,i :Ibt tv ytgan Ninety-seven years of editorial freedom ItII Vol. XCVII - No. 5 Copyright 1986, The Michigan Daily Ann Arbor, Michigan - Wednesday, September 10, 1986 Ten Pages National chain buys Ulrich's bookstore By RICHARD KANG Area book stores are tensely keeping their eyes on the prices at Ulrich's as the ownership of the fifty-two year old store changes hands. Ulrich's, which has been privately owned since 1934, was recently sold to a national chain called Nebraska Book Co. This leaves the University Cellar as the only major privately-owned bookstore in Ann Arbor that sells textbooks for Univesity courses. PAUL ROSSER, Ulrich's general manager, refused to say why Ulrich's was sold and the former owner was unavailable for comment. The Nebraska Book Co. is a national chain and it is possible that it could artificially deflate book prices in order to gain a competitive edge. Both the University Cellar and Ulrich's reduce the price of books by 5 percent for students and staff, but Jane Self, University Cellar's general manager said. "(Ulrich's) will never be any more powerful than they already were. I don't think they could go any lower than 5 percent or 7 percent." SELF ADDED that sales this year are "fine, slightly better than last year." She also said students See ULRICH'S, Page 3 Beirut gunmen kidnap BEIRUT, Lebanon (AP)-An detailsF American who runs a private At t school in Beirut was kidnapped by W ashi two armed men while on his way Bernar to play golf Tuesday, and a caller thosev claimed responsibility in the Reed a name of the Shiite Moslem group hostag Islamic Jihad. their c It was the first kidnapping of remind an American in 15 months. themr The U.S. Embassy identified being o the victim as Frank Herbert Reed, Poli of Malden, Mass., director of the as sayi Lebanese International School in 11:15s Moslem west Beirut. superm A SPATE OF politically Hassan motivated kidnappings in west from hi Beirut in 1985 prompted most golf att Americans and other Westerners GU to leave the city. Volvoi A school associate said Reed few h has lived in Lebanon about eight he adq years and had converted to Islam intellig before marrying Sahmiya Dalati, a secur a Syrian. The associate, who polices insisted on anonymity, said the An couple have a five-year old son, claimin Tareq. Jihad,1 Islamic Jihad, which espouses War,c the fundamentalist teachings of Wester Iran's Ayatollah Ruhollah wasa Khomeini, has said it holds at "docur least three other American were fo hostages. Ane U.S. EMBASSY spokesman said ti Christopher English said the accent embassy "does not have many caller1 American about it (the kidnap) now." ;he State Department in ington, spokesman d Kalb said, "We call on who may be holding Mr. s well as the other foreign es in Lebanon to release aptives immediately. We them further that we hold responsible for the well- of their captives." ce quoted family friends ng Reed was kidnapped at a.m. near the ruins of a narket in west Beirut's Bir n district while driving is west Beirut home to play the city's outskirts. NMEN in a dark blue intercepted Reed's car a undred yards from the uarters of Syrian gence officers supervising rity plan for west Beirut, said. anonymous caller ng to speak for Islamic which means Islamic Holy claimed in a call to a n news agency that Reed a CIA spy and that ments convicting him" und on him. editor at the news agency she call was in Lebanese- ed Arabic and that the hung up after reading a t Reed ... it happened in Beirut statement. ' The Christian- controlled Voice of Lebanon radio said the man promised to distribute Reed's photograph soon. Other American hostages held by Islamic Jihad are Terry Anderson, of Lorain, Ohio, chief Middle East correspondent for The Associated Press; David Jacobsen, of Huntington Beach, Calif., director of the American UniversityhHospital; and Thomas Sutherland, of Fort Collins, Colo., acting dean of the university's agriculture faculty. Daily Photo by PETE ROSS Ulrich's student bookstore, previously locally owner, has been sold to a national chain. ' ' "U scientists increase AIDS research By MARTIN FRANK University researchers expect to do an increasing amount of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome research in the next few years to combat the disease. "We will try to increase the ! range of research opportunities in an effort to slow down the spread of the disease," said June Osborn, dean of the School of Public Health. OSBORN PLANS to increase the amount of research projects by holding a mini-course in November to let the faculty know about "the many research opportunities available to them." Thecourse is also open to students and staff. Currently, there is no cure for the 21,517 Americans who have AIDS. The disease, once thought to be transmitted mainly by intravenous drug use and homosexual activity, can now transmitted heterosexually. About 1,400 of the AIDS victims are women, and half of them have no Hlealt h Fitness history of intravenous drug use, according to a study by the Public Health Service, a national health organization. One AIDS research project underway at the University was initiated by Assisstant Professor of Epideminolgy Jill Joseph. Her project, entitled "Behavioral Risk Reduction," involves the behaviorial, psychological, and social consequences of people at risk of catching AIDS. During the past six months, Joseph studied 1,000 homosexual and bisexual men in Chicago's Multicenter AIDS Cohort Study in an effort to find behavioral patterns for people at risk for AIDS. This study concentrated on changes in their sexualbehavior and new beliefs~ of how' their peers' act sexually. THE REPORTfound that the men were aware of the danger of AIDS and were taking steps to reduce the risk getting it. There was little change,however, in the absolute avoidance of sex and in the avoidance of receptive anal intercourse. "Few individuals were celibate and fewer still were choosing to become celibate," Joseph said in her report. The biggest changes among the sample was that 50.7 percent of the pool avoided anonymous sexual partners, but only 17.6 percent of the pool were monogamous. The report concluded that sexual impulse and the belief that a cure for AIDS will soon be found hindered some of the men from See RESEARCH, Page 3 Drug testing policy seems unlikely r ByJIM ERSHISER It is unlikely that the University will adopt a drug testing policy for all employees, according to some University professors and other employees interviewed yesterday. Employees are concerned, however, about the civil rights questions raised by such a policy. "I would be astonished if any serious considerations were to be given to a universal mandatory system," said Law School Dean Terrance Sandalow. Judy Levy, chief steward of the American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees Local 1583, a union which includes 2,200 University employees, said the University could use such a policy selectively to oust a "troublemaker" or intimidate employees. Levy said her opinions did not necessarily represent the stance of the union. Levy said the Reagan Administration's compliance with a drug test is the begining of a "nationwide attempt, through intimidation, to prevent workers from fighting for the wages and working conditions that they deserve." She said that if the University attempts to implement any type of policy that would be able to violate an employee's rights or privacy, "they will have a fight on their hands if they try to do it." Others at the University, however, consider drug testing overrated, especialy in the press. See TESTING, Page 3 'U' Dems. seek student regent By MITZI LAWRENCE University students and county Democrats are continuing their efforts to secure a student seat on the Board of Regents, the University's governing board. A resolution calling for the additional seat was tabled at the State Democratic Convention last month after passing through the county convention during the summer. ACCORDING TO Institute of Public Policy junior Andrew Asher, the resolution called. for "the creation of an extra seat on the governing Boards at U of M, Michigan State, and Wayne State University." Asher is heading the college Democrat committee that wrote the resolution. He said the resolution provided -for the student regents to be elected by their respective student bodies for a two-year term. A two-year term would allow the students to familiarize themselves with- university issues and gain credibility while keeping the post from monopolizing their college years. Sheila Cumberworth, chairwomen of the Washtenaw County Democrats, said the proposal is valid and "definitely See LOCAL, Page 5 Band's hand Marching Band Director Eric Becher leads yesterday's practice. The band will make its first appearance Saturday at the Michigan-Notre Dame football game. TODAY- nD Pvv r % ,t IDI n * F n Junk food love LADIES IN love look out. You may think your man't the perfect mate, but you could bo hooked on junk-food love, says a psychologist and national radio personality. In suburban Detroit psychologist Sonya New nose news WHEN GUESTS at Dr. Anthony Geroulis' reunion asked each other "What's new?" they found the answer staring them in the face. New noses, new figures and newly polished egos were the main topics INSIDE- SHUTOUT: Michigan's field hockey team tames Toledo last night, 1-0. See Sports, Page 10. I lI p