cl b r L4t Wan 1Eti1 Ninety-six years of editorial freedom Vol. XCVI- No. 76 Copyright 1986, The Michigan Daily Ann Arbor, Michigan - Friday, January 17, 1986 Ten Pages TRAVEL GUIDE '86 See Weekend Magazine Gophers shock Tutu: 'Apartheid Blue, 73-63 By TOM KEANEY Special to the Daily MINNEAPOLIS - Maybe it was the crowd. Perhaps it was the lighting. It even could have been the green towel over Bill Frieder's shoulder in- stead of the usual white. WHATEVER it was, it was enough or the last-place Minnesota Gophers to beat the then undefeated Michigan Wolverines last night, 73-63. Michigan, previously second- ranked in both the Associated Press and United Press International Polls, could not have looked more sloppy in succumbing to an inspired Gopher team and crowd. "I told our guys that we were going to be on Pepto-Bismal this week - the upset of the week," said Minnesota head coach Jim Dutcher. THE WOLVERINES, the bruisers of the Big Ten, took a beating this time. Shooting a miserable 38 percent from the floor, Michigan was never in the game offensively. The offensive ineptitude, paired with torrid shooting from Gopher guards Todd Alexander and Marc Wilson, sealed the fate of the Wolverines in the biggest upset of the Big Ten season thus far. "That's about as good as Marc has ever looked, in practice or a game," said Dutcher, describing Wilson's eight of nine shooting from both the floor and the free-throw line. The senior guard finished with 24 points to lead all scorers. THE TONE was set in the first half. At the start of the second half it looked as though the momentum might shift back to Michigan. The opening inbound pass was tip- ped by Butch Wade, taken by Antoine Joubert, who found Richard Rellford in the corner. Rellford then dished to See GOPHERS, Page 10 is evil' Bishop urges economic sanctions By EVE BECKER Special to the Daily DETROIT - Bishop Desmond Tutu, the 1984 Nobel Peace Prize recipient, told a crowd of 10,000 gathered in Cobo Arena yesterday that because there is no hope of reforming South Africa's apartheid policies, the racist government must be toppled. "Apartheid cannot be reformed. Apartheid is evil. Apartheid is im- moral. Apartheid is totally un- Christian. They say apartheid is reforming . . . You don't reform a Frankenstein, you destroy it," Tutu the Anglican bishop of South Africa, said to a sympathetic audience. THE DETROIT rally concluded Tutu's two-day visit to Detroit designed to gather support for his NSON campaign against his country's discriminatory policies. See TUTU, Page 3 Daily Photo by JOHN MU Bishop Desmond Tutu speaks about apartheid in South Africa before an audience of 10,000 at Cobo Arena yes terday. No bombs ound in threatened S 0 By RACHEL GOTTLIEB Police and campus security of- ficers, responding to anonymous bomb .-threats, searched three campus buildings early yesterday " morning and found no bombs, of- ficials said. A woman speaking in an Arabic- sounding voice called The Michigan Daily late Wednesdaya night and said bombs would ex- plode in the Undergraduate Library, Angell Hall, and the Michigan Union during the day yesterday. She ended the call by saying "Khadafy reigns." A similar call was received at Alpha Phi sorority house. That call also included a reference to Libyan leader Col. Moammar Khadafy. Security officers used a trained dog to search the three buildings during the night, according to Leo Heatley, director of public safety. "The only delay in business-as- usual was that the UGLi opened at Students and staff wait yesterday m 8:10 a.m. instead of 8 a.m.," Library, which opened 10 minutes late1 Heatley said. Ai. h' C A'A ,CSC S*'4ACAP94 $ k CCCCCRA 4 .A*.,,o '0C'ACC.OC ' '.w ACCCCCCAC . . AX .-*. H C A AO SCC.. CC"CC C Regents expected to let 'U' Council finish code By KERY MURAKAMI he would ask the re least an interim c It appears the University's Board of their meeting this n Regents will allow the University An interim code Council to finish its work on the of the code which w proposed code of non-academic administration a q Y conduct. students. Although the board did not discuss Shapiro and ther the code at its monthly meeting in the ts said, had grow S~Fleming Administration Building what they consid yesterday, several regents said stalling. during interviews that they were But the administ willing to wait for the council unless council's work University administrators ask them changed. Michigan to pass a code before the council's President Paul Jo work is complete. nesday that Shapil UNIVERSITY President Harold the council had sh Shapiro, according to students on the announcing it ' council, has said privately in October "emergency proce Regents asked By REBECCA BLUMENSTEIN A local AIDS support group called for "massive in- creases" in funding for AIDS research, medical services, and education about the disease at yesterday's regents' 9 . -'meeting., F "This represents political action to fight the bigoted and misinformed area that AIDS represents," said Paul Daily Photo by JOHN MUNSON Lefrac, one of the founding members of Action Against orning outside the Undergraduate AIDS in Ann Arbor. because of a bomb threat. ALONG WITH suggesting separate housing for AIDS patients, the group demanded that the University sever have liberal or conservative biases as.long as they present Harv balanced and fair information in class. freedom is a BY ENCOURAGING students to challenge their oes not use it to professors' ideas, Csorba said, "it will lead to more ideas h t r of Accuracy in and a lively debate." ion at Oakland But opponents of AIA, like Waters, said that universities CAMBRIDGE, have ways to deal with biased professors and an Students angry atI nhaven, dean of organization like AIA is not needed. for covering heati and Science, and Csorba said that, although AIA encourages students to people used to resident Robert speak to university personnel, it is not always easy for a demanded yester AIA has had on a student to do so. Some students are afraid to speak out open a shelter fo he sees fit. because the professor might lower a grade, Csorba said. campus. [ty members and "BUT BY encouraging students to go to an outside "I've never see nization, which organization the problem is not discussed within the about an issue," rofessors around university," said Waters. Schrager. "People 'd fashion. Waters also complained about AIA's practice of using about the homeles d Arizona State students to record biases in the classroom. callousness and u 'airly teaching a When a student "covertly records information, he is a Harvard Universit ourse description spy," said Waters. "It is also the threat of a report that Schrager said h' makes the professor look over his own shoulder. This want the school to iether professors See ACCURACY, Page 2 vents behind a dor daytime homeless basement of thedo] egents to approve at code of conduct at month. would be a version was proposed by the and rejected by regents, the studen- wn impatient with ered the council's ration's view of the has apparently n Student Assembly osephson said Wed- ro had told him that own "good faith" by would release its edures" by the end to act of this month. The council said last week it would release its proposal on how the Univeristy should react to non-life threatening situations by mid- March. ALSO Wednesday, Virginia Nordby, the special assistant to the president who has been reporting the council's progress to Shapiro, said she felt "the council is working effectively and making real progress." Regent Paul Brown (D-Petoskey) said yesterday he was willing to wait for the council as long as it was making progress. Another regent; Nellie Varner (D- etroit), said she didn't know if an in- terim code was necessary before a See 'U,' Page 5 on AIDS I all ties with insurance companies that required screening for AIDS or do not cover those with AIDS. "The University has the potential to be in the forefront of providing what is needed, but so far its treatment of the problem has been totally inadequate," Lefrac added. Despite last month's death of a University law professor from AIDS, several regents appeared apprehensive to take such "drastic action," especially with President Harold Shapiro's recent creation of an AIDS task force. The task force was an "appropriate response to a serious public health hazard," said Regent Thomas Roach Wi- See ACTION, Page 5 ard students for homeless Oakland 'U'panel discusses 'Accuracy in Academia' By SUSAN GRANT Special to the Daily ROCHESTER, Mich. - Academic professor's right to exercise only if he d propagandize, said Les Csorba, director Academia (AIA) at a panel discuss University yesterday. The panel, which included Brian Cope the Oakland University College of Artsa Oakland University Congress Vice P Waters, spoke about the negative affectI professor's right to conduct his classes as BEFORE 400 Oakland University facul students, Csorba defended his orga publicizes in a newsletter the names of p the country who allegedly teach in a biase In its first newsletter AIA charge University Prof. Mark Reader with unf class only about nuclear war, when the c said he would teach political ideologies. Csorba said that AIA does not care wh~ Mass. (AP) - Harvard University ng vents that street warm themselves day that the school or the homeless on n students so upset said senior Julie e who never thought s are amazed at the uncaring shown by ty." undreds of students uncover the heating srmitoryand open a ss shelter in the orm. The vents, behind a 450-student brick dormitory named Leverett House, were covered with tent-shaped iron grilles Monday, forcing away the five street people who regularly congregated near the building and were fed by students. The installation coincided with frigid winds and the coldest snap of the winter that sent temperatures plummeting below zero. Leverett House Master John Dowling, a biology professor, said he decided to cover the heating vents af- ter several students in the coeducational dormitory complained about physical and verbal harassment. . ........................ TODAY- Liar disbanded the club in 1980, a group formed by the Chamber of Commerce kept up the contest, selecting a winning tale near New Year's Day from entries received around the world. Club Vice President Don Reed said Hulett in fact lives by the philosophy, "If you always tell the truth, you don't have to remember what ,,a,, Sa ', cause their homes to flood. "I'm not anti-beaver," said resident Steve Irving. "My wife is definitely pro- beaver. I think they're cute to watch and I've got plen- ty of trees for them to eat, too. "My only com- plaint... is that they are damming the spillway. The water backs up in the lake and eventually the water will top the levees." Last week, when neighbors called INSIDE- ROOV: Arts reviews the new Waterboys album. See Page 7. ...i . a *w n au a-.9.. .... . _ .- - 3 _,_ ,- I i I