'Page 18 - The Michigan Daily - Thursday, September 4, 1986 'U' administration may implement its own code )(CofiinuedfrmmPa e3).. .. :1i a - . .. nP fn t.4r d.Ap t ehavir tt~nuue Frl rgea ministration's controversial code to the Board of Regents for approval. Shapiro backed off on his threat in January when the council appeared to be making headway and working "in good faith." In fact, in April, the council asked for input on its preliminary recommendations for dealing with violent crimes on cam- pus. No progress since May No progress had been made in refining these "emergency procedures" this spring and summer, partly because internal political con- flicts within the Michigan Student Assembly has prevented any respon- se from the student government. MSA is also reluctant to take a stance until the majority of its members return in the fall. The administration too has not responded, chooses to wait until MSA gives its reaction, Nordby said. The council has also failed in its main task this summer to recom- mend how the University should deal with nonacademic crimes committed by students. These crimes aroused much of the opposition to previous drafts of the code. Some students said the University should not deal with in- ter-personal crimes, such as theft, which, they say, are in the civil cour- ts' proper domain. The council's work was stalled mainly by poor administration among the administrators and faculty on the committee. The council, in fact, never had full attendance this spring and summer, although the three students on the committee were rarely absent. The council's progress, though, also slowed when two new students to the council forced the board to rehash philosophical and practical questions on whether a code is needed. "I think there's been too much of an assumption that there will have to be a code," said Jen Faigel, an LSA senior who was appointed to the coun- cil in the spring. "It's distressing to have to start all over, but I believe that's what we are going to have to do. With this change in people, it will take us quite a while to focus on our issues," said the coun- cil's co-chair, Internal Medicine prof. Don Rucknagel late in June. The council would meet only twice more before giving up in mid-July because of sparse attendance. Concerns about stalling While student members of the council deny they were stalling - only raising issues they felt needed to be raised - Nordby said the board's composition is one factor ad- ;ministrators will consider .deciding whether to implement a code -without MSA approval. Nordby refused to comment fur- ther, but one of the three students on the council is law student Eric Schnaufer. Schnaufer, a co-founder of the No Code movement, rejoined the council in the spring after resigning last winter. He said then he felt his presence would hurt the council's credibility with the impatient ad- ministration. While Schnaufer denies stalling, he opposes a code covering violent and non-violent crimes. "If the emergen- cy rules are just one part of a com- prenensive cone oI SLUenLUI VU , then they are just the beginning of the end," Schnaufer said in May. Emergency precedures opposed The council's "emergency procedures" will also receive op- position. Some students and Jonathan Ross, a local lawyer following the code, op- pose the emergency procedures, calling them unnecessary because of the civil authorities. The procedures would set up a University judicial process that could impose such sanctions as temporarily banning the accused from campus. Although administrators refused to comment, opposition is expected against a provision prohibiting University action against students taking political stances. This provision is merely symbolic because councilmembers did not feel that any violent crimes are a part of political expression. University President Harold Shapiro, however, has said he doesn't think any code should exclude such political crimes as civil disobedience. S S q Minority orientation I eases adjustment (Continued from Page 7) services such as the Comprehensive Studies and Opportunity Program. She added that MSS helps different minority groups "maintain links to their heritages," by providing special programs and information about various minority holidays. The Comprehensive Studies Program is primarily concerned with the retention and graduation of LSA students who come from academically disadvantaged backgrounds yet show considerable academic promise. The program, which is-open to non-minority as well as minority students, provides academic counseling, and tutorials, as well as sponsoring lectures, and mninicourses. The Opportunity Program is not limited to LSA students, and helps disadvantaged sudents with finan- cing and counseling,. as well as helping them to take advantage of the myriad support services available to them. Robert Holmes, the assistant Vice President for Academic Affairs said that the administration feels strongly that in addition to recruiting more minority students to the University and to retain them, "we must take new steps to enhance students' feeling of home away from home here." Holmes said last- year's event was well-attended by students and they related well to the event by "forming networks with other students and be becoming better able to put the names and faces of faculty members together." He added that the orien- tation seemed to "increase students' feeling of belongingness at the Unver- sity." Daily staff writer Mike Jagner filed a report for this story. MINORITY STUDENT CELEBRATION AND WELCOME SCHEDULE OF EVENTS 7:00-8:15 Welcome- University President Harold Shapiro and other University officials. 7:20-7:45 Comments - Niara Sudarkasa, associate vice president for academic affairs. 7:50-9:10 Small group discussions - Minority peer advisors, faculty and staff. 9:15-10:30 Reception - all events are in the Michigan League Ballroom on Thur- sday, Sept. 5. For more information call Roderick Linzie at 764-9128 or Barbara Robsinson at 763-9044. LIBER AL ARTS MAJORS... You're Needed All Overthe World. Ask Peace Corps volunteers why their ingenuity and flexibility are as vital as their degrees. Theyll tell you they are helping the I a