group of young women lose all restraint and dance on tables wearing formal gowns and holding a drink in their hand is not my idea of reinforcing mature behavior. I have been witness to both of these events at different Greek functions. If the Pan-Hellenic Council is serious about developing a mature, capable group of members that can act like responsible adults when they are thrown into the harsh realities of the working world, perhaps they should consider moving the rush back at least a month and spreading it out over a longer time period. How well can a sorority of sixty to one hundred women get to know an individual in three one to two hour meetings? Especially when that in- dividual is suffering through the adjustments of their first month living away from home, and adjusting from being one of the best and the brightest to being another average student among the 30,000 living in the campus area. Is it any wonder that nearly half the first year class is on academic probation after the first term? Again, I admire the aims of the Greek system, and decry the stereotypical 'breakdown in this debate to Greek vs. GDI (God-Damned Independent, if you're unfamiliar with the abbrev - iation). On a campusa large as this, there is, obviously room for people with differing views; in fact, that diversity is exactly what we should strive forsto expose# each student to aswide a: range of people and experi-S ences as can possibly bel arranged. What is needed is; tolerance, temperance, and' prudence to remove the pressure from students to make such an important decision in the first month of, one of the harshest adjust=' ment periods they will ever face. Give new students, 4 opportunity to think for themselves, to adjust to a strange new environment, and most of the shortcoming of this system might just disappear. 4 -Patrick J. Fetteraa Septembder I of lie$r many different ages.' you hear what they're sayin ? "We only want what's bes for you." Well, that's enough for one visit. I'm ready to go. But if you see me out on the street, tell me a lie. I collecting. -Mike Shad Septembe is one phase' Building a gallery . 5 / f , z f t ,' ,1 3.. .,, i, 1 f $$ V t 't " .. . To the Daily: I would like to build a gallery of lies. Imagine it. You would walk up the marble steps to the beautiful stone archway over the door. And inscribed in the archway would be the motto I'd give my gallery, " I'm doing this out of the goodness of my heart ", echoed by the sign on the wall of the ticket booth, " We're not in it for the money. " The gallery's store rooms are bursting with a massive harvest of human history. Marcos' claim to have lead an anti-Japanese guerilla outfit? Certainly a classic in its time, now all but forgotten. Maybe I can find room for it in the Hall of Politics. I'm very proud of my Presidential Collection. It reaches all the way back to the slave owner who wrote " We hold these truths to be self evident, that all men are created equal..." I've spared no expense on this exhibit. I hired the best craftsmen from Mme. Tussand's waxworks so that you can see'Lyndon Johnson say " I will not send American boys to fight and die in an Asian war. " Go ahead, push the button and hear Richard Nixon say "I am not a crook. " ( Or was it "Because, gentlemen, you won't have Dick Nixon to kick around anymore"?) Watch Ronald Reagan promise to balance the budget in his first term. And in my presidential hopeful category I have George Bush's smash hit, " We can fight and win a nuclear war." There'sso much to see. Let's skip the Hall of Commerce and Economics Skip the Halls of Medicine and Education, and move on to the Hall of Human Relations. Here's a smoky bar. When you wander in, it's full of strangers promising to respect you in the morning. And here are all your A cadem ic isolation To the Daily: In his letter "Banner theft squelches free speech," Brad Foster equates a common prank with Soviet and Nazi repression. He believes there's a conspiracy to censor him. He believes that the cutting down of a banner on the Diag is "the use of force" sweethearts from high school on. They all say they'll always love you. And here you are, telling them the same. Hmm. Here's the centerpiece of the exhibit, perhaps of the whole gallery. The Family. Do you see? Here are your parents. They're talking to you. What age are you ? So Telephoning To the Daily: operating support for '4 Thank you for your recent University. The $160 mil rn front page coverage of the mentioned in your arti-Jl Campaign for Michigan's represents the goal for phone bank, " 'U' phones for first phase of the Campai alumni dough", ( Daily, for Michigan. This' mol 9/5/86 ). As much as I will be used for buildings acid appreciate the publicity ou plant improvement and for have provided the phone endowment support effort, I still would like to students and facult-. clarify some statements that Through the support -f misrepresented what Uni- alumni, corporations, apd versity students are trying to foundations, the Campaigi accomplish as they solicit our has realized nearly $1210 alumni and what the million of this $160 millilo Campaign for Michigan goal. represents. We are very excited about Our goal for the All- the phone bank, as it 1ras Alumni Phase of the Cam- already raised well oVy paign for Michigan-of which $150,000 in pledges in a 149 the phone bank is a vital part- over two weeks of operatioh. is $20 million, not $160 Moreover, I would like,1b million. The students who encourage your readers w o are phoning each night are, are interested in helping t e in fact, expected to raise University to consider wor - around $14.5 million of this ing with us as callers at e $20 million. You can under- phone bank. stand the awe your article Thank you for providing inspired as our students read me this opportunity to set toe that their goal had suddenly record straight. increased elevenfold. The monies raised from -Melanie Allewelt Kw this two-year All-Alumni Director,.Annual Prograos Phase of the Campaign will be instrumental in providing .Septemb Outraged by massacre To the Daily: times such as these, innoce t The Muslim Students and oftentimes rightedgs Association, University individuals are attacked Chapter, wishes to express its through no fault of their ow4. heartfelt sorrow and outrage The Muslim Studenis over the recent murder of Association expresses igs some twenty-one Jewish sympathy and condolence fqr worshippers in a Turkish the families and friends ;f synagogoue. For us, the those killed, and carries tie thought that this act may have hope for understanding akd been perpetrated out of some true peace in the comikg notion of national or years. religious duty is truly ,A disturbing.-Hytham A. Youms We sincerely regret that in -Muslim Students Assoc. SeptemI4 8 1{!..............L:......:.....i.. . i 4 ,, Tho ~frN wai-n av attae fom to rrnrovI JOB QPCTtXV1<' Ip '' 1pCi7f ' r- 4LA "" 'ii Axi .. .. -,%.. ":. :.... {. 1."A,.":... r'J { ' ' "'.J1 . , "r We encourage our readers to use this space to discuss and respond to issues of their con- rrr_ - -T 7 - -r1_ - r - - - - .- TT__ -t-.