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September 09, 1986 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1986-09-09

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ete ytran
Ninety-seven years of editorial freedom


1 Vol. XCVIl - No. 4 _-

Copyright 1986, The Michigan Daily

Ann Arbor, Michigan - Tuesday, September 9, 1986

Eight Pages



Opposition leaders

arrested in


SANTIAGO, Chile (AP) -
Security forces yesterday arrested
opposition leaders and raided
leftist strongholds in slum areas
to search for the would-be
assassins who ambushed
President Augusto Pinochet's
Three leading dissidents and
three French activist priests were
among those said to have been
arrested. Five news magazines
were banned.
enough support to do whatever it
wants," declared Pinochet, his
hand bandaged, as he arrived for
work and waved to scores of
applauding supporters outside the
presidential palace.
The ruling four-man junta,
dominated by Pinochet, decreed a
90-day seige throughout Chile
after Sunday's rocket" and
machine gun attack. Five of
Pinochet's bodyguards were
killed and 11 wounded in the
Pinochet, a general and the
commander of the army, suffered
only cuts on his left hand in the
ambush on a road in the Maipo
Canyon, 18 miles southeast of the
capital. He was returning from
his weekend home.
IT WAS THE first reported
attempt on Pinochet's life since he
took power in a military coup 13
years ago Thursday.

Neither of the country's two
Marxist guerrilla groups claimed
responsibility for the attack.
Chile's Roman Catholic
bishops and the broad-based
moderate opposition movement
condemned the assassination
Soldiers with blackened faces
and several tanks surrounded La
Victoria and Davila slums before
dawn and security police began
house-to-house searches,
witnesses said. Both shantytowns
in southwestern Santiago have
strong Marxist political

Three French Roman Catholic
priests were arrested during the
raids, a church spokeswoman told
the Associated Press. Speaking
on condition of anonymity, she
said the priests, Paul-Dubois,
Danielo Caruette and Jaime
Lancelot, were taken to a nearby
police station. She said no other
details were immediately
WINESSES told reporters that
at least two of the priests were
beaten with rifle butts.

Cbilean unrest doesn't
shoek 'U' experts

University experts registered
little surprise about Sunday's
armed attack on Chilean
President Augusto Pinochet in
which Pinochet was slightly
wounded and five body guards
were killed.
History Prof. Rebecca Scott said
the bombing and gunfire attack
remindedher of the bombing of
the presidential palace that
brought Pinochet to power 13 years
ago on Sept.11.
"Rather than yielding power

back to the civilians it (the
Pinochet regime) has carried out
intensive attacks on the civilian
population in order to retain power
in the hands of the military,"
Scott said.
PINOCHET recently
announced his intention , to
remain in power until 1997. The
Chilean constitution does not
require Pinochet to relinquish
power by any deadline.
Current speculation focuses on
the possibility of transition to
See CHILEAN, Page 2

Back-to-school bashes:
drinks, dates and dances

No Competition Daily Photo by JOHN MUNSON
There was no shortage of players for Saturday's vollyball match, scheduled at East Quad
between teams from West Quad and Stockwell. When the West Quad team failed to show,
Stockwell was still able to field two teams of eighteen. Needless to say, Stockwell won.

M 1

consitders employee

dgtesting policy

Good-natured chaos prevailed
as students returned to Ann Arbor
and celebrated before the pressure
of the school year picks up.
During the past week,
hundreds of students drank,
danced, and socialized at
numerous parties, including
Sigma Alpha Epsilon Frat-
ernity's Mudbowl and West
Quad's annual luau.
"IT'S LIKE a recurrence of
freshman year- meeting people,
getting too drunk, and forgetting
the whole thing the next day,"
said LSA junior Ed Baker.
The Diag filled with frisbees,
the tennis courts swarmed with
flying balls, and music blared
from off-campus parties.
LSA senior Mike Whiteley

was here during the laid-back
summer days and saw the city
spring to life "almost over
"WHEN PEOPLE started
coming back, I got really uptight
about the crowds. It takes a while
to get used to," he said.
Many students thought that the
abundance of campus parties
provided a good way to adjust to
being back at school. "Partying
is a good transition from home
life to school , but it'll be good to get
back to routine," said LSA junior
Lauri Konik.
According to LSA sophomore
Stacy Schneider, "You have to get
all the partying in now because
once the work starts, it's never-
FOR FRESHMEN the jovial

atmosphere is a warm welcome.
LSA freshman Donna Dreyer
said, "I like it here because it
seems like it will be a lot of fun."
But with classes, underway,
students seemed to think the
activity would calm down.
"I'm sure it will die down in
the winter," Dreyer said.
"After a couple of weeks of fun
I'm going to be ready to hit the
library, " said LSA sophomore
Lisa Rubenstein.
Although heavy workloads and
cold weather probably will keep
students inside with their books
later on, the first weeks are an
important part of the year.
"You form a lot of great
memories and close ties in the
beginning of the year, and that's
important," Rubenstein said.

The University is currently
reviewing a 1973 drug and
alcohol policy for all employees
and is considering whether or not
to implement a drug testing
James Thiry, personnel
director for the University, said
that no specific policy changes
have been formulated yet, but any
revisions will affect all
University employees.
Thiry said the University is
examining several Fortune 500
company policies for testing
employees for drug and alcohol
In considering various
policies, he said, the personnel
office must balance job
performance with employee
"We need to protect the
individual," Thiry said.
He said he wants protect the
University from possible liability
cases. For example, an employer
can be liable for the safety of
employees and non-employees if
the employer has failed to enforce
proper precautions. Thiry-
pointed to the transportation

'We need to protect the individual.'
-James Thiry,
University Personnel Director

department as a body responsible
for the safety of others.
Thiry did not say whether a
mandatory drug testing program
could be introduced at the
University. "I suppose it's
possible," he said. Thiry said the
University must be wary of
making discriminatory
decisions. The guidelines for
any future policy won't discharge
employees if job obligations are
fulfilled. However, he pointed out
that "handicapping conditions,"
both physical or mental
-including drug dependency-
are a sensitive area in legal
Supervisors need to be aware of
performance and conditions in

order to provide the neccesary
assistance to make the program
successful, Thiry said.
In reference to University
guidelines, University President
Harold Shapiro said: "Obviously
the University won't do anything
to violate civil rights."
University policies are
generally reviewed every two to
three years. The personnel staff
considers such issues as the
current interest in drug and
alcohol testing. Policy changes
undergo discussion among
administrators and
representatives of deans and
directors, while the fina, policy is
issued by the personnel office.

Asst. VP Ralph Nichols dies

Ralph Nichols, assistant vice president for
academic affairs, died of cancer Ist Friday. He
was 37.
Nichols' illness progressed rapidly and his
death was an untimely shock, said Mary Ann
Swain, associate vice president for academic
affairs. He had been working out of his home for the
last weeks before his death.
AS ASSISTANT vice president, Nichol's main
job was to monitor state legislation pertaining to
higher education and advise University policy
He was also playing an increasingly important
role in the Office of Government Relations, and was
described by Vice President for Government
Relations Richard Kennedy as an "invaluable"
As a University representative from the Office of
Government Relations and the Office of

Management and Budget, Nichols lobbied state
legislators and helped them understand the needs of
the University, Kennedy said.
NICHOLS CAREER' at the University began in
1971 on the Dearborn campus where he served as
assistant registrar, associate registrar, and acting
director of institution analysis.
He came to the Ann Arbor campus in 1977 as
coordinator of budget administration and was
promoted to assistant vice president in 1981.
Nichols was born March 12, 1949 in Flint. He
earned his bachelor's degree at the University and
his master's degree at Wayne State University.
He is survived by his wife Catherine, two
daughters, Sarah and Betsy, his son Brian, his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Nichols, a brother,
Donald, and two sisters, Joyce and Patricia.
Memorial contributions may be made to the
American Cancer Society or to the LSA enrichment
fund, 2522 LSA Building.
GOOD NEWS: Opinion page praises sociology
prof. Aldon Morris for bringing prestige to
'U'. See Page 4.
CTAUmIMI AK I I& Ar a6o Do L

House burglars

million from 1980 to 1985, or 27 burglaries
annually for every 1,000 households, the bureau
said this week after analyzing recently compiled
crime figures. The average loss reported was $945
per incident.
Dead roaches

Dyer read about similiar contests in Texas and
New York."But those states haven't seen anything
like the roaches in this part of the country," he
boasted. So far, the longest roach presented was 2
1/8 inches. Found in a garbage can, the bug is now
locked in Dyar's safe. The roach surpasses Texas'
biggest winner, but falls short of New York City's
grandest catch of 2 and one-fifth inches. One


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