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April 23, 1986 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1986-04-23

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=Page 2 - The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, April 23, 1986
Campus group discusses ethics and '

- (Continued from Page 1)
administration) ignore us any more
than they ignore any other group that
they ask advice from."
At the same time, Chamberlin
says he really isn't sure what happens
to the ideas generated by CIVS and
Steneck's work. Still, he says, "CIVS
plays a fairly effective advisory
b role."
CIVS member Carl Cohen, a
philosophy professor
Is equally confident
that CIVS is effective in its
relatively insular manner. "CIVS fer-
. tilizes the atmosphere. I don't think
its word spreads much, but it creates
an ambience around those who par-
ticipate," he says.
Chamberlin says, "Nick Steneck
seems to spend a lot of time writing up
documents, so I assume they are read
and do affect thinking."
Steneck himself wouldn't be so
sure. "We're talking about very dif-
ficult areas where almost nobody has
any impact. It's hard to have any im-
* * * * * *
The University of Michigan is what
Derek Bok, president of Harvard
University, refers to as a.
"multiuniversity" in his book
"Beyond the Ivory Tower: Social
Responsibilities of the Modern
University." Bok articulates his fun-
damental belief that a University
should not project any one or set of
values onto the greater society.
"In recent years, the sharpest con-.
flicts have come when activists have
urged the institution to respond in
some collective fashion to the social
needs and problems that are not of it's
own making," according to Bok.
Bok further contends that, "Those
who administer universities must also
try to demonstrate their concern by
seizing the initiative and identifying
ethical issues before they emerge
from the pages of the campus
newspaper or the demands of some
community group or student faction."
Like Harvard, Michigan is
recognized internationally as a "cen-
'ter of excellence"-one of the
premiere research institutes in
America. The University maintains

strong links with both government
agencies and private business and in-
dustry, the research and development
phases of a vast variety of
technologies are carried out in
University laboratories and offices.
Those ties represent the source of
significant financial backing for
research conducted at the University.
But the research recognition is not
without cost to the University com-
munity, warn some faculty mem-
IT may also offer an explanation
for the relatively low profile and inac-
tivity of CIVS. Where moral issues
clash with money issues, the silence
can be deafening, some say.
Although Bok's book takes a con-
servative perspective, he thoroughly
examines the dilemmas a respon-
sibilities of the "multiuniversity."
Says Bok, "Society can legitimately
ask that universities be responsive to
social needs in return for the public
support they receive. But what
society has paid for and what it expec-
ts in return are educational programs
and new discoveries reather than
boycotts or political campaigns."
From an office in the Fleming
Building on Regents Plaza, Frye
echoes the voice coming from Har-
vard Yard.
According to Frye, the University is
in the business of preserving
academic freedom, not making moral
statements. "The University is not in
the position to deny people the
privilege to think as they want. The
overwhelming concern of the Univer-
sity," says Frye, "is to protect
freedom of inquiry-and we're rarely
able to judge morality."
"When it comes down to arms
issues, the CIA, the University must
be extraordinarily careful," Frye
says. I wouldn't say never, but only
under the most extraordinary cir-
cumstances should the University
take a stand, because nobody really
FRYE SAYS there was "relatively
little feedback from the faculty"
regarding Sept. 20 regental resolution
"encouraging" Strategic Defense
Initiative research on campus.

"What I'm really upset about,"
says Political Science Prof. J. David
Singer, a CIVS member, "is that Billy
Frye really believes that most
political issues are really matters of
value and morality, and not subject to
scientific scrutiny. My own research
is a beautiful counter-example," says
Singer, who is the Director of the
Correlates of War Project.
"Some weapons systems like the
MX have been slowed down tremen-
dously," says Singer, pointing to the
potential of CIVS in critically
scrutinizing the advent of SDI resear-
ch on campus. "Thoughtful, well
organized groups could conceivably
stop this weapons system (SDI)
before field testing starts. Many pros
think that on balance the missile
defense system is disfunctional and
threatens national security. Of course
the evidence is never all in regarding
the consequence of a decision," says
Singer in reference to the regents'
Star Wars resolution, "but if we're
always waiting for all the evidence
we'll be perpetually immobilized." '
* * * * * *
Behind the combination-locked door
and through a maze of identification-
only access hallways sits professor1
Bill Kerr, director of the Phoenix
Project nuclear reactor on North
Campus. Kerr has been director of the
Project, dedicated to the peaceful
uses of nuclear energy since the 1960s.
"Appalled isn't quite the right
word," says Kerr, "but close," in
registering his reaction to the "so-
called objective at the University that
any values are all right as long as
you've thought about it. Freedom of,
inquiry is not the be all andendrall. I
think it's important, but there are
some occasions where some things,
override it."
Faculty dependence on research
funding from various government and
business concerns distorts the
University's function, according to,
Kerr. "I think perhaps we do not put
enough emphasis on an integrated
undergraduate environment," he
says. "The bright, aggressive ones
(undergraduates) who really work at
it can do well, but it seems to me the

The University of Michigan Club of New York invites
The Class of '86
to start reminiscing at

principal motivation for people here is
research and publishing, and the un-
dergraduates just get in the way."
Says Kerr, "the conventional
wisdom tells us that the great
teachers are the ones who are rolling
back the frontiers. In some cases
that's true, but then some couldn't
care less."
For years, David Bassett, associate
professor of internal medicine, has
been actively pushing for the Univer-
sity to address issues of values and
science. Though he has expressed his
interesthon numerous occasions,
Bassett has not been nominated for
participation in CIVS.
In November 1983, Bassett
requested the formation of a con-
ference on potentially harmful
research. "They decided that it might
be wiser to change the name of it,''
says Bassett, "and so they created the
committee on Academic Freedom
and Academic Responsibility
Bassett describes the function of
AFAR over the past three years as "a
very strange thing. We met
vigorously for about three months,"
said Bassett: But the group, which
was headed by CIVS director Steneck,
is now defunct.
BASSETT POINTS out that the very
language used in naming the group
was an issue. The main sticking point
was form ally addressing research
with a "harmful intent." "That's
when we have to sort of wade through
the words and finally get to the issues
some of us wish the University would
grapple with. I have the impression
that Nick (Steneck) is willing to give
more attention to academic freedom
than to academic responsibility."
Bassett contends that most
professors' overriding concern is to
avoid antagonizing potential sources
of funds. "Time after time I'm fin-
ding the bottom line is dollars," says
The assertion that the University is
or should be a "values free" in-
stitution, as Frye advocates, is
misguided, according to Bassett. "It's
not really (values free). Academic
freedom is the ultimate value, at the
pinaccle," Bassett says. "There have
been historically some compromises
of academic freedom. But the Univer-
sity must address how does it, should
it or can it decide," when to restrict
Bassett is the author of an article
which argues that the ultimate values
of the physician should render him-
morally opposed to military activity
and war. The article has been rejec-
ted by three medical and scholarly
"It could be that the article is too
long, verbose, that the ideas aren't
important," says Bassett. "Or there
is a resistance to airing these sorts of
controversial issues." If Bassett's ex-
perience in trying to introduce his
concerns to the University's
machinery is any indication, his
second guess might be more accurate.
"My question is, are those in the
administrative positions hearing what
the public thinks, believes or feels,"
says Bassett, who has expressed con-
cern with the recent selection of
engineering prof. James Duderstadt
as vice president for academic affairs

and provost when Frye departs later
this month.
"My view is that-
most people, as they move into the
higher echelons, find it easier to
separate 'think' and 'feel.' The feeling
component is aborted."
Statements such as Frye's, that
CIVS must be a place for University
faculty to "think critically," are
distressing to Bassett, who has been
aggressive in his attempts to get the
University faculty and administration
to deal more directly with what he
considers the urgent issue of
academic responsibility. Bassett con-
tends that those who might make ap-
peals outside of the realm of a strictly
academic or intellectual context are
not welcome in any "serious"
"This is talking among colleagues
and friends with equal intellectual
capacity," says Steneck. "We stay
away from impassioned arguments."
"You can be defamed if you show
any emotion," says Bassett. "I think
it's part of the heart of the problem."

Soviets claim 5 U.S. planes
downed in Libyan mission
MOSCOW - The Soviet Union, in what one diplomat called an attempt
to convince Americans "their government is lying to them," charged
yesterday the United States has hidden the true extent of its losses in the
raid on Libya.
The United States has acknowledged that one F-111 fighter-bomber was
lost in the April 15 attacks on Tripoli and Benghazi, and five other F-ills
and two A-6 carrier-based jets aborted their missions because of
mechanical failures.
But Foreign Ministry spokesman Vladimir Lomeiko said yesterday
that Soviet intelligence using "national technical means" - intelligence
methods such as spy satellites - determined at least five U.S. planes
were lost in the raid.
"Two aircraft were discovered on the ground and two were lost, as it
was regarded by national technical means," Lomeiko said.
British round up 21 Libyans
LONDON - Twenty-one Libyans, including a pilot who volunteered to
form a suicide squad to attack U.S. targets, were taken into custody
yesterday for "revolutionary activity" and the government vowed to
quickly deport them.
Also yesterday, a judge refused to set bail for suspected Palestinian
terrorist Nezar Hindawi, charged with attempting to blow up an Israeli
El Al jetliner last week. Hindawi, whose hearing in Lambeth Magistrates
Court was held under extremely tight security, was ordered to appear in
court again on May 1.
Explosives experts blew up a car suspected of containing a bomb but
the threat turned out to be "a false alarm," police sources said.
The 21 Libyans, many of them students, were rounded up during early
morning raids across the country. A Home Office spokesman said they
will be flown back to Libya "very shortly, as soon as the logistics of
flights can be arranged."
U.S. to comply with SALT 2
WASHINGTON - President Reagan, avoiding more complications to a
superpower summit, will comply with SALT 2 when a new Trident sub-
marine goes to sea next month but reserves the right to exceed arms
limits if militarily necessary, officials said yesterday.
Administration officials said Reagan will order two older, 16-missile
Poseidon submarines dismantled when the Trident, the USS Nevada,
begins its trials and pushes the United States past SALT 2 limits on
multiple-warhead strategic missiles.
But that message, conveyed to U.S. allies this week before Reagan
heads to the Economic Summit in Tokyo, is qualified by a warning that
SALT 2 limits will be exceeded in the future if there are clear military
reasons to do so.
"What we're really doing is putting the onus on the soviets," said one
official, "We're saying, 'We went the extra miles last June, we're going
an extra half-mile now and we've given the Soviets some extra time to
decide whether they will reciprocate.'
Prices decline .4% in March
WASHINGTON - Another big dip in gas prices knocked retail costs
down 0.4 percent in March for the second straight month, and prices
declined at an annual rate of 1.9 percent in the first quarter - the largest
drop in nearly 32 years, the Labor Department said yesterday.
The quarterly drop in consumer prices, due almost entirely to a collap-
se in oil prices, was the largest since a comparable fall was recorded in
the third quarter of 1954, when the index fell back by 2.1 percent.
White House spokesman Larry Speakes called the report part of "the
continuing good economic news," but used the occasion to rebuke
Congress for overspending. "The president will continue to urge Congress
to take responsible action and keep the positive economic momentum
building," he said.
The Consumer Price Index for all urban consumers, adjusted for
seasonal variations, declined by 0.4 percent in both February and March
following a 0.3 percent gain in January, according to the Bureau of Labor
W. Germany expels diplomats
from Libyan mission in Bonn
BERLIN - West Germany, under U.S. pressure to take steps against
Libya in response to terrorism, will expel most of the 41 diplomats and
employees at the Libyan mission in Bonn, government sources said
The disclosure came as West Berlin authorities said a link "can be
deduced" between Libya and a Palestinian man arrested in connection

with the April 5 bombing of a West Berlin nightclub.
But a spokesman for the West Berlin Justice Department said Ahmed
Nawat Mansur Hasi, 35, who had lived in the U.S. occupied sector of West
Berlin for some time, probably was not the mastermind of the attack on
the popular dance club.
The suspect, who carried a Jordanian passport, is the brother of Nezar
Hindawi, also 35, who is being held in London for a foiled attempt to plant
a time bomb aboard an Israeli jetliner.
01Ihe Mich~igan Dat6ig
Vol. XCVI - No. 139
The Michigan Daily (ISSN 0745-967 X) is published Monday through
Friday during the fall and winter terms. Subscription rates: September
through April-$18 in Ann Arbor; $35 outside the city. One term-$10 in
town; $20 outside the city.
The Michigan Daily is a member of The Associated Press and subscribes
to United Press International, Pacific News Service, Los Angeles Times
Syndicate, and College Press Service.

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MSU lifts
'film ban

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