Page 2- The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, September 16, 1986
City council tables mal
The Ann Arbor City Council
last night postponed a vote on a
zoning change that would clear
the way to building a15-acre
shopping mall on the northwest
corner of Plymouth and Nixon
Larry Hunter (D-First Ward)
proposed tabling the ordinance to
reexamine the questions raised
in last night's meeting. Hunter
said the council will look at the
traffic impact on senior citizens
in a nursing home next to the
property, the effect on business for
area stores, and the residential
character of the neighborhood.
shopping center was planned by
First Martin Associates
Developers to bring a wider
variety of shops to Ann Arbor, in
accordance with the city's master
plan to develop the city.
More than 200 Ann Arbor
residents came to last night's
imeeting to protest the rezoning of
the land and the building of the
shopping mall, saying it would
spoil the residential character of
northeastern Ann Arbor.
The proposed mall, residents
said, would cause traffic to
increase by about 15,000 car trips
per day, decrease the safety of the
area, draw business away from
downtown, and create parking
RESIDENTS, merchants, and
speakers for community groups
delivered speeches and presented
petitions for more than two and a
half hours against the rezoning of
the area for commercial use.
They said there is no need for
further shopping areas in the
Northeast corner of town.
"After listening to this
discussion tonight I think I
should offer my resignation as a
developer of this city," said Bill
' plan
Martin, head of the University
Center development project. "I
feel as I'm not as much a part of a
land use issue as part of a political
Martin said the residents
presented "a clear and outright
distortion" of his plans for the
shoppping center.
Domestic auto sales reach high
DETROIT (AP)- New car sold in the corresponding period up 5.1 percent from 63, 674 a year
sales by major domestic last year. earlier. The automaker had a
automakers soared in early Third-ranked Chrysler Corp. higher than normal share of
September, as cut-rate sold 47, 096 cars in early Sept- sales in the year-ago period and
financing below 3 percent lured ember, 39.1 percent more than a lower supply of cars for sale
customers to showrooms in the 29, 622 sold in the year-ago during the reporting period this
droves. period. year.
Early-September sales by the
Big Three automakers totalled
355, 252 cars Sept. 1-10, its best
ten day sales period since 1973.
On a per-day basis, sales in
early-September stood 53.4
percent above the 132, 514 cars
Tom Jakobowski, Chrysler
spokesman, sales the sales were
the highest for the company of
any early-month period.
Ford Motor Co., the nation
second-largest automaker, sold
76, 499 cars in early September,
Percentage comparisons
were based on sales per selling
day, since there were eight
selling days in early September
this year and seven days in the
corresponding period last year.
ROTC enlistments rise as image improves
{ (Continued from Page 1)
drew up in a military
atmosphere. About 25 percent of
ROTC students' parents are
"career military."
University's ROTC program has
increased in all branches of
service. Two hundred and six
students are enrolled in the Navy
ROTC program, up 10 percent
from last year. And although
Army ROTC enrollment
decreased slightly this year, it's
still 31 percent higher than it was
in 1981. Air Force figures were
not available.
Six years ago, the Army ROTC
program was moved to Eastern
Michigan University because of
lack of interest here, but it was
moved back to the University in
Along with the increase in
numbers, Army officials report
that the quality of the recruits is
apprehension toward the military
seems to be decreasing. "There is
a better understanding of what the
military is all about. People are
less suspicious," said Lt. Coburn.
University students who aren't
in the program are responding
favorably the ROTC program,
although they usually say they
wouldn't want to do it.
"It's a good opportunity for
those who receive financial aid,
and it's good experience," said
LSA sophomore Karen O'Connor.
"The current government is so
pro-defense that we view the
military as a defensive unit
rather than an offensive unit."
"VIETNAM IS fading back
into the past, and the mood of the
country has come to accept the
military," said LSA senior
Douglas Roan. "We need a
military, and it should be made
up of volunteers. Volunteers are
more productive than 'draftees.'"
The latest figures on the
nation's military services show
that in the first nine months of the
fiscal year, the armed forces
either met or exceeded recruiting
The bombing of Libya last
January received strong support
across the country and -was a
boost for the nation's military
services, said Keith Smith, a
Navy ROTC sophomore from
Eastern Michigan University.
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How five minutes
an change the way
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understanding of
what the military is
all about . People
are less suspicious.'
Lt. Bob Coburn
U.S. Navy
"We're not being as abused on
a national level as we were in the
past. There is better management
of our services now," Smith said.
Baker looks
to students
for victory
(Continued from Page1)
Cates added that the plan was
the only budget proposal submitted
on time, and that although it was
defeated, it served as a basis for
the compromise plan which
eventually passed.
CATES ALSO noted that
Pursell was on the conference
committee for the Gramm-
Rudman budget-cutting law and
is a supporter of a constitutional
amendment to mandate a
balanced budget.
Pursell works on the
subcommittee which "approves 90
percent of all federal money for
University research," Cates said.
"In this role he is a strong
supporter of the University's
research programs."
Another area of conflict
between the candidates is the
Central America issue. Baker
was- part of a campaign for a
"Peace in Central America"
ballot proposal which was passed
in last April's city election.
Nicaraguan rebels supported by
the Reagan administration are
terrorists fighting a government
supported by the Nicaraguan
people. Pursell, on the other hand,
feels that the Sandinistas have
violated human rights and that
the solution to Nicaragua's civil
war is mediation by the Catholic
church. The only way that is
possible, Pursell has argued, is
for the Nicaraguan government
to respect the strength of the
An integral part of a Baker
victory would include a huge
margin of victory in Ann Arbor,
where a large number of voters
are concerned with issues such as
Central America. A strong Ann
Arbor turnout made Baker's
primary victory possible.
Pursell, howver, is not giving
up on Ann Arbor. This year he
has made more than 40
Daniloff issue pushed to top
of agenda in pre-sunmit talks
WASHINGTON - Showing increased impatience with the Kremlin, the
Reagan administration yesterday revamped the agenda for a meeting to
plan a new U.S.-Soviet summit, pushing to the top of the list its demand
for the outright release of American journalist Nicholas Daniloff.
White House chief of staff Donald Regan suggested that chances for a
summit this year could be endangered unless Daniloff is allowed to come
Secretary of State George Shultz and Soviet Foreign Minister Eduard
Shevardnadze are to confer in Washington on Friday and Saturday at
what was to have been a meeting to fix the date and agenda for a summit.
Spokesman Larry Speakes said Shultz "will raise the issue as the first
item on the agenda."
"I'm sure that preliminary discussions on U.S.-Soviet relations, which
may include future meetings, will take place, but whether it will be
resolved remains a question," Speakes said. "The change in the agenda
is that Daniloff is first."
People Express to be sold
NEW YORK - People Express Inc., trapped in a cash squeeze after an
enormous growth as a pioneer of low-fare air travel, said yesterday that
it had agreed to be acquired by Texas Air Corp. for $125 million in
The purchase would establish Houston-based Texas Air as the nation's
biggest airline operator. The company already owns Continental Airlines
and New York Air and is in the process of buying Eastern Airlines.
For People Express, based in Mewark, N.J., the proposed merger
represents a "bittersweet" end to its independence, said founder and
chairman Donald C. Burr.
"We couldn't continue separately, independently," Burr told a news
conference held jointly with Texas Air Chairman Frank Lorenzo. "We
would have liked to. But you've got to have more financial resources to be
It was the second time this year that Texas Air had offered to buy
People Express; a $235.8 million offer made in July was rejected.
Lorenzo and Burr indicated that while People Express initially would
become a wholly owned Texas Air unit People at some point likely would
lose its identity and merge into one of Texas Air's other airlines.
Gov. to veto anti-abortion bill
LANSING - Gov. James Blanchard-said yesterday he has a "secret
strategy" to protect Medicaid payments for the poor from being in-
terrupted by a Senate plan to end state-paid abortions.
Medicaid funding for the poor and elderly will stop in 15 days when the
state's fiscal year ends if the governor carries through with his vow to
veto a Senate budget bill that would ban abortions for poor women.
Blanchard, a Democrat, has vetoed previous attempts to ban abortions
for poor women, saying the procedures should be available to women on
Medicaid because it's available to women who can afford to pay for it.
Former Gov. William Milliken, a Republican, also refused to end state-
aid abortions for poor women.
Blanchard's latest veto was in July, when he rejected the $1.5 billion
Medicaid portion of the state welfare budget.
Last week, the Senate Appropriations Committee approved another
Medicaid budget bill with a similar ban on state abortion payments.
The full Senate is expected to vote this week on the measure, which
would also require House approval.
Flint teachers join in strikes
Teachers at Mott Community College in Flint went on strike yesterday,
but classes were staffed by substitute teachers, management and faculty
members who crossed picket lines, officials said.
Meanwhile, teachers at Mount Clemens, Harbor Beach and Cass City
continued their walkouts, giving 6,200 students an extended summer
vacation. Officials at Mount Clemens asked for a back-to-work order.
Bargainers at Mott failed to reach an agreement during seven hours of
talks Sunday, and the school's 196 full-time teachers walked out of the
downtown Flint campus yesterday morning, said Dick Heitzner, a
spokesman for the college.
The two sides talked yesterday, he said. The school has 10,400 students.
The Mount Clemens School District filed yesterday for a back-to-work
order in Macomb County Circuit Court, Superintendent James Drue said.
Negotiations were scheduled for Tuesday afternoon with representatives
of the district's 218 teachers, Drue said. The district has 3,700 students.
Students at Harbor Beach, out of school since Aug. 26, attended classes
yesterday, but the district's 55 teachers remained on the picket lines, said
Jim Johnston, a spokesman for the Harbor Beach Education Association.
Floods recede across state
Another inch of rain fell on flooded central Michigan yesterday, but the
rivers that overflowed last week and devastated areas of the central
Lower Peninsula began to recede and evacuees returned home.
Officials said the worst flooding in central Michigan history had caused
at least $227 million in damage.
Gov. James Blanchard yesterday added four counties - Clinton, Ionia,
Ottawa and Sanilac - to the disaster area list. It now includes 22 counties
stretching across the state's midsection from Lake Michigan to Lake
Huron, said Dave Tjepkma, a civilian planner for the state police:
Emergency Management Division in Lansing.
State officials predicted the region would be declared a federal disaster
rThunderstorms, tornadoes and floodwaters since Wednesday have
resulted in at least five deaths, 52 injuries and nine failed dams, officials
said. Three other people are presumed drowned.
State Health Department spokesman Lee Jager said 10 wastewater
treatment plants had failed due to flooding, but he said "to the best of our
knowledge, all of Michigan's public water supplies are safe and
secure . . . with the possible exception of the city of Rockford."
Vol.XCVII- No.9
The Michigan Daily (ISSN 0745-967 X) is published Monday
through Friday during the fall and winter terms. Subscription
rates: September through April-$18 in Ann Arbor; $35 outside the
city. One term-$10 in town; $20 outside the city.
The Michigan Daily is a member of The Associated Press and
subscribes to Pacific News Service and the Los Angeles Times
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Editor in Chief .........ERIC MATTSON
Managing Editor.......RACHEL GOTTLIEB
News Editor. .........JERRY MARKON
City Editor ...........CHRISTY RIEDEL
Features Editor..............AMY MINDELL
NEWS STAFF: Eve Becker, Melissa Birks,
Laura Bischoff, Rebecca Blumenstein, Nancy
Braiman, Marc Carrel, Harish Chand, Dov
Cohen, Tim Daly, Rob Earle, Ellen
Fiedelholtz, Martin Frank, Lisa Green,
Stephen Gregory, Steve Herz, Mary Chris
Jaklevic, Philip Levy, Michael Lustig, Kery
Murakami, Peter Oerner, Eugene Pak,
Martha Sevetson, Wendy Sharp, Susanne
Skubik, Naomi Wax.
Opinion Page Editor......KAREN KLEIN
Associate Opinion Page
Editor.................................HENRY PARK
Chinnock, Gayle Kirshenbaum, Peter
Mooney, Caleb Southworth.
Arts Editor.......................NOELLE BROWER
Associate Arts Editor.......REBECCA CHUNG
Music..................BETH FERTIG
Associate Sports
Editors.........................DAVE ARETHA
SPORTS STAFF: Paul Dodd, Liam Flaherty,
Jon Hartmann, Darren Jasey, Julie Langer,
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Muth, Adam Ochlis, Lisa Poutans, Jeff Rush,
Adam Schefter, Scott Shaffer, Pete Steinert,
Douglas volan.
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Sales Manager...............DIANE BLOOM
Finance Manager.....REBECCA LAWRENCE
Classified Manager......GAYLA BROCKMAN
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DISPLAY SALES: Barb Calderoni, Irit
Elrand, Lisa Gnas, Melissa Hambrick, Alan
Heyman, Julie Kromholz, Anne Kubek,
Wendy Lewis, Jason Liss, Laura Martin, Scott
Metcalf, Renae Morrissey, Carolyn Rands,
Jimmey Ringel, Jacqueline Rosenburg, Julie
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