E Ltdictjan Ninety-seven years of editorial freedom i3atIg _ _ VVol. XCVII - No. 3 Copyright 1986, The Michigan Daily Ann Arbor, Michigan - Monday, September 8, 1986 Ten Pages I Soviets file spy charges MOSCOW (AP)- American reporter Nicholas Daniloff was charged with espionage yesterday in a legal proceeding at Lefortovo prison, said Jeff Trimble, a correspondent for Daniloffs magazine, U.S. News and World Report. A Soviet news commentator on the national television news program Vremya later an- nounced that the charge had been filed. TRIMBLE SAID Daniloff telephoned from prison last night and said he had been charged at 2 p.m., but that he had no indication when a trial would take place. Daniloff said he was told a pretrial investigation into his case could take up to six months, and that agents of the KGB secret police could extend their probe three months beyond that if there were extraordinary circum- stances, Trimble said. Earlier yesterday, Foreign Ministry spokesman Gennady Gerasimov told CBS-TV's "Face the Nation" program only that charges would be filed soon, and' said, "If you think that he is innocent, we can learn pretty . soon because there is going to be a trial." Gerasimov spoke from Moscow via satellite. DANILOFF, A Moscow correspondent for the weekly newsmagazine since 1981, was arrested Aug. 30 moments after a Soviet acquaintance gave him a packet later found to contain secret maps and photographs. His wife, Ruth, maintains that he was framed. In Santa Barbara, Calif., where President Reagan is on vacation, White House spokes - man Larry Speakes said the U.S. government had not been formally notified of the charges against Daniloff. - "This could have serious implications for U.S. - Soviet relations if this continues, " Speakes said. "Daniloff is innocent." THE SPOKESMAN reiterated that "there will be no trade" of any accused Soviet spy for Daniloff. A Soviet U.N. employee, Gennadiy Zakharov, was arrested Aug. 23 in New York and charged with spying. Mrs. Daniloff has claimed her husband was arrested in retaliation. Daily Photo by SCOTT LITUCHY Demonstrators held a die-in on North Campus Friday to protest military research being done by the University. The demonstrators were led by members of the Great Peace March who are passing through Ann Arbor. Marchers By MICHAEL LUSTIG Forty woman members of The Great Peace March rounded up a weekend of activity in Ann Arbor Saturday by accepting a key to the city from Mayor Ed Pierce at a ceremony at city hall. The women, part of the Women's Collective of the Great Peace March, arrived in Ann For more Peace March coverage, see Page 2- Arbor Thursday to lead ralliesI and publicize their work towards global nuclear disarmament. THE GREAT Peace March began in Los Angeles last March with about 650 people who are now more than half-way across the country. Marchers are calling for worldwide elimination of nuclear weapons. Marchers led a parade of about 200 st Arbor residen Saturday mor City Hall to pl Ann Arbor is f the march trai UNIVERS and peace m Winkelman t around the tre and asked tha Great Peacel ribbon to sums global nuclear Pierce. marchers with which he said a bottle opener Pierce plea criticizing administratio off" bilatera talks with the A CROSS residents jo marchers oni through down Steve, an An roundu sta P ;udents and Ann said he, "thinks about nuclear ts through the city weapons more since my wife rning, arriving at and I had a son last spring," lant a "peace tree". causing him to join the march. the 106th city near One elderly resident, whose i to recieve a tree. husband was killed in a war, ITY STUDENT was protesting because "I don't narcher Marjorie want any more husbands killed ied a blue ribbon in war." ee, a 15 foot maple, State Sen. Lana Pollack, (D- t supporters of the Ann Arbor), also attended the March use a blue ceremony. Pollack lamented bolize the fight for the fact that so few students today r disarmament. are willing to speak out and take presented the a stand compared to the1960's, h a key to the city, when so many did. I also functions as "WE SHOULD never ." apologize for our own values," wed the crowd by she said, as she implored the the Reagan audience to speak out and n for "shrugging "continue to hold your al disarmament politicians' feet to the fire." Soviet Union. In another part of the -section of local marchers' three day activities, ined the peace about 120 people, gathered at the winding trail Regents Plaza Friday afternoon atown Ann Arbor. to hold a rally before staging a n Arbor resident, "die-in" at North Campus in ryat 6U9 protest of nuclear weapons research. Winkelman was one of several speakers at the rally. She spoke of her experiences travelling across the country on foot and of creating a Women's Collective division of the Great Peace March . AFTER THE rally about 70 people proceeded to the new Electrical Engineering- Computer Sciences (EECS) building on North Campus to protest nuclear weapons research they said is being done in several labs on North Campus. Protesters chanted, "Already our earth is being raped; don't do the same in outer space," then screamed and collapsed in a ring of "dead" bodies. Some passers-by stopped to watch the ten minute "die-in," but others ignored it and See PEACE, Page 2 S. Quad continues t t l l i mRove to coed ousing By SUSANNE SKUBIK Quad, according to building When LSA freshman Carolyn director Mary Antieau. Gottfurcht moved into her South "The reaction has been great," Quad converted triple last week, Antieau said. Students are happy she wasn't surprised to find men with the arrangement and there living next door. have been no complaints from "I like it," she said. "It doesn't parents, she said. bother me. I've seen men in TWO DECADES AGO, towels before." however, University officials had GOTTFURCH IS part of the considerably different attitudes. latest venture in the University's While only a plaster wall 25-year transition to co- separates some male and female educational student housing. residents today, more than a half- This year, for the first time, the mile of campus separated the 1,200 men and women of South sexes during the 1950s and early Quad will be living in eight 1960s. integrated houses. South Quad, East Quad, and Comments similar to West Quad, with the exception of a Gottfurcht's are common in the See AFTER, Page 5 !! Bowl bash boasts bands,. beer and basking in afternoon sun By MARTIN FRANK Armed with free beer, frisbees, and Miller High Life beer hats, about 500 students Friday jammed into the annual "Mudbowl Mash," party, given foi the first time during the day. The Mudbowl, a more than 10- year-old tradition held on the grass pit in front of Sigma Alpha Epsilon fraternity house, is known as the party that kicks off the school year. PROBLEMS in past years with huge rowdy crowds prompted the fraternity to switch the party to the daytime. "Mudbowl" organizers also wanted guests to see each other and the two bands performing. "We felt no pressure from the Ann Arbor police department. In fact, we worked in conjunction with them and we came to the conclusion that it would be safer if we had the party during the afternoon," said one SAE member. Security officials said they had very few problems keeping the crowd under control, making sure buildings were not abused, and watching for minors drinking alcoholic beverages. THE CROWD enjoyed the sunshine and music played by First Light, a reggae band, and the Blue Front Persuaders. Students who attended seemed to like the afternoon bash. LSA junior Avi Garbow, said, "It's a nice place to enjoy a free concert in the afternoon." Chris Lanbderyou also an LSA junior said, "I like to watch crowds. It was great to see everybody, relax, and meet people. I think it's a great way to start off the year." Of course, there were those who came for the free beer, like LSA sophomore Scott Michaels. The "Mudbowl Mash" is sponsored by the makers of Miller Bee as part of the Miller Rock Series .The party previewed the Mudbowl football game on September 21, the morning of the Homecoming game. The beer company also provided the free caps and foam frisbees seen flying around the field. Daily Photo by SCOTT LITUCHY Students gather at SAE fraternity Friday to enjoy beer, music, and dance, as part of the annual Mudbowl Mash. The Mudbowl was held during the day for the first time. TODAY Dogfaced ost people-no mat- and his lookalike John Bisciglia are acting as the representatives for the promotion, which will be imlapd th4,is fall in Neaw York. -INSIDE- WAIT: Opinion urges fresmen to think before nivhing into the Greek system. See Page 4. - U~a U i ~