The Michigan Daily
Wednesday, January 8, 1986
Page 7
The Clash -
Cut The Crap
Plain and simple, the "new"
Clash's new album Cut The Crap
(sans Mick Jones - he's now in Big
Audio Dynamite)-has got to be the
biggest disappointment of the year.
Not only haven't The Clash put out an
album in three years, but Cut The
Crap is seven months overdue, and
for more than a year Joe Strummer
been touting this album as the
single piece of vinyl to revitalize
"punk." Cut The Crap doesn't come
close to living up to all its ballyhoo,
and it doesn't revitalize a damn thing.
Side One, the album's "punk" side
is particularly lousy. "Dictator,"
"Dirty Punk," "Cool Under Heat,"
and "Movers and Shakers" are just
dogs. They're not exciting, uplifting.
creative or anything. The back-up
vocals are really annoying. They're
t 4 1
produced so that the band sounds like
they're a hundred strong, chanting
and screaming like they're taking
part in the most spiritual moment is
the history of mankind. It's bad
enough that they have to beat us over
the head any say "Look look, isn't this
great - aren't you inspired! Don't
you want to initiate some radical
social change." This style is even
worse when shantged in such cruddy
Side Two is better, but not by a lot.
The album's single, "This Is
England" starts it off and is one of the
album's better cuts. Strummer's
raspy voice is at its best, the roaring
chorus is toned down, the guitars have
a much greater range and play well
off of the keyboards. If nothing else,
"This Is England" proves that the
band's now guitarists know how to
play more than just power chords.
"Three Card Trick" is another of
the album's standouts. It's Caribbean
rhythms are very reminiscent of
"Revolution Rock" from their Lon-
don Calling LP.
Strummer shows us his soft side on
"North and South." It seems sort of
off that one of the only good cuts on
the album is a rather "pleasant"
sounding pop tune. Such a song hardly
befits a bunch of rads like the Clash.
Well .. . this is The Clash in 1986. In
"We Are The Clash," the album's one
"punk" tune that works, Joe and pals
shout "We ain't gonne be treated
like trash/We've got one
That's not saying much these days.
-Danny Plotnick
The Who - Who's
Missing (MCA)
It may be after the holiday season.
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but you can still go out and buy a copy
of MCA's latest gift to all Who fans,
neatly packaged in the "collector's
item" Who's Missing. Digging
through the fabulous collections of
tapes that MCA and only MCA has the
right to release, the giant record
company finally realized what a good
idea (financially and artistically) it
would be to share some of those
rarities with the public any pay
proper homage to "one of the greatest
rock and roll bands of all time." Hen-
ce, two "unreleased" and several
"unreleased in America" cuts on one
piece of vinyl, resulting in the Meaty,
Beaty, Big and Bouncy of the '80s.
Wise move, fellas. And long over-
On side one, Missing offers a unique
look at The Who of the '60s: unique in
that American never really caught
onto the Mod Phenomenon, but we
can gran- its significance in
retrospect. products and creators
of the Mod image, the early Who were
immersed in the sounds of American
R&B. James Brown's ."Shout and
Shimmy" opens the disc with Daltrey
moaning and groaning in all the right
spots. The next two covers continue to
show the band making this image
their own, but when we hear Town-
shend's own '60s compositions, The
Who show us what they've learned
from their mentors. It's one thing to
cop a style and do it well. It's another
thing altogether to make that style
your own and use it as a springboard
from which to lunge into your own
groove, which is what happens on
Townshend's own (previously
unreleased) "Lubie (Come Back
Home)." It has a grungey good-times,
feel which shows the band on its way-
There's also a hilariously reckless
version of "Barbara Ann" sung by
Keith Moon, which is a little smoother
than the "Kids Are Alright" version.
Side two is mostly B-sides of the
early '70s. Entwistle's musical com-
positions, "Heaven and Hell," and
"When I Was a Boy" are explosive,
but his singing is often weak.,
Daltrey's own number, "Here For
More" is surprisingly solid and takes
a country/western stroll which leaves
plenty of room for the players',
creativity. The Who were truly
becoming the '70s rock machine
America remembers them best for,
and which was formulated to a tee on
See RECORDS, Page 8
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Fri. Jan. 1th-8:30 a.m. to 8:00Gp.m. Wed. Jan. l5th-8:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Sat. Jan. 11lth-9:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Thurs. Jan. l6th-8:30 a.m. to 6:0)0 p.m.
Sun. Jan. 12th-Noon to 5:00 p.m. Fri. Jan. 17th-8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.
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Thurs. 10:00-11:45 and 1:00-4:00
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