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September 19, 1986 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1986-09-19

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In Weekend Magazine:

David Lee Roth * 'Shanghai Surprise'
Our 'rape culture' * Shakey Jake Woods

cl ble

Ninety-seven years of editorial freedom
Ann Arbor, Michigan - Friday, September 19, 1986


Vol. XCVII - No. 12

Copyright 1986, The Michigan Daily

Twelve Pages

French ariy
officer killed
in E. Beirut

BEIRUT (AP) - A lone
assassin shot and killed a French
military attache outside the
French Embassy in Beirut
yesterday morning. It was the
latest of a series of terrorist
attacks here and in Paris.
Anonymous telephone callers
in Lebanon and France claimed
responsibility for the
assassination in the name of two
obscure groups and threatened
further blows. One demanded
release of an alleged terrorist
jailed in France.
ACCORDING to Beirut police,
Col. Christian Goutierre, 60, had
parked his car near the French
Embassy in Christian East Beirut
at 8:30 a.m. He was about to get
out when the gunman approached
Police said the attacker shot
Goutierre three times in the head
with a silencer-equipped pistol
and escaped in a waiting green
For unknown reasons,
Goutierre had parked his car
outside the embassy's security
zone which extends 100 yards
around the four-story building

Anna Strowe, 5, of Ann Arbor, makes her opinion on
nuclear disarmament known while protesting at Regents'
Plaza. Strowe was one of about 40 participants who rallied
yesterday with WAND (Women's Action for Nuclear

Disarmament) against a University proposal to remove a
regulation forbidding research that may harm human

.Group protests research

Yesterday at Regents Plaza
demonstrators gathered to protest
the report issued by the ad hoc
committee that reviewed the
University's classified research
The protesters, many of them
members of local peace
organizations, voiced concern
over the Committee's

recommendation that the Board of
Regents eliminate the "end use"
clause in the current research
guidlines. The clause forbids
faculty members from doing
classified research which has the
potential to endanger human life,
such as weapons research.
peace songs and staged a small
march around Regents Plaza,

warning that the University could
become a "University of the
The current guidiines were
placed under review after faculty
and admistrators complained
about ambiguous wording
concerning their enforcement
and requirements that all
research be publishable after a


The protesters criticized the
mmittee's proposal to remove the
search Policy Committee and
assified Review Panel, two
oups that help enforce the
rrent guidelines.
Robyn Watts, the Michigan
Ldent Assembly's military
search advisor, called the "end
e" clause a strong moral
See GROUP, Page 5

Paris police inspect pedestrians
and is patrolled by embassy
guards and Lebanese police.
GOUTIERRE had. been
stationed in Beirut since October
See BEIRUT, Page 2

Blue looks to
bury Beavers
in home debut

Robertson supporters
predict his success

Local supporters of Rev. Pat
Robertson feel confident he will
get the three million signatures
he is petitioning for before
deciding whether to run for
In a televised speech
Wednesday night seen by an
*estimated 200,000 people
nationwide, Robertson an-
nounced he would run only if he
can obtain the signatures.
LAURA Crandall, an Ann
Arbor resident who supports

Robertson, said she agrees with
his decision because it releases
him from federal laws obliging
him to give opponents equal -air
time on his Christian
Broadcasting Network.
Missy Caulk, another
Robertson supporter, predicted he
would get the signatures "in a
matter of weeks. He has more
than 3 million people on his
mailing list already," said
Caulk, also an Ann Arbor
See LOCALS, Page 3

PIRG petitions 'U'

Like so much timber, Oregon
State is expected tohfall to
Michigan tomorrow with a loud
The Wolverines, 1-0, are 40-
point favorites as the Beavers
come into Michigan Stadium.
And after Oregon State's 27-0 loss
to Fresno State last week, the
spread may be even a bit stingy.
"WE KNOW it will be a very-
difficult game for us," said OSU
head coach Dave Kragthorpe,
"especially so at this time because
we are coming off a poor
performance. We don't think
that the Michigan game is
Kragthorpe knows about hope.
Last season when the Beavers
went 3-8, they pulled off a 21-20
upset over Washington at Seattle.
"They're a tough hard-hitting,
physical group," Michigan head
coach Bo Schembechler said.
"They haven't won a lot of games,
so they'll come after you."
THE BEAVERS toss out a pass-
oriented offense, throwing 40 to 50
times a game, according to
Schembechler. "They're like
Brigham Young, they'll throw a
lot," he said. In fact, Kragthorpe

came to Oregon State last year
after serving as an assistant
coach at BYU.
Against Fresno State, the
Beavers went to the air 37 times,
splitting quarterback duties
between starter Erik Wilhelm
and Dave McLaughlin. Wilhelm
completed 12 of 20 pass attempts
for 161 yards with one
interception. McLaughlin was 7
for 17.
"I think Erik Wilhelm played
better than most people thought he
did under the conditions of a
heavy rush and poor pass
protection," Kragthorpe said.
"OUR offense was disjointed.
We never put a drive together of
any consequence. We had
opportunities but we couldn't cash
in on them."
But Schembechler, 16-0-1 in
home openers, isn't taking the
Beavers too lightly. "Their
quarterback is a capable guy," he
said. "I'm not going to tell you
they're going to win the Pac-10,
but anything can happen."
"A team that throws as much as
OSU is particularly dangerous,"
agreed assistant coach and
defensive coordinator Gary

Several members and
supporters of the Public Interest
Research r Group in Michigan
(PIRGIM) yesterday asked the
University's Board of Regents to
allow the group to resume
collecting money from students
by using a refusable fee check-off
system on the Student
ThVerification Form.
The regents, the University

governing board, met yesterday
for the first time this academic
UNTIL PIRGIM's original
contract with the University
expired in February, 1985, the
group had received funding
through a voluntary check-off
donation system on the SVF.
When the contract expired,
PIRGIM, a student group that
See PIRG, Page 2

Chuckles Daily Photo by ANDI SCHREIBER
LSA Senior Chuck Lipsig sits contemplating at yesterday's
WAND anti-nuclear protest at Regents' Plaza. "I'm
supposed to be stoic and unimaginative because I'm a
statistics major, but I'm not," said Lipsig.

The black hole

waiting a long time for this," said Paul
Rasmussen, chairman of the faculty planning
committee. Rasmussen said the new building
will provide more adequate lab facilities, safer
air quality, and a place to "hang out" for
chemistry students. Mellon Stuart Project

located at the Delta Upsilon fraternity house at
1331 Hill St., will feature Bo Schembechler, the
U-M marching band, the Friars, and the
Michigan cheerleaders. Along with the home-
opener celebrations, a special tribute will be paid
to late U-M football announcer Bob Ufer, who

CONFERENCE CLASHES: Sports previews the
Big Ten's weekend football action.
.,AT CTAAMU. Aris __ve ._ ._ 2ww


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